Because I embrace my role as the fountain of good ideas, I share with you now an Easter craft that I got off the Internet. Hailed widely as a super easy "one star difficulty" craft that you can do with your kids, these fabric-covered Easter eggs are sure to please and guaranteed to make you feel good about yourself.
1 bag of plastic Easter eggs
2. Assorted fabrics. You can use your common sense and buy seasonally appropriate fabric at the fabric store, but if you are afraid of the fabric store/like to make things more difficult for yourself than they need to be, you can follow my example and buy a book of 1990s upholstery samples from the thrift store.
3. Modge Podge
This liquid glue is awesome, but my son learned the hard way that if you sniff too much of it, it gives you a headache.
1. Cut a piece of fabric big enough to fit around each egg (approximately 3" x 5"). If you're working with burlap and are using office scissors like me, plan for this stage to take at least 10 minutes.
2. Give each of the long sides of the fabric into strips, making sure to leave a space in the middle for the egg.
3. Slather the egg in Modge Podge and cover the egg with the strips of fabric.
4. If you're super lucky, your egg will turn out like this:
"That looks like a dead bird," my husband said when I showed him the finished product.
Despite fierce protestations to the contrary, I had to admit that my husband was right. My feelings of despair and self-loathing over transforming a symbol of birth (egg) into an image of death, however, was short lived. As my kids generously pointed out, it's Easter time, the season of resurrection.
For someone who got significantly better results doing this craft, go here.
Jana, at least you TRIED. My kids would end up throwing the eggs and the scissors at each other.
Love the idea, but I can imagine mine would turn out like yours! Wouldn't it be easier to apply some fun stickers to the egg instead? I have a 2 year old, so I'm not keen on the gettin high on glue idea!
LOL!! Thanks for that. I'll chuckle all day.
I started reading your column with a sense of dread at yet another failed craft opportunity in which my children would inform me with their crestfallen faces that it "doesn't look like the picture." I am so thankful for the end photo because that is exactly what mine would look like. Depressing gray and all. Differently abled crafters unite!
Thanks for the laugh this morning. I applaude your efforts!
Oh my!!! I laugh out loud every time you post! Thanks for the funniness.
Why is it the crafty people always say it is "super easy" and then you try and it looks nothing like the picture.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who had "dead birds" on doing the "super easy" fabric eggs.
I too, am craft challanged.
My first thought was it looked like a weird turd... dead bird is maybe more accurate though ;)
A truly "mean mom" would put candy inside of the egg first.
Haha, don't feel bad Jana, my crafts projects NEVER turn out well. I like your dead bird.
Oh, that is so, so funny!!
Dead bird....oh my gosh, I'm going to pee in my pants! k in nc
LOL - thank you for sharing your results with us. If it's any consolation, mine wouldn't have even looked half that good!
Thank you so much for your blog. I am so tired of all the "our house is perfect" mommy bloggers out there. Thank you for giving me hope that I am normal!
LOL! I've seen those too and decided there was no way that I could make them look good.
This is the second time in a few days that I have spit out my drink because of your blog. Thanks, again!
And note to self--no drinking while reading Meanest Mom. :)
I love reading your blog. You make me laugh out loud every time!!!
At least you did a craft. I think it's beautiful. Better than the eggs I tried to make, which don't exist!
PERFECT! I love it!
I've made these before, with origami paper and real eggshells (after you blow out the egg through a pinhole). Cutting the fringes into points helps make it not so bulky. Still messy and fun, though. Maybe your son would find spray varnish a delightful change of pace to glue-sniffing. Tie a bow in a length of ribbon, get out your glue gun, and then you can hang them anywhere--no basket required.
Maybe the ugly/dead bird part of her eggs are on the bottom so they are hidden by being in the basket.
Run with it.
Awwwww! I think that upholstery fabric was too thick for this. Try little strips of tissue paper next time (I've done a similar project and it works perfectly. Plus we all have loads of that wadded up stuff in old gift bags, right?) Good luck and don't give up!
I think it looks like a turkey. You could use it at Thanksgiving instead of Easter-- make a centerpiece out of it.
The fabric thickness possibly contributed to your difficulties-- use a lightweight cotton, not a thick upholstery fabric.
okay i just peed my pants laughing that it looks like a dead bird. but hey thanks for the link my visits and hits are going crazy today.
i'm off to read more of your blog because apparently i live in a hole and have just come across your blog as of today.
wisky tango foxtrot.
It kind of does look like a dead bird. It still looks better than what I could do.
I think you and I are kindred crafters. Every once in a while I feel compelled to try some holiday project and then I remember why I don't do it more often. You crack me up (no egg pun intended).
What a cute idea! I laughed at your husband's comment. Mine would have said the same if I made it. I like it- it has flair!
So glad I found your blog!
I LOVE IT! I laughed so hard I almost spit out my water! Thanks for making my day!
Don't feel bad. I set out to make my kids superhero capes for their Easter baskets, thinking it would be an easy, inexpensive gift. So far I'm up to $30 on supplies, and I have a feeling the final product is not going to be as cute as the final product in various superhero-cape tutorials I've seen around the Internet.
Because I Can't Really Sew, Which Might Be A Problem
I guess you need more modge podge
Oh my god, between this and the soap post, I am laughing my ass off over here. Please don't wash my mouth out. My mom did that when I was 8 and said "hump." It didn't work. I swear like a truck driver to this day.
Anyway, I'm so glad to see that other people handle crafts the way I do!
That's way too funny-- hey, at least you attempted!!!
I did this with my four year old, but we made strips and wrapped the egg like a mummy.
Then we slopped on lots more modge podge so the whole thing looked white. When the modge podge dried, it was clear, so it looked pretty good.
Next time maybe try the mummy way. :o)
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