October 9, 2010

The Magic Medicine Cabinet

Yesterday, I took Cortlen and Kellen to the pediatrician for their seven year-old wellness visits. After checking their heights and weights, the nurse handed the boys two small Dixie cups.

"I need urine samples from both of them," she told me.

The boys looked at the cups, then the nurse, then back at the cups. It took them a moment to put everything together.

[insert celebration dance]

Things got a whole lot better when the nurse showed the boys the magic medicine cabinet.

"After you're done," she told them, "Put your cup in there." The nurse pointed to a cabinet hanging on the wall, one side of which opened to the bathroom, the other to the nurse's station.

The idea of putting a cup filled with urine into the cabinet was exciting enough. The promise that the cup would magically disappear was more than they could stand.

"Can you ask the nurse for seventeen more cups?" Cortlen asked me through the bathroom door.

"Open up," I ordered, pounding on the door.

Eventually, my sons emerged.

"Just so you know, I'm going to have to go to bathroom again in two minutes," Cortlen warned.

"You're not getting any more cups," I warned back.

The nurse bit her lip to keep from laughing.

"The magic cabinet only works one time per day per person," she told them.

"I'll be back on Monday," Cortlen vowed.


Just Plain Tired said...

I love the "I'll be back on Monday" statement. Nothing like bathroom humor, ya know. ;)

Amelie said...

I love the way you write about your kids! It's just the way they think and act! Thanks,
Love Amelie

Jen said...

Love it. Just love it. Thanks for the heads up for a few years from now.

Anonymous said...

My son was about the same age and the nurse gave him the cup. He told her, "That's just sick" He refused at first to give it to her and I told him we weren't going anywhere unless she got the cup filled. He told everyone about the "sick" nurse and just could not believe it when all the "old" people thought that was a perfectly OK thing to do at the doctors.

Shannon said...

I'm just waiting for you to find cups full of pee in your real medicine cabinets at home. Please inform us when this (inevitably) happens.

Unknown said...

Not enough laughter in me for this one as I'm still 'hooting' over your previous post!

Heather said...

Did he make an appointment for Monday before he left??

Unknown said...

ROFLOL! Wish mine had had a positive attitude about that 'cup' ... not on your life!

Have a great week ~
TTFN ~ Marydon

Anonymous said...

That is just hilarious! You're going to need a Dixie cup dispenser for your bathroom wall at home!

Amy said...

DYING laughing.

Kirsten said...

too damn funny. new to your blog. thanks for making a snarky insomniac snort. ;)

Kirsten said...

Oh, AND I stole you button. Does that make me a button hole?

Olivia Singleton said...

I wish I had that easy of a time peeing in a cup. Maybe I've failed to notice the magic behind the disappearing cup.

[Stacia] said...

Hahahaha! My boys are still little but a day after my 4 yr old found out a friend of mine peed in a cup, I found a cup in his room. Luckily it was empty still! Thanks for the forewarning!

Anonymous said...

My husband tells about the first time (as a young boy) he was asked to give a sample- the nurse walked in just as he was trying to aim for the bottle he'd put on the floor! Luckily, she got there in time to explain that there was an easier way to get the urine into the cup.

Sandra said...

This is perfect! What an exemplary depiction of seven year old boys!

Bee said...

This truly made my day so much better. My little brothers are totally like this. They would be thrilled to know that they ACTUALLY got to pee in a cup.

kario said...

My daughter thought that when she went with me to the doctor and I had to pee in a cup, it was the most hilarious thing she had ever seen. Until the time she went with me and I had to get a shot in my butt.

Somehow, she doesn't think she will enjoy it nearly as much when she gets the chance to pee in her very own cup...glad your boys were entertained!

Melinda said...

LOL That is great! I remember my son going in with me once and screaming out a play by play of what I was doing with all the drama of a sports commentator..with the waiting room just outside the door. Yes peeing in a cup is fascinating..and the magic door is a bonus.

Munchkins' Mommy said...

That's hilarious. Much better than the time I had to get urine sample from my 3 year old daughter who point blank refused. dang that girl has a bladder of steel.

stewbert said...

*snort* that made me laugh.