June 21, 2011


I spent a considerable amount of time this afternoon hoping that the other women hanging out at the indoor playground at the local Burger King wouldn't notice the sign plastered to the wall...or that certain members of my family were violating rule # 6:

The first article of clothing to come down the enclosed slide was a Vacation Bible School t-shirt.

I stuck my head up the slide.

"Who isn't wearing a shirt right now?" I screeched.

A period of brief silence was followed by a logical explanation. "It's hot up here!" Cortlen whined.

"I'm hot too, but I'm still managing to keep my shirt on," I pointed out.

Raucous laughter echoed through the hamster tunnels above my head.

Me: 0
Hamsters: 1

"You have three seconds to get down here," I told him.

Instead of showing up in person, my son sent down a peace offering in the form of two smelly socks.


Mum on the Run said...

Love it.
If you can't beat em, join em - I say.

Beverly Brown said...

omgoodness, that's funny. i've been sitting here chuckling about it for the last few minutes. i'm sure that my husband will be wondering later why i'm all of a sudden laughing in bed.

Mom of 12 said...

Don't you just love those play areas? My favorite story about them is the day my sweetie had two little ones there by himself and the younger one got so sick going up and down the slides that he threw up in the ball pit. My sweetie was so embarrassed, he gathered them both up and left...without telling anyone!

Outside the Pumpkin Shell said...

I suppose that means they're still breathing... Or one of them has been taken captive... Oh dear.

therealhousewifeofoxfordcounty said...

I too have a picture of that sign cuss it made me laugh! Great post

vanilla said...

Why do I get the feeling that if there is a rule one of your kids will, at best, bend it, if not break it? Peace offering... gotta love it.

Laurie said...

Those are some pretty "creative" rules. Supervised by a happy adult??? Too funny!!!

AlsoMean said...

Did you not violate rule #1?

Also, balled up sweaty gym socks seem to be a favorite weapon/projectile in my family as well.

Beth said...

Socks! Gross, I have a problem with feet, and socks gross me out too.

Amy said...

I am stopping by from the Totally Together Journal. Love your blog.

JMJ Catholic said...

Uh, Jana, Rule number 1 and 3 also seem to be broken! LOL!

Laurie said...

I have mixed feelings about those play areas. On one hand they keep the kids entertained for quite a while, but on the other hand it's impossible to have much control over them. When my son was probably 3 he refused to come out of tubes of one. I had to go in after him - those things are not maded for adults to navigate. I can laugh about it now at least.

Janet's page said...

ha ha ha ha ha lol, snort :)

Gina said...

Wait... they can't play on the play area until they are 4 years old?!?!!?!?!

Am I the only one who thinks that is completely insane? My 18 month old plays on those things...

Unknown said...

Very cute/amusing. I like BK's sign. I have never seen one that included Rule #6, though I feel I'm more amused by it than comforted that anyone will take it seriously.

Arlee said...

My brother actually got stuck in an indoor gym trying chase down one of his kids! There should be another rule: Parents, if your child can in any way embarass you while you are here, they will do it!

Crystal @ Saving for Disney said...

Gina, My 18 month old is not allowed to play on those McDonald play area slides. I don't know about your location, but these slides are huge and BIG kids get in those things. I don't want my child being trampled on.

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