I want to publicly congratulate the University of North Carolina men's basketball team for winning the national championship last night. You played a great game and truly deserve the trophy.
Carolina alumni: Enjoy the parade and after parties! May your hearts swell with pride in your alma mater, knowing that UNC fans around the country are celebrating with you.
Carolina alumni: Enjoy the parade and after parties! May your hearts swell with pride in your alma mater, knowing that UNC fans around the country are celebrating with you.

I don't get it, but I am scared
What a beautiful picture of your Carolina faithful relatives! Hopefully one day your Blue Blunder Devils can manage to get past the Sweet 16 again...
Niki - Jana is a huge Duke fan, not so much a UNC fan. She mourned when Duke went out. Thus the sarcasm is exceptionally heavy here.
UGH!!! I too love Duke...but was really hoping Michigan would kick some Tar Heel butt last night!!!
I don't have cable because of a little flood. Apparently cable and water don't play nice together.
Sadly, I'm getting my news from various blogs.
Hahahahahahaha.... perfect picture.
LOL, those Carolina fans have true class! ;)
Dude, he's sooo HAWT!
Dude that is straight up gangsta! rofl
It looks like it's my job to compose a complete sentence, proof that Carolina fans do actually have functioning brains.
While I appreciate Jana's sarcasm, please note that I make no attacks on the intellectual capabilities of those who support Carolina's biggest rival, the University of New Jersey-Durham. Of course, I speak of Duke. There can be no question of Duke's place in this world as an institute of higher learning, but that may also be said of UNC. And if I'm being honest, Duke has rightfully earned its spot in college basketball. (Notice that I did not say college sports in general. Because they haven't earned that.)
And where would college basketball be without intense, deep-seated, historically-important rivalries like this one? They make our lives interesting. They're especially fun when the team you love to hate loses over and over and over again. And again. To the team you love to love. And again and again to teams you don't even care that much about.
I am truly flattered by the photo you chose to include here, Jana. It's evidence that even those who are obviously incapable of gaining admission to such a school as UNC still recognize it as the superior, dare I even say moral, choice in basketball teams. And who doesn't love Michael Jordan?
Thank you for this forum. It's been fun to indulge my trash-talking side every once in a while. We'll say goodbye to this manifestation of my personality until next season, when, I expect, Singler's junior year will be more productive than his sophomore efforts. Hope I haven't offended anything other than team-minded sensibilities.
I'll end with a quote from my rabid, die-hard, UNC alum genius of a mother. (I'm not kidding about the genius part. She's brilliant. As is my father, who also graduated from Carolina.) "Duke is expensive, but Carolina is priceless."
Happy scouting.
Wow, Inkmom is hard core! :) Too funny.
Having lived in North Carolina twice in my life, I have to admit that (though it's blasphemous) that I actually like both teams--Duke and UNC. They're both good. When they're up against each other, I guess it just depends on which team I like better that year. But in brackets and such, I like to see them both go far. Sorry. I just love North Carolina (the state) basketball.
Dude, you and Inkmom need to start a feud blog next year. That would be good!
All right Inkmom: you're on! Next season-you and me!
In all seriousness, congratulations to all you Carolina fans out there. UNC was by far the best team out there this year and you guys really and truly deserved to win.
haha... that picture is hilarious.
Go Heels!
OMG Inkmom you totally lost me. Too many big words. Ah......
Congratulations to you and the Tar Heels from an avid MSU fan. Sorry Duke didn't make it in (I had them in the top of my bracket...grrr!) though :(
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