I believe in arranged marriages. She and Cortlen are a match made in heaven.
If any of you have any equally funny pictures of your kids dressed up in their back to school finery, send them my way! This has "slide show" written all over it.
Named the "Best Blog" by Parent & Child Magazine, this popular mom blog chronicles the wonderful mundaneness of a Philadelphia stay-at-home mom's life with four small children including twins in episodic form. Recurrent topics include adoption, multiples, Fifth Disease, Crohn's Disease and pregnancy, and academia.
Aw...she looks miserable. Poor thing, lol.
that is hilarious!!! Total match made in heaven!
OMG this is too funny! This child could not look any more miserable lol My daughter was the polar opposite on her first day of school, not because she was happy that school was starting, bc trust me, she wasn't, but because she is a total diva and if you have a camera she is posing!
Yes, she does look simply delighted.
Haha, that is really funny! My kids are always wayyyy to excited to go to school. Do they hate me?
Here they are racing out the door....
that is a great picture! i love the photos of your son with his hand up, it's so papparazzi. found you via Jeanette @ Bliss, great blog.
Since I had to wear the exact same uniform to school, I know how she feels....
That is so funny. She looks like she is going to work on a chain gang.
Priceless! This isn't my son's first day, this is actually his professional school photo from two years ago:
HAHA! I have a kid like this! Sometimes I think it's just the whole 'picture taking' thing!
My daughter was super excited for her first day of Kindergarten, and so was I! We had picked out the perfect outfit. I just never thought twice about the alleged old man socks I unknowingly added into the mix, until I later looked at the picture I took of her that morning.
Hilarious! You sure this isn't one of YOUR kids?! Too funny! Match made in heaven indeed!
Omg... that's hilarious.
that is HYSTERICAL!!!!!!!!!!
this is precisely the same look I had on MY face the day BEFORE school! :P
Oh my gosh!!!! LOL!!
I love it! I think my son may give yours a run for his money!
Hopped over from Mindi!
That is 4,000 kinds of awesome. Mine was TERRIFIED. Pics are here... post away.. but the one against the red brick was my favorite. I asked him to "Smile"
The first picture I took of my oldest (3rd grade), before I forced him to smile: http://www.flickr.com/photos/aliciadbeth/3863012909
I love her! lol.
I can't help it - but that made me snort out loud.
ok i have been looking at this post for a few days now and it still makes me laugh out loud. as do the ones previous. now that i think about it, i have been following this blog for awhile and the whole stinkin thing makes me laugh out loud!!! thanks!!
I can't stop laughing- tears are streaming down my face- that is THE FUNNIEST picture! I'm guessing it will be used against this child the rest of her life. Thanks for the laugh! :)
Our boys may be related. I was thrilled to see my son's school picture proofs - http://thelifeiknow88.blogspot.com/2009/09/school-pictures.html
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