I folded and put away two loads of laundry before realizing that all of the clothes were dirty. The last item in the pile--a shirt with a ketchup stain on the sleeve--tipped me off to my error.
I sat on hold for 7 minutes and 31 seconds waiting to speak with a billing representative at the hospital. When the elevator music stopped and the phone started "ringing," I turned off the speaker phone feature on my cell phone. Unfortunately, I also pushed the "end call" button at the same time.
A short time after Cameron finished his lunchtime bottle, he puked up its contents onto my lap. My older kids clapped with excitement and huddled around me as I cleaned up the mess. They love body fluids, vomit being chief among them.
I finally managed to accidentally kill Kellen's goldfish. Unfortunately, in the time that it took for my son to select a coffin/shoebox out of the recycling bin in the garage, the fish came back to life.
I found out that the 15 people selling washing machines on Craigslist never responded to my emails because they never got them. My husband said something about logins and browsers and cutting and pasting, but I tuned him out. I don't speak computer.

I ran/walked/limped 1.6 miles on the treadmill. After I was finished, I ate 3 Twinkies. They were delicious.
What did you not do or do a million times yesterday?
Sounds like a great day! Ahh--you make me feel so much better about myself. Not becaue I'm ANY better....but because I'm not alone. I did NOT eat cookies for breakfast or stay up too late watching Lost. That would be silly.
I love you! I do that too...exercise and then eat crap after!
That's the way today is shaping out for me. Good times, good times.
Exercise?! After that kind of day...you are a goddess!
ps - you totally deserved those twinkies!
What'd I do yesterday...?
I inquired about a Craigslist item.
Whatd'ya mean; logins and browsers...?
Never mind.
There's gotta be some Little Debbie around here somewhere...
You actually have time to exercise with 4 kids? Please tell me how you have the energy! I have a 4 and 1 yr old and I can not find time to exercise. Well, I take that back...I guess I could be doing that now instead of reading your blog. Nah...I enjoy your blog much more.
To answer your question. I'm moving tomorrow and I would have to say that 80% of my house is still NOT packed and ready. I did about 10% of that yesterday, in the middle of entertaining out of town guests. Yes, that's right. The in-laws just had to fly down to stay in our house one more time before we moved. I wish I could say they helped, but I'm sure you already know the answer to that.
Oh fun day!
My day consisted of breaking up fights between my triplets, cleaning up crushed saltines and ignoring their chatter when nap time ended far too early for my liking.
do you have any more twinkies? because I live close
Yesterday was laundry day for me. I hate laundry day...so I had a brownie and a handfull of peanut M&M's for lunch. :)
I cleaned the living room about fifteen times. Every time it was done the kids dragged their toys back out again.
Today I'm working on the kitchen - goodie! Finally get to clean the gunk off the stove that's been building up for that past couple of months...
I cleaned up "watercolor surprise!" which consisted of a floor mat size Barbie book covered in pink tinted watercolor water which contained mashed up napkins that somehow had adhered themselves to EVERYTHING the spilt water managed to touch.
And I have influenza type B going on this week. This took my lungs right out of the yelling range of ability. Whispered lectures are no where near as effective.
One day... I took my daughter to kindergarten while my hubby "watched" my 4 yr old son at home. I came home to find a box of oranges squished into the carpet. Later as I came out of the laundry room, he came to me with blood all over his shirt giving me a heart attack, he had found Daddy's exacto knife and cut his finger. Luckily it wasn't deep or serious. I had my christmas presents downstairs in the crawl space which my kids know that they are never allowed into, apparently my son thought otherwise and found him playing with a toy that I had purchased for him. If that wasn't enough for my day... my daughter came home and declared she wasn't feeling good and promptly threw up on the same spot as the oranges. That was such a memorable day!!
I went to a two hour training on how to write outcomes for grants only to find out that the grant for my agency is due after I will no longer be working here. Then I got a call from my mom telling me that the law school that sent me information on their programs telling me that they looked forward to working with me over the next three years sent me a rejection letter to my parent's home in AZ. Then I went to institute where they talked about marriage, and nobody asked me out afterward. I also failed to do pilates yesterday morning. Then this morning I woke up at 8, which is when I'm supposed to be at work.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is, I feel your pain. Hope today is better!!!!
I spent 2 hours straight telling my son "No, you can't have a donut before dinner." I really think that was the only speaking we did in that two hours.
I tell my 4 year old a million times EVERY day to "put down the cat"...
LOL--Thank you so much for that!!
no see you can fold dirty clothes while I cant even seem to fold clean ones.. limping is better then dragging yourself right? twinkies I dont share the love but maybe a brownie? lol
I dried a whole load of towels and fluff. They were still wet when I went to fold them. My vacuum started smoking, and I discovered I need to clean my blinds.
I went walking yesterday, but my shin splints hurt so bad I only walked a mile then I ate two muffins.
Ugh! What a day!
Call me crazy, but I have never had a twinkie in my life. lol. But your day sounds like a typical day that I would have.
Too funny!! LOVED reading your post. Let's see about yesterday...I think I vacuumed the one room over and over and over and over again because my vacuum cleaner is on the brinks of destruction! GRRR! I also checked my email a gazillion times wondering why no comments on yesterday's post were coming through. Finally realized last night there was an error with blogger's word identification on my blog. Lucky me. ;)
I can't even remember yesterday...
Oddly, I saw for the first time in a magazine this month that they now make 100-calorie packs of mini-Twinkies: three to a pouch. I don't know about you, but I've never even read the nutritional content of a Twinkie. Isn't that the point? - to indulge thoughtlessly? Now they've gone and made it possible to keep tally in easy 100-calorie increments. Killjoys!! hahaha
I had a flat tire during my 90 mile drive to work yesterday....on I-20....right outside of Atlanta....during morning rush hour....AHHHHHH good times!
i definitely eat at least 3 pieces of chocolate after i do tae-bo for 45 minutes (when that happens). it's my reward for a job well done! and i've done that laundry thing before too :).
WhAAAAT? mini Twinkies?! I've got to get me some of those.
You guys are way too generous in calling my 10 minutes on the treadmill(minus a 4 minute 'water break') "exercise." I didn't break a sweat and I wore my jeans and sweatshirt the whole time!
I put some money in my pocket to pay for the girls school lunch ( $10 of which was for lunches she already had) My Shirt got soaked(I am nursing a baby)so I had to turn around and change my shirt, got to the school had to turn around and get the money again. But my kids had money 5 minutes before lunch. Instead of twinkies I had half a coffee cake.(that I baked at 9:30 last night)
Why is it that kids love the dark side? Poop, puke, goo. As long as THEY aren't the ones who have to clean it up.
I honestly thought I was done with all of that when I trained my last one to puke into the potty.
Until, at 13, he came home from a scout trip and puked INTO HIS BACKPACK!
Have you ever tried to get puke out of a backpack?
I have had a student make herself projectile vomit everyday for the past week... fun. Glad I'm not the only one dealing with this.
I ignored every single responsiblity I had & finished a book. Yeah me!!
Sounds like my day !! After I got the three older kids off to school after fighting about who's lunch was who's in the fridge, I had to fight the youngest about what snack to take to school before the bus came. He missed the bus, and I had to drive him to school. After watching Becky clean the house and do the dishes and the laundry I had to commute to work for some meetings. I didn't get lunch, and had to watch as my wife took off with some friends for lunch !! Commuting back home through the impossible traffic to get the kids ready for 3 basketball games at the same time. It just never stops !!! Then 3 showers at 10pm just so it can start all over in the morning.....just kidding. I woke up at 10, and barely made it to work on time. I don't know how the kids made it to school, I was asleep.
I napped on the couch next to my 5 year old daughter who woke me up to ask what happened if you swallowed an eraser off a pencil...the one she was using had mysteriously disappeared.
Ah yes, the putting-away-dirty-things move. I understand the desire to do this with laundry, but i like to stick to putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher back on the shelves.
Oh my gosh...so FUNNY.
I clicked over here from the Scholastic nominees page, and I am going to add you to my google reader RIGHT NOW! Good luck.
Fun blog .. looking forward to trying to keep up! :)
FYI - the "follow" button under the subscription with blogger delivers an "error 404" message. so I subscribed through my google reader :)
I know I am coming to the party super late, but I am sure the blogs I posted yesterday about our daily ritual of cleaning the bathroom and the joy of finding my son amongst a ton of older kids with his pants down, yeah, that is all I seem to remember about yesterday.
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