Last week, my landlord sent out an email announcing that the community of town homes in which my family currently lives is going to be painted.
This morning, the painters arrived. They brought with them three large trucks, a cherry picker, and a port-o-potty, all of which they parked next to the mail boxes.
"Don't even ask," I told my kids the minute they laid eyes on the portable toilet.
Here's a question for you:
Less than twenty minutes after I told my kids that they couldn't use the port-o-potty, two out of the three bathrooms in our house mysteriously got locked from the inside. What's doubly strange is that the tool used to pick the locks from the outside also went missing.
Coincidence or divine intervention?
Ugh...port-o-potties are a mother's nightmare. I feel your pain!
Lol oh how I fear port-o-potties! YUCK!!! Gee, what a coincidence.
What a mystery about the locked doors! Just goes to show that poo is funny! Have fun with that!
Well at least you won't have to clean those bathrooms any more.
I try to avoid those things. Where do you wash your hands?
Oh that's just too funny!
Absolute, Pure, Golden LUCK!
Hmmmmm...Sounds like you locked your kids in the bathroom...
Meanest Mom....ever since you said that you attemted to shop at Forever 21 , i have had my quanderings about you.
A mother's nightmare? HELLO! This is your opportunity to make it THEIR nightmare as well! Stick them in there one at a time, then shake the thing from the outside until they're crying and you'll never have to deal with this again.
The Queen's got you there... Mommy Bloggers just don't shop at forever 21... try Cold Water Creek... where they have mommy jeans and clam diggers.
The Queen liked you once. Thought you were a hoot... mabye not so much now... just a pill. Sorry.
port-o-potties Lol I try not to laugh but I just could not help myself Lol Seriously
hahahahaha, smart little buggers you got there :)
When there were new houses going up around us, I would have welcomed a port-o-potty; the Amish workers merely used the yards. I got so tired of covering my 7-year-old daughter's face every time we went outside because there was always a young Amish man urinating on the ground nearby. We never saw the other workers do that. I guess the Amish men had fewere inhibitions than we'd think.
I do still hate port-o-potties, though.....
A toothpick will open those locked bathroom doors - it's a hack I've used since childhood (when my sis would lock her room to "keep me out" - I showed her!)
No way. If they pull shenanigans like that on purpose, I'd put them all in pull ups until dad got home with a new key. That'll teach you to mess with the locks.
We were driving down the interstate last week (probably on the day I managed to get DOT-issued road paint on the side of my space shuttle), when my Oldest Boy pointed into the WOODS and yelled, "Look, Mommy! A stall!" A port-a-potty in the middle of the woods. Seriously. What? Bears need privacy now?
Oh, Lord! My girls would rather pee on a tree than use a portapotty. Guess they won't be taking jobs as painters anytime soon...
Just simply fate. Good thing the porta-potty was handy though, huh?
I let the 3 and 4 year old boys I babysit pee behind a tree at the park because it was an emergency. Now they have an "emergency" nearly every day! Sounds kinda like what is happening at your house...
port-a-potty at the new house construction site down the street saved us one day last winter when we were waiting for Auntie to come home and let us in the house....
I always have plenty of hand sanitizer!
Haha. Kids are hilarious. My 3 year old son thinks it's awesome to go in the "yucky potty" when we're at soccer games, etc. We use them more than I care to admit...and he's still fascinated by it.
I wish my son would want to use a port-o-potty! When we went to Yellowstone in July there was a LONG line for the bathroom and we couldn't convince him to pee on a tree. Luckily everyone let us cut in line because his screaming let them know the situation was dire! When we got into the bathroom it was port-o-potty style and he didn't want to go anymore because it smelled "like poo-poo." I had to set him on the potty and force him to stay put until he couldn't hold it anymore!
bobby pins
It's new and clean now, but give that port-o-potty a few days to "fill up" and then let them go use it. Maybe they'll change their minds. Yuck!!
LOL You know they weren't going to sleep until they tested it out. It isn't everyday you get to use a port-a-potty. I bet someone wrote about it in their diary.
Clearly, you don't beat your kids enough.
I hate those! My kids seem to have to visit every potty EVERYWHERE!
That's hilarious! That's one thing I don't have to worry about, my daughter is deathly afraid of port-a-potties and will beg to go pee in a field, anywhere but there!
LOL! How ironic that our neighbors across the St. had one delivered so the house painters would use it instead of his! We all joked about it. What a meanie he is.
Kids have a more simple relationships with bathrooms, the feeling of "brr, this is gross" will be developed later in the years.
Hello from England. I rent out portable toilets so I speak from experience! Kids are absolutely fascinated by portable toilets but as for why, well, you're the Mum you tell me!
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