When church ended yesterday afternoon, the hallways were eerily quiet.
"Where are our kids?" wondered several lady folk, including myself.
We followed the scent of rotting flesh to the front parking lot, where we found 30 small children staring wide-eyed at the exposed entrails of a dead deer, which had been hit by a passing car over the weekend and dragged to the side of the road.
Usually the reviews of church are not so good. Yesterday they were significantly better.
"Church was AWESOME!"
"Do you think the deer will still be there next week?"
"If so, can I poke it with a stick?"
Ewwwwh! What is it with kids and dead animals??..
The other day a hawk was carrying a dead animal through our back year and landed in the tree by the playset.. but when he went to take off again, he dropped his prize! The kids were so curious to see what and how mangled it was!
So I told them once they ate there tunafish sandwiches they had just asked for THEN they could go and see the bloody guts behind the playset and they glady passed! LOL
that is SO gross. Poor deer. :(
Ummm, gross.
30 small children is a lot of kids to be crowded around one dead animal...
oh the captivation.
Sometimes it takes a dead animal to liven up church a little bit.
I can't stop laughing!!!! Did the Sunday School teacher take them out there for show and tell??
who's idea was it to let the kids go out there? or did they do that on their own? i can see how a dead deer can liven things up. We had the power go out one sunday during sacrament. My husband happened to be one of the people giving a talk, he managed on dispite the fact that no one heard him. I love excitement at church. Especially when my child pulls the fire alarm. awesome.
My kids found a dead coyote (we live out in the middle of nowhere) --it made a great home school science project and kept them interested for days. Don't worry, I made sure they wore plastic gloves. Now I don't have to be concerned about them missing the frog dissection in school.
I could have gone for a carcass yesterday to make church better. Sounds like a great field trip.
Kids being amazed by disgustingness is so funny. When I worked at a day care and one of the kids threw up, one of us had to take care of the puker and the other one had to herd the other kids away from him. Every single time.
All I can say is *hurk*.
Hey - sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm to the point of bringing in T-Rex and legos just to liven up Singing time....
Long time lurker, first time poster. LOVE your blog!
Last year when I was the Nursery leader, I was notified one Sunday as I was getting snack ready that we had received a bomb threat and had to leave immediately. The innocence of children came in handy that day as I quietly informed the rest of my helpers that we needed to round up the kids for a "walk outside".
The kids thought it was great until one adult (I use that term very loosely)woman started running around screaming into every room about the alleged bomb. Fortunately, the exit door was close at hand.....
There never was a bomb...just some crazy who decided he wanted his wife to come home....
I'll never understand what children find so amazing about road kill? My husband recently hit a dear on his way to work. The children wanted to know why he hadn't brought it home for them to see. What?!?!
Ewwww. Although I do understand how that would make church more interesting to them :-)
ugh sounds like our morning..big ol squished rabbit infront of our driveway...still there even after i called the town to come collect it...the boys thought it was awsome..daughter..not so much!
Lol! The other day we drove by a house and a dead deer was hanging from a tree. Next day we were on our way home from school near that same house and we happened upon a LIVE deer eating someones bushes in their front yard! My son gasped in amazement! Mom! How did that deer get out of the tree?!!! I was laughing SO hard. I tried to explain, but it made him mad. He was just positive it was the SAME deer, it was the same color and everything!!! Lol!
It reminds me of the time we went out of town one August weekend and returned to a funky-smelling home. Two days later we renewed our search for the smell, to discover a greying labrador had crawled under our house and passed while we were away. It was so hard to keep our kids and those of a surprise houseguest away from the windows long enough for my dad and hubbie to bury the poor thing. What's with the fascination??
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