August 1, 2011

Taco Time

My husband always gets uneasy whenever we come to his work. He says that it is because his office culture isn't family friendly.

I think it has something to do with my kids' obsession with the water fountain in the lobby.

Regardless, on the occasions when we drop something off/pick something up/meet him for lunch, he always meets us in the parking lot.

Given the extent to which my husband goes out of his way to prevent me from interacting with his coworkers, it shocked me when he called up the other day and asked he could bring one of his colleagues home for dinner (the guy's wife was out of town).

My husband only had one request: "Please don't make anything that you haven't made before."

I agreed not to try out any new recipes. Reluctantly.

My mother-in-law has a great recipe that requires covering chicken breasts with taco seasoning (and other things) and cooking it in a crock pot.

Ten minutes before my husband the guest of honor where scheduled to show up, I tasted the chicken. And almost puked.

It's not my fault that taco seasoning and seasoning salt look almost exactly the same.

In other (good) news: our snake friends had babies!!!!

We are super thrilled.


  1. Ugh- super gross on the snake babies.

    And did you end up just getting taco time for dinner? How'd it go?

  2. Oh vomit.

    My children and I were celebrating something one night, and I heavily doused their pancakes with a great misrepresentation of powdered sugar: cornstarch! GAK!

    Congratulations on the grandbabies!

  3. My daughter was making rice pudding the other day and grabbed the container of cumin instead of cinnamon. Yuck!

  4. I just snorted diet coke out my nose.

    Thanks Jana for that special experience.

  5. (o: That would happen to me! So, what'd you serve?

  6. Congrats on the snake babies. One reason I will never move to Florida! ;)

  7. Oh...Snake babkes. That makes me pale and week.

  8. Oh ick about the baby snakes and my utmost sympathy on the chicken! I can't seem to make a meal with out some sort of disaster when someone who doesn't live at my home is over! I am glad you tasted it before serving!

  9. I always seem to manage to mess something up I'm giving or making for someone else. When I'm doing it for my family or there no pressure it turns out just fine.

    Snake babies one reason I will never move to Florida either.I think I'll take my monthly find of scorpions any day over snakes.

  10. Eww, eww, and double eww again. I can't even hardly stomach the thought of snake babies...
    Sooo, I'm with the rest of did the disgusting chicken dinner go??

  11. Have you heard about the snake house in Idaho? Hope your home isn't a breeding ground...

  12. wonder if the snakebabies would have liked the special salty chicken??? I mean, they eat mice and other small rodents, so I would think that chicken would have been a gourmet meal for them :)

    ...and I'm making myself sick just typing about the chicken, and the snake babies...oy...I"m done here...

  13. funny-my husband always requests the same thing. Guess it's a Mom thing.

  14. I made french toast for my family one night, and instead of sprinkling cinnamon on top I used Cajun seasoning. Bleh.

  15. I did that same thing with 7-layer dip! My family (husband and daughter) bravely ate almost the whole thing, even though they drank a lot more than usual... Finally realized why it tasted so strange when I was cleaning up the kitchen... oh well! (Glad I'm not the only one!)

  16. I have done that also - I am much more careful now. ew.

  17. @ Anonymous - I live by that snake house in ID - it is condemned now, but gross all the same....snake babies give me the hee-bee-gee-bees *insert shiver here*

    On an entirely different note: I hate cooking. The end.

    *word verfication: diester (a nice way of saying my cooking isn't all that)

  18. bahahahah! =)

    that is all. :)

  19. I've learned to carefully check cinnamon and cumin, and after a pancake disaster my husband learned to check the bulk syrup and soy-sauce;)

  20. Cook the chicken in the crock pot on low about 6 hrs with a jar of your favorite salsa. YUMMY. Leave lid off the last 45 min or so if it is too moist.

  21. I love your blog, always the best stories - and ew gross about the baby snakes I would have nightmares!

  22. That's worse than when my sil made cookies using powdered milk instead of flour. They actually dissolved in milk in less than 10 minutes.

  23. I love your blog!!! I can relate to almost every post. Backwards undies, cleaning in my undies. My hub hates it when I try new things with company coming. I smile and laugh each week I check in. Thanks!

  24. I once accidentally put 2 cups of salt instead of 2 cups of sugar into a custard that I then made into banana pudding for a family get together. The whole thing was put together and about to go into the oven when I wiped a drip of custard off the rim of the baking dish and licked it off my finger. OMG! I hate to think how much ridicule I would have endured had I not tasted it before I served it! It also taught me not to assume I'll remember what is in the unlabeled zip-loc baggie in my cabinet.
