February 8, 2011

Central Florida's Finest

I've always wanted to buy a pick-up truck, but have been waiting for the right incentive.

Today, I think I found it.

Good things come to those who wait.



Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what's scarier... The fact that it's even an offer, or the fact that there are people that take em up on it!

Just Plain Tired said...

A gang bangers dream ride. Wheels and a gun for a drive by shooting. Stupidest marketing idea ever.

Erin said...

That is truly frightening. What's worse is that my husband is reading over my shoulder, saying, "I wish I had one. They're great guns! Ak-47, really reliable." Ack.

Kimmber said...

That's not real offer, right???

Charlie Pulsipher said...

Well...if you are going to be prepared for the coming zombiepocalypse, you need a truck and a gun...
Funny Stuff I Write

K. C. said...

AWESOME! Sign me up!

Heather said...

How can you not love Florida? You can still get two for one drinks there too can't ya?

Catherine Dabels said...

We are listing our house tonight and it terrifies us because we don't know where to move. I will show this to my husband and when I do all his doubt will disappear. It's sort of like manna from heaven, know what I mean?

He drives a truck and could use a new one. Everything else is just gravy!

Crafty and Classy said...

Oh I can use one of those!!

Mal said...

So this is legal? Huh...who would've guessed?

Unknown said...

My husband would have broken his neck trying to get there. How crazy is that offer!

Chrissy Jo said...

Down right disturbing....

Unknown said...

Well, that's just perfect, cause I was worried that when I bought my pickup, I wouldn't have enough money LEFT for the AK-47! Brilliant!

My word verification is ferqvfgq, which makes about as much sense as that offer! :P :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, this could be Utah. We just got an official state firearm courtesy or our legislature who obviously have nothing better to do. Do you suppose they waive the background check?

Diane said...

You have seriously GOT to be kidding! Omg, that is hilarious and also very disturbing! :0

Nancy said...

Haha! Awesome. My husband would be all over that!

Allison said...

Yowzers is right. Scary.

Kristie said...

I would be sort of scared to see what kind of inventory of guns they have in preparation for all the trucks they may sell with this "great" deal.

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

WOW! WOW!! I lived in Dade County (as a missionary) and I am totally not surprised by this sign. I'm just sayin'. I have a lot of pictures that are right up there with this one. Wow. Just wow.

vanilla said...

Don't see how you could go wrong. What a deal!

samantha said...

This is gun-giveaway is from November of last year. If Jana was concerned about it, why did she move to Florida?

Why is this suddenly an issue, 3 months after the fact?


Jennifer said...

Welcome to the south. Mine isn't quite THAT good.. but when we went home to visit a few years back (Texas) I saw a billboard on the side of the road advertising a free deer feeder with the purchase of a truck from a dealership. I took a picture and brought it back here ( New Jersey) with me because I knew no one would believe me.catio

JD said...

hey samantha-
maybe she didn't know about it, duh.

Anonymous said...

I love incentives!


Mrs. Morty said...

Glad my local car dealership isn't the only one that offers a gun with the purchase of a truck. We're in good company!

Dalton said...

In light of the recent Arizona shooting, I continue to be amazed that its not harder to get a gun! Apparently, in my home state, all you have to do is buy a truck!

Amy said...

What happened to fuzzy dice to hang on your rear-view mirror?

Stephanie said...

Oh, good grief. What's next? How about at the DMV: "Free six-pack of beer if you pass your driving test" ??

I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

I just bought a new truck...am a little disappointed that all I got free was a bedliner...

Stuart and Kimber said...

One more reason we need a pick up! Wow, and to think we just left the south without one...sigh...bummer!

Unknown said...

Because what's a truck without a gun, right? Car salesmen here in Australia could learn a lot from Florida, apparently...

myevil3yearold said...

Yikes! Rough neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

Get the truck; use the AK47 on the rats