October 3, 2008

What I Learned from my Children

Prewritten Post # 2

Small children are blessed with unabashed pride in their own accomplishments and attributes.
"You are very beautiful," I told my daughter the other day.
"I know," she replied.

Somewhere along the journey to adulthood, however, most women stop taking compliments as incontrovertible truths about ourselves and instead, start viewing them as cruel jokes. This is proven by the fact that if you ever tell a young mother that she looks pretty or, heaven forbid, sexy, she will first laugh at you, and then insult your intelligence.
"You don't know what you are talking about," she'll bark as she pinches a layer of fat around her middle.

I worry sometimes that I am so focused on teaching my kids how to be better people that I forget that I have much to learn from them on the subject in return. Specifically, I fear that if I don't start following my children's example, then they will follow mine.

The next time that someone pays you a compliment, join me in resisting the urge to stomp on it. Instead, smile and simply say "thank you."

P.S. Have a great weekend! I'll be back "live" on Monday. I hope!


Carrie said...

GREAT thought. It definitely gives me something to think about.

Unknown said...

Good Point AS ALWAYS! Your insight into everyday life is always a breath of fresh air! What a great sense of humor you have. Love reading your blog. I was so happy to see that even though you have welcomed baby #4 in to this world, a little before his time, you are still faithful to your readers and continue to keep us updated, pondering and laughing.

I wish you and your family lots of love, happiness and prosperity! Many joys to your new bundle! May he bring you many great stories to share!


livieandhermommies said...

Hi Jana - We LOVE your blog and read it daily. Today I am writing to you about an INCREDIBLE opportunity!! (No it is not free tickets to Disney with a time share talk!!) It is even BETTER!!! We purchased 3 tickets to the Philadelphia Phillies Game 1 of the NLCS, should they make it there (which they will, barring a meltdown),as you can see from our blog livieandhermommies.blogspot.com in the hopes that the Chicago CUBS would make it as well. Well, if you all have been following any of the series, you know the Cubs are down 0-2 and going to LA for 2 games. So the chances of the Cubs making it are SLIMMMMMMM!! So, to my reason for writing - we would love to get them to someone in Philly who would appreciate going. The game would either be Thursday 10/09 or Sunday 10/12. Please contact us at livies2moms@comcast.net if anyone is interested. We could then communicate by phone to make arrangements. Please email us either way so we know you read this. Thank-you so much for considering this wonderful opportunity!! Sue

Stephanie said...

My kids are constantly reminding me how smart, strong, and good they are. You're right; their self-confidence is refreshing and we could all learn a lesson there. In fact, I think when I pick up my son from preschool today, I'll be sure to tell all the other moms how sexy and talented I am. LOL. But seriously, why not? :)

Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

Great post. Im definitely my worst critic, and I have to re-learn to take a compliment and believe it!

livieandhermommies said...

Hello Again,
We just wanted to update those interested that the Phillies tickets are gone - GO PHILLIES!!

Kelly said...

Guilty as charged. I have got to stop doing that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, a very wise man with the last name of Uchtdorf said something about that last weekend - something about being happy with our accomplishments, who we are, being easier on ourselves while we work on personal improvement . . . always wise counsel.

And it is never too late to model good manners for the kids - learning to say "thank you" and to also give other people sincere compliments is a valuable gift.

Why is that women will more readily accept a compliment on their bread or cookies or quilt than on how they look or act? How did we get that way?

Marissa said...

I agree! And I would love to know where it is on the journey that we lose it, because I want to make sure my girls never do. I know it starts with my example and how I treat myself.

Candice said...

So true. I'm horrible at accepting compliments! It's always easier to point out my negative attributes than any positives that I may have.

Next time I will just smile and say "thank you". Brilliant advice. :)

Congrats on the new bundle of joy.

Erin Porter said...
