June 29, 2010

On the Wings of Love

It's a cruel world in which we live.

My excitement over my impending move to Vienna's hometown has been tempered by the sad realization that now there will be no wedding.

If Jake and Vienna can't make it, no one can.


Kayla said...

Love it! I really do enjoy reading your posts. I even make it a point to show my husband each one because they are are such a great laugh!

Catherine Dabels said...

I do wonder what could have possibly gone wrong. The idea of reality show coupling seemed like such a sure thing. It is a conundrum. I have lost all hope.........

Donda said...

I think he picked her purposely because he knew he didn't want to settle down and she was so controversial it would keep him in the limelight. I love celeb trash talk!

likeschocolate said...

You truely crack me up. Doesn't seem like Vienna is too heart broken because she has moved on.

Carina said...

I saw those two covers next to each other at the checkout line. Nothing was quite as delightful as that serendipitous discovery.

Rebecca said...

It really was shocking, wasn't it?

Kari said...

I still can't believe they split! I am so heartbroken.

Unknown said...

Sigh, it is indeed a sad state of affairs isn't it? Give us regular folk no hope.



eliana23 said...

You made my morning, thanks. I hope your marriage can survive with this bad news.

Karen Mortensen said...

How sad. How truly sad. LOL

Heidi said...


bingham 5 said...

Her fake sad face cracks me up!

Grace to You said...

Ummm....who are Jake & Vienna?

I must be more out of touch with "reality" than I suspected.

vanilla said...

Who are these people? Nevermind.


Great blogg

trenger jobb

Jessica said...

I think they split because they got sick of hearing that stupid song every where they went! Gag!!! Were any of us surprised? Not really! I'm just glad that I'm not the only one that loves this show still. Who cares if it forces people like this into our living rooms every monday night!

Renate Hunter said...

They both wanted attention and to be known. I think they planned this whole thing so they could be in the limelight. Even with "Dancing With the Stars", he seemed so fake even a little femmie at times.... and liked his partner soooo much. It's all a joke. But I bet they made big money$

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