August 16, 2010

First Day of School

Today was my kids' first day of school in Florida. Their school starts at 7:30am, which means that they have to get up at 6:00am.

All summer long, my children have gotten up so early in the morning that one could classify them as nocturnal.

Of course, on the day that they are required to get up while it's still dark outside, they all decided to sleep in.

This morning, my husband and I stood over three comatose bodies, lamenting the necessity of rousing our offspring.

"This stinks," my husband stated, pretty much summing up the experience.

I poked one of my sons in the shoulder. My husband did the same to Twin B.

"Time to get up," we whispered softly.


My husband turned on the kids' bedroom lights.

Three people put blankets over their heads.

I stared longingly at my bed. "What have I done to deserve this?" I cried.

Sometimes the world is very cruel.


Nolie said...

WOW! Back to school already? Where I live they don't go back until September.

Teen Queen said...

that is awesome. little kids are always like that. they only want to do things that they arent supposed to, and when they have to do it, they wont.

Emily said...

what?! school doesn't start here until 8:45! i wish it started that early. my kids are up at 6 every morning, it would be nice to have a reason for it.

Jaymerz said...

and I was complaining about having to be to the bus at 7:30, that seems really early to start school!!

Unknown said...

I cannot even tell you how much this is like our house!! exactly! and then I have these friends who you call in the summer for a play date at 10 am and the mom says, "sorry, she's still sleeping." and my kids have been up for 5 hours! the injustice of it all.

KB said...

And here I thought it was only my kids who do that.....

Anonymous said...

Simply poking and prodding is way too nice for your style of parenting that I have been reading. My children are told to get up, 5 minutes after that their alarm clocks go off, 5 minutes after that they receive ice water drizzled on available body parts. They usually get the hang of getting up for school quickly.

Linda said...

Mine start next week. Not looking forward to battling with 3 boys to get out of their warm & cozy beds.

Annie (Lady M) x said...

OMG! Not only is school back, but it is back at 7.30am?!!! I would quite simply perish if I had to get my daughter to school at that time every day!

Daisha said...

Whatever happened to elementary school starting at 9am like when I was a kid. I hated that we were waiting at the bus stop in the dark last year with my kindergartener. It's cruel and completely unsafe! I feel your pain.

cutiepiescustomcreations said...

Oh, this is no-fail in my home too! All 3 are up super early all summer, yet so many times i have to wake them up out of a dead-sleep when they actually NEED to be up!

kristina said...

My kids start school on Thursday and they're going to do the same thing. They've been up at the crack of dawn all summer and ready to bound out the door to play by 7am. But on Thursday morning they'll be sleeping and too tired... At least our school doesn't start until 8:30.

the thrifty ba said...

that is way early! we went back yesterday day. ever.

Christine said...

We start next week and we are feeling the pain too. I'm trying to put them to bed earlier and all I hear from their rooms is..."I'm not tired yet!!"...No sympathy because I know what's coming in a few days...I'll have comatose children too no matter how early they get to bed.

Anonymous said...

That is WAY to early for school to start.....but I guess you don't have a choice in that matter....

When I walk into my son's room on a school morning, especially now since we're still adjusting to earlier bedtimes, I hold my breath waiting to see what kind of morning it will be. Sometimes, when he's gone to bed ON TIME, he's a ray of sunshine. Other times, he wakes up really grumpy (sometimes literally crying at being so tired). These are the days I kick myself for not being more rigid at following bedtime rules.

A couple of minutes in the shower brightens him right up.

Unknown said...

I almost cried tears of joy when I found out elementary schools where we are now start at 9. Hallelujah! We still have 2 weeks until school starts but we started getting up early yesterday. Gotta get them ready!!! I'm SO glad we don't start earlier than 8, that just seems cruel, but I guess it eliminates the need for "Before Care" for working parents. Yep, THAT'S what's most important!

Shannon said...

School started yesterday for my area too. My 6 year old son was up at 4:30 bouncing off the wall, barely containing his excitement to get back to school. My 13 yr old daughter was a different story. She was either yelling or crying because her hair looked horrible. I thought it looked fine, but what do I know. I'm The Mom, supposedly I have to say she always looks good.

togetherforgood said...

seven THIRTY??? That hurts my feelings.

Nikki said...

Oooo - our school around here starts at 720! I hated having to be out the door at 630 so that the carpool drop off line wouldn't make my kids late! This year (for other reasons) we are homeschooling - school starts whenever mom says it does - and we love it!

Sherrie said...

I start back at school at week from today and am dreading it! My boys start Sept 1st. I am LOLing about them being up at the crack of dawn all summer and then once school starts they can't wake up.

Tiffany said...

So wrong... our elementary kids went back yesterday, too, and today they didn't even get out BED until 7:30. Albeit with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

You are a rock star for getting up to get them up!!

Chuck & Sue said...

Yep. Ours started school on August 3rd. @7:15... way too early for me. :(

Unknown said...

Seriously! I hate waking my daughter up for school! It's cruel! Just let her (and me) finally sleep!

Anonymous said...

I am really not looking forward to having to get up early! Ugh.

I actually have to squirt my 9 yr old with a water bottleto get him up most school mornings. LOL

Making It Work Mom said...

Oh Poor Babies! My children are ready to go back to school now, but I am sure when the big day arrives they will be as reluctant as yours. Good luck

Anonymous said...

I so feel your pain. We start on Monday and have to be out the door by 7am with... 4 kids. 2 dogs. And a cat who thinks she is a dog. I think we have finally tipped the scales into something insane. We don't get back until 6pm after someone, somewhere has soccer or cross country.

Desarei said...

It took me the better part of 3 months to get used to the early school hours here. In Oklahoma the kids had to be at school by 8:50am and didn't get released until 3:15pm. Here in Florida (the part I am living in anyhow), they have to be at school by 7:15am and they are released at 2:00pm. Makes me want to hibernate sometimes.