April 28, 2010


One of my fantasies is that instead of always being behind the camera, I can actually be in an occasional photograph with my kids.

Yesterday, I asked my daughter to take a picture of me and Cameron on his first carousel ride.

Important things to know:
1. The carousel was not moving at the time that the photographs were taken.
2. My daughter was moving at the time that the photographs were taken.
3. My daughter was blessed to have been coached by her two brothers, who are also expert photographers.

All things considered, I am very pleased with the results.


Evie's Story said...

Niiiiiice! Did you specify you wanted your FACE? Be a lil' more specific next time:-)

Karen Mortensen said...

Not bad. It would have been good to see you though.

Julie said...

Well at least you can't complain that the angle made you look fat or the lighting was unflattering.

Trisha B said...

At least she got Cameron in them right? It was his first ride. So funny!

Unknown said...

HaHaHa! Your kids crack me up. Go legs!

Emily Heizer Photography said...

Nice gams, Mama!

Do you Nienie's blog? The lady blogger from Provo (lds) who was burned in a plane crash a couple of years ago? She's still in the recovery process but her 2.5/3 year old frequently takes pictures of her by stealing her camera phone. LOL He's pretty good! From one photographer to another, I"m proud to call that toddler a colleague... The Matthew's kids... they are more Picasso inspired, so I don't feel equipped to critque. lol

Stephanie Nielsen (Nienie)'s blog about the pictures:

Doggie Art: http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/2010/04/nics-pics.html

Mommy Art: http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/2010/04/nics-pics-on-rainy-day.html

Emily Heizer Photography said...

Do you *READ*

left an important word out there...lol

Jennifer said...

That's so great! You have a very lovely chin!!

Melinda said...

At least she got Cameron...

HW said...

Might these be previews for your Holiday cards...?

TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

Ha! She should be able to make an income very soon from this. That's some raw talent.

Taylor Swim said...

Wow, you look good! Have you been working out?

WILLIAM said...

Let me just say you have beautiful eyes.

Jennifer said...

LOL! Nice shoes, though!

Reece said...

hahaha, this made me laugh out loud. too funny!

Kim Ginsberg said...

Wow! Way to go! My son usually manages to just get my butt in any picture he attempts of me. And the picture's usually blurry so it looks bigger than the Titanic.
I really am impressed with your daughter’s phographic eye!

Dolly said...

Love the kids-eye view:) I should try that with my little camera man...that's a great topic for a blog post!

Unknown said...

I am laughing so hard out loud right now!! Love it!!!!

Unknown said...

you look like a Pegasus...a Centaur--aren't those the humans who are half horse?

Kmama said...

I don't comment much, but had to on this one because it totally cracks me up!!

Nancy Sabina said...

I've become an expert at taking my own picture. The result is that there are waaay too many very-close-up shots of me with 1/4 of some kids face in our family albums.

Emmy said...

Well you are almost in the pictures :)

becca said...


Unknown said...

Oh gosh, I can so relate!! I'm never in the pictures and because of that, I recently gave the camera to my 4 year old twins to see if they could come up with something good. HAHA!! That's all there is to say about the results!!

Libbie said...

This totally cracked me up!!! Love it!

Angelica Bays, TygrLilies.blogspot.com said...

ROFL!! You can alwasy just say she's an 'artsy' photog. ;o)

Bonnie said...

Oh my goodness Jana, he is so big now! How great. Well, hope you're doing great!

Unknown said...

You are toooo funny!

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

