September 7, 2011

OnStar FMV Mirror Review + $100 Visa Gift Card Giveaway

Everyone knows about OnStar: the comprehensive in-vehicle safety, navigation, and communications system. Up until recently, the system has been reserved for use only in GM cars.

That all has changed! I’m excited to announce the launch of the OnStar FMV rear-view mirror, which works in most vehicles.

The folks at OnStar were kind enough to send me a mirror to test out and I got it installed a few weeks ago. Here’s what is great about it: the system provides many of the same services as the original OnStar system including automatic crash response, turn-by-turn navigational routing, stolen vehicle tracking, hands-free calling, and roadside assistance. Plus, it’s easy to find. The system can be purchased at your local electronics retailer (ie. Best Buy, Frye, ABC Warehouse).

The new OnStar system is perfect for me because, like most moms, I practically live in my car. And one of my worst fears is finding myself in a position where I need help but am not able to get it. The OnStar FMV mirror provides the safety and peace of mind that we all need as parents and caretakers of young children.

When my car was new, I didn’t worry that much about it breaking down. Now that it’s creeping into old age, however, I find myself getting increasingly uneasy whenever I plan a road trip or head anywhere off the beaten path (which is five miles off the freeway in any direction in Florida). What would happen if my car breaks…and with the kids? Since getting the OnStar FMV system, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I am now free to roam the country or at least the swamplands of central Florida with fewer worries.

Having used the system for a few weeks now, I can personally attest to its ease and accessibility. I have my cell phone linked into the system so I can talk to people hands free. Also, just this afternoon, while I was loading something into the back of the car, my preschooler climbed into the front seat and pushed the OnStar emergency call button. The operator was on the line before I could blink my eye, asking me about the nature of my emergency. I was more than a little embarrassed to tell the poor woman that I did need assistance, but not the kind that she could provide :)

While I'm going to work really, really hard to make sure that little fingers don't push any more buttons for fun, it's a relief to know that even the smallest of children can reach the OnStar team if they need to.

I am happy to announce that Blogher and OnStar are teaming up to offer one lucky reader of the Meanest Mom blog a $100 Visa gift card!

Want a chance to win? Just leave a comment below that includes an answer to this question: How could the OnStar system help your family?

The giveaway starts now and runs through September 30.

Other rules:

No duplicate comments.

You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry

a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post

b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment
on this post

c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on
this post

d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about
an alternate form of entry.

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older

Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.

You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be

The Official Rules are available here.

Check out OnStar on Facebook

Check out what other bloggers are saying about the OnStar FMV mirror. Head over HERE!


  1. What I really need is the remote unlocking, but I'm not sure that works with this new mirror. So I'm going to say the turn-by-turn navigation. I'm constantly looking down at my GPS and sometimes think it's going to kill me. And others.

  2. I'm sorry, I don't really know how to use twitter so I can't really give you a link, but my name is @emilyssomething and I don't tweet that often so...hopefully you can find it.

  3. I think it would be nice to know help was a button away.

  4. I'm like you, I drive older cars. Most of them were not made in this century. I also haul around a LOT of kids, so knowing I'm safe could be really handy!

  5. It would help me by giving me the peace of mind.

  6. The hands free talking. Its illegal where I live todrive and talk on the cell at the same time. Seriously?

  7. The OnStar Mirror could help me have peace of mind because I am usually alone with my two kids in the car. My husband travels a lot with work, so I would love to know that in case of an emergency, I had a system to help me and my children.

  8. I would love to have the added assurance of help while in my vehicle. I'm a type 1 diabetic, and from time to time my sugars get very low which leaves me shaky and disoriented, or worse. I live in fear of this ever happening while I'm on the road with only a small child in the car with me. Thanks for such a great product!

  9. i love to take mini trips (100-200miles) and i am always nervous about breaking down or having a wreck in a city that i'm not familiar with. it would be a handy tool to have.

  10. I can be horrible with making decisions - for anything - so if having OnStar means I can call someone ELSE to make a decision on where to go for dinner...that is a win in my book!


  11. I tweeted about the giveaway -!/lessonslrndblog/status/111674842738208768


  12. I would love it for general peace of mind and the turn by turn directions.

  13. My husband is CONVINCED his family has a car curse. CONVINCED!! And don't get me started on his sense of direction... Aye. So OnStar would definitely help with peace of mind!

  14. The hands free calling would be nice, because I get calls from my spouse when I'm running errands, much of which time is spent driving between places.

  15. I never turn down a good giveaway... like, for example, $100 of books/gluten free foods/fall clothes/swim days at the Y.

  16. It could help me if I don't look up addresses before I go places. With four kids in the car, I don't like driving in circles....without them, maybe it'd be more fun. =)

  17. I think having Onstar gives you piece of mind if you are ever in an emergency situation.

  18. Our car is also on the older side. It would bring great piece of mind to have OnStar ready to help out, if we ever broke down or needed help. Especially while schlepping around my four little ones. My friend has it in her car and loves it.

  19. I would love the " unlock my car from anywhere button", onstar service is awesome! I want to somehow invent a button for them that I push and it magically cleans out my car...maybe call it the trash-compactor button? Can you tell I have five kids, and we sometimes lock the keys (and junk) in the car.....?

  20. I think that being able to call for help would be so wonderful

  21. I think anyone with a family would benefit from OnStar. I love the hands freeness of it, and like you said the emergency button. It's nice to know that wherever you go, OnStar is there!

  22. OnStar could help my family (primarily ME) get out and about more without daddy around. Since becoming a mommy I have become a bit anxious about driving. When my baby was 2 weeks old, my husband was involved in an auto accident (thankfully baby and I were not in the car - hubby is OK btw). Since then I've been apprehensive about going solo with our baby. With this system the greatest benefit would be peace of mind. Roadside assistance, auto crash response, and hands-free calling (the other perks are BONUS) would eliminate my excuses not to venture out.

  23. I can't pick just one reason so here are three.
    1.) It's illegal to drive and talk on the phone here in Germany and most of the rest of Europe where my husband is currently stationed.
    2.) We get lost EVERY time we go somewhere new.
    3.) We have a new Chevy without Onstar. This would make our car complete.


  24. Definitely the stolen vehicle locater!!! Our car gets stolen all the time and it's such a pain every time!

  25. Blogged about it!

  26. I think my mom would be happy if I had this. I am in my thirties but she still worries everytime I am at the wheel!

  27. OnStar could help me tremendously!!!

    I am a single working mommy to 2 baby girls. Janie is 2 1/2 and Lexie is 19 months. Yep, they are exactly 352 days apart. I adopted these precious sisters from Taiwan and they are the joy of my life.

    However, being a single mommy alone in the car with 2 toddlers can easily turn into a dangerous situation. OnStar would help ease my mind!!

  28. Wow, that's cool. I didn't know they offered something like that. Just had my battery die in my car two nights ago. Luckily a friend was very nearby and I had help, but it would be a comfort to have that mirror in other situations. What was (almost) funny was the freak-out my 10 year old had when the car wouldn't start. She's never experienced a car failure--lucky girl!

  29. My car is old and just not reliable at all. It breaks down at least once a month. As a single mom with 3 kids this is a big problem! OnStar would be fabulous and a relief.

  30. My car locks me out all the time, so having help available would give me serious peace of mind. :) (The worst is when my kids are still inside!)

  31. Oh, cool! I think my stomach would hurt less as Middlest gets her license in a few weeks and she couldn't find her way out of a paper bag on most days. If she got lost it would be nice for her to have directions home.

  32. Sarah in RockfordSeptember 08, 2011

    This post made me giggle... As I just experienced my truck stalling out in the child drop off line on the second day of middle school. My son was mortified! I would love to have Onstar in my vehicle :)

  33. How fun! My kids pulled the emergency cord at our great aunt's assisted living facility. We were pleased to find out Auntie is super safe as the staff arrived before we knew he had pulled it and the little bugger still had the cord in his hand! OnStar would be a great addition to our van that we are planning on driving until the wheels fall off at which time it'll come in super handy!

  34. We live in an area were cell reception is not available. So, there is a gap where I really hope nothing happens, because I can't reach anyone if it does. This would not be a problem with OnStar!!! What a great solution!

  35. I'm in the same boat as you- I drive an old van that we're coaxing through a few more miles and I have 3 young kids I'm hauling around. This would be excellent for my family!

  36. I think my favorite feature of OnStar is the emergency crash response... in this day and age, you never know if someone will see an accident and report it or just drive on by, and it's nice to think that I could have help arrive even if I were unable to call for it myself.

  37. I like to drive cars until they die. If I had had the OnStar FMV mirror, maybe the crackhead on the corner wouldn't have tried to fix my '98 civic when it stalled in the middle of the road (true story) :)

  38. I would love onstar to help with navigation and for the hands free phone feature. I get lost a lost a lot and the funny thing is, I lost my GPS! Oh and being able to have emergency help there fast would be nice. We were in a car accident on Christmas (a lady did not look at all and turned right in front of us on a major road) and that feature appeals to me.

  39. it never occurred to me that my kids being able to get help was a necessity. but, you're right, if something happened to me, at least they would be able to call for help.

  40. OnStar would help me a LOT because I'm not from the US, and all the roads look the same to me. So, should I break down or need any form of help, I don't have to try to figure out where I am, as OnStar already knows this.

  41. Lets see... The turn by turn directions. I am horrible with directions.

  42. I definitely need turn by turn directions. Once I drove 3 hours in the wrong direction from Grand Rapids and ended up in Chicago instead of Detroit. True Story.

  43. I would use it in my car. One of my fears is getting in a car accident w/ my baby and not being able to call for help. I think this would help calm my fear.

  44. I would love it for the navigation as well as the obvious safety factor.

  45. We could use the turn by turn navigation like yesterday. We're terrible with directions and are constantly getting lost.

  46. On star would help me tremendously. You don't know how many times I have had a dead battery with 2 or more kids in tow. One time it happened in a parking garage and low and behold my phone had died from my oldest playing Angry Birds for the last hour.

    My family is spread out across the great state of Texas and my husband constantly worries if I am ok with all the chaos in tow. My brother is in San Antonio and active in the military so we drive there often to visit my niece and nephews, my mother lives in the Panhandle, and my sister is in the DFW area. Add to that my dad just took a job in Kansas. We are constantly going between keeping the family bond alive, soccer practices, church, driving odd hours of the night to get the baby to fall asleep....

    This would be our Guardian Angel. My email is

  47. The turn by turn navigation would be extremely helpful!

  48. It would help me because I am often alone in the car with my 7 1/2 year old twins and 6 year old twins. It would be nice if help was a push of a button away.

  49. It is so nice to live in a time when we don't have to feel stranded when we need help! I would LOVE to have OnStar for emergencies and all the other features make it even more appealing!

  50. I have absolutely no sense of direction. So. Yeah. That.

  51. I have no idea how to post the URL to a specific tweet, but this is my twitter page, if that'll do.!/RebeccaS_1905

  52. Wow, my car is also creeping towards old age and a new one is not on the radar any time soon. Also, I do not have a very reliable cell phone, so I would love the security that OnStar could provide.

  53. I am always paranoid that we'll have some kind of accident and not be able to get help for me or my kids fast enough. I think this would give me peace of mind, even if nothing ever happened like that (heaven forbid!!).

  54. The automatic crash response is a HUGE "load off". Even if you have a cell phone, after a crash, would you be able to find it to use it?

  55. I tweeted: @princesserica

  56. Just peace of mind is enough for me.

  57. The turn-by-turn directions really comes in handy.

  58. Well we live in the middle of nowhere, Idaho so this would come in handy if we needed help and there was no cell phone service where I was driving. Great giveaway!

  59. I am always locking my keys in the car and I am grateful that all I would have to do is call and have them unlock the car! AWESOME! I have a Chevy van and have had Onstar for about 3 years now and am always grateful when I drive hours away and sometimes don't have cell service!

  60. What I would love are the turn by turn directions. My husband's car has OnStar, and he always know's where to, on the other hand, am ALWAYS lost!!

  61. Now that we're driving with our first bundle of VERY precious cargo in a carseat in the back, I love the idea of being able to install OnStar!


  62. I have OnStar in my car, but my teenage driver does not. It would give me peace of mind to have this installed in his car.

  63. What a great give away. The GPS would be awesome, but really, remote unlocking would be the most utilized. :)

  64. I really need it to unlock my car when I lock my keys or my child in the car! That was a bad day!

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Can't seem to post a link to my tweet, the URL is too long. Here is a link to me on twitter:!/HockeyMom19

  68. I'm totally freaked out about ending up in water with kids who would need help swimming--I used to keep life jackets in the car for this very reason--and On Star would certainly ease my mind help would come quickly.

  69. I have wanted OnStar since I very first heard about it, but haven't been able to buy a new GM vehicle to get it. This is great! We have a couple of older, prone to breaking down cars, so I would love the emergency help available!

  70. I think I'd like the hands-free cell phone feature. My friend has it and loves it. It would also be nice to have as a backup safety feature.

  71. It would make everything about driving easier! The peace of mine in-case I'm ever in a crash or a scary situation, knowing that help is either on the line immediately or a touch away.

    Also I live in a city that prohibits cell-phone use while driving, I would love the hands-free capability.

  72. The navigation feature would save me from being the GPS on road trips. I think the hubby would listen and obey the all-knowing GPS better than he would my directions.

  73. We wouldn't have to drive in circles looking for places in unfamilair towns with the GPS. How much time would that save!

  74. My car is getting really old, too, and I have almost 200,000 miles on it. I have a long commute so I would rest easier if I had Onstar. Not to mention, my sense of directions stinks. They could help me find my way. :)

  75. I am terrified of being alone in the car with my 4 children in the middle of no where. Onstar would be such a blessing to be able to contact for help with a button.

  76. I may not have a family but I work for a cell phone company and I am always out on the road and in places that not even God could find. I always worry that I am going to break down somewhere and not have any means of getting any kind of help. This system would be great for me and like you take a load off of me.

  77. So my daughter could call them when she locks me out, right? THAT is how ON could help us!!!


  79. Turn by turn navigation!!!

  80. I would LOVE the hands free calling. Oh, and the emergency button. My car is getting older as well and it would be nice to know help was just a button away!

  81. I have a pay card cellphone and I don't always have the extra cash to add money to it, so there are times when I'm out driving the kids somewhere and god forbid we would break down or have an accident. The onstar would really help!

  82. I would love to use it as a GPS and a hands free phone. This would definitely make my life easier.

  83. My car came with onstar years ago and I used it twice when I got locked out of my car with children inside in the Texas heat. I let it expire and since had to call the fire department to jimmy my car because locked in the car. I could sure use onstar again. :)

  84. This would help my husband make phone calls in a safe way hands-free.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  85. tweet:!/mami2jcn/status/111826579109330944

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  86. While we are probably fine without it, I would like the peace of mind from knowing emergency help is only the push of a button away.

  87. I drive an older vehicle and constantly worry about it breaking down. Cell reception is spotty at best where I live so they are almost useless. The Onstar mirror would really give me some peace of mind

  88. I would love to have on star. My vehicle is getting up there in years as well. The other day while driving to work my transmission went out. It would have been so helpful to have on star there so I could have called for a tow truck etc. It would give me peace of mind to know that I could get ahold of someone safely or my kids could if needed.

  89. It's the little reassurances like that that make life so much easier.

  90. I have the same fears about breaking down as you! I didn't know you could purchase the mirror with OnStar- I'm going to check into that and put in on my Christmas list!! My email is

  91. I would love the turn by turn assistance. I would also love it for the emergency.

  92. Hands-free calling and help during a collision interest me

    ( is my contact info)

  93. I would love one of these. My van is an older model and I never know when I may need help.

  94. With an 8 month old, an older car and quite a daily commute OnStar would be quite an asset to me and my family. It's always nice to have an angel watching over you.

  95. the hands free calling would help me. My dh is constantly calling me when I am driving (sixth sense?) and I don't like answering. Then he freaks out and thinks something terrible has happened so he does what any man would do--keeps calling and calling. Oy!

  96. I need one of those! I am always scared my kids are going to lock the car with the keys in it while I'm loading up.

  97. I love the idea of having help just a button away. I have six kids and I really don't want to go in a ditch somewhere and have to walk somewhere with them to get help. This would be especially handy in the winter.

  98. I think it is great that it has expanded so that anyone can use it without having to buy it preinstalled! The "help at a touch of a button" is what I would like most about. Hopefully I'd never have to use it, but knowing that it was there would be a great feeling of security.

    raynjess328 at aol . com

  99. I don't have a cell phone and this is not usually a problem, but I do worry when I'm out driving our older vehicle. I really don't want to get stranded with my little ones in the car and no way to call for help. It's a long shot, but I'll give it a try anyway. :) Hope I win!

  100. I wouldn't get lost anymore!

  101. i would love because i'm *old* and certainly could use some help if i'm in difficulty .... it would be great to help me navigate my way around; i'm also, geographically challenged ... darlene

  102. what a great giveaway, thanks. We are also on the go all the time. I call my 19 month old my "carseat baby" because my 10 year old plays footbal and my 12 year old cheers. So this would also be great for my family.

  103. This would help me so much because of the turn by turn navigation...I'm always getting lost & can barely hear the navigation on my phone, haha.

  104. I tweeted:!/linnysvault/status/111858373095473152

  105. I'm not married, so I don't have a family, but I know it would be helpful if my car ever broke down. I'm not the best with fixing a car, so it would be nice to know help is on the way!

  106. I would love the peace of mind it would give me! No getting lost, and help a button away.

  107. Our family likes to go camping in area where we don't have cell phone service. Onstar would help if we were to get in an accident in a place where we can't call for help using our cell phones. A lot of the roads we travel are narrow, hilly and not used very often. If something were to happen on those roads and we had no cell service its hard telling when we would be able to get help without onstar.


  108. Between driving to school, work, and schlepping my 9 month old around, our car gets a lot of use, and it isn't in the best shape. Also, my husband works about half an hour away so he isn't around all the time- we don't have any close family near by and having the mirror would be SUCH a relief to know that I can always get help when I need it- especially if I'm stuck in a yucky place with a baby in tow.

  109. Like you, my car is getting older, so if I broke down and needed help, it would be great to know that I could contact someone regardless of whether my cell phone has power/signal or not. :)

  110. I would love to hook up my cell phone and do the hands free talking thing!

  111. I also haul around a LOT of kids, so knowing I'm safe could be really handy! I drive older cars too. So that would be a nice feature to have, because I have broken down at a park. Not fun but at least the kids had something to do.
    coloradomillers @ msn (dot) com

  112. I'm a mom with 4 kids, just like many moms. My husband is gone from home 12+ hours a day and I often worry about car problems. We also have an older vehicle which has pulled stunts on me in the past. It would be like having a guardian angel in my car no matter where I go.

  113. Can we say peace of mind for when you blow a head gasket?....Hopefully, that doesn't happen again but if something does....

  114. The amount of times I have had to deal with my family and car problems on the highway are too many for me to count. Not to mention my bad habits of not putting gas in or locking keys in the car I should have already invested in onstar! Thanks!


    I forgot to add in my other comment that the GPS would be a lifesaver for the directionally-challenged like myself!

  116. This would be a GRAND addition to my car, my boys lovingly named "The Black Ninja", not because my car is super cool or can do awesome stunts. They were being sarcastic in the greatest sense of the word. It is likely to break down at any moment. On-Star would rock!

  117. The peace of mind knowing that my family and I could be helped whenever we needed it....and the handsfree talking would be a huge bonus!

  118. We live out of town. Way. My husband commutes 90 miles to work. I'd love the peace of mind it would give me to have it in his car.

  119. Last month we took a trip across california, nevada, utah and colorado. Our little car is pushing 200,000 miles and I'm getting quite worried about what we would do if we were stranded in the middle of nowhere without cell 3/4 of our nevada portion. OnStar would help me drive easier.

  120. As Founder of a non-profit Animal-Assisted Therapy Org specializing in Great Danes, Army Wife, and homeschooling mother of four -- I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have this kind of convenience in my second home (our 2001 Toyota Sequoia)! Recently my check engine light came on. I have a feeling it is because our Sequoia was tired of my many U-Turns and poor sense of direction for all our appointments! I am SURE having OnStar would be able to turn that light back off. Haha Not only that! I make at least one or two 1,000 mile trips with my four children (ages 10, 7, 2, and & 1) and our two Great Danes when my hubby is deployed. Not only would OnStar provide my ONLY adult conversation on these trips, but my parents & deployed spouse would find peace in knowing I was in good hands. What would a trip be like to know where the nearest Panera Bread Co. or Pei Wei was on a LONG trip!? More importantly - where the nearest rest stop is! I hope I find out!

  121. I shared on our blog, my facebook, and my twitter (redheadsaid)

  122. Traveling with kids is always an adventure and being prepared for anything is most important. The OnStar mirror seems like it would be a huge help and really give me peace of mind while out with the kids.

  123. Would love the GPS and handsfree talking!

  124. i love that you always have someone watching out for you whether you need directions or you have been in a car accident. i feel like i would be less nervous about driving long distances

    pokergrl8 at


    pokergrl8 at

  126. I'm horrible with directions and get lost all the time. I neeeeeed this.

  127. I would not want to be left stranded where I have no signal on my cell phone. Thanks :- )

  128. This would be great! My husband and I are so cheap that we both drive 1996 Ford's (and Explorer and a Ranger) despite the fact that he works as a master mechanic for Toyota. We just can't bring ourselves to have a car payment when they run very well. They are not fancy but they get us and our 3 boys around!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  129. okay so a little bit embarassed to admit until like two years ago I had never owned a cell now for the safety of myself, my children, and the general population I never answer, call or text from my "flip phone." Mainly because I am not very adept at doing these things while standing in my home. SO I would love to use OnStars FMV Mirror's hands-free calling! The safety of it is great but also imagine how suave and tech savvy I would appear as I actually used my driving time to communicate! PLEASE pick me!!!!1

  130. Me me me, I totally need something like this!

  131. This would have been incredibly helpful last weekend when Hurricane Irene knocked out my power. My car wouldn't start, but I couldn't call my roadside assistance because my cell phone was dead, and I couldn't charge my cell phone because the power was out. Stupid Hurricane! If I win I will have total domination should another hurricane pass me by!

    emilystevens03 at yahoo dot com

  132. The Onstar system could help my family by making me feel safer while we are traveling.

    Jennifer Marie

    lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

  133. tweeted!/JenniferCNP/status/111961706875461632

    jennifer marie

    lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

  134. I would love the added safety features as I drive around my kids! Thanks...

  135. The onstar FMV mirror will help my family because I am teaching my younger sister to drive. She's already nervous enough about the other cars on the road, but knowing onstar is there, and knowing that she can talk on the phone hands free would help her (and everyone else) stay safe on the roads!

  136. It would help my family when we're going to a new place and the directions I found online are incorrect. This just happened to me today. It would be nice to have a way to navigate once I am out on the road.

  137. My husband is in med school and has to do a rural rotation soon. I'd feel much better if I knew he could easily reach help if anything happened to him on the road!

  138. I think I would like it just to easy the worry about driving with the kids. To know if something did happen someone is just a push of a button away. hastymel at aol dot com

  139. I have a 2001 van that is very questionable. Especially with my 3 kids! I would LOVE to have OnStar!!!!!!!!!

  140. i would thank my lucky stars when my old car broke down to have help. mari


    i twitted.

  142. Courtney KruegerSeptember 09, 2011

    The reason the On Star Mirror would be great for my family is we love to travel a lot and it would leave me at ease knowing that if anything were to happen I would have someone right there to help me and know exactly where I am. I will know my kids and I would be safe wherever we are. GPS is also great when traveling to cities we haven't been before.

  143. Since we live over an hour away from the nearest metropolitan shopping area, onstar would be great to have when we want to get somewhere we're not familiar with.

  144. As a single mom of a toddler, I would love to have the peace of mind this product would bring. =-)

  145. Oh, Onstar, I just love you! I think you would be such a huge blessing to our family! As a mommy of little ones in Phoenix, with an older model car, I worry about having car problems, being lost or being locked out... in the blazing heat of Phoenix this can be so very dangerous. I think you would bring me the peace of mind that comes with owning a shiny new car, but still driving one that is affordable.

  146. Where is the Take Mom on Vacation while the kids aren't looking? Ya that would sell Millions of these mirrors. These are pretty cool however!

  147. I live in Vegas. It can be scary here. Enough said! :)

  148. Sanity and peace of mind! (Both very rare things in my life!)

  149. Sanity and peace of mind. (Both very rare things in my life.)

  150. I think this would help us by giving my vehicle an emergency alert system. Also it allows hand free phone calls in an emergency while driving.

  151. This would be great for me. I have 2 children under age 3 and we travel quite a bit. It would give me great peace of mind!

  152. Um...I'm the one who still gets lost, even with a GPS. So I'm thinking that OnStar could help me.

  153. I LOVE OnStar. We had it in our older van, but lost it when things went digital and ours became obsolete. I am so glad they are now available to all car models!! It gave me peace of mind to know help was right in my car! So excited about this product!

  154. OnStar would help me not get lost!

  155. I like the GPS feature (turn by turn navigation). My phone has that but like another said, looking at the phone will kill us.

  156. I would appreciate the hands free phone use plus the security of being able to contact them in an emergency!

  157. Holy air bags, Batmom, for THIS mom OnStar would be an amazing piece of mind when my teenage boy is out getting his driver's-ed on to know there'd be someone there instantly if he had a crash! And it would do double-mom duty by putting MY mom's mind at rest with the hands-free talking since she's always calling me on it and then yelling at me for answering when I'm driving (the alternative being, since I, too, live in my car, that she gets mad at me for never answering)!

  158. oh! the on star thing would be SUPER helpful because my husband and i always roadtrip to california. it's super hard to remember that we can't talk on the phone while in the car... unless it's through one of those fancy things :)

  159. And for my second trick... drumroll, puh-leeeeze...!/sarahb65

  160. Driving is what I do the most. Quite often it's just me and my 4.5 kids. Some of those trips are 12 hours to Grandma's house. I am always worried about something happening to one of us or the car. Having On Star would greatly decrease the worrying.

  161. My second child has spina bifida, and he sometimes stuggles to not choke on his drool. It gets kind of scarry listening to him gaging and choking and I have had it happen where I have to pull off the road, whip him out of his carseat and give the heimlich. Just the peace of mind that if an emergency like that happens again, I can have help faster than digging my cell out of the diaper bag and dialing 911. Also, the GPS would be great when traveling to doctors apointments in areas of DFW that I am not familiar with, rather than relying on googlemaps print outs.

  162. My vehicle is also creeping into old age, and it would do wonders for my level of comfort when traveling if I had this option.

  163. It would give me someone to talk to while I wait for my car to be towed to the auto shop!

  164. i would love it, hands free phone, plug when i do forget my phone i know that i would have back up if stuck or in an accident

    i am not a tweeter

  165. This would help tremendously for our road trip next summer! We are of to see family that I have not see in 11 years, and with a 2 year old and a 1 year old, it would be best not to get lost!!

  166. As someone who always leaves her cell at home by mistake, it would be great to have an onstar and know I could contact emergency sevices right away, even if I left my phone at home.

  167. Onstar would make me feel more carefree as I drive around, knowing I can always get help.

  168. How could the OnStar system help your family? IT ALREADY HAS! Two weeks ago my 17-year-old son dropped me off at work, in downtown Los Angeles, 27 miles away from home. As a bit of background...after we left and were already driving to work, he realized he didn't have his iPhone with him. "No big'll survive" I tell him. So, we get to work, I gave him specific turn by turn instructions on how to get back to the freeway, which included making a right turn at the second light down the street. I jump out of the truck, he drives off, I watch him drive right past the right turn! I was stunned, realizing he had no clue how to get back to the freeway and get home...and he didn't have his phone. I contacted OnStar immediately via their toll-free number, and they had me on the car phone with him in less than 2 minutes. I was able to get him back on track and to the freeway and home safely. Without that, I have no clue how I would have survived the next hour or so until he could call me to tell me he was safe...whether it was at home or 100 miles from home the other direction! I love OnStar!
    Kyle Millager

  169. The "Help" button would be amazing in case of an accident.

  170. How could the OnStar system help your family? IT ALREADY HAS! Two weeks ago my 17-year-old son dropped me off at work, in downtown Los Angeles, 27 miles away from home. As a bit of background...after we left and were already driving to work, he realized he didn't have his iPhone with him. "No big'll survive" I tell him. So, we get to work, I gave him specific turn by turn instructions on how to get back to the freeway, which included making a right turn at the second light down the street. I jump out of the truck, he drives off, I watch him drive right past the right turn! I was stunned, realizing he had no clue how to get back to the freeway and get home...and he didn't have his phone. I contacted OnStar immediately via their toll-free number, and they had me on the car phone with him in less than 2 minutes. I was able to get him back on track and to the freeway and home safely. Without that, I have no clue how I would have survived the next hour or so until he could call me to tell me he was safe...whether it was at home or 100 miles from home the other direction! I love OnStar and have had it in two of my vehicles since 2004! I would love to have access in my older vehicle that my son actually drives...which does NOT have OnStar now.
    Kyle Millager

  171. Oh, I just think this would come in handy in so many situations. It's just getting a 'peace of mind' that's really great.

  172. my mom and dad have this and i love it! it would provide peace of mind that in a bad accident it notifies police for you. love that feature.

  173. I need this mirror because I really shouldn't be allowed to drive. I am so clueless about where I am and the joke w/ the kids is that I am always driving over curbs....UGH!!

  174. Peace of mind would be the best part about having OnStar. Especially during the winter months.

  175. I am in- what the heck!

  176. I know how to turn the car on and fill it up with gas. If we ever had a problem, I would be useless...unless I had OnStar!!! Woo-WOO!

  177. We don't have brand new cars, either (but they're PAID FOR!),so in the case of a break down......HELPFUL!

  178. we already have it on our van and it is terrific when the cell towers are not available. You can use them to get around wrecks on the highway, if there is a detour available.

    my email is I don't have any of those other things and I forgot my Google login!

  179. My oldest child is now driving to and from practice in the evenings in one of my dinosaurs (2001) and I work nights, so hands free cell phone & emergency assistance would make this big world a little less scary (for me)!

  180. Onstar would help me because I make big trips on a regular basis and it's just me and the 5 kids. My navy husband (and my very protective dad) will worry about us on the road a little less if help is a button away.

  181. Not sure how to copy URL for tweeter but her is my tweet: robin royal
    @RMR2007 robin royal has a contest for $100 VISA gift card
    34 seconds ago via Tweet Button

  182. Wow always sort of blew off OnStar as something I would never need or use and I drive Hondas so just never considered it. Very interesting... Wnder what the full cost is.

  183. I have a 2001 car but int he last 2 years I have had to put 2 new transmissions in it. Recently I broke down, on a Friday, in 102 degree weather, at rush hour, of Labor Day weekend. LUCKILY hubby was not working and able to come get me. Could've used ONSTAR to call for a tow.

  184. I have OnStar in my SUV and I LOVE it! While I have never had to rely on it (yet), it is such a peace of mind to know it is there. I would love to have that same piece of mind for my husbands car, especially since it is somewhat of an older model. Besides, you just never know when an accident could happen and you need help ASAP!

  185. Tweeted!!/adamandshanna

  186. Like you, I would be happy to know that help could be contacted right away if I needed it and was with my kiddos.

  187. Oooooo. I would love to have one!
    Very cool!
    Not to mention my car just had a very big birthday... 100,000 miles and counting!

  188. This would be a perfect way to celebrate being able to walk again( broke my ankle) with a three year old and a second on the way I could really use this!

  189. directions, hands free driving...peace of mind! What's not to like?!

  190. This would help me and my family by giving us driving directions, and more importantly, it would alert someone to an accident where we couldn't call someone.
    prizeentry @ wesharewithyou dot com

  191. It would be great to have navigation in the car. I get lost so easily.

  192. I tweeted!/rsmstahley/status/112637082152865792
    prizeentry @ wesharewithyou dot com

  193. What an incredible giveaway! I would really love to have the extra peace of mind that this would come with, since I have a newly two year old son and a five month old daughter! :)

    supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

  194. It would help a lot with my driving skills because of the hands free calling!

  195. tweeted:!/KerryBishop/status/112657325940146177
