I'm pretty pumped about our recent trip to the orthodontist. The news was all good: Camber needs 4 teeth removed, a palate expander, two sets of braces, and headgear. Kellen needs all of the above, minus the extracted teeth. Cortlen is most likely going to need everything that his brother and sister need, as well as a contraption that looks like a hockey face mask.
"I'm sweating right now," my husband told me when I called to tell him the fantastic news. "And I feel a little sick to my stomach."
After the orthodontist showed me all the equipment that would be placed at intervals into my kids' mouths over the next two years, I questioned whether it was all necessary.
"What if we did half of what you proposed?" I asked.
The orthodontist responded by asking me how I felt about my kids having two rows of teeth.
"I'm getting braces!" Camber squealed with joy as we emerged from the office. The orthodontist even promised her that hers would come with rubber bands attached to her molars, preventing her from opening her mouth all the way.
Kellen tried to give me a high five on the way out the door. "This is the best day of my life," he announced.
Cortlen was understandably the most excited of the bunch. "I'm going to look like a freak!" he yelled, referring to the hockey mask.
To add insult to injury, the orthodontist's office had wood floors.
On my way out, the overly perky office manager asked me what kinds of magazines I like to read.
"Why?" I asked suspiciously.
She didn't miss a beat. "You're going to be spending a lot of time in our waiting room over the next several years," she said knowingly. "We might as well get something that you like."
I hate her already.
I understand that asking this question will make all of the orthodontists out there slap their foreheads in dismay at my lack of knowledge, but when did kids start getting braces so young? When I was a youth (I'm 30) we got braces at the end of middle school at the earliest. Don't your kids still have teeth to lose or something?
I would get a second opinion. :)
You're actually managing this whole thing quite efficiently. I've had to take two kids to the orthodontist for the past four years or so, and for a little while before the oldest finished it was three of them. I still have two more to go. It would have been better (at least in this respect) to have them closer together and just get it over with.
Definitely get a second opinion. Ortho #1 wanted to do reconstructive surgery and I would've been in braced for 4-6 years plus all kinds of headgear and whatnot. Ortho #2 said we could pull two teeth, do braces, and that's it. We told him about the first option and he scratched his head and couldn't figure out a polite way to say that the other guy was...well. Two pulled teeth, a year and a half with braces--and rubber bands for a bit too (just for Camber), my teeth are straight, my bite is fine, and I even got a glow in the dark retainer to wear for a couple of years. I'm so cool. Your kids might need all that work, but it wouldn't hurt to have someone else peek in there and see if they agree.
Not sure how much braces cost... but I know it's not good. When I got braces, the orthodontist wrote down the estimated cost and showed my mom. She turned white and muttered, "I'm sure we can manage that. Probably."
Just keep in mind: Americans are obsessed with perfect teeth. I would definitely get a second opinion, and make it clear that you want your kids to have smiles that look like your kids' smiles rather than Julia Roberts'.
When my older sister went to her first orthodontist he said she would need the works: braces, bands, headgear, teeth pulled. My parents took her somewhere else, specified what the problem was and clarified that they didn't "want her gap closed" (it's a family trait--she actually probably did want the gap closed) and he said, "Well, okay, she needs a couple teeth in the back pulled and she'll have to wear a retainer for a few years." It was like 1/4 of the first estimate.
I hope your not expected to keep all of those looking polished and clean.
Like others have said I reckon go the second opinion - you might find you can get that new flooring sooner than 2020 that way....
I went to a new dentist once and was told I needed about 15 fillings. I went to a second new dentist who said I had no holes and couldn't figure out what the other bloke was going to fill.... Just saying...
I don't trust dentists and definitely not orthodontists. They're generally only trying to take our money to buy themselves the latest most expensive fun toys.
Get another opinion.
When my 11-year-old was 9, it looked like there was NO WAY she would ever look good again. Her jaw was too small and all of her front teeth were totally crooked. I took her in to our dentist and waited for the bad news. He said give it a year and see. And you know what? As more and more of her baby teeth are falling out, the others are getting straighter. Now she has a beautiful smile. A little crooked maybe, but nothing a simple retainer can't fix. You know your orthodontist needs to pay his mortgage...on his yacht!
Before I even read all the comments left I was thinking "get a second opinion". That's insane!
Truth be told! Been there and done that!
I'm with happyfamily--if you kids' teeth are bad enough that it's causing self-esteem problems, go ahead and do it, but I would put it off otherwise. My sister got hers at 8/9, and had to wear them for 5 or 6 years (her teeth were contributing to issues with self-esteem, so my parents felt like they needed to do SOMETHING). My husband got them at 23 and had them off just over a year later. Once they stop growing and developing so much, it'll go a lot quicker.
I had to have braces in middle school. I also had giant glasses and ridiculous bangs, so everyone wanted to be me. Anyway, when I got them off I had permanent retainers put on. I still have my lower one...15 years later. Food routinely gets stuck in it. My mother also regularly warns me not to hurt my teeth since "cost so much." I am 30. Gosh I love her! That being said, my teeth were absolutely terrible and I am glad my parents took the time and expense to fix them. They were not even remotely straight when I started out and now they look pretty good! Now, if I could only stop clenching them at night and get rid of this TMJ...
Definitely get a second opinion. We've done braces a couple of times so when we took our third child to the ortho I was really surprised that he advised all sorts of stuff that my older two didn't need. And to top it off he said that if we didn't do all this stuff my D.D. would need oral surgery down the road. I thought he was totally wrong--her teeth aren't that bad (we've done the whole expander, two sets of braces as well).
The second ortho said she'd just need regular braces for a couple of years but not for a while still. ANd no, she would not need any oral surgery if we decided against braces.
I was so surprised by the varying opinions that I started getting second opinions of our "much needed" dental work too. It's been very eye opening.
Good luck. Braces are a real drag. Moreso for the parents than the kids!
Ok, I work in the dental field and I agree- get a second opinion! And possibly a third! Two sets of braces are almost always unnecessary. The first set is to help the teeth grow in more nicely. Which is moot when you are getting a second set! Get a second opinion!
Also, kids have no business having braces until they can adequately care for them themselves. This means teenagers not 10 year olds. Unless you are going to be brushing and flossing their teeth every night. LOL Seriously, the last thing you want after spending so much on braces is to get them off and have to put another grand into fillings. Or worse.
Off my soapbox now...
I'm so glad everyone has already said what I planned to say - second opinion! We had the same experience with one ortho telling us to get a second mortgage and the second saying wait it out. End result? Problem resolved itself. Daughter's teeth are now straight all on their own. And free! She hated us for years for not getting her braces. Now she gets it.
This whole idea of pulling baby teeth to put braces on a preteen is so crazy. Their faces aren't even fully developed yet. My niece had braces at 10, got them off when she was 12 and they put them back on when she was 14. Double the expense. Nuts I tell ya! And then when my brother's company dropped their dental and they had to pay out of pocket the ortho refused to take the braces off until they were paid in full. Very scientific stuff, those braces!
Second opinion. That's all.
Oh, and I meant to add - even if you decline braces now, you can always get them later. With the same result. So why the rush.
Can you tell this is one of my issues? I think modern dentistry is great, but orthodontia is frequently overdone. We are obsessed with everyone having absolutely perfectly straight teeth...why? If it's not an issue with eating or a true cosmetic issue, then why can't we all have a few flaws?
um. yep. totally feel your pain. times two
I remember when I was a kid I had vampire fangs and an intensely bad bite and no room for new teeth.... Essentially the dentist pulled a few teeth, put in a space maintainer when I was 6, and when I was 9, I got braces... and a couple of sets of rubber bands at various times in the 2.5-3 year interval I was in them. I had retainers for a few years after that. And wisdom teeth removed incredibly early because of migraines, possible crowding, and so as not to ruin the thousands of dollars of orthodontic work done previously! We always joked that the orthodontist saw his next house payment coming when we walked in the door. But in all seriousness... get a second opinion... that sounds like a lot.
As one who also had to have the palatal expander, I can tell you it's not at all that glamorous.
Get a second opinion. Especially if your kids still have baby teeth. I needed braces badly as a kid, but the ortho wouldn't even touch my mouth until I had all my permanent teeth in, and even with that, I still had to have them on for like 5 years cause my jaw was still growing and shifting things around. As to the teeth pulling, I had a friend who had her canines pulled cause they said her mouth was too small. Well, guess what, it grew bigger and she needed to get braces a second time.
receptionist was kind of funny, though if I was in the situation I think I would want to shoot her right then and there. I'm hoping that we won;t have to go this route however looking at Aiden's bottom teeth I have a feeling that he will need them at least there.
I had braces in my youth (I'm 31) and I got the first part at 10 (5th grade). I had to have some teeth come out & in and we had to turn some teeth around (some had "extra" space to come in however they wanted) before things finally started looking "right."
The silly part is that I probably could have waited until all the teeth were lost and came in before I needed braces. But, he had to have something to attach the bite plate onto to get rid of my overbite (it's like a retainer on top). Oh well.
And after everything was done, my sophomore year of high school, he said, "Oh, by the way, you have wisdom teeth and they're coming in crooked. If you don't want the last four years of braces to have been a waste, you might want to get those removed sooner rather than later."
My daughter had braces at age 8 because her jaw was mis-aligned and she was end on end with her new teeth. She only had them for 6 months. Phase 1 braces aren't just for cosmetic reasons. Definitely get a second opinion, but don't discount them. I never had them as a kid and as an adult have suffered the consequences with headaches and a jaw that is not fully functional. Now I am 35 in braces :) I am a HUGE advocate of orthodontics. Yep, pretty teeth are such a blessing, but there is so much more to it. And if I may make a suggestion...working for an orthodontist has GREAT benefits :)
I join the throng of mother who said "Get a second opinion". I know it will be a pain to take all of three of them to yet another unnecessary appointment, but they do seem really young to already have so much work done. They're jaws are still growing and do they have all (or at least most) of their permanent teeth already? We're late teethers around here so maybe I'm just confused.
Orthodontists seem to NEVER agree on the right approach. Whatever you do, whoever you decided to go with, stick with them all the way to the end. We moved a lot, meaning I have 4 different orthodontists with 4 completely different approaches and my bite was still never permanently fixed. Lame.
I'm going out on a limb to make a confession here. I sucked my thumb until I was 12. TWELVE, okay? My teeth by that point were awful! My mom told me to wait it out after a talk with an ortho and my teeth solved themselves. I actually am very proud of my straight-toothed smile. Kids' teeth can wait - let 'em be kids!
When I was in about third grade an ortho told my parents I needed to have 4 teeth pulled, expanders, braces, just about everything. We got a second opinion and I ended up getting the palate expanders followed by braces in 4th grade. When we moved and went to a new ortho, he told us that they started me way too young. He was a professor a large state university (well-known) and he used my mouth as a teaching example of what not to do! Basically, I started over in 5th grade, they gave me a bianator (think that's how it's spelled), followed by braces and headgear to wear at night. So I ended up with braces twice! It sucked! In 7th grade, I was finally done and got retainers. The truth is my teeth look good now, but the first round of treatments was complete unnecessary. The second ortho we had (I loved him!) said to never pull teeth so young unless it's absolutely necessary, which is very rare!
All this to say, I would get a second and possibly a third opinion. Most of these guys are in it for the money. The younger they start them, the more procedures they'll have to do and the more money they'll get. You don't want the xrays and pics of your child's mouth being used as a teaching tool of what not to do in college programs! :)
My son is 10 and just finished his first round of palete expanders, head gear, and braces. We started at 8 and our orthodontist never pulled any teeth, but slowly added brackets on as the new teeth came in. Yes, it was expensive, but it was also needed! My bright boy is so much happier, self-confident and for the first time in 4 years bully free. No more "Buck-toothed Bucky" taunts for him! It's nice that his teeth are straight but these other changes are really priceless.
I just finished working for a dentist/ortho/oral surgeon
They are salesman just like everyone else. They will present you the first most lucrative option to them first -- and in this economy, everyone is putting off elective work - and these places are struggling for $ and going under. I wouldn't doubt the pressure these employees are under to get you to sign on the line. They may not be able to pay their bills next month if you don't sign up for the full thing.
My stepson is going to need braces. That is if he has any teeth left by the time he is a teen. His mom doesn't believe in regular hygiene. (Even showering is optional at her house. Let me say that for a 9 year old with body hair already showering is not optional...) I don't think she even owns tooth paste. OF course Mom has used so much meth that isn't necessary for her. By the time we are ready for braces we might be just capping them anyway. Sigh.
That being said my teeth changed when I was pregnant with number two. I had beautiful straight teeth and for some reason the sunk down into my jaw when I was pregnant on my right side. We finally just filled down the left side a bit so I could chew with both sides of my mouth. I still have a huge gap.
Oh man, I remember being SO excited to get braces! I was going to look so cool, just like all my friends. Then I actually got them on, and I was in so much pain I wanted to die. Maybe braces aren't so cool after all...
My dentist horror story goes like this, two young newly married college students at BYUI go to the local dentist, they request 4 fillings for me 2 for my hubby. Get fillings, pay 1000, move away to SC. Go to dentist a year later, dentist proclaims "I haven't seen anyone your age who has never had filling before in all my years as a dentist!". I say "I just got my first 4 fillings last year, what are you talking about??" Yep, somehow I got played by a dentist in REXBURG IDAHO. PS we had no money, like literally no money. Get a second opinion and ask around for honest dr's. I don't trust many after that experience.
I told my ortho you get one chance to do this braces thing with my kids after he suggested the first set would go on in 2nd grade. He smiled and told me to come back in a few years. We did the braces beginning in 7th grade until 10th grade and they all survived and have beautiful teeth. I saved THOUSANDS by doing one round.
Definitely get a second opinion. When I was nine my mom took me to an orthodontist who said I needed braces, 6 teeth pulled, and possibly headgear. I was horrified, so my mom took me to a different ortho, who told me all I needed was this thing called a herpst (almost invisible contraption to fix an overbite) and then braces. It was still expensive, but not as bad as the first ortho had said, and not nearly as traumatizing.
I have to say, though, in regard to some of the other comments, that I'm glad I got mine taken care of early. All my baby teeth were out, but I was still pretty young. I was all done with orthodontia by they time I was 12, and I've had perfectly straight teeth ever since (with the help of a night guard). It was cool to have braces in elementary/middle school. Not so much in high school.
The only thing I would POSSIBLY get done early is a palate expander. I got mine done when I was in 1st grade (I was 6), and while it sucked, I never needed braces. Even when I had to have 6 baby teeth pulled in 7th grade because they wouldn't fall out. I just ended up with a permanent retainer for a few years to keep the spaces there as my new teeth grew in, and that was it. Then, I might have just been lucky too.
I hope your second opinion is better than the first.
If it makes you feel any better, the only reason I have straight teeth is that my great-grandmother, literally on her deathbed, told my parents (I was standing right there) that I had horse teeth and they better get them fixed with whatever money she gave them. 20 years later, my orthodontist still has my before and after pictures up in 2'x2' pictures on his wall. Guess they really were horse teeth. :)
Unless your kids have facial bone discrepencies, that is a little young for orthondontic work.
Aren't your kids awfully young for othodontia? My sister's friend had to have braces twice since they did them too early.
I second the second opinion comment!
Good Luck & keep the stories coming.
Love your blog!
Wow, do people really still get headgear?! I thought that was a thing of the past! I haven't seen your kids' teeth, but I think you should let them have crooked teeth until they are teenagers as many have mentioned. Those teeth that need to be pulled are bound to fall out on their own and I'm sure their mouths will grow on their own too. That will save you some moolah! Also, not looking perfect will help your kids build character, ward off premature dating, and make them more appreciative of their beautiful smiles when they are older! Right?! That ortho seems like a total money grubber. Don't let him trick you into all the unnecessary expense and torment.
I would get a second opinion. They may need that, but they are really too young to worry about it right now. Get your floors and then save up for a couple of years and do the braces then. My son is fifteen and we are just doing it now, and I can promise you your kids teeth can't be as bad as his, he even had an extra tooth. Go to someone and tell them you are probably not going to use them and then see what they say the kids need, I am sure it will be wait and they won't need as much as you need.
I have two words for you... second opinion. And just in case, two more... I'm sorry.
OMGOSH, I just wanna cry right now, this very moment!!!!!!!!!! I had a note come home from "the school dentist" that recommended the ortho for Isaac.. I said to my mom "don't suppose the kiddos insurance cover's the ortho"? O think she tried to say no but it just came out as an ugly snort-ish laugh.......evil evil world!
I spent a week in Kenya this year and everyone we saw had gorgeous, straight-toothed smiles. In a place with no dental care, I was surprised. They said that eating and chewing hard things made the teeth come in straight. Not hard things like candy. Things like carrots and sugar cane. Maybe try some of that before your next ortho visit!
Wow...crazy...I'm getting more scared by the moment! My 6 year old is starting to lose teeth and I do recall the dentist mentioning something about braces...oh, brother.....
I just got my braces off a few months ago and I'm 29. I couldn't be happier. The only thing I wish could have been different is that I would have had them as a kid instead! Seriously!
My husband (who is an orthodontist) just read through the comments and said he agrees with most everyones perspective here. He's VERY conservative as he comes from a large family where only a few of the kids were able to afford to have braces. His website has a ton of good info if your interested www.LiveGrowSmile.com and he even has a fun little orthodontic blog. He teaches classes and is always wiling to answer any questions you might have . . . you can contact him via his website. Hope this helps!
P.S. He even has his own blog!! :)
2nd opinion, 2nd opinion!!!!!!!!!
Don't get them until at least all the teeth are lost!!!!!
I am 33 years old, I have a few crooked teeth. And I get by in life just fine. I have a good education, a loving husband and 2 wonderful kids.
Trust me, straight teeth is not needed to be happy or successful in life.
Definitely get a second opinion. For some kids it's necessary to start this early, but for many starting this early just adds extra stuff. A lot of dentists will tell you that waiting a few years will resolve some of the stuff on it's own and your kids won't have to wear them as long if you wait until they're a little more grown. (Teeth extraction probably has to be done sooner rather than later, but the other stuff might be able to wait.)
My mom always resented the fact that my orthodontist redecorated his office about every 8-12 months. The guy we go to now still has the same cabinetry that was original to the office, and just the other day when discussing the possibility of new crowns for me reminded me that I have kids and college to save up for, so we can take things slowly.
Wow! Heavens' sakes...
I worked in an orthodontist office for 5 years. GET A SECOND OPINION. And possibly even a third or fourth. And honestly.... if you find an orthodontist is really and truly STILL using HEADGEAR? RUN. FAR FAR AWAY. And extracting permanent teeth (I assume that was Camber's recommendation) is very uncommon these days with all the other orthodontic options. It still happens, but it's a lot more rare. Burn the business card of this orthodontist from the 1980's.
Orthodontia is not so much a science as it is an art form. You will find different approaches in every office. Promise. Good luck!
Everyone else has said it for me...I agree. And I'm a mom whose son has had TWO full sets of braces, and is now wearing permanent retainers...and he is just 14.
It's a bear having kids in braces before they know how to take really good care of their teeth.
A few blogs back, you said your dentist told you that the kids weren't brushing well, or at all (?)
I predict the constant WAR and attitudes from all participants to only escalate at your house after they have all this metal in their mouths.
I'm sure we'll be hearing about it. :/
I was told something similar with my boys. Turns out, our university (WVU) has a great dental clinic. We're getting the same work done for less than half the price. The students are always supervised by an actual dentist. It's been great.
Our orthodontist said palate expanders are a waste of time. She said they might save you some time in braces but if you're wearing them, what difference does it make. Just do the braces. She also told me that unless you're kids are VERY responsible, the removable expanders would get thrown away at school or lost. My kids are 10 & we're still waiting to lose some more baby teeth before they do anything. I'd get a second opinion. :-)
It is very common in our area for kids that age to have many dental appliances - we have a very aggressive pediatric dentist in town. I'm going to jump on the second opinion bandwagon.
We were given advice by this pediatric dentist and went to a very highly regarded family dentist for a second opinion and he said he wouldn't do braces until they were at least 13. Kids end up having to repeat the procedures as their mouths and heads grow.
Turns out, both of our kids avoided braces, thanks to this more conservative approach.
I agree with 2nd opinion voters! When my son was 8 the dentist told us that my son would need a palate expander/teeth pulled but it was OK to wait a little while. Just had checkup last month (he is 10) and his mouth has grown enough that palate expander is now unnecessary and we can wait until all his baby teeth are out on their own.
oh, also - when my Mom had to take 3 of us in - she put us in the waiting room and went head to head with heavy negotiation. The Ortho ultimately decided 3 mouths were better than none and cut her a deal. I am pretty sure the cheapest of the 3 of us was free :)
Oh man, good luck with that!! Maybe I don't want more kids....
I have to agree with all of those who advise a second opinion. My 15 yr old has braces, his issues couldn't have been fixed at the ages your kids are - particularly since they haven't even lost all their baby teeth!
I know several people who got their kids braces very young, like yours, and had to do it all again when they were teens. Seriously - second opinion.
Ah, the orthodontist. I know all about those guys. My family moved all the time so I actually had three orthodontists including a man who was in all likelihood a sadist. He left long, very sharp wires poking into the tender parts of my mouth. I didn't know it wasn't supposed to feel like that because I'd never had an orthodontist before. I still have scarring in the back of my mouth from that man. The next guy was better. He didn't leave sharp wires poking me, but he did charge my mother full price for braces as if I had never been worked on before. My advice: don't move until your kids are done. You will pay for the entire thing every time you move.
Check out whether there is a ortho that does bio block in your area. Me and my siblings did it and my kids will as well. It focuses on face shape as well as straight teeth and is generally less invasive than surgery or head gear. Bill Hang is the dentist behind the method here in north america.
By the time I am finished paying the orthodontist for treating my four kids, I will have bought him a very, very nice car and sent him on a rather fabulous vacation. Meanwhile, I'll be driving the minivan with 200,000 miles on it and the unmistakable aroma of stale french fries My "vacation" is spent living in a tent and slapping mosquitoes. I hope he appreciates all I do for him.
I would get a few opinions. My kids have an old dentist and are just starting to see an ortho. They both told me that getting braces so young is a bit of a racket. The kids end up with braces twice. Chances are that they won't be opening their mouth the second time. Also, if all their teeth aren't in yet the teeth will move around and mess up all the work that the braces did.
Okay, my sister had to get that expander and it hurt like nothing else. I'm sure technology has improved, but she had to crank it every day. To push it out. To expand her palate. Does that sound pleasant? No. She had a really small mouth, so it was necessary, but if you can avoid it, then avoid it. I got braces at 15, I spend several years before that with a weird smile, but looking ugly is part of junior high I always say.
I know this had been said a thousand times, but get a second opinion.
Thank you for posting. Very informative.
Dog walker Houston
Oh....SAD. But...if it makes you feel better...wood floors have their drawbacks too (except when kids pull their pants down and pee on the floor...then they are a life saver). :)
I had braces and headgear. The whole works....for FIVE years. And THEN the retainer. My poor mother.
I agree...get a second opinion.
My dad is a dentist as is my brother. They are NOT in it just for the money I assure you and neither of them own yachts or boats. Yes it makes a nice living but they truly care about their patients. There are two trains of thought with ortho...first is start when they are young and put the braces on at 8 or 9. The problem is many kids have to wear them twice. My brother thinks you should wait till all baby teeth are out to start ortho.
Well, it's peculiar to see a whole family wearing braces, but I see you're point there. You're very concerned with you and your family's teeth! If this is the only way to have that perfect smile, then go for it!
as a mom we all want that our teeth can have a good teeth and would have a better smile..that is why i always make sure that my kids could visit their family doctor every month for monthly check up and cleaning..
I have never heard of kids getting that excited for needing braces. I bet that orthodontist felt very good about himself.
I am looking to get some braces. I need to find some places for orthodontics in gilbert az. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I just moved to CO and I need to see an orthodontist. Is http://www.pashaorthodontics.com/aurora-orthodontics.php good?
Wow, only one of my kids needs to go to the orthodontist and for minor procedures. Good luck to you!
Shelly Slader | http://www.familydentistryofwoodstock.com/our-services-orthodontics/
One of my friends is getting orthodontic work this month. We're getting some for our cousins later this week. It's definitely a great idea to work closely with the orthodontist. Thiago | http://www.matunasortho.com
My brother just found out the other day that he needs to get braces. He isn't to excited about it so I'm helping my parents look for a quality orthodontist that will help him realized that braces are good. I'm not sure what to look for, but this helped a ton.
Orthodontics are not actually unimportant for individuals including adults and children, of ages. They determining which treatment plan is best suited on your specific orthodontic needs thus delivering the outcome that is best. I went with my family on a break at my parents home town (Sodium lake area) and my mommy show-me this guys - http://pleweorthodontics.com/ They provide look after clients of most ages together with the highest quality. That people recognized it’s never to take pleasure from some great benefits of an attractive smile that is fresh!
It's really very nice and fantastic post thanks for sharing this with us. Dental work is something that just everyone needs. Our products are orthodontic wax, orthodontic headgear.
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