January 15, 2010


Earlier today, the receptionist at the pediatrician's office had the nerve to tell me that the Middle Ages are NO LONGER RELEVANT!

Why the fourteenth century came up during check-in is another story.

How could someone say something so horrible and UNTRUE?!
Exhibit A: Beowulf's shoes

Exhibit B: The receptionist's shoes


noelle said...

I'm confused. How can history not be relevant?

Amanda said...

Hahahahahahahahahaha ....

That's all I have to say about that :)

Margaret said...

How in the heck did that ever get brought up?????

But I think you are right on the shoes thing.

Beangirl said...


(deep breath)


PippaD said...

Try telling Top Ender, her homework for this weekend is about what people ate in Medieval times...

Anonymous said...

I'm with you! But it would be interesting to hear how you got to this point........

Anonymous said...

I'm with everyone on this one, fill us in.

Emily Heizer Photography said...

I think I can guess how the Middle Ages became pretinent to the check in process at the doctor's now...




Just Me said...

That is hilarious.

She must figure it's irrelevant since the Climategate people wanted to completely forget about and erase the information pertaining to the Middle Age warmth period.

Emmy said...

Lol! How in the world did that conversation come up??

Unknown said...


If you don't know history, you don't know anything (Says the girl with a BA in history.) I want to punch that woman in the face. Or better yet, smack her with her UGLY boot.

Samurai Mom said...

Ok, I think we need the whole story. I can't imagine how that came up.

Angela said...

That's great! LOL!

Kiki said...

i am also interested in how the subject of the Middle Ages came up. i assume it has to do with illnesses compared to those days and now, or something, right? i love my Ugg boots. gotta get another pair. i purchased my 2nd pair back in 2004 and they are ready to be retired. take care.

The Fat Chick said...


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The Four Week Vegan said...

Hehehe...how did it come up in the first place? Were you asking for the leach treatment?

vanilla said...

Makes one wonder if some of our contemporaries are relevant?

So many have asked "how" did that come up in that setting. Do tell.

Unknown said...

that was AWESOME!!!!! Please tell me you actually revealed this information to her. hahahah

Jamie said...

They were ugly back then, too!! LOL

You are always cracking me up. Thanks!

Chief said...

Figures! Kids these days!


Donna said...

love how history repeats itself over and over again, especially for those who have not studied history.

Cami said...

Love it!!! That woman has never read Chaucer!

The Novelist said...

I love the comparison! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

happy sigh!

The Lumberjack's Wife said...

I have no idea how the Middle Ages would come up!! Last time I went to the pediatrics office, my son threw a fit and would not get on the scale.

So they made me get on.
And then they weighed me.
And then they weighed me holding him.
Horrifying, isn't it?

Andy said...

I would argue that Beowulf is the precursor to every action hero that exists in the western world. That paper/book will eventually be published somewhere by someone. . . eventually.

Lindsey said...

I bet Beowulf's first word was... wait for it... ugg! LOL

chad and lemae said...


Makayla Steiner said...


That is the cleverest thing I've seen in a long time.

Anonymous said...

