Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
After viewing yesterday's evidence, my husband handed me his car keys and told me that he would put the kids to bed. My presence, he said, was requested at the mall.
Do you immortalize your child's meltdowns? If not, you definitely should give it a try. The pictures are not so funny in the moment, but hilarious 10 minutes later. I promise.
Sounds like your day was about as good as mine was yesterday. Thanks for the pictures.
Yes... sometimes pictures are necessary to show just how bad... I mean wonderfully amusing tantrums can be. I just don't understand why Hubby doesn't enjoy them more....
You've got a keeper there with your hubby. Lucky you. ;)
I might have to post some pics of my tantrummer sometime too.
Absolutely I immortalize those moments. I've even made sure to snap a photo of a public tantrum or two and some sick kid tantrums. Sometimes knowing how much you will laugh later is the only way not to throw your own temper tantrum!
Oh, yes! I LOVE taking pictures of meltdowns! There's something so satisfying about snapping a picture during a tantrum. It's totally harmless revenge, and it drives them crazy!
Yes! I will videotape them sometimes. It just makes my son more angry to watch it again. Ha ha
Huh! The last time I suggested I might like to go to the mall by myself, my husband got all wide eyed and panicky. To add insult to injury he said, "but then I would have to cake care of five kids on my own, isn't that unsafe?"
Ya know...because it isn't like he leaves me to take care of the children by myself 26 days a month while he is working out of town. Good thing too, we wouldn't want to be unsafe.
this is hilarious! What a great husband you have!!
I'm a huge believer in documenting tantrums just for the entertainment value. Wanna see my favorite one?
Taking pictures of moments like this actually helps ME a lot. It helps me see it through someone else's eyes and recognize the humore. Plus it's great blogging fodder, and drafting the post in my head helps me to react to situations in a more mature way. Who wants to blog "and then I lost my temper and my head spun around and I threw all my children out the window?" Right, so I react with a little more dignity so that the whole story doesn't make me look worse than the offending child.
girl, i video tape it: http://www.aprilslittlefamily.com/2008/11/one-where-i-whine.html
See, that's what I'm talking about. That's totally hilarious. That's why you're Mrs. popular. Great post.
Ah yes, I take much wicked satisfaction in snapping way as they have their little tannies. It makes them absolutely APOPLECTIC with rage though, which makes the pictures that much better. They are going to need so much therapy but it makes tantrums a whole lot more fun for ME.
There's a man who knows which side his bread is buttered on!
I will have to try that with my 6 3/4 year old. He is the middle child and king of the tantrum.
We have a wonderful picture and video of Girl Terror in full meltdown mode. She's about a year old in the picture, and wearing pink velour jammies. Cute as a button, if you don't turn up the sound. It makes her cry every time I show it to her...she can't understand why her parents would take pictures of such a moment. I, of course, find it helarious!!
I love that. Once when Em was about 2 years old I took a picture of her having a major meltdown which involved a beet red face and lots of snot. I like showing it to her every now and again...
We have a vast collection of photos of my middle son's tonsils - taken when he's got his piehole open during a tantrum. Good memories.
I have occasionally made a short video of my two older kids' meltdowns on my dig. camera (they're almost 6 & 8 yrs.) & then tell them I'll show their teachers & ask if they've ever done this at school...shuts them right up!!
What a great idea.. I am going to have to try it and see if my husband reacts the same way! Thanks for the great idea!
I captured a priceless meltdown at Target one day....my son is MORTIFIED every time I show it! HeHeHe
ahhh... got to love mall therapy!
I've been known to video tape :)
What a great guy!
actually, if it is really good, i videotape it! and i find it very amusing even as it is happening.
Hmmm....this is a great idea. Maybe I'll start doing this...for posterity sake of course. ;o)
Maybe that will help me get through the day. Ugh.
- Todd's wife
I love your blog and I want to let you know that I indeed capture those precious tantrums to be remembered for years to come. Those pictures are great for pulling out when they are teenagers and going on dates. :) If you go to my blog homeinmanila.blogspot.com
and the November 25, 2008 entry is all about my 3 year old throwing a fit becasue she didn't like how I did her hair!!!! I (as all good mothers do) took pictures and then posted them on the world wide web for all to see. Have a great day!!!
LOL, yes I have done it and they are hilarious. What a good husband to send you off. Well deserved.
I haven't dared attempt photos of tantrums.
That would bring a heavy SLR temptingly close to my childs skull.
I actually had my camera handy yesterday during Kaylee's meltdown. Great pictures.
Sadly my gallery isn't loading up at my site. *sighs*
I've only done it once about 11 years ago when my oldest was 4 months or so old. She was a VERY difficult baby to take care of (how we had 3 more, I don't know!!) We had done everything we could for that child and, in our exhaustive state, we video taped her screaming. We narrated and everything just to prove to anyone who wanted to know how bad it really was back in 1998... :) (We need to dig that out and watch it for our amusement now! ;)
We've actually video taped my daughter's tantrums before. As soon as she sees the camera she stops and wants to watch it. Then she laughs at herself and I think she's a bit embarrassed. LOL!
this is the second blog I looked at today and both had photos of temper tantrums!
so funny! i grabbed my camera the other day as my 2 1/2 year old got ahold of the hershey's syrup and proceeded to chug it. after i took it from him i continued to snap away, capturing the anticipated tantrum! also, my husband thinks my days with three children are filled with butterflies and rainbows. when he comes home and 1-3 of the kids are crying, he says "well, dad's home...cue the crying". :)
LOVE your blog!
I never thought of taking pics of this...good thing I have a digital camera or Kodak would run out of film. I am going to google this on images and see if there are some funny pictures. If so, I will give you all the credit... It might be a funny post. Well, yeah...
Yup...there is: Stay tuned!!!! :)
I'm so going to have to try that. My hubby seems sympathetic but you're right, proof is necessary.
I have a whole folder on my computer of melt-down pics, and just recently used them to make a photo "story book" on Shutterfly about my daughter called "The Girl Who Just Said No!"
I'm sure she'll appreciate it when she's a Mom...but it sure gave me more than a few laughs when I was making it!
I caught some good ones of my 2 year old for my blog. I have to say, I'm glad I am not the only "mean mom" who posts these pics for all to see!
Love your blog!
No, you've got it all wrong. You can't possibly get as much out of still photography as you can from videos. We love watching the meltdowns on film and laughing our guts out. Another plus is that the meltdownee can't keep up a good meltdown for long with a video camera in their face. They eventually have to let it die (but not before you get some good footage).
My L just turned two, and at this point, we finally find the tantrums funny. You are so right about taking pictures of them. Stay tuned for my own tantrum photo post...love yours!
I think you must have taken my son & superimposed his image..
I take video footage and show it to them later.
sometimes they calm down some when they see the camera come out so I prod them back into the height of their tantrum so that I get a more accurate picture of what they really look like
I like to video tape them and then play them back later for the my children.
What a great idea! I'm definitely going to start taking pictures of their meltdowns!
At one point when my twins were around 2 months old and had been screaming for that long...I just put them down and got the camera. I have several pictures of side-by-side screamers....it's almost funny now.
My husband didn't really appreciate the cell phone video I sent him of our daughter screaming in the tree.
We totally do this too. We have also taken pictures of the offender with the graffiti - usually sharpie markers that appear in thin air and the walls. One of my then 6 year old with her zoo all across the 6' island in the kitchen is now priceless. At the time, not so funny, as her face shows.
Come on over and look at my blog. Then you'll see a real meltdown. Literally!
I hope you had fun at the mall and bought something super awesome!
I actually took videos of my 2-year-olds tantrums and posted them...but my dad called and said, "Can't you see yourself on Oprah, trying to defend why you were taking videos instead of comforting your baby?" And I so could. So I removed it and now I just keep the videos to myself.
My personal favorite was grabbing my kid, usually 3-5 years old, by the back of the neck, like a mother cub, over the pew and out the foyer in the middle of church. NOBODY messes with that mom after that display!
How cool is your husband??? Does he give lessons?
My then 3 year old son had an extreme meltdown once with the ear splitting screaming that got the neighbor calling social services to complain the noise level. Luckily the social lady had a sense of humor and could see that a 3 year old boy could be ticked off about putting on a pair of pants that he didn't want to wear!
Sweet! In your second picture, the sheet or blanket is almost exactly the same pattern as your blog background!
Also, I will try this with my 3 boys. Many opportunities!
I not only take pictures, but I use the video camera...I like to show the kids what they actually sound and look like in the middle of a tantrum...yes, kind of mean, but it gets my point across and I LOVE TO SHOW THEM TO MY HUSBAND AS Well!
So funny you should post this today...I just took a pic of my little girl (in mid tantrum) with my phone and sent it to my hubby today! :-P K in NC
I've taken pictures before and everytime I do it helps me calm down. I just can't stop laughing at them. Great post.
my mom has a picture of me writhing on the floor. Happens.
I love your pictures. However, I really come by every day because the design of your blog makes me super happy. Who did it?
So so funny!! I have a video I made not so long ago...my then 4 year old threw an 1 1/2 hour long fit over his sock and shoe. After I realized that my fits weren't helping his fit, I made a video. Turns out it was exactly the proof I needed to get my otherwise angel son some professional help.....seriously!
Loving your blog more and more....
Yes, I TOTALLY take pictures of tantrums. Duh.
And your husband? Rocks.
This is awesome. I don't recall my mother ever doing this, but she totally should have. I'll have to go through our "baby books" and check...
Yeah for your husband! We have those moments here too, buy amazingly he is always good for his Daddy!
I always kept a camera in my bag to record their meltdowns. Usually, it helped them chill out.
Funny! I like that your presence was requested at the mall.
YES!!! I laugh as well... It makes them worse but I can't help it!!!!
Just found your blog--LOVE IT! :)
heh. i really like that idea :)
Even when they are older 18 and 21 it is still hilarious to show them a week or so later-especially when they want something from me.
I have pictures of them having meltdown when they were babies. Never thought of taking a picture of it now though. lol
I just have to say, I SO TOTALLY WANT to see the faces of the lovlies at the grocery store watching you take pictures while your kid throws a tantrum right in the middle of aisle four! The looks on their faces would be worth taking pictures of!!
For the really big in public displays I don't need to photograph them...they are usually permanently imprinted upon my memory. We ARE women and as my husband likes to say "just how big is that filing cabinet in your head??"
We took a trip to 12 European cities in 14 days with a 4 year old, 2 year old & a 6 month old. I have video of my 4 year old have her daily meltdown in some of the worlds greatest cities. The best is when we are in the bell tower in Venice and the bells are ringing and she is crying. Hilarious. Of course, at the time I thought she would need therapy for years but she's fine now.
Reading this I had to laugh, I have secretly video-taped my tweens having melt-downs. I can't say I had their permission but it surely got the hubby in on the action and the tweens stopped melting down. Does that make me a cruel Momma? Heck no I say!!! I will always compile evidence till they leave home, it keeps life here fun!
Mommy to 8
It's true. Temper tantrum pictures are priceless!
LOL- I actually did this on my blog last week, but it was mostly because dh needed some pics so I snapped a bunch one day and posted them. Just so happened that #1's event of the day was a temper tantrum, and #4's was falling asleep in his toys. I got so many positive responses from family members I think those photo ops will become a regular occurance.
I have done the same several times. But, I was actually laughing when I took the pictures. It still gives me joy to look at those pictures though the little temper tantrum makers are about 23 and 29.
I have 8 children but only two have I taken pictures during a tantrum. I guess the other times must not have been so funny. Thank goodness for the days when you are so insane, you laugh.
This is so funny. A few years ago, my daughter had the habit of throwing down and I mean 2 year old fit (except she was more like 6). One day I video-taped her having it all out. When she realized I was taping her a miraculous thing happended...she stopped, in her tracks, stopped. Then, to add insult to injury I made her sit there and watch it-she was horrified. Not so many fits anymore. BUT, now she hates video cameras!! HE! HE!
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