August 6, 2009

R.I.P. Toys Left on the Driveway

Yesterday, Cortlen's skateboard bit the dust. He left the object outside overnight and I accidentally ran over it as I was backing out of the driveway on the way to swim lessons the next morning.

Sadly, this is not the first sacrificial offering that my children have made to a metal beast. Earlier this summer, Camber made the mistake of leaning her scooter against my bumper. A few weeks ago, Kellen left his favorite squirt gun at the base of our driveway and it was inadvertently crushed to smithereens by my husband's truck.

"You broke it!" Cortlen cried in my direction when he saw that his skateboard had two fewer wheels than it did the day before.

Things got ugly when I didn't readily agree to purchase a replacement.

I used to feel remorseful when I unintentionally ran over my kids' toys. That feeling ended several months ago when I stubbed my toe lugging two bikes, a hockey stick, and several soccer balls into the garage during a thunderstorm.

Anyone else's driveway a path of destruction? Tell me what you've accidentally destroyed.


Janille said...

I've never had sympathy when things that are left out get damaged by metal things or by younger siblings (much to my kids dismay)- but I have yet to run anything over. I have hit the garbage and recycle cans before when they were not put back properly by my oldest child. The kids have had things stolen though - I guess they need to learn the hard way.

Kayleen said...

I agree. It's not our fault that they left it outside and it is ran over or stolen. My stepdaughter leaves her bike outside often and we have already told her that if it gets stolen, she has to buy a new one. Same goes for her skateboard or anything else. I remind her to pick up everything outside and if it doesn't get done, then too bad if it is lost, stolen, damaged.

Kayleen said...

I will add that she is 13 years old, therefore more than old enough to be responsible for her things.

Anonymous said...

I've destroyed my husbands "toys" too, it's not just the kids sometimes

HW said...

Ah, there's nothing like the sound of a bicycyle being crushed by a backward moving vehicle. Yeah, we've damaged a few toys, including a neighbor boy's bike. Luckily his parents totally blamed him for dropping it at the end of our drive when he came over to play.

MamaOtwins+1 said...

LOL - I ran over a skateboard too! I haven't hit anything else mainly because my hubby devised a devious plan to deal with bikes being left out. The last time one was left out, he stole it and put it at the in-laws.

Unknown said...

We are running into this daily (pun intended). Our problem is less with our kids and more with the neighbor kids who must not have toys/bikes/scooters/rackets of their own. These kids love to 'borrow' stuff and then leave it willy-nilly. I nearly ran over toys that I knew my kids did not take out but my kids will have to suffer when they are broken by a car. Live and Learn

Lissa said...

I learn lessons from you daily! When my daughter gets to an age where she's doing these type of things - I absolutely will have NO PROBLEM tossing toys... Live and learn.

Unknown said...

mamaotwins-good idea! i haven't run over anything of mine, my husbands or child(he's 7mo)...yet. i have with my siblings. there was a plastic ramp that i broke about a year ago when i was visiting. my mom said "it's ok they left it too far into the driveway". oh well i didn't feel too bad for too long.

Kiki said...

i've been lucky enough to have not destroyed any of lil' D's toys with the SUV. i have been known to throw toys accident. i feel no remorse. are you going to buy a new skateboard today? have a wonderful day and take care.

Erin said...

That falls under the category of natural consequences. My dad once ran over my sandals with the lawn mower. I'd been told to pick them up. I didn't. The lawn mower ate them. I don't think he meant to do it, but I learned!

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

It sounds like your kids are old enough to leave them out which makes them old enough to pick them up. Dont feel guilty for not replacing them...its the best way.

MommaKiss said...

For real, they don't put it away - it's their problem :p That'll teach 'em!

JackieMacD said...

I know a guy who "accidentally" destroyed a couple of bikes left in the driveway. I'm not sure whether I'm more curious if you did it on purpose or concerned about your driving. ;)

Unknown said...

I'm surprised they left things out. I guess your neighborhood is much safer than south Phoenix. Anything left in our driveway would not be there to be run over the next morning...
And no, my mom wouldn't replace stolen things either, she'd say, "if you left it out to get stolen, I guess you didn't really want it anyway."

JAMIE said...

My kids leave their stuff out all the time. I do try to check for blockages before backing out (because it could be a kid that I hit). But admittedly I have run over a scooter once or twice.

(I've heard that about Arizona area, very high crime, stuff gets stolen from yards. Soooo glad we don't have that same problem!)

Valerie S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I CANNOT stand my kids crap IS WHAT I will call it! being anywhere.. whether outside stroon about the patio and yard, or toys stroon about the house and covering their bedroom floors. I haven't had the driveway accident happen (yet). I tell them to pick up their stuff or its going in a black garbage bag and becoming friends withthe the garbage can. I threaten them that if I step on another painful transformer, hotwheel car, barbie, or any toy or trinket of some kind, its getting throw out of my way or in the garbage. If it breaks from me throwing it because it hurt my foot then its their fault for leaving it in my way. MEAN MOM... OH' YEAH!

Unknown said...

I will also add... Thank GOODNESS no one is hitting a child... EKKK, as I read these I had to think MY GOODNESS' all this hitting of toys and such maybe we need to look out a little more thourough thank goodness there are, and were no kids on the bikes, trykes, etc. ;)

HOA Mgr Lady said...

This is when kids learn responsibility and also the greater version of "It's not MY Fault". If you go out a repurchase immediatley he needs to pay for it at elast partially in my humble opinion.

Stephanie said...

I've run over too many things in the driveway to count. However, one time I ran over my cell phone that I left on the top of the van the night before. That's what I get for trying to talk on it and strap kids into carseats...

Melissa said...

My son left a big monster truck behind my car. When I backed up it pushed it down the driveway and out into the road and it was hit by a passing car. When he complained that I ruined his truck I pointed out that technically I wasn't the one who ran it over...I just bumped it.

Francie said...

we lost two bikes in two short weeks!

Sarah Bonn said...

I've yet to run over anything, but I too, would not buy the replacement. Same as I don't replace anything broken by abuse or missing parts due to neglect.

BensonFam said...

In the span of 7 days I backed in to two different cars! In my own driveway! Both belonging to my in-laws! It was a rough week....

Anonymous said...

I ran over my son's scooter just yesterday! I don't replace run over toys either - they should not have been left in the driveway in the first place.

Susan said...

Yeah, I only back into parked cars, my own garage, and poles. No kids' toys yet (but my kids are certainly old enough to leave their stuff out!!)

The Mother said...

I'm generally fairly pleased if I make it out of the driveway without running over a kid or the dog.

Kim Walus said...

I'd rather have it be a toy than a child. We recently had friends who lost their 4 year old child when a family member not seeing him asleep on the driveway when she backed out. She had even looked and didn't see anyone in the back of the car. The problem was the child had been drying off after swimming and had fallen asleep on the driveway on the passenger side of the car. Very Tragic but they're doing as well as can be expected.

Sorry to be morbid but, like I said, I rather have it be a toy than a child. They will eventually learn responsibility after losing several toys to being run over.

Beth said...

I put my cordless phone on the bumper of my van while I was outside watching the kids ride bikes. Totally forgot and pulled out. Poor phone. All scraped up but it does still work!

Colleen said...

i've not "run" over anything, but I have thrown something away b/c it wasn't put away... LEGOs, yep legos, i hate those things. they were left in the kitchen one night, i stepped on several. out came the trash can and in went the legos. funny thing is my kids never missed them.

Kara said...

I live in an apartment so I don't have a driveway and my son's not the culprit, my husband is. He leaves is half-read books EVERYWHERE. On the vanity. On top of a closed toilet lid so I have to move it to pee. EVERYWHERE! I keep threatening to throw them away (which would be like thrashing all of any other man's video games) if they stay out more than a day without him touching them. I've yet to have the balls to do it but one day...

Tiffany said...

No toys in the driveway yet. I did have a good laugh, though. Thanks

Deanna said...

So if you used to feel remorse after unintentionally running over toys, how do you feel when you "crush them to smithereens" on purpose? :)

Andrea said...

I killed 7 fish in as many minutes. In San Francisco the water has Chloramine (no, not chlorine, chloramine) added to it. The chlorine drops at the pet store won't remove the chloramine. I learned this the hard way when I changed the water in the tank and killed a 2 goldfish and 5 guppies. Luckily one fish survived. A 3" long goldfish named "Black Fish Poodle Head" We called him Poodle for short.

Michele S said...

We've ran over a tricycle, bicycle, and triplet doll stroller. Oops.

But the worst lesson of all was when the electric scooter was stolen because they didn't bring it in. Oh, so sad.

Anonymous said...

When we lived in this one apartment complex, this one set of kids used to leave their bikes behind our cars ALL the time (we don't have kids). I tried to move the bikes once, but the mom actually yelled at me for touching their "property"! I told her I had to get to work and didn't want to run them over, but she didn't care, just went on and on about not touching their things. So I asked her what I should do and she said her kids would move them when they felt like it. WTF? She just stood there in her robe, and I had to get to work, but she wouldn't let me move these two bikes and she wasn't doing it. So I told her either she move them or I was going to do it. She refused to do either. I finally whipped out my cell and had to call the complex security guard to come move them for me.

The next morning, the stupid bikes were there again! I just gently pushed them behind the car next to mine and left. When I got back, she was screaming at the other neighbor for the same thing: he'd moved the bikes and she was threatening to sue. I felt bad for him until he informed her that he was a cop. Those bikes were never left out again.

Heidi said...

I love the title to this one! Funny! I have run over my little girl's trike a few times...she still tries to ride it with a warped wheel!

Maren Hansen said...

We live on a dead end and get an assortment of things that make their way down. The worst for us was when we accidentally ran over a skateboard that ended up killing the tire! $240 and a new tire later, we took the stupid skateboard and had a burning in the back...

Trent and Carlie & Co. said...

We haven't really destroyed any of our girls' toys yet If we have it was our fault for not cleaning them up. They just turned one 3 weeks ago. Hopefully soon, they will be able to become slightly responsible for the messes they make. :)

I nominated you for a blog award. :) Feel free to totally break the rules or totally ignore it. :) But, I know you are busy! Just know that I think you are great!

~susie said...

Double Stroller for twin boys: $200 plus.

Running it over and taking away my daily freedom: $1870 in therapy

New wheel for the stroller: $15

Waiting two weeks for the replacement wheel: $2354 more in therapy

The day the wheel finally arrived: priceless. liberty at last.

Deirdre said...

My daughter has lost two scooters to cars backing over them. We replaced the first one, but with the second one, we told her if she wanted a new one, she'd have to pay for it. By the time she had enough money saved up, couldn't find them at the store (it was winter), and it ended up being about 8 months between the time she lost and when she finally got a new one! She has definitely learned her lesson!

Jan Russell said...

I ran over a scooter last summer, except I wasn't actually backing up, just pulling into the garage...not sure how I missed it...and not sure how to explain these mishaps to my husband who sometimes thinks my license should be revoked.

Going in REVERSE we've lost a frisbee, water gun and a plastic ball that popped so loudly I almost ducked for cover thinking I was under fire. Fun times.

Mindi D said...

O yes, what mom hasn't done that is what i'd like to know!! Then they cry, o well maybe one day they'll learn. (it'll be when they have kids that they finally learn)

april said...

Haha...I just started following your blog and i LOVE it. I can't tell you how many toy "mishaps" have happened in our home! Thanks for making your blog such a joy to read....


The Girl Next Door said...

The worst thing? My daughter's friend's prescription eye glasses - that they for some reason put on the bumper of my SUV while they had a water balloon fight. We found them smushed in the road much much later. Fortunately, the Dad didn't find fault with me, but wondered what the heck his daughter was thinking! (they were about 10 years old)

Gretchen said...

Ugh - I have a good story for this one. My son rode his BRAND NEW bike and left it in the neighbor's yard. So my daughter got it and put it in our driveway. And my husband backed up the van without looking. So, really, whose fault was it? If son had put it away, or if daughter had put it away (or left it in neighbor's yard), or if husband had looked before backing out, we'd still have that bike.

Seriously, it had been ridden ONE time. I was so pissed.

peace-sue said...

texas momma - that is soooo easy. Your son left his brand new bike in the neighbor's yard? GUILTY! end of story.

Erin said...

I ran over a metal railing thing the neighbor boys use for skate boarding. I need not feel the least bit sorry. They left it in the middle of the circle. Skate boarders drive me crazy! I live in Alaska and it stays light outside until well after midnight during the summer. The kids stay outside way later than a kid should and keep me and my family awake with their noisy skate boards and yelling. Agh - other people's kids :)

Emily said...

I remember my brothers getting all bent out of shape when their stuff would get run over....they eventually figured out they needed to put it up though! My kids aren't quite old enough to be there yet, but I'm sure we'll have that issue at some point!

Mom said...

I've never nailed anything, but I wouldn't feel badly if I did. That's why be bought the house. A holder for the crap!

Maui Mamma said...

My son left his bike behind my truck and in my rush to get milk for dinner I heard a thump/chrush. He had to earn back all his "taken" toys in my closet, and work extra chores at a dollar a piece for the price of a new bike. It was agonizing for me. I had to make sure I remember to think up chores and often he would get more toys taken. Finally, after months he earned the price of a USED bike. He treasures it and never leaves it out and helps his sister put hers up.

The Four Week Vegan said...

There is no sympathy for left out toys or their owners.

AlsoMean said...

At our house today:
7 yr old given a FINAL CHANCE: 10 minutes to clean up his floor.
20 min later - nothing had been picked up. Daddy entered with an empty garbage bag, filled it and left the room.
While it has not been taken to the super can, it will not return to the room for a while, if at all.
Gotta be Mean.

megan said...

I cant recall running any toys over at the moment we live in a gated community with strict rules and if toys are left out over night there is good chance the HOA would take them, it works for our kid they know to put them away. By at least every couple months I completely take out our trash can and have to get a new one!

Sarah said...

I don't have a driveway yet, but I've stepped on toys and broken them. Yesterday it was a really pointy spinning top. Ow.

Twinlinebackers said...

I lost my glasses for 8 months. My husband finally found them. On the edge of our drive. Absolutely smashed, crushed, decimated. How did we not notice them the first 800 times we got out of the car?

Tanya said...

If toys are left on the driveway they are "accidentally" backed over by my pickup. If they are left on the floor in the house I "accidentally" step on them with my cowboy boots. ok I stomp on them I said it. Keeps the toy count low and momma gets to have some fun.

The Dutchess said...

I once ran over the leaf-blower and chain saw that the gardener had wisely left behind the back bumper of our family SUV. I'm not sure how he thought I'd see that...

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Unknown said...

My ex destroyed a few of mine one day too. I had been working on her jeep liberty and had my shop light and one of the drawers out of my toolbox and my creeper all laying on the floor under the passenger side of the jeep while I ran to the neighbors for a second while at the neighbors I heard my ex start her jeep and I started towards the house while trying to call her knowing that my stuff was all right in the path of her front tire. No sooner did I press the call button on my phone I heard the dreaded sound of first plastic cracking then acouple other odd noises that didnt sound real promising for my things then I heard a scraping noise then everything stopped and she answered her phone as I walked around the corner of the garage seeing her jeep about 3 feet of the back of her jeep hanging out the garage door then I looked to where my things were only to see my light had been ran over but faired ok considering, the light though since it didnt crush assisted her jeep front tire up onto my creeper without her noticing anything inside. It wasn't until her tire came off of my creeper and over the one side of my tool box drawer and came up against the other side of the drawer and started dragging the drawer under her wheel against the garage floor did she notice anything. Before I could say anything she put her jeep in drive and eased forward back out of my toolbox drawer and onto my creeper before stopping with her tire on my light. I was speechless and she got out and walked around the jeep to see what she had bumped into and seen the creeper and my drawer and all she could say is we need burger for dinner and she walked back into the house leaving her jeep parked on my light still. When I arrived back home and went inside all she said was that i should learn not to leave my things where she can run them over and then a few minutes later she said ya might wanna take over making dinner so I can go move the jeep off of your light now too. She parked on my light trying to make a her point.. ugh. I learned

Unknown said...

That is why my Dad did when I was s young lad

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Anonymous said...

I was in my boyfriend Jamie in his Renault Captur and as he was reversing his car.

A kid kicked his plastic football over the wall.

You could see it rolling towards the kerb on the car reverse camera.

I said to Jamie Sam oh just drive over it, it’s only a ball so he did and it popped.

It popped so loudly and echoed

I opened my door and popped my head out and said to Jamie the ball is flat as a pancake.

I could hear the poor kid sobbing his eyes out in his garden 😢 ooops