May 4, 2010

My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day...and the Dress that Saved It

Yesterday it rained cats and dogs, my hairdryer caught fire, my daughter ran away from home (she underestimated the effects of the torrential downpour and returned 5 minutes later), my toddler ate a washable marker, one of my twins got a "yellow" at school, my cat ate 3 tortilla chips and vomited them up on my dining room table, I cut my leg shaving, and everyone unanimously agreed that the dinner I made was disgusting.

At 6:57pm, the doorbell rang. Confident that it was the Grim Reaper, I hid in the bathroom. When curiosity got the best of me, I peeked out the window and saw a UPS truck driving down the street. On my doorstep, its driver left THIS.


Gigi said...

What a beautiful, gorgeous, fantabulous dress!!! Yes, that is the dress that would save the day!

Angela said...

I love that you re-spun the title about a little man's "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day"...


HUZZAH for the dress!

Lesley said...

Does the dress mean that now you won't be moving to Australia? : )
Although, that dress would look good anywhere!!! I love it!

Melanie said...

Love the dress!

the thrifty ba said...

id wear that to she store, to the zoo, to school...

Anonymous said... 4 year old LOVES that book! Glad your day ended well!

Anonymous said...

Does the car go with it?

Anonymous said...

Does the car go with it?

jen said...

I wish I could have found that dress a month ago. My daughter insisted that she have an all-black wedding, and I couldn't find anything. Lucky you. You'll be spectacular!

Heidi said...

Just found you - It's always fun to find a new blog that you can relate to - and laugh! I have had a day where a row of children give me the silent thumbs down sign at my dinner offerings, then have the baby proceed to mash it into the carpet, and you know, after they went to bed, I went to the market, in my skinny jeans - had to redeem the day somehow!

My Mercurial Nature said...

That dress is fantastic...and what a way to end your terrible, horrible, day!!

Mom-entarily Out of Order said...

That rocks!

Emmy said...

Yeah!! Amazing what a nice little package can do.

Emz said...

smokin' hot. Love it.

Karen Mortensen said...

Love that dress. Sorry about your bad day. Glad it ended well.(I love that story-Alexander)

Unknown said...

you should start waxing--that cuts out one potential horrible event

Totally Taylor said...

you deserve it. just gorgeous.

Nishant said...

What a beautiful, gorgeous, fantabulous dress!
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