Congratulations! Email me with your contact info pronto to claim your prize!
Thank you to all of you who submitted nominations for my special mom contest. I was blown away by the response. I received over 200 emails! All of the stories are inspiring; way too many are downright heartbreaking. I spent most of the past week wishing that I had 200 prizes to give away and then it hit me: over time, and with a little help from some very generous sponsors, it's entirely possible to brighten the lives of all of the deserving women on my list...and many do it in a way that doesn't make public one's very personal struggles. So here's the plan as it stands now: I've made some room on my sidebar. If you want to host a giveaway or advertise on my blog, you can do so FREE as long as you agree to send something (or a couple somethings) from your shop to one or more of the moms on my list. Make me an offer I can't refuse. It's that simple. And that awesome.
And finally...for the main attraction:
Today's special mom is Angelia from Georgia.

- Mom to 5 (13-year-old daughter, 10-year-old daughter, and 3-year-old triplets).
- Marine husband who VOLUNTEERED to deploy to Kuwait for a year. He's been gone for almost 18 months, and she's raising her brood SOLO. Yes, that's right. ALL BY HER LONESOME.
-If that isn't enough, Angelia is also one year into a graduate program. She's working on her Masters of Arts in Teaching Special Education.
-Oh yeah. She also works full-time at a psychoeducational center for students with emotional and behavioral disorders.
Um...I'm pretty much speechless.

When the ladies at Cutie and Patootie heard about Angelia, they freaked (in a good way). We all heart military moms, especially those with toddler triplets (I can't even imagine). Angelia: Hold onto your horses because Cutie and Patootie is sending you an incredibly awesome and hopeless funky care package that includes stuff for all of your kids! Me slightly jealous. Me also more than slightly less deserving. Congratulations on surviving the past year and a half and good luck on the home stretch!

In addition, you are also going to be getting a beautiful piece of jewelry from Stepping Stones or her sister store, SeaFindDesigns. All of their jewelry is handmade, eco-friendly, and Twilight friendly (it's debatable which of these things is most important).
Um...I'm pretty much speechless.

When the ladies at Cutie and Patootie heard about Angelia, they freaked (in a good way). We all heart military moms, especially those with toddler triplets (I can't even imagine). Angelia: Hold onto your horses because Cutie and Patootie is sending you an incredibly awesome and hopeless funky care package that includes stuff for all of your kids! Me slightly jealous. Me also more than slightly less deserving. Congratulations on surviving the past year and a half and good luck on the home stretch!

In addition, you are also going to be getting a beautiful piece of jewelry from Stepping Stones or her sister store, SeaFindDesigns. All of their jewelry is handmade, eco-friendly, and Twilight friendly (it's debatable which of these things is most important).

Thanks Cutie and Patootie and SeaFindDesigns for bringing a smile to one very deserving mama this Mother's Day.
Thank you, Jana! I've only refreshed this page 1000 times today waiting to see your post. I'm honored that you picked me!!!!!!
Congrats Angelia! keep your chin up, and thank you for letting the country "borrow" your hubby! Here's to him returning safe and sound to you and your cute little brood!
Jana, thanks for having such fun contests, and giving me a laugh every day.
Wow!!! That jewelry is amazing!!! I want one of everything from their site. And Angelia deserves it.
Congrats Angelia!
Jana I think your idea to help all 200 moms is so creative and generous. I love it when people go beyond, "oh I wish I could help.." It's inspiring. Thanks.
Congratulations Angelia!
Congratulations, Angelia!!
Way to go Angelia! From one military mom who just got off having a husband gone to another- Kudos to you!! You deserve every blessing that comes your way.
Whoa Angelia, you are one heck of an amazing lady. You deserved this prize times ten thousand. Hats off to you, sister.
WoW! tears in my eyes.
What an incredible mother & woman!! I am so happy someone that wonderful is being recognized! Congrats Angelia... I'll be praying for you & your family.
Congrats Angelina! You are completely deserving of this awesome prize and more girlfriend!
Thanks Meanest Mom for sharing her with us!
First of all, I can't believe I actually won a giveaway that more than 10 people entered (more like 10,000 people)! Incredible.
Second, I promise I'll share it with moms like Angelia, because there are so many real "supermoms" out there who don't get enough credit for the amazing things they do. Thanks.
I think that what you're doing is beyond wonderful. Thanks for giving all those deserving moms out there a chance to be honored.
Omgosh!! This totally brought tears! What awesome gifts for a super deserving mommy!! Jana, you rock with your hook ups!
Angelia- You're amazing.
I struggled to finish just my undergrad with only two kids while only working part-time. I don't know how you do it
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