February 22, 2011


Last week, Cortlen was selected as his classroom's Student of the Week. This honor was accompanied by a medal made out of construction paper, a free homework pass, and 17 handwritten notes from his peers.

I found the notes when I was cleaning out his backpack over the weekend. Most are pretty typical: one boy congratulated Cortlen for trying out and making the Orlando Magic basketball team; another thanked my son for teaching him how to walk with his shoelaces tied together. Two of the letters, however, made me smile. Uneasily.


Kerri said...

while cleaning out my son's backpack I found a note that read a girl friend of his wants to be more than his BFF amd she thinks he is really special and she loves him :)

(they both just turned 7)

Shea said...

Oh wow. I mean wow. I totally know the feeling. I have twin girls about the same age as your boys and let me just say this reinforces my idea of not allowing them to date until they are 30!

Anonymous said...

It's not mothers of love letter recipients that need to worry, it the mothers of the little love letter senders who are in the dark. In any case it beats hate mail.


aliasgg said...

A little older (sixth grade) but my son got frequent phone calls from a female classmate. I was actually surprised at how instantly high my BP would rise when she would ask me, and actually think I would answer as his whereabouts, after I'd say he wasn't home. Still makes my blood boil all these years later. Luckily he appreciated my running interference.

Mal said...

My little brother had to hide in the boy's bathroom one day to avoid a little girl who was obsessed with him in his class. Needless to say, hiding just made the game more fun for her.

AlmostGreenKnitChick said...

My friend's son had a note when he was Student of the Week from a girl that said, "I like the way you flip your hair." LOL!

A mother heart said...

my daughter got her first love note in first grade. I don't think she has gotten any since, but what do I know, I'm just the mom.

Christine said...

My daughter has a boy in her 3rd grade class that isn't very shy about showing her how much he likes her...he gave her 3 presents at Christmas...and yesterday she came home with his address and phone number that he handed her at the end of the day. She promptly threw it away when she got home. (She doesn't feel the same way)

Alana Tolley said...

Scared because of the horrendous spelling errors (my favorite was "bascoball"), or because of the potential stalker factor?

Jen said...

Too funny!! My little guy brought home a pic not too long ago that made me "uneasy" too!! I linked to it below, kids are priceless LOL

Thanks, as always, for the laugh!


Rocket Ma'am said...

Take heart, those girls probably wrote the same letters to previous Studs of the Week.

Margaret C said...

Ugh. I hate this kind of thing. I don't find it "cute" or "adorable" -and as a teacher, Little Miss Precocious would be re-writing that letter, and be told to focus on writing more neatly too.

My blog - why, it's THE MEANEST TEACHER....

Nicole said...

haha just last week, my friend called me up laughing because her son came home from 1st grade that day with a note from my daughter that said, Dear Lincoln, I don't love you. But I hope you did have a good Valentines Day. From Lili

Anonymous said...

Haha, my 6 yr old son has had a few girls declaring their love to him and even made wedding plans, it's true.. their parents have told us... :) There was even a time when he stole a kiss from a friend whom he really liked after a basketball game, we didn't let him live it down. LOL Quite the heartbreaker he is...

whiting family said...

When my youngest daughter was six she declared that she was in love with both of the neighbor boys. She decided she would marry one of them and keep the other as her boyfriend. That was an interesting discussion.....

Shannon said...

My three year old gave a talk in Primary last Sunday. When he came to sit down afterward, the little girl that he VERY admittedly has a crush on told him she liked his talk and they spent the rest of Primary holding hands. I found out about it 3 days later. I wasn't sure whether to give him a pat on the back or a swat on the bum.

On the plus side, I really like the girl's mom!

Susan said...

When I was in first grade all the girls (including me) chased a particular boy for the entirety of every recess. When another boy pointed out our cruelty I was taken aback: we were chasing him because we thought we had crushes; he was so cute.
Poor boy probably went home crying every day about his persecution.

Beanz said...

The Second note said, "I am at your table." or something like that. Ha ha ha! The little cuties...


Liz said...

oh dear. hide him in the attic RIGHT NOW for about 20 years.

Cathryn said...

Watch out for Phoebe, first she butters him up by talking about baseball and then she asks if he has money....I see where that is going!