September 5, 2011


Today my husband and I took our kids crabbing. Basically this amounts to tying chicken necks to a metal crab trap and waiting for something to happen.

When we didn't catch a crab within the first two minutes, the expedition was deemed a failure.

"I guess we're never going to catch a crab," Cortlen announced, throwing up his hands. My husband and I watched helplessly as the kids hopped off the fishing pier and onto the sandy beach below. While all of the big crabs were in the water, there were several hundred tiny crabs (ie. size of a fingernail) scurrying around on the sand.

Everyone was having a great time playing with the little crabs until they started going down people's shirts.

"AGH!!!!!" Camber screamed at the top of her lungs. "Cortlen put a crab down my back!"

"You threw one at me first!" he yelled back.

Kellen split the difference and tossed a handful of the creatures into the air. "It's raining crabs!" he screamed.

I buried my face in my hands. "Why do they always have to ruin everything?" I asked my husband.

By then, all three kids were punching each other.

My husband shook his head. "Next time, let's take them deep sea fishing," he said. "That will be super fun."


  1. That is brilliant. ANd definitely something I would have done as a kid, too!

  2. Being from a nice land-locked state like Utah, I don't really get the crabbing thing, but I have been fishing and fishing with kids is definitely hard! They have zero patience and when they do finally catch a fish, they cry until you have to let it go.

  3. Next time - if there's a next time:) - try tieing the chicken neck to a crab line - anchor the line to the dock - ie: around a nail or piling - with a light weight on the end with the chicken neck. This way the kiddos can amuse themselves by lifting and dropping the line to see if they have a crab - and. . . in case they do, be ready with a crab net - lest it should drop off and then you NEVER will hear the end of it! ! ! Just a thought ;)

  4. Kids definitely have their own way of making things turn out different than what we expect. Deep sea fishing... hmmmm...

  5. I buried my face in my hands. "Why do they always have to ruin everything?" I asked my husband.

    How sad.

  6. Oh, Anonymous...just go away. If you don't like the her blog, just stop reading it. She's funny, a gifted writer, and she infuses humor into the everyday. Humor...a concept you should look into.

  7. You're doing awesome! I'm impressed you would take 4 kids crabbing. My parents used to take us to the beach every weekend...I can't imagine the headaches that caused for them (there were 5 of us)...but for me....only good memories of the beach and fun parents. Keep up the good work! Not about winning every's about winning the war.

  8. I won't go near fish unless it's an aquarium, so your kids should count themselves

  9. Well of course if there aren't results after two minutes it is just doomed :)

  10. Anonymous--yes, children often do make life sad. That's why we come to The Meanest Mom to laugh.

  11. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like my kids know how to ruin every fun thing my husband and I try to do with them. Crabbing sounds fun:) And don't EVER let anyone tell you that you complain about or slam your kids. That comment from the previous post made me very angry:) You're a great mom!

  12. Just found your blog and love it. Very entertaining :)

  13. "Why do they always have to ruin everything?" Bwahaha...that literally made me laugh out loud. :)
