Don't answer this question.
I should mention that the "friend" referenced in the above query is a member of a pilot community recycling program that offers financial incentives in the form of discount coupons for granola and organic prune juice to people who recycle. The more your recyling bin weighs each week, the more fruit juice coupons you earn.
"What are you going to do with twenty gallons of prune juice?" my husband wanted to know as I dragged the last of my bundled treasures up the driveway in the cover of darkness.
I hadn't really gotten that far in my chain of thought, but once the question was posed to me, the answer seemed obvious.
Neighborhood Christmas gifts.
Speaking of recycling.....

It's that time of year again; the season of transitions, change, and renewal. To help you prepare for your upcoming birth/out-of-state move/baby shower, the folks at Paper Culture are giving away THREE $50 Gift Certificates to lucky mean moms!!!
Featured in the 2009 Tony Awards Post-Show Gala gift bags (yep, this stationary is famous), Paper Culture's hopelessly hip line of custom invitations, birth announcements, thank you notes, and lifestyle stationary is also totally eco-friendly! All of Paper Culture's products--including their envelopes and packaging--are made from recycled paper.

Unlike the hormone-free chicken and organic tomatoes sold around these parts, Paper Culture's earth-friendly products don't smell funny or cost more. Nor do they sacrifice quality or style at the expense of preserving the environment. Exhibits A & B:

Finally, I must point out what is possibly the cutest/most unique twin birth announcement on the market:

If all this weren't enough, all Paper Culture products come with one additional feature that sets them apart the competition: for the cost of a stamp, Paper Culture's Message and Mail Service allows its customers to individualize their mailings by including a different message on the back of each card. Hello simple and quick baby shower/wedding/birthday thank you notes!
Want a chance to get your hands on one of three $50 gift certificates to Paper Culture? All you need to do is comment on this post. If you want a second shot, post a link to this giveaway on your blog.
The contest starts NOW and ends this Saturday, June 20 at midnight EST.
Winners will be chosen at random and will be announced soon after the contest ends.
As always, good luck!
***If you are interested in advertising on the Meanest Mom and hosting a future giveaway, email me at themeanestmom at gmail dot com or click HERE.***
1 – 200 of 318 Newer› Newest»Do they have a triplet themed card? Would love to win a few...
So cute! I will definitely be taking a look at this site for future events.
Being a slight nut about recycling, I would probably do the same. Most of my neighbors do it, but my MIL, located just across the street (!) doesn't. I may have to apply this tactic to her - thanks for the idea!
I could so use this! Finton's 1st birthday will be here soon and I am struggling to find an invitation I love! Thanks!
Love all the cards!
My township does the "rewards for recycling" program, too...but our street is all supposed to work together to earn the coupons. I guess the idea is that we put peer pressure on our neighbors to get them recycling. I have more issues with this program than I should get into on a blog that is supposed to be light and fun, but there you go!
We're moving to a new house this summer and the adorable moving cards would be perfect!
Adorable! I will need baby announcements in a few months too! :)
Ahhhh I love the ninja! All future generations are going to be so ........ interesting. :D
You are getting her coupons too, aren't you??? That's like a triple score! You find cute stuff to's fun to see the new things that are around! Hope you and your gang are doing well~
I'm jealous as we have to lug our bags of cans and bottles to our town's recycling center all on our own. But we do it! How much easier can it be than curbside pick-up? Just do it people!
Consider me entered! Thanks!
Jody in Pennsylvania
we're graduating from college and moving this summer. these would be prefect to tell our friends and family about both. i would love to win.when my mom was visiting in jan, she rinsed out a glass jar and set it aside. she just couldn't throw it away! our state doesn't recycle much. if it was curbside i would so do it.
These are so cute! I could use them in a few months to announce the arrival of our first little one.
Those are the cutest invitations I've ever seen. Love it!
You would definitely have a cow if you lived in my community. Recycling is almost no-existent.
I am so glad I found your blog you provide me with much need comic relief! The recycling thing is totally something my 6 year old would do! He has become a bit obessed with the recycling and learning about it in school this past year!
This would be awesome! We just moved.
Way cute stuff! I could use a brake from making my own and would love to win a gift cert.
Beautiful stationary!
Love it - and your blog!
I would love to win this for the birth announcements we'll need to send out in October!
I never win anything but I'm giving it a shot since I need to create baby announcements in mere days!
Wow I wish our recycling program had incentives! We have to PAY to have our recycling picked up around here so not many people do it. Those invitations are adorable!! I didn't get to give my daughter a first birthday so they would be perfect for her second!
I currently use this product! But would love a gift cert--any little bit will help.
On recycling - my parents city stopped recycling all together due to budget cuts. Now they have to pack it up in their car and take it elsewhere.
gorgeous! I'm always looking for unique invitations!
These are awesome! I hope to use the "we're moving" ones soon....
OOooo! Pick me! Pick me! I could totally use that for the shower I am throwing this summer!
there invites/annoucements are super duper cute.
I know of someone who neatly folded up the paper bag their lunch came in on the beach and promptly put it away to take home for proper recycle!
I wanna win I never win anything. Well, once i won a burrito.
Love the recycling ideas! And as an added get to look through your neighbors garbage :) Count me in please!
LOVE love LOVE them! how cute!! I have twins that are turning 11 in August! These would make great invites! PLEASE PICK ME!!!
This is Amazing and I would love to win! I've never won anything ever.
we are recycling fools! Mostly due to our EXTREME GREEN landlords...
I wonder if it was a condition of our rental agreement?
Love all the cards - although I have absolutely nothing to announce or no party to throw as of right now - but they are super cute. Count me in please!
Just moved myself. I might modify the boys birthday card to be our moving card.
My son has a birthday coming up, and I'd love to have some of their cute invites! That ninja is hilarious.
Well, since several of thing things you mentioned are happening in our lives in a month or so, I would like to win. We'll be having a new baby and then moving to Alaska about 3 weeks later. Lots of good uses for those cards!
I want that Ninja for MY birthday
count us daughter just had a new baby girl and needs to order birth announcments. this would be a great start to getting them done!
Those cards are adorable. We're having a boy in October, so that would be perefect!
The girls birthday is coming up and I neeeeed to find some super cute invites!
These are adorable. I can't wait to win!! (wishful thinking, wishful thinking!)
Darling--and I love your stories.
So cute! This would be perfect for my first baby announcements in August. Thanks.
Count me in.
I must put my name in this one. These are too cute to give up!
i have three high school graduations in four years, this would be great!!!
I love all things paper related and those are divine!
OK Jana--although you said this giveaway would be at random--I'm going to give a few reasons why I should win (so, in no particular order)...first, while I am not a mom of human children yet (while I would love to be), my cats probably think I am mean a lot of the time (and don't worry, I'm not some cat lady--my husband grew up in a cat loving family and I'm just trying to do my best to support him by not killing ours). Second, I LOVE stationary and if I bought all the stationary I want, we would be broke (being an Army wife puts a lot of limits on spending). Third, today is my birthday and I am sure that you would love to give a stranger (one who can't imagine her life now without reading your spin on things just about daily)a birthday present--and one that she really, really, wants at that!!!! I'm crossing my fingers for randomness choosing me!!!!
Right about January this could really come in handy for our birth announcements. We'll have had 3 birthdays in November, Christmas in December and a birth and another birthday in January, all in our immediate family!!!
oooh...too cute to pass up, as we're both having a baby and moving this summer!
Fortunately nothing major like that is happening soon.
Unfortunately, a couple of those events are likely to happen next year.
Fortunately, we are stocked up on 'Forever' stamps.
Unfortunately, we don't get prune juice in our neighborhood.
Fortunately, not in the next, either.
those are so cute. (and would come in handy when the new baby is born lol) count me in!
Neat! If my husband tracks mud in the house one more time this week, I'll be throwing him out. He'll need such a card to announce his new address.
Oh!! I am throwing a "welcome home" shower for my friend who, after years of waiting, is bringing home her adoptive child. My friend has been through so much - infertility, the adoption process, waiting, waiting, waiting... and I want something special for this new mean mom!
These are great! I'm currently moving AND having a baby in November; perfect timing for me to win :)
These are adorable! Would be perfect for my daughter's upcoming birthday.
I'm always afraid to comment on your blog, because I don't think I'm funny enough. Do you take un-funny comments?
Visions of baby announcements are dancing in my head for our sweet "stocking stuffer" due about a week before Christmas!
love em. sign me up
I seriously love this! I wanna win!
What great graphics! I'd love a chance.
I love fun stationary and have a daughter turning 8 in August -- big deal birthday in these parts! It would be great to do it up cute with cool invites!
please, please, please pick me!
Enter me into that contest. Woo hoo. Too cute.
yay!! i;m getting married and need something cute!!!
Adorable! We are moving at the end of this year and having baby #2. These would be so cute to announce one or the other thing.
This is just the solution to the tacky store-bought fill in the blank invitations my kids have had to endure due to being born to the least crafty person on earth. PLEASE!
Wow! Those are awesome!
Count me in - I'm moving and my BFF is having a bay in August. Perfect timing!
PS - Come and get some of my recycling!
The cards are adorable!
Our neighborhood doesn't reward us for recycling, but it drives me crazy to see cardboard boxes overflowing from someones non-recycling can on the curb.
Wow! These are too cute! I just visited their site and would definitely like to do a little shopping!!
I so don't think it's a problem to explore others garbage....heck what are yards sales for huh? HAHAHA!
Oooh, pick me!
My first baby is due today and I still haven't made any arrangements for birth announcements. This would be great!
These are so cool! My son will be 5 next month- the ninja invitations would be PERFECT for his party!
Love their stuff, and your blog. I think I should win because I'm spelling "stationery" correctly.
I have just discovered your blog and I absolutely feel at home! You have such a gift...your writing makes me feel like I am sitting on your porch with a cup of coffee or glass of wine and gabbing with you! Thanks for the chuckles!
Excellent! These are way too cute.
Dang, those cards are freakin' cute!!! I love this blog!!!
Perfect timing! My daughter turns 4 in three weeks and I haven't planned anything yet. Could use these : )
Those are so cute! I would love to use them for one of my 4 kids birhdays!
I have really enjoyed reading your blogs.
Would love to win! Thanks for the recommendation of great site!
My sister is in the hospital being induced as I write, I know we could put this to good use for adorable baby girl announcements!
Awesome! What perfect timing! I was just thinking about working on invitations for my son's 5th b-day party.
What great cards! I love them and they are recycled to boot!
Just had a baby, this would be awesome!
Oh please, oh please, oh please pick me! I'm turning 29 in a month and could think of nothing better than ninjas to invite people to my party!
I have already opened my big mouth to host 2 showers! My marriage depends on this :-)
This is perfect timing. My little girl is turning 4 and I was wondering what to do about invites! PICK ME PICK ME!!! :)
Thanks, this is a fun site.
I'm so inspired for our next birthday!! Thank you for showing me this great company (and a certificate couldn't hurt either right?!)
Hey, I just found out I'm having a baby. These would be handy!
How awesome! My Navy-career son and DIL are expecting a girl in July. These would be a great baby announcement gift for them.
Linked it too!!
Winning some of these cards would make me look like such a sweet mom becuase I'm totally meaner than you!
I want! SO bad! Cuteness in my life, again!
I would love to win this one! Those invitations are so cute. I am not very creative on my own...I need help.
Thanks for introducing me to Paper Culture. So cute and unique!
Linked on my blog!
Stationary, I love stationary! Of course, then I'd need to get new pens...
I love paper! give me more!
Recently my husband decided he needed some prune juice in his life but didnt realize its effects on the human body. He drank the whole bottle while at work, I didnt see him until about 1am the next day. My 3yr old thinks it is hillarious to say "prune juice" over and over again. his dad looks a little green each time. so I would take a donation of more prune juice. I think it is pretty funny too!
Well I already had my baby 1 month ago and still haven't gotten around to announcments - this would definitely help get the ball rolling.
too cute!! please let me be randomly selected..... is that something you can pray for? :) -bess
p.s. good luck with your gallons of prune juice. in our area, we "get" to pay for recycling. yippee.
This would be great! I am moving in September! Hope I win!
i would love to win this one... it would give me an excuse to have a party.
I wish we had a recycling program here,
I love this! SO cute. I think if I win I will donate it to my friend who just had the most adorable twins.
Oh those are sweet! Sign me up!
Darling! I am going to check this site out!
Would love moving cards!
Super cute! And so handy...
I am throwing a baby shower for my sil soon and this would be perfect for the invites! Way better than anything I could put together on my own. I am definitely lacking the creativity gene most women I know have. :)
I want free paper...
oh so neat!..i definitely will take a look for my son's first birthday invites...
Pick me!!!!! I say the same thing every time and you never pick me:( I plan on moving soon and need to send out some change of address announcements. Really pick me this time.
those are cute! Hopefully I'll have wedding invitations to mail out soon!
i love me some paper culture!!!!
We do the weekly recycling thing.
I need some thank you's for the businesses that purchased ads in the recital program.
Ooooohh! I wanna win! We just moved AND my little girl is turning five and I would LOVE to send out those adorable things! Pick me! Pick me!
what a cool giveaway!
p.s. recycling rocks...
ooh! so cute! I hope I win!
I would love to win the baby announcement giveaway! Hopefully my baby will come sooner rather than later too!
Funny--I'd love to see a video of you doing that!
I love them! I'll have to plan a party so I can use them... because as cute as they are, they are NOT worth having another baby right now!
Those are so great!
Me!!!!!!!!! Cause it's my birthday. :) I'm thirty!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What lovely things they make! Here's hoping for some pretty little baby announcements!
Ok so I'm not a mom just quite, but I wouldn't mind being prepared.
Oh, I would so love this! I'm having a baby in November and I just LOVE their adorable birth announcements!
annashopper at gmail dot com
Such cute cards! Thanks for the giveaway! By the way, your neighbors will love their Christmas gift from you - wish I lived close by! :)
Incredibly cute. Make me a winner.
Posted in link to the give away on my blog. The continuing adventures of mama rose and the pink princess.
I'm lovin' the birthday invites.
Ninjas=Awesome! That's all I have to say.
Thanks for the chance!! We could really use these for our son's birthday.
with my new baby (or babies... again) due in December...I would love love love to win!!
I'd love to win this! I love using recycled cards - and these are sooooo super cute! And I'd love it if my neighborhood gave out prune juice - unfortunately one of my kids needs it daily. ;-( And I'll totally post link to you on my blog!
Very cute. Although I must admit that I've never heard of a "moving announcement" before. Seems like a bit much to me.
SO CUTE! I love those notes.
These would be great for announcing baby #3!
I love them! My son has a special birthday coming up ( he will be 12) and I have been wayyyyy to busy to make the cute, scrapbooky cards I usually do. I have to give up and start buying them, it ends up costing less and I don't spend 2 days yelling at kids!
I'd love these cute invites for my son's first birthday! Thanks for the chance to win.
I'd love to win! Enter me pretty please!
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
I love paper stuff...........wish we cud have paper clothes too..recyclable !!
Those are the cutest twin announcements!
I'm crazy about recycling...but we don't get coupons for ours. :)
These are so cute. I hereby swear to never make my own announcements or invitations again.
wonderful products I would love to win.
SOOOOO cute! Makes me excited for the next birthday in our house:)
I am pregnant with my first baby right now and could definitely use some cards!
These are great! Would love them for upcoming birthday or a move down the road!
This are so cute, modern, and eco-friendly who doesn't love that!
Ha ha ha ha, love that you're dumpster diving for free prune juice!
Sometimes I look at giveaways and think, "hmm, I could do better." But these babies are way cuter than anything I could ever come up with!
Oh dear, those are way too cute. I'd be chicken to write on them.
I'm so jealous of creative people--maybe if I wasn't focusing so much energy on potty training a two year old and teaching a child to read I could churn out a few "out of the box" ideas...nope, I better just win a giveaway!
sylviarj at yahoo dot com
Those cards are too cute! I could so use some inspiration for my youngest son's first birthday!
Those are stinkin adorable!! Love, love! :0
So cute!
So cool!! My twins have a b-day coming up! Could use some invites/thank yous!
I nee invites for my second daughter's second birthday, I could sooooo use this!!!
Those are so cute!
Love all of these. We just moved and these would be perfect.
This is the first time I've tuned into your blog and it is actually because of my friend Savannah's link. I laughed myself silly with your last post. I think this is exactly what I have been looking for in my day. I am the mother of four boys(6,3,twin 10 month olds). As you to well know life can become overwhelming so a good laugh can go a long way to making the day go better. Thanks for providing that today.
I love their work, and I would love to win.
What wouldn't be perfect about winning a gift from Paper Culture?
I like your idea for Christmas gifts...prune juice would be a unique gift to give!
At least everyone in your neighborhood will be regular.
i could use birth announcements soon. thanks for the giveaway!!
This would be perfect for my little girl's first birthday party invitations.
I would love to win. The cards look so original and cute :D
I LOVE these! So cute and unique.
I LOVE these cards!! I checked out the website - I'm going to have a hard time choosing if I win!!
I am a bonified Paper- Aholic. I am addicted to cute invitations and create designs......I need major help BUT I promise I will get professional help If I win this drawing.
Adorable stuff! Hope their site is successful.....
love these cards. so cute!
me me me!
I would love to win this, less cards for me to make, and those are sooo cool! :)
In my early 20's, when I was going to save the world, I brought my mom's recycling home in my trunk. She is in Idaho and I am in Western Washington. I can't wait to see the crazy things my children will do while I sit in bemused silence.
I still recycle but if had peanut butter, mayo, or is generally hideous in the garbage it goes.
So cute! My triplets' 2nd birthday is coming up later this summer, so this GC would come in mighty handy to this strict budget mama!
I hear Prune juice makes fabulous popsicles for the kids!
I would love to win this so cute :) Everyone needs ninja cards :)
I would love this!
Whoo-hoo! I still have to order baby announcements for my child who was born in March 2008.This would be a great giveaway for me to win.Nothing like a little procrastination!
Pick me! Pick me!
Sure, I'll try, bring on those awesome announcements.
How fun! Enter me!
I love the earth and I love cute paper. But most of all, I love free stuff.
Those are some awesome cards. Count me in!
Recycling is never tacky. Ever.
And I love those cards!!
Those cards are TOO CUTE! I'd love to win!
This is much needed for my sister who is moving next month to PA, just found out she got a job at the same college her husband is moving to work at and the very next day, found out they are expecting! Would I ever love to win these for her...
This would be perfect to announce our adoption!!
love their line! very creative and super cute stuff. would love to win the gift card. will definitely link to this on my blog!
I love the simpleness of their design! I hope I win!
I had my baby girl Monday -- $50 off of birth announcements would be great!
Wow, I LOVE that ninja invite!
Those cards are absolutely adorable!!!
Those are adorable. I will be needing some of those birth announcements soon. Thanks for introducing me to this company!
Very Cute! I'd be a happy winner if you pick me.
oooh, i love them. i better get preggers real quick here!
I am miserably inefficient and woefully inept at sending any kind of paper announcements to anyone, even my dearly beloved. Help would be appreciated.
I sure could use some stationary! My friend is on a mission right now so I need to use old-fashioned snail mail to keep in touch with her!
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