
Tiger's friends


Any guesses?
As if it weren't obvious, I am going to try to live as close to Delilah as possible.
Named the "Best Blog" by Parent & Child Magazine, this popular mom blog chronicles the wonderful mundaneness of a Philadelphia stay-at-home mom's life with four small children including twins in episodic form. Recurrent topics include adoption, multiples, Fifth Disease, Crohn's Disease and pregnancy, and academia.
It's totally not obvious to me. I am lost. You are moving to a snake farm???
I got it! I got it! I did some googling to figure out who the heck those people were and you're moving to FLORIDA! Did I get? Did I get it? Do I win? Do I win a snake? If I do, I forfeit.
Why are we moving to Florida? Who is going to take the seasonal photos of your neighbor's leg planter for us now?
Central Florida? That's where I am! You'll love it. (Well, I do.) :) What brings the big move?
I guess Florida, too!! Lived there for a while back in the late nineties. It is awesome. Go ahead and get rid of your winter jackets!!!
Since I live in Orlando... that's my guess!
Florida! How exciting! Now you can have new adventures at the pool. Maybe you will have your own pool this time and no city pool.
I'm guessing specifically Central Florida from the people you pictured! YAHOO! That's my neck of the woods too. Although sadly I live much closer to Vienna than Tiger.
Whoa - that's awesome! Between the snakes and the alligators looks like you'll have your hands full ;-P
PS>My captcha is "weecar"! I love it!
YaY! You'll be closer to me!
ahhh! you're moving to florida!!!! my neck of the woods, AWESOME! i don't know you (but have followed you for a while), but that is so exciting to me! say good bye to snow and hello to a HOT summers!
Fantastic on your move... enjoy the process... it can suck! I've moved 4 times and am in the process of moving overseas w/ 3 kids (twins boys and a girl!)Have fun.... no seriouslly... have fun!
That's great! Camber can wear snow boots all year round now!! We look forward to having you in Florida. :-)
Am SO jealous you are moving! Florida will be excited to have you!
Ok, I have to ask...how are your kids taking the move? I have two kids, and my husband was offered a job across the country...last year we had an utter melt down...I'm worried about bringing it up again! Do you have any info to share??
Good luck. I hope you enjoy your new place.
My neck of the woods: FLORIDA!!!!
Hopefully you're moving to Destin or Seaside and would love to have readers and their six kids come and stay with you.
Is it Fort Lauderdale, FL?
See I had no clue until I seen the snake. Is it Florida?
Florida, baby!
Delilah would at least give the boys something to do! And my guess is Florida. However, Vienna is planning soon to move to Texas to be with Jake, so maybe you could move into her house!
Orlando?? That is where I am - lived here all my life.
Congrats on your move!
Wow! That's big news! Congratulations! Ever miss NC? That's where I heard about you-a news story here in NC...Been reading ever since. :-)
I think you will miss the snow!
Orlando!! What a wonderful change of climate :)
ORLANDO! I live in Orlando and Tiger lives right on the other side of town. If you are moving to Orlando, WELCOME!
there must be someone good who lives there!!! just the creepy critters??
As soon as I saw the Big T's picture I knew it was Florida. The only advice I have is if you get a flat tire and are on the side of the road make sure someone keeps a watch out for alligators while you change the tire. I always worry about that when I'm in Florida. Course now that I've seen the snake picture I'll be even more cautious.
how could you forget a picture of mickey?
You'll join me as a non-native Florida mom. Two new vocabulary terms for you (to avoid): jalousie windows and palmetto bugs!
ohh jealous! we would love florida except for the fact we heard property taxes there on a house average about $800 a month. then we reconsidered. regardless, congratulations!
:( No more PA jokes? I look forward to hearing about how things are there since I have close friends near Philly (Limerick). I'll miss that, but at least when we plan our vacation I can check your blog for appropriate attire (Camber can surely give me advice, right?)
Tiger lives in Orlando but plays lots near Ponte Vedra/Jacksonville, but the snakes are closer to Orlando...
Whatever:o) Feel free to seek me out if you are coming near Jax.
Property taxes are high, but there's no income tax- WOOT!
Awww, the happiest place on Earth! LUCKY!
I think you are missing about 80% of Tiger's girls.
Make sure you have a nice guest room. My family will need a place to stay there a couple nights in December. We'll work out the details later. *wink*
Moving is fun. New houses are more fun. And I love the South.
speaking as a native pittsburgher who's living in Savannah GA, you're going to have a fun time trying to keep a straight face when the people in florida complain about the cold. people in savannah think that the 50's are FREEZING. :0
Why Florida? Not that I have anything inherent against Florida...well, okay, I do. Why Florida?
You're moving to get away from the neighbours whose garages you pilfered and the teachers who think all you do is sleep aren't you? We know the truth :-)
We just moved to Idaho from Orlando. I miss it A LOT! Lots of fun stuff to do! However, really, REALLY research the schools before you buy a house. (If you are moving to central fl :))We had crummy luck with a lot of them, but I know there are good ones out there! Good luck!
What part? I teach Kindergarten here... but, by the time you get here, I guess I won't have to worry (oops! I mean I'll miss out) if the boys are in my class. :)
Oooo Florida.... if it's to the Daytona area we should be friends...
Maybe i'll see you around. I'll be looking for the blond woman in a business suit and heels dragging 4 kids through Walmart.... :)
But didn't Vienna move to Texas to be with her man? Enjoy Florida.
Looks like you have a lot of readers here in Central Florida - welcome (almost) to the Sunshine State!
Central Florida. I saw some one post about schools, and yes, please do some research, my family and I live in Seminole County, one of the best!!
Where in FL are you moving? Orlando?
I can't believe you are moving!!! The pool will not be the same without you!!!! Your kids always kept me occupied, now what am I going to do?!?! Freddy The Frog will miss you as well. I hope Florida brings you lots more stories and memories! Just know that you will be missed at the pool!
Wow! I can't believe how many of your readers live in Central Florida! Add me to the list! :)
And David? Maybe you will be closer to David? Do you think? Do you hope???!!
I look forward to reading of your future struggles to keep your curious and adventurous children out of the mouths of hungry gators.
Ok so I am delurking here. I'm guessing Orlando which is so weird since we are moving there(from Tampa) soon...
You`re going to love florida, to bad you are moving here in one of our hottest months. Goodluck with the move!
YES!!!!!!! This is the best news I've heard all week!!! You're moving to my state! FLORIDA! I'm going to pray you are close by (I live in Fort Lauderdale - we're getting a Temple - it could be fun!!). I promise that if you move next door to me I will do crazy things so you have something to blog about!!! :) (And no, I'm not REALLY crazy. You can ask Amy - we went to undergrad together :)
Thank GoD, The trash is finally leaving PA....
Who besides me thinks that last nasty comment from anonymous is really David?
I miss Orlando!!! You'll love it there!
Florida! Land of so many mean mom opportunities!! Congratulations - I can't wait to hear your moving stories. We're moving our 3 boys (4 1/2, 3 and 18mo) to Vancouver from Los Angeles next month and I'm sure it's going to be an adventure of epic proportion. Good luck!!
Aw, you're moving to my town! That's exciting, Central Florida will be lucky to have you!!!
Sweet! but I think I'd rather live next to Elin than Tiger.
Philadelphia will miss you! It was kinda fun knowing where/what you were talking about! Good luck & best wishes!
Ahhhh Florida....my home state. I'll even be driving down to my hometown of good ol' Titusville Florida this weekend to see my cousin graduate. There's also a shuttle launch so traffic should be super fun. Pssst. Titusville is where the space shuttle launches from. :)
I hope you enjoy your new place.
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I moved from PA to NYC to Orlando. I really like it in Orlando but miss PA/NYC around the Holidays, Fall and Halloween. On my drive down to Orlando the first thing I did was throw my ice scraper out the window somewhere in North Carolina. There are lots of kids activities in Orlando. The beaches aren't that far away.
Not sure what area of Orlando you are looking at but I would completely stay away from East Orlando. The traffic is crazy out there. If you are looking for a community feel try College Park, Winter Park, Colonialtown, Audubon Park and Baldwin Park. All are located near the downtown area of Orlando.
Seminole County is wonderful also. Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo are a few great towns there.
As many people already said it is so very important to look at the schools before you buy. There are some really rough ones in Central Florida.
Hope you have a safe move and find the house of your dreams.
I lived in the Philly area, then moved to Orlando FL. That move is why I started blogging.
I then moved back to the philly area.
Florida is an awesome place to live. If it were not fro family and friends I would still be in the Sunshine State. best of luck to you.
I Live in Philadelphia! So Jealous you are getting out!! lol Hope you will still be a Philly Sports team fan!!!!
Since I live in Orlando... that's my guess!
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Wow, Jana! I can't believe you're moving to FL...anything to do with Rollins???
Florida-- I'm jealous!
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