May 24, 2010

The Nail Salon

I went to Washington D.C. this weekend for my sister's bachelorette party. The day of the event I told my sister that I was taking her to an art museum, but I took her to a nail salon instead.

"Surprise!" I screamed. "We're getting manicures!"
My sister was thrilled. "This place is ghetto," she said flatly.

It's not my fault that the only nail salon in the city that didn't require reservations or have a forty-five minute wait on a Friday afternoon happened to be located in a seedy strip mall next to a pawn shop and a 7-11.

"Get whatever you want," I encouraged, pointing to a display of fake fingernails, "But I personally like rainbows and small cats."

My sister thanked me for my input, but said she didn't need my help.

"What about this nail polish?" I asked, holding up a bottle. "It reminds me of something."

"Sixth grade?" my sister suggested. The bottle read 'Wet n' Wild.'

The process of getting our nails done was relatively painless. Except for the fact that the manicurist forgot to paint the sides of my fingernails and I couldn't stop touching things before my polish dried, everything went well.

"I look like I dipped fingernails into white paint," my sister complained, holding out ten severely disfigured french tips.

After looking at my fingernails, my sister decided that hers weren't so bad after all.

"I need you to stop at the drug store," she told me as we left the salon. "I have to get something for the party tonight."

I waited patiently in the car while my sister made her purchase.

When she got back into the car, I noticed that her fingernail polish was gone.

"Did you get what you needed?" I asked.

My sister glanced at my hands and just smiled.


Hildie said...

Man, what a party pooper!

eliana23 said...

She just doesn't appreciate you the way she should.

cooperl788 said...

She should have gotten the super long acrylics with whales on the tips. It would have matched her centerpieces perfectly!

Anonymous said...

She seems so serious! Did she find it even the slightest bit amusing? I thought it was rather comical myself.

Ashley B. said...

I found this today!

Emily Heizer Photography said...

I can't even start reading this post until I tell you RIGHT NOW that I cannot even believe that I, Emily, from CALIFORNIA flew to Washington DC this weekend to shoot a wedding at the DC Temple this weekend!!!! I was at the temple and down at the monuments both on Friday and Saturday doing pictures with my fabulous couple. How cool is that?! And why didn't you tell me you were there so I could stalk you and scare you half to death? Suuuuuuch a let down.

Heather said...

Where is the pic of her nails? I think she totally should have gone for something leopard print!

Jennifer said...

WET N WILD!!! I totally had a bottle of purple wet n wild in 7th grade! I was so cool.

Anonymous said...

I went to a Ripley's Believe It or Not museum the other day, and they had a display of butterflies that some dude had painted all kinds of scenes on. Like, REALLY painted. Think the Spanish Inquisition in full detail on a little butterfly.

Anyhoo, my point is that HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE if you could get some historical scene painted on your nails like that? Like Washington crossing the Delaware in 5 scenes on your left hand, then the Battle of Bunker Hill in 5 scenes on your right.

And then you could wiggle your fingers and it would look all live-action. Like those old school stick figure flip-book animations. Only ON YOUR NAILS.

Tiffany said...

Ashley B. is a genius! Your sister HAS to have the whale place cards. And whale nails! And you could get Beowulf painted on your nails! Such great ideas in the comments today!

Megan B ♥ said...

Stop it, Jana! I'm crying! That picture sent me over the edge and I think I just peed in my pants a little!

lishajeanne said...

Talk about making a statement. Why wouldn't you want blue nails at your wedding? Doesn't that go with the whale theme?

Emz said...

she was just mad she didn't get the cats.

crazy ramblings of a tired mom said...

hahaha, thats my only comment!

crazy ramblings of a tired mom said...

hahahaha, thats my only comment!

Lanie said...

As children we totally painted my dads toenails that color blue- he was a really good sport until we forgot to remove it and we all went swimming.

Unknown said...

HA! No appreciation from that little brat!!!

CSIowa said...

One question: How does blue fingernail polish NOT go with a whale wedding?

Glass houses. Enough said.

Kerrie (and Jason) said...

If only you'd found something with whales for her nails....

MiniMe Mom said...


For a minute there, I thought maybe she bought some Aqua Net hairspray.

Shannon said...

Whoever this one pot wonder is, she's a genius.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. Shannon is the genius. And uber hot, by the way!

Mindy said...

After looking at the wedding pictures, I think her nails must have been really something...she likes unusual things....:)

How's the move coming?

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