I opened the bedroom door just as one of my sons flipped the wall switch that activated the amusement park ride.
Immediately, it began raining aquatic animals. I was hit promptly in the face with a hammerhead shark.
My twins acted like they had just won the lottery...until they saw my face.
"What did I specifically tell you not to do?" I growled?
"Mess with the ceiling face," one replied with a smirk. He tried to mask his giggles by pretending to have emphysema.
"Stop coughing," I ordered.
Meanwhile, the other one appeared to have drifted off.
"I know you're not sleeping," I hissed over his motionless body.
"Gross!" he screamed, wiping his cheek as if I had poured a bottle of acid on his face. "You just spit on me!"
"Please." Once they regained a grip on reality, I congratulated them for waiting a whole ten minutes before they disobeyed me.
"You're welcome," chirped the twin with the greater number of dormant brain cells.
My husband was listening to this conversation from the other room. When he heard my breathing escalate into a pant, he ordered me to turn off the ceiling fan and close the bedroom door.
Oh, but Jana, how could they possibly help themselves with such an invitingly colorful fan? It just SCREAMS amusement park!
P.S. I'm jealous.
Of the fan. Not the hammerhead bedtime kiss.
Oh come on, that was pretty ingenious AND comical. At least they chose stuffed animals and not Transformers or Lego creations or Hot Wheels. A soft Hammerhead in the kisser seems tame now, doesn't it? :-) Love your blog!
You don't have any pets, do you? I'm concerned....LOL
LOL! My husband actually TAUGHT the kids this game!! :)
I am a recent stalker of your blog and I think it's hilarious! You're a great writer. Believe it or not, I hope my kids have the kinds of imaginations that your kids have. A ceiling fan as a merry-go-round? Awesome.
Lol! If only my son would have stuck with stuffed animals. We've had plums hucked into our rotating ceiling fan to see how far they would fly. And my favorite...flour in pantyhose and open bags. Have you ever been in southern Utah, in the middle of summer, in the middle of a blizzard... in your livingroom? I feel your pain!
My brother and I used to do that with our Cabbage Patch Kids. Some things never change! Can they climb walls? I can give a tutorial!? :) good luck :)
Yes, my kids have figured that one out too. These posts about bunk beds have just about convinced me to never buy my girls one.
when it gets out of hand you can take the blades off the fan...... :)
Me and my sister used to do the same thing! I loved it! We'd see how far they could fly.
I totally forgot about doing that as a kid - too much fun!
It's your husbands fault, he should be on bedtime duty!
My younger sister and cousin did this same thing with an entire set of Monopoly money. Her bedroom looked like an explosion in a bank vault--even I was entertained!
Jana, here's what I'm disturbed by. You clearly put the animals back ON the ceiling fan to recreate the scene of the crime for photographic purposes... :)
I can't stop laughing! That is too funny! My boys would definately do that! I am definately not getting bunk beds now!
I am feeling a little sad, never in all the years we have had ceiling fans has anyone in my family thought of using them in such an awesome way, and I thought my kids were pretty creative--I guess I'll have to teach this game to my grandchildren! They'll love it, it will be almost as much fun as Grandpa's air rockets, only indoors, and maybe I'll be almost as cool as grandpa :)
Hee hee.
Cool game.
I mean, naughty children!!
Your kids are quite inventive! And your husband sounds like a wise man!
My kids (triplets plus one more 18 mo. later) did the same thing. Even called it the same: merry-go-round. I too was furious. OH well... This did not deter them from doing it again when I left the room. :-/
Love it! My girls did this too and thought it was hilarious. Luckily for me, nothing hit me in the face.
I have a different story about a ceiling fan, but it was hilarious. One year my son was about 15 or 16 he decided to hide the candles for his birthday cake because someone had threatened to do something with them (don't remember who or what). Well, when it came time for cake he couldn't remember where he hid them, looked for a long time before giving up. What a surprise months later when it got warm and we turned the fan over our kitchen table on and had a box of candles rain down on our dinner. We never laughed so hard at dinner!
My daughter and her cousin loaded her ceiling fan with Monopoly money. They thought it was lots of fun until I announced it was time to sort the money and put it away. And make sure you turn the fan off before you attempt to put the clean sheets back on the upper bunk or you might get clipped in the back of the head. I imagine your boys would find that highly entertaining.
Visit this site,these 3 sisters can really sing youtube.com/OfficialACE3
Tee hee!
One time, my sister and my cousins ued up a whole notebook's worth of crumpled-up paper (they really got a notebook and tore pages out) and put it in the fan, and then turned it on. It was one awesome rainstorm of paper, but one heck of a job to clean up...
Hillarious! I save your blog until the very end of the day and it just makes me laugh! Thank you!
This is too funny. I don't think there is a kid out there that could resist playing with the ceiling fan. My sister and I used water balloons and layed in wait for someone to walk in the room before turning the fan on.
Yours pretend to cough too huh? Gotta love it.
I got a really good laugh out of this one. I mean, I'm sorry, on your part but you certainly made my day. Thanks for sharing.
Love it. We once chased a gecko onto a ceiling fan and hit the switch. Poor thing stayed on for a few rotations, then was flung across the room and smacked into the wall. It was great fun!
ooh we use to do this as kids, except we threw the stuffed animals up into the moving fan...im surprised my mom didnt kill us
Hilarious! Such a creative idea too :)
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