This afternoon, I gave each of my kids a can of soda to celebrate the fact that they slept in to 7am.
My kids like soda a lot but don't get access to it as much as they would like.
After a few minutes of guzzling, everyone lined up their soda cans for the big weigh-in.
Cortlen and Camber estimated that Kellen had consumed twice as much soda as they had in the same period of time.
Upset that his can had less liquid inside than his siblings' cans, Kellen immediately set out to remedy the problem.
He learned the hard way that topping off a soda can with water makes the can weigh more, but its contents taste worse.
Much wailing ensued. After several taste tests confirmed the undesirability of the beverage.
The wailing grew so loud that the soda can had to be confiscated.
"This is the worst day of my life!" he screamed as he stomped up the stairs.
I decided not to remind him about the day that he ran away from me in Macy's and they had to lock down the mall.
Ha!Ha! My children also love to celebrate with soda. And I am apparently one of the worst moms in the world because they don't get to consume soda everyday with every meal and they do not get to drink caffeinated beverages. I mean really do I need that???
My son is the chugger! He can chug anything. I am seriously worried about the college years.
Your poor baby I hope you made it up to him. Yeah right like we do that!!!
I love how dramatic kids get about the silliest things! Hilarious!
So I think we all know who the naughty one at your house is. We all have one, don't feel isolated. Mine is a girl so the drama NEVER ENDS.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who manages to give their kids the 'worst day' of their life almost daily.
Never considered celebrating and soda!! A must do!
Have you shared the mall lockdown story before? Will you? Please?
My toddler has not had the pleasure of soda as of yet, but when he does it will be tonic water, what my parents did to me, so it is years before he asks again.
I love your stories about your children! It seems like every day is the "Worst Day of My Life" at my house. Glad I'm not alone.
That is too funny! Kids can be so over dramatic. I love how you celebrate with a soda.
sounds like some kids need to go back to school!
ps-mine would do the same exact thing.
Oh goodness! I remember being 5-6 and having an obsession with Big Red, so much so that my mom used to trick me by dying water red to see if I would drink it. HA! I love your blog; I don't have kids (yet...) but it reminds me of being one!
Well, you reap what you so-da.
If I had a NICKEL for everytime I hear "this is the worst day of my life" I'd be laughing all the way to the bank rather than at your hilarious posts!
Like me, I'm sure you can't wait for the teenage years...of course, I have 3 girls and only one boy, so I'm pretty sure I'll have you topped in the "my life is over" department... :) LOL!
your writing is HI-larious. too bad your kiddos probably don't see the humor.
And if the little rugster is lucky, it will forever remain the worst day of his life. [wishes]
Wow, I love your posts!!! They totally make my day. Some blogs you read from others always seem 'perfect' like there are never any problems/or craziness in their lives. Just wanted to tell you that I think it's wonderful how you just tell it like it is!!!
Cortlen and Camber estimated that Kellen had consumed twice as much soda as they had in the same period of time.
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