My husband and I just got back from Peru late last night. While we were there, I ate a guinea pig.
I ponied up and ordered the local delicacy for two reasons: a) Consuming any type of rodent equals instant popularity with two seven year-old boys b) It gives me something to insert into the awkward silences at dinner parties.
"By a show of hands, who else in the room has eaten a household pet?"
If I ever get invited to a party, I'm going to be very popular.
As predicted, my offspring bowed down in homage when I showed them the pictures:

I was also not surprised by the reaction of the ladies at the bus stop. These women, who already held me in high regard, now think that I'm the coolest thing on the planet.
"If what your son told my son is true," one mom said after marching up to me, "That's revolting."
I smiled and bared my teeth, trying hard to imitate the expression of the critter in my belly.
"That is totally disgusting," added another mom said. Her lip curled up around her teeth like a horse.
I have to admit that I felt slightly annoyed. I didn't remember asking either of these ladies for their opinions. My husband told me that things like this happen when you are (in)famous.
"I told my whole class what you did," Kellen said proudly.
"That wasn't necessary," I replied, uneasily.
"Can we get a guinea pig for a pet?" he continued.
"No." Suddenly, my good idea seemed like a bad one.
"Oh right," he said. "You might eat it."
Suspicion confirmed.
That is awesome. You are totally my hero!
you rock! Way to show those ladies who's boss. LOL!
Oh Jana.
This is why you're my favorite.
My mother once ate kangaroo at an Australian restaurant. Once she got past the idea of eating a kangaroo she decided it was great. Perhaps I'll try my own not-quite-average meat someday.
That's revolting! That is all. :)
So that's where you've been! I've been starving for a new blog post the past couple of days. :) Luckily I'm a new reader so I still have lots of old ones to catch up on.
I think I might throw up as I'm imagining the guinea pig pets I had as a child... but I admire you at the same time. And I thought I was the shiz for trying stinky tofu and thousand year old egg in Taiwan.
OH! Oh. Oh. Oh goodness.
Did it taste like chicken?
We have that same photo of Huayna Picchu, except for the people in the shot!
Oh my goodness that looks so nasty! Did you really eat it??? I inadvertently ate horse on my first trip to Italy but at least it's face wasn't on my plate! Brave Brave woman!
Have you tried TRIPA GORDA?
(Stuffed large intestine)
What is it stuffed with?
The green stuff in the pile next to the cows back feet...
Now you won't ever have to get any rodent-type pet cuz "You might eat it." You are a very smart woman.
Loved this! My family went to Ecuador and also had the luxury of eating guinea pig!
I've read about people eating guinea pigs! Did it taste like chicken?
I have to say that I am officially grossed out! But I know about the cool thing...when my daughter went to Catalina Island for girl scout camp they had a special award for anyone who was willing to eat the eye of the squid. Yeah, she brought home the certificate...and pictures (yuck!).
I think you need a new bus stop. The PTO ladies at my kids' school would've thought that was pretty awesome.
LOVE the picture of you and the hubs- what a beautiful backdrop!!
bahaha. awesome.
That is fantastic! I agree with Kerri, you need a new bus stop. Eating a furry critter is even cooler than buying the chicken foot, and I didn't think you'd EVER be able to top that :)
LOL!!!! That was awesome! "You might eat it." Classic.
No less than five minutes after reading your Guinea Pig post did I come across this picture on boing boing. Don't worry, I didn't tell them about you. :)
LOL! While there is NO WAY ON EARTH you could get me to consume guinea pig...I do think it's pretty neat that you did so! And of course the kids now think you're a hero so it's all good. Who cares what the snotty moms in your neighborhood think!
I recently did a project on Ecuador (I'm still in high school). One of the common foods listed was roasted guinea pig-- totally not a big deal in South America. Of course, I have no emotional attachment to guinea pigs, but they don't really serve a purpose... so why not?
And sheesh, I'd hate to see how those women react to anyone with a foriegn culture.
I just have one issue; what's with the teeth still being on?
Hey, I would've ordered it and that's after owning two guinea pigs as pets myself! I mean, I've eaten ostrich burger and bison burgers. And at least one of those is considered endangered. (By the way, they were both delicious, but the ostrich is much better for you.)
Besides, did you point out that you're living in gater-land? You can order gater all over the place in Florida and thereabouts. And that's a reptile. A scaly, horny, pee-through the skin, excrement-filled gasses reptile.
Actually Mal, Bison are no longer considered endangered, that's why you are able to eat them. If they were still in the endangered list, people wouldn't be allowed to raise them for consumption. And they are delicious.
Awesome job eating the guinea pig! Was it good?
I've never really like guinea pigs anyway. Who wants a rat for a pet?
Living in Ecuador a couple of times I have also eaten "cuy". One time was awful, the other tasty. :)
Mmmm...random animal meat! Kangaroo is pretty tasty, but guinea pig is still on my to do list. I don't think I will find it at our co-op--oh, wait--maybe if it was locally raised organic guinea pig. Probably that's what the bus stop ladies were worried about.
What a great story! As a vegetarian, I can't imagine eating a rodent!! Even though I despise them!
I am highly allergic to guinea pigs, eat them all!
Our family recently got a guinea pig as a pet. Skyping with my dad, I picked her up and showed dad the newest member of our family. His response was, "well, it might be a bit small to feed the whole family, but..." Thanks for the reminder and congrats on getting local fare!
ps. my word verification is 'moolics' sounds yummy. :)
YOU ROCK, WOMAN .... and i'm faaaar above 7 years old! you go girl!!!
Dang. I probably could've handled this without the pictures. Now I want to barf.
Sorry, but I'm extremely disgusted... I agree with Manda, I could've handled it without pictures... Eww.
PERFECT! When I want to eat something horrible for myself, I can just look on your webpage and alll those hungrily feelings will just disappear! Thanks for the diet tool!
wow, seriously not a cool post. I understand it's part of a foreign country's culture but to come home and flaunt that you ate a household pet is another thing. how sad.
Oh Anonoymous...if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it...this is Janna's blog and she's free to post what she'd like, whether we like it or not...
AND, on that note, I have to say I likey this post...to me, a dead guinea pig is no grosser than a live guinea pig...I don't like 'em either way...one less guinea pig is like one less snake to me :) Good job...although, with all the small bowl issues, I'm wondering if you really did consume it??? Hmmmm.... :)
oh my the food that they have in different areas what they call normal we consider a bit odd I loved the picture of you all on what looked like a hill very pretty area I am a new follower please come see me at http://shopannies.blogpsot.com
rodent aside, I love the trip! Why and with whom did you travel? Is this a good time of year? one of my dream destinations... tell us more!
I hope your parents never got you a pony....
I tried a bite of dolphin when I was on study abroad in Tanzania. (The locals assured me that they hadn't killed it, but it had been found dead. I'm not sure if this makes it better or worse that I ate it...)
The worst part is that my burning desire for my entire childhood was to be a whale trainer.
In high school I went to Ecuador for Spring break and ate cui. Didn't know what it was, but figured it out by the end of the meal. I had a pet guinea pig at home. I was traumatized.
I think you are awesome!!! It's not like you ate your kid's Guinea Pig!! Although the face would have done me! lol! And I am with Donna-genius way to NEVER have to get a rodent pet!!!
I'm so sad you didn't tell us how it tasted. I've heard they are a fabulous thing for self-sufficient homesteaders to raise -- they reproduce quickly and can go from cage to plate in 20 minutes. How do I know if I want to try it if I don't know how yummy it was?!
That is hilarious
omg. i used to have one as a pet...her name was petunia. lol.
in other news, i just happen to work with a guy from peru...and i yelled at him for this. he says he's never eaten one himself but, in my mind, he's guilty by association. ;o)
Next time please warn viewers whent there will be distrubing pictures. gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm surprised people acted that way about it. So, how was it?
So, what do they taste like?
Cuy(Peruvian Ginnea Pig)Recipe:
3 or 4 cuys
50 grams of ground toasted corn, or cornmeal
2 kilos of parboiled potatoes, cut in slices
8 cloves of garlic
6 fresh hot peppers, either red or yellow
½ cup oil
½ cup water
salt, pepper and cumin to taste
ha, ha, ha! When I went to Peru, I looked at local restaurants for guinea pig, and couldn't find a "restaurant" if you can call these hole in the wall places restaurants that served it. Darn it. I wanted to be the one with a cool story of my travels in South America...
Psh...don't listen to those bus stop ladies who are just jealous they are not as awesome as you and didn't get to go to Peru or even get to try guinea pig!
Wow! I can't believe they actually left the head on. You really are amazing.
Why do you think people would be interested to hear you ate a guinea pig? Would you be interested to hear I ate a rabbit last night? No? Then why should anyone care what you consume? Or are you just such a fascinating person you think people will want to know all about your eating habits?
How come every time I do a google search for info about guinea pigs I'm confronted by pictures of them roasted? Really pisses me off. Wish idiots like you would stop posting pictures of your dinner and thinking it makes you cool.
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