May 20, 2010


What compels boys to turn every object into a bad idea?


Sant Family said...

haha! I've got 4 boys and I still have no idea. Even the most seemingly harmless household item becomes some sort of weapon or mutation in their hands.

bingham 5 said...

This could not have ended well.

Kim Ginsberg said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one. My 3 year old seems to make everything into some kind of stabbing, poking or hurling divice. Glad I've just got more creative ways to use things to look foward to... Though that *is* funny in a kind of "not my kid" kind of way... Sorry, feel free to laugh at me when I'm being stabbed by a drink straw... :)

Monkeys Mommy said...

so true...

Diane J. said...

Thank you! I'm outnumbered by the males in my house and they think I'm the one who is nuts...well maybe I am, but it's their fault.

I have been wondering the same thing! If you find the answer you must share, I'll pay money...wait, no the kids have sucked us dry. But I will be thankful.

Student Entrepreneur said...

Just gave you an award at my blog!!

Unknown said...

It's the elements of the invention process....the 'male' in them believes they own it!!!

Julie said...

Thank you so much for making me laugh so much!! You are a wonderful blogger and I following your blog.

HW said...

Ah, the stories I could tell about boys and their bad ideas.
Here's a hint: the ideas aren't any brighter at age 18.

Hillori said...

Well, at least he's not wearing maxipads! :)

Lisha said...

Once on a family vacation we saw a giant statue of Babe the Blue Ox. Funny thing though, my then 14 year old brother thought it would be a good idea to 'milk' the cow. You think he would've noticed the lack of udders (we later determined he has NO common sense whatsoever). He walks under the statue, reaches up, and yells "Hey Dad, I'm milking the cow!" Which was followed by my Dad shouting back "That's NOT milk, son."
Looking back it all makes sense now why our family never visited any petting zoos or farms so that my younger siblings could experience farm animals, or so my brother could get into more trouble.

Silvina B. said...


Anonymous said...

What bad idea? It's great! So versatile! One way it's a cyclops, push it up and he's a triclops!

Karen Mortensen said...

Oh well. He does look cute though.

Jennifer said...

It's that damn Y chromosome. It'll get you every time.

linda said...

SPUTTER!GASP! crack me up.

Vicki G. said...

I think it's testosterone poisoning!

Kerrie (and Jason) said...

I can't help you with why but I can share the joy that even at 38 my hubby still does it!

Raelin said...

From what I am being told - just wait. Mine is 7.. and from what my DH told me he did as a kid and some of the stories friends have told me.. how they aren't in jail is mind boggling.

My favorite - a 50 gallon drum of concertated soap poured in to a GIANT water fountian in front of their school. Next morning, the entire front of the school, plus the street was covered in foam and a soapy film. Police everywhere.

This is one of his milder stories..

Part of me just wants to curl up in a ball, suck my thing and stay there.

Raelin said...

ugh.. thing = thumb.. sorry!

Steph said...

Where have you been all of my life?! Your blog is hilarious. Reminds me of my kids quite a bit.

You have a new follower. Come check out my blog if you want to laugh at old women giving sex advice and not realizing you're looking at yourself in the mirror. ;)

Friends... said...

I can always come to your web site for a pick me up! Thanks!

Jamie said...

funny! it could be worse i guess!

Nancy said...

Why you ask?? because it gets them on your blog!!! I am soooo jealous...

Olivia Singleton said...

Bad idea? What?! That was a fantastic idea!

grammaDawn said...

Good question, which also makes me wonder how so many boys reach adulthood. So many of their bad ideas are so life threatening.

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