All in all, though, Cameron is doing great. He is becoming less lethargic and more alert every day, which is a wonderful thing to witness.
Named the "Best Blog" by Parent & Child Magazine, this popular mom blog chronicles the wonderful mundaneness of a Philadelphia stay-at-home mom's life with four small children including twins in episodic form. Recurrent topics include adoption, multiples, Fifth Disease, Crohn's Disease and pregnancy, and academia.
I am so sorry that Cameron has a small hole in his heart. I have been there. From my understanding, these holes usually close quickly. We have a girl in our ward who still has a hole in her heart and she is 17 and she does everything every girl her age does. Keeping you in my prayers.
We send our prayers for you, and Cameron. We love the beautiful pictures and hope that this week brings you one step closer to going home with your son!
Hi! I have followed your blog the entire time I was on bedrest with my triplets (TWENTY WEEKS) and they were still 13 weeks early....
Anyway, two of my boys had PDA's. They were first treated with ibuprofin for a couple of days. This didn't work with my boys so they both had surgery. One was 11 days and the other was at day 14. They were both under two pounds. They both did GREAT! They even did the ligation procedure right in the room. They both have small scars under their left arms. They also have a cool titanium staple in their chest...I was disappointed when they told me they wouldn't beep going through the airport. I so wanted to have them on a TSA watchlist... Anyway, I totally understand this NICU tango that you are doing right now. We are on day 83...but the good news is that one is home and the other will be home this week. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me...I think we have had just about everything a preemie could go through. Stay strong!!!
He is VERY VERY cute, Jana and I hope things continue to improve! Our thoughts are with you and your family! I hope everyone is hanging in there.
Thank you for keeping us updated!
He's looking good. Babies are tough little things. I am sure he is going to do great.
That little man is Gorgeous! I call dibs on hooking him up with my Penelope! Seriously, he looks like Brett Favre (compliment!!!!) and he's getting lots of prayers. Congratulations and good luck.
Okay, that kid is DELISH! Keep the updates coming! More prayers coming your way.
Oh he is really a beautiful baby!!! I'm keeping him and all of your family in my thoughts. I hope his bone marrow wakes up too and starts working the way it should. I was born with a hole in my heart too. 39 years later it's still there but I'm doing fine :O)
All the best!!!
Cameron looks like he's getting ready to take over and yank out the tubes himself: take care of this already, willya?! What an expression of tolerance on his face! He's a sweetie. Best wishes in his continuing recovery.
He is just so cute! He sounds like a strong little guy. Get some rest and I'll continue to send prayers your way.
Little Cameron is adorable, he looks like he fits right in with your family. This picture reminds me of my tiny girls with their cannulas in the NICU. I know you probably went through some of this NICU stuff with your twins. Hang in there. It's not easy, but it won't last forever. One of my twins also had (has) a small hole in her heart, and both had Pulmonic Stenosis, but both are healthy and happy nine-year-olds now. We'll keep your little guy in our prayers. Hang in there--you can do this!
He is such a handsome little baby. Keeping him and your family in our prayers.
I am a huge fan and decided I needed to come out of the shadows and say something, although I have to admit it is odd to post on a strangers blog, especially to tell them I am praying from them but it's true.
Cameron is so precious! He is just beautiful. You have been in my thoughts so much this past week. I admire your strength! Know I am saying extra prayers for all of you.
Good luck this week!
I am another stranger but wanted you to know we here in nowhere Montana are praying for you all! I love his eyes. They just speak to me--they tell me there is a giant soul of a warrior in that little body. Hope all continues to go well.
What a CUTIE! He favors his brothers. With all that's going on, you're such a doll to keep all of us FANS out here informed! SO very glad he's doing better.. still thinking of you guys. Many wishes for you all to be home soon!
I have been praying for you and your family daily...glad to see things are looking up.
Our Prayers are with you and tiny Cameron! He is soo Beautiful and those are the eyes of a fighter! You know best of all that Heavenly Father answers prayers... Just Keep up loving that little guy and hiding from the evil breastfeeding storm tropper. Laughter is a Great medicine.. And I would like to thank you for all the laughter you put into our everyday struggles as mothers and wives....
Navy Wife and mother of 3
in hawaii
Oh he is so precious. What a blessing from God!!
Gosh, look at that cute baby!! I just want to kiss him and make him better! Get well little guy :)
He is so sweet! It makes me want to hold him (don't worry I live far away- I won't be bothering you)
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