July 14, 2009

Body Shop Giveaway!!!!

I'm thrilled to be teaming up with The Body Shop again to bring you a chance to win another fabulous prize: this time, a gift set of the company's newly relaunched line of coconut-scented skincare products!

As a general rule, I'm against things that haven't been tested on animals and don't cause redness or swelling at the site of application, but I make an exception for fancy lotion that calls itself butter and makes me smell like a piña colada.

The Body Shop's newly revamped coconut line is special for another reason as well: everything in the collection is now made with organic virgin coconut oil from the company's new Community Trade supplier in Samoa.

Samoa...otherwise known as the great (and totally gorgeous) place that boasts of this:

And is the namesake of this:

By now, you know the drill. If you want a chance to win the skincare gift set, all you have to do is leave a comment. Want a second entry? Link to this giveaway post on your blog and leave a second comment.

The contest starts NOW and ends this Friday, July 17 at midnight EST. The winner will be announced shortly thereafter.

Thanks Body Shop and, as always, good luck!


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Liz said...

I love the summery smell of coconut!

Stampleigh said...

I would love to smell like a coconut all day! It would make me think I'm somewhere else!

Juliane M. Kilcoyne said...

The smell of pina coladas may help mask the smells of toddlers in my home - goldfish, diapers, an old sippy cup of milk that i can't find but know is somewhere in my living room!

Marcie said...

oh...I could smell so good. woohoo!

The Woman Formerly Known as Jenn said...

Funny how I hate the taste of coconut but love the smell of coconut body products. Count the weirdness that is me in!

YellowMutt said...

oooh, oooh, I never win anything! pick me! pick me! *waving hand wildly in the air and practically falling off my office chair*

remmus13 said...

We don't have children but we live vicariously through my friends and their children. We also offer our home as a "safe" house for when the moms or dads need to get away and relax or as they say "It is so nice to be somewhere for a few minutes and not hear someone yell your name 100 times or step on a million tiny toy parts." Sometimes when I watch their kids we prentend we are having a spa day and this would come in really handy. I may not have kids but I am a vital part in keeping their parents sane!

Elise said...

YAY!! Pick me!! Pick me!! I need some great summery smellin' stuff that will make me feel like I'm on vacation...

Sarah said...

Who doesn't want to smell like a pina colada? Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love the Body Shop's products, because they smell good and aren't tested on animals. Good luck to everyone else entering!

Stacey said...

mmmm...coconut! i can picture the clear blue skies, bright sunshine and palm trees already!

Anonymous said...

I would love to smell like coconuts! And, would have to hide the prize from my daughters! ;o)


Alison said...


christine said...

I love coconut! It always makes me think of the beach. I could pretend I'm on vacation everyday!

christine said...

You've been linked!

Gina said...

I love the smell of coconut! Thanks for the giveaway!

Erin said...

My husband loathes the smell of coconut; I could use this as a repellent when I want him to stay away!

PatientVengeance said...

I love the Body Shop!!! I also can let my 5 going on 16 year old daughter use it because it's sensitive enough for her skin. She loves to get ready with her Meme (that's what she calls me when she's not calling me, "MOTHER!") for a fun day when I'm home for a day or two!

Beckie said...

I've never entered your contests before - but this one, I must. Hi, I'm Beckie, and I'm addicted to coconut smelling products. Proof of such is in my linen closet - where you can find approximately 37 (down from 40) bottles of Bath & Body Works Co-Co Cabana lotion. It's my signature scent and when I heard they might possibly discontinue it - why yes, I totally ran around my state buying all that I could find. Must go apply now - Peace be with you.

erins said...

mmmmm..... coconut

The Lady of the House said...

It's a good "getaway" for mom's of newborns (or children that don't sleep well).

Mindi D said...

Fun I love prizes! Especially yummy smelling ones!

April Feagley said...

I love Body Shop stuff. Coconut is awesome!

Ellie said...

What a great prize! I'll just cross my fingers!

Anonymous said...

I say that anyone who goes out of their busy all night graveyard shift in search of the great all mighty blog, should be granted the great smell of "butt-er".

Natalie B.

Amanda said...

Does it taste as good as it smells? If so, this may pose a problem...

Mary said...

Ohhhh I Could Smell Like Coconuts and not baby wipes and or diapers well that just tickles my fancy!

Connie said...

Hopefully it makes this desert rat soft as well as smell good!

Terry said...

Ahhhh, the fabulous smell of coconut, surely it would help get through this dreadful Arkansas summer!! Thanks so much for the fun giveaway.

Varsha said...

I love the smell of coconut and I use real coconut in lot of my curries. I wish I could win this coconut scented products.

Shannon G. said...

Mmmmm... pina coladas. I could definitely get into smelling like one of those all day. Pick me, pick me! :-)

Paula J. Norcott said...

MMMMMMM, maybe I could pretend I wasn't stranded in the house with 4 boys and two puppies in what appears to be the "Most Rain Maine has seen in over 100 years" PICK ME PLEASE!!!!

Cindy said...

Mmmm, this would be nice!

Cindy said...

I blogged about this, too!

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! I want to go from just plain nutty to coco-nutty! :)

Emz said...

Ahhhh yes - coconut shrimp - I'll pass the pina colada. ;)

And thanks - I was an "anti-blog reader" until my mom swore I would like the "meanest Mom".


Ilana said...

Mmmm coconut and Girl Scout cookies...what would life be without such these? I don't want to find out.

JennaHabes said...

Oh, pick me. My brother is living in Samoa right now!

Jeannie said...

Yum! Vacation in a bottle...I want some!

Sally P. said...

I've never commented here before but I would LOVE to smell like coconut. :)

Anonymous said...

I wanna smell like a pina colada...

Laura said...

mmmm coconut!

Meg said...

Mmmm...I love the smell of coconut. Oddly, I hate the taste, except in the Girl Scout Samoa cookies!

cheryl said...

mmmmm...yes, me too!

DJ said...

Great giveaway!
I can imagine myself on the beach, cold drink in one hand and nothing but the sound of waves crashing against the shore. Sigh of relief. Ahhh..

Sarah said...

The smell of coconut...perfect for a relaxing summer day when I need to pretend I am sitting on the beach!

Heidi Noel said...

Pick me! Pick me! My baby just pooed on me and I could use some pina colada scent.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaahhhh! There is nothing like a cold, slushy pina colada while sitting on a beach with beautiful blue water peeking between your toes!

PS - loved, loved, loved your airplane adventure!!!


Kimberly said...

Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! I once had a guy bring me flowers and a coconut...I could either agree to date him or he would bonk me on the head with the fruit! Ah! Memories!

Sims Family said...

Cool giveaway! National sponsors...you're in the big time!

The Millers said...

The smell of coconut...makes me think of my honeymoon in Maui!

LisaDuvall said...

I wanna smell like a Pina Colada!!! Yummmmm.

Jenny Georgio-who said...

Ohhhh I have to have this! I love all things coconut scented/flavored. Pick Me! Pick Me!!!

Amy S said...

Mmmm I love the smell of coconut however my husband does not. He hates it when I buy coconut smelling products. So I buy them for the kids instead just so I can get my coconut smell fill. If I won I would HAVE to wear it because it was free right!? Oh how excited my hubby would be! Haha

Wheeler Family said...

These products sound great. I'd like to give them a try!

Jennie said...

I mean seriously, who wouldn't want to win this?!?! Pick me, pick me! :)

Shreenith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathryn said...

Yes please!


aggiemomof2 said...

My kids would love it if I won this stuff--I would just close my eyes and picture myself in Samoa all day long!
sylviarj at yahoo dot com

Shreenith said...

Pick me! I love your blog and I went back to read everything the archives *embarrassed grin*


Savannah said...

I want to smell like a Pina Colada too!

VS said...

Pick me... Please Please pick me..
I want to win these coconut products.

Lydia Story said...

Oh yum! Whenever I walk by that store in the mall I rack my brain for a reason to buy a new candle, lotion, or other body product. The amazing smells draw me in!!

Amanda Ray said...

Oh happy day! I loooooooove the Body Shop and my favorite scent is none other than coconut!
The only creatures that love it more are my dogs. Whenever I try to give myself a little extra oomph for the hubby by lathering myself in scented products...the dogs proceed to give me a second bath in SLOBBER!
Here's to hoping the Organic Virgin Coconut oil isn't to their taste!

I'm just me... said...

Pick me, pick me! The smell of pina coladas is heavenly and reminds me of the beach.

Queen of the Universe said...

Coconut? Giveaway? Please. Count me in. Thanks.

Mike and Heather said...

i always feel like i've been at the beach when i wear coconut scents! aaahhhhhh....
thanks for the chance to win Janna :)

Heidi Noel said...

Just posted a link on my blog. Last time i did that one of my readers won and not me. But, because I need some smelly goods in my life I am sacrificing.

Melanie said...

I would love to win that yummy lotion!

Anonymous said...

I hope I win the cookie.

I would settle for the Body Shop stuff if I had to. ;-)

CountessLaurie said...

Oooh! What a great giveaway! Coconut is such a summer smell. Love it! Thanks for the chance to win.

Tonya said...

I'd love to be picked! I think the smell might help me stay away from the remaining boxes of Samoas I have hidden in the back of the freezer! Or maybe not....

City Girl said...

mmm.....love the body shop!!

Mindy said...

This would make me feel not as bad for not getting a summer vacation!

Mary Richards said...

That would make me want to eat my arm. And I would love it.

Kim said...

I love love love Coconut! Although smelling like food might make me hungry all day, but that's a risk I'm willing to take!

Mollie (aka Mimi) said...

I would love to smell like a pina colada and pretend I'm at a tropical location.

KimB said...

I love the smell of coconut!

Janae said...

Ooh I love coconut.

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness gracious.. those cookies are like tangible heaven.

Katie B said...

Great giveaway! Thanks!

R said...

Me... me... pick me!

Jo said...

Ohhh! Awesome give away! Pick me! :)Thanks for the wit that brightens my days, by the way. I love seeing what you always have to say.

Wryle said...

Whee! (and now I want a pina colada)

Melissa said...

I could really use some coconut lotion. It might help me feel like I'm on vacation on some tropical island, somewhere I'm not likely to be any time soon. Delusions help me get through my day!

Mindy Brown said...

wait... the leaves are included too.....right???? Pick me!

Heidi said...

yummmm! I want to smell like coconut!

Eric and Kassi said...

I love the smell of coconut and could use some of the body butter!

Deanna said...

Sure...I'm game. Count me in! :) I don't particularly like the taste of Pina coladas, but the smell...mmmmmm!

ryandeannapoulsen dot blogspot dot com

Babs said...

love it,love it. please send some my way, even though it is july it will soon be 3 feet of snow. I need some of that!

Anonymous said...

Generally I'm against putting food smells on myself because it reinforces the idea in my kids that I'm the chuckwagon. But for this, I'll make an exception. LOL!

Stacey said...

I could definitely use some of that!!! Pick me!

Ryan and Heather said...

I love coconut! Pick me!

Emily M said...

Count me in! I hope to win! :)

Unknown said...

COCONUT! I love coconut...I want to eat it...smell like it.. holy moly I love it!

Anonymous said...

Coconut makes me itch but will make a nice gift! Thanks - Mindy

Tasha said...

Mmmmmm! I would love to smell like cocont! I would be hungry all day!

Becky said...

Mmmmm coconut! I want it!

Marcee said...

OH!!OH!! Pick Me!! Pick me!!

delilas said...

I use the coconut body butter all the time. Ooh laa! Thanks for such giveaways!!!!

Unknown said...

"If you like Pina Coladas, and winning prizes from Jana..." I do.

Jeni said...

Mmmmmmm! Would love to smell good enough to eat! ;)

LMP said...

I do love the smell of coconut and I am a BIG fan of the Samoa Girl Scout cookie!

The Doutt Family said...

My husband loves the smell of coconut. Pick me to help me make my husband happy!!

Liz said...

Oh, I'll give it a try ... that coconut butter sounds yummy!

Jen said...

Coconut is on the list of tastes that I loathe, but smells I love...along with hot coffee and fresh cut grass...don't ask... LOL

Beth said...

I neeeeeeeed it! I love coconut! Pick me- another mom of 4!

Laura said...

mmmmmmm... i love coconut! what a great idea for a giveaway!

Heidi said...

You always have the best giveaways! Nothing like a tropical scent to help you forget the morning/afternoon/evening nausea and all those pesky boxes that I swear are multiplying each day I haven't gotten around to unpacking them yet... (just moved and also found out I'm pregnant, such a fun combination, let me tell ya!)

Angela McBride said...

Yay!!! I love Body Shop!

Jana said...

I love coconut and I LOVE your blog!

Shannon (CA) said...

Ahh, coconut! Sign me up!

Nick and Tiffany said...

Yummy. So many entries, please pick me :)

bestgrandkidsever said...


Unknown said...

yes, I would like to be slathered in coconut flavored butter.


Nick and Tiffany said...

linked :)

Jana said...

I linked back to you. :)

jenn said...

I love the Body Shop! I would love to win this!

Angela said...

I was just thinking how the only thing that could help this drab complexion of mine is some coconut.


jenn said...

I just blogged about it.

Holly Phelps said...

Thanks for another great giveaway Jana! You Rock!

Brooke said...

I love the smell of coconut, reminds me of summers when I was a kid. I'd love to try it. ;)

Kirsty said...

YUM, Yum, Yummmmyyyyyyyy. Coconut evokes summer days on the beach like nothing else. Me likey.

becbloggin said...

yay! love their stuff... thanks body shop and mean mom :)

peterfam said...

Coconut! I love it when my kids lick my hands because they smell so good. Count me in!

Ashley said...

I love the smell of coconut, almost as much as I love your blog!

Miranda said...

MMMMM!!!!! I love the smell of coconut. However, I do have a small problem of ants at my house and I wonder if the coconut smell would attract more? Im sure it will be worth it though because as they are coming I will be thinking at least I smell goood!!! LOL

Kara said...

I love the Body Shop. It's where I first became a body product snob, at the tender age of 10!

Tu peas in a pod said...

Smelling good AND feeling like your on vacation? It could only be a dream! Teen, preschooler and twinfants, you can imagine the smells around here...

Anna said...

Seeing as how I do currently slather this coconut butter sensation stuff all over my body and am almost out I definitely could use this win! Plus I'm poor and shouldn't go out and buy any more...PICK ME!

Amalie said...

I'd love to win!

Tiffany said...

Count me in!

Kathryn said...

Yummy... I can smell the coconut already!!

the cakes said...

Since I'm no longer able to eat chocolate, dairy products, wheat or sugar...I could totally use this! At least I could imagine I was indulging is something divine.

Leanna said...

Makes me think of the beach, I so wish I was on the beach right now.

Kirsten said...

Oh man I could SO use some pampering. Please please please please.

Melanie said...

ooh, yum! The perfect summer scent!

Trisha B said...

I love anything coconut! Maybe if I wear it, I can pretend I'm on a vacation somewhere tropical!

Carla said...

I LOVE the smell of coconut, it's my very favorite!

Jessica said...

I love coconut and somoas--they are also the hubby's favorite cookie...really good combo! Pick me

Coco Loco said...

Oh I want to smell like a coconut!!! Maybe then I can mask the smell of the can o'tuna I spilt all over my self this morning before work with no free time to spare for a shower :)

Justine Gourley said...

I just love the way coconuts remind me of Hawaii, that and suntan lotion and sunscreen! The perfect scents of Summer!!

the.lilangel said...

I just love the smell of coconut! it would be a great mommy to be gift to my self lol.

Melanie said...

I love coconuts! And I realize that could be taken several ways, so I'll leave the interpretation to your imagination! ;-)

Amy said...

oh, what summery bliss! I just hope the prize comes with the palm fronds and the seashells as well.

Jessie said...

Hmmm...I am definitely ready to walk around smelling like a mix between a tanning bed and the beach. Sign me up :)

Sarah said...

This would be a great way to recuperate from a bad night with my two month old!

Carrie said...

I would love to win! Can I also have the cookie if I win?!!?

Dim and Jana said...

Love, love, love the Body Shop coconut products! Thanks for the chance!

Susan Y. said...

Sounds yummy!!!

Erin said...

LOVE the pina colada smell, takes me away to lounging in a cabana on the beach with a nice cold drink in my hand!

4handfulls said...

Mmmm, coconut!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up too!

Kikigirl said...

Mmmm - I LOVE Pina Colada!

Jenn said...

I doubt the randomizer will pick me, but at least I can say I tried.

Kenton and Marianne Ogg said...

Oh I LOVE the Body Shop products! Have you ever tried the Shea butter Sugar Scrub? Scrumptious!

Tonia said...

What's better than smelling like Pina Colada??

Emily said...

Emily Thomas... I would love to win! To smell so heavenly would be perfect!

MellsBells said...

Ok. I am suposed to be cleaning my house but afriend gave a link to your blog on fb and I have been reding it all day. So funny. PS I love coconut

Tahnie said...

Coconut=summer. I LOVE summer.

Anonymous said...

I would love to smell like coconut. Maybe if I close my eyes I can believe i'm somewhere tropical.
christi speights

Hannah said...

Yay for organic coconut oil in skincare products (which is incredibly good for your insides as well!)! Would love to win this one!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...coconut. I saw that picture and just wanted to smell all of it. I'd also like to wear it!!

Denise - Denescape@aol.com

KB said...

"Everything pictured here"... does that include the green leaves? :)

Caroline Haring said...

I never win anything.

Heather said...

Oooo. I hope I'm lucky.

Jessie and Joe said...

You have a great blog!

Tris-star said...

Oh I would love to smell like a pina colada!

Jen said...

I missed my vacation this year so I would love to lather on the coconut lotion and imagine I'm on the beach!


Tiffany said...

Ohhh I am on this crazy diet and I am only supposed to be using coconut oil products... does this stuff count?? Will it make me skinny??

The Petersons said...

Yum! Coconut is my favorite smell for the season as well...well, let's face it, it's always a good one! I will gladly win these products! haha! :)

Jackie said...

Coconuts?! But of course! I would love it...reminds me of laying in the sun on a beach, anywhere to get me away from work!

Jana said...

If I smelled like coconut, all my dreams would come true... ok, maybe just a few

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Smelling like a summer drink all year long?! Count me in! :)

Anonymous said...

Please...please be me...please...

Missy's Moments said...

Pick me! Pick me! Please, Pretty Please, with sugar on top!

Tawn said...

Aahh, coconut . . . it would be such a relief from diaper ointment, baby wipes, and poopy diapers.

Lynn said...

I am TOTALLY in! I LOVE the coconut line from Body Shop! Hope to win. Good luck to everybody!

Carrie and Nathan said...

Is it edible? :) Love your giveaways!

heather said...

Oh, I want to smell like that!

Jennifer said...

yummy!! I could use some smell-good. I have a two-year-old... that LIKES to be dirty and smelly!

Jenni Peay said...

Yum yum, I'll take some of that

Cardon Times said...

I would love to win something, just once! I'm crossing my fingers!

Anonymous said...

Ummmm...I need the scent of summer since we're no longer wearing coconut scented suntan oil. Thanks!

Maria said...

Oh, I would love to win this fabulous gift! I never, ever win anything ( I am sure you have never heard that before, right?) So I must win. Please?

Shosh said...

MMM....I love the smell of coconut. Makes me think of the beach.
Although that's probably because sunscreen smells like coconuts, not because there are actually any coconuts at my beach....

Jenette said...

I want to win...

Janee said...

Might as well...

Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Love Pina Coloda! And your blog is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Post is linked on my blog. www.thailandoct2008.blogspot.com


*Lyndsey said...

oh oh oh!!! Pick me! I live at the beach and I neeeed some coconutty goodness yummy smelly stuff.

Carrie V said...

Yum! I bet this smells great. It may briefly take me away from NICU night shifts, school during the day, 2 boys and one on the way!

Christine said...

Since I can't afford a trip to Samoa...
I love Body Shop products!

Anonymous said...

I love the smell of coconut in the summer!! The Body Shop is fantastic!

Åsa Schrader said...

I love The Body Shop's products. I'm a stay at home mom and I'm expecting my 3rd child, I could use some pamering:-).

Carrie said...

I hope I win, so I can block out the body odor from my co-worker who always wants to talk to me! I can pretend I am on vacation!


Jennifer said...

I am all for smelling like coconut!

laura.h said...

Ooh, I love coconut and the Body Shop!!

Erica said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the offer! The smell of coconuts reminds me of suntan lotion and going to the beach when I was a teenager.. mmmm.. beachy.

Totally Taylor said...

yummm... I already smell like coconut (it's my signature scent this summer) but more can't hurt. :-)

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