June 26, 2011

Vacation Bible School

My church does a lot of things well. In my opinion, one thing that it is missing is Vacation Bible School. For this, I have to outsource.

Last week, my kids joined half our neighborhood at VBS at a local church. At Monday's pickup, one of my neighbors volunteered to drop off all of my kids for the rest of the week.

"It doesn't make sense for both of us to drive," she pointed out.

This was a very generous offer and one that seemed like a good idea, except for the fact that the neighbor in question drives a two-seater convertible.

"Would you like me to take your daughter to VBS this week?" I sighed.

"That would be great."

On Tuesday, my kids came home with a cross made out of sugar cubes and a CD of Bible songs. They suggested that our church's version of "How Great Thou Art" would be much improved if it was set to drums. After listening to the CD, I must admit that I agree.

After VBS on Wednesday, I took the kids to a fast food restaurant for lunch. The man behind the counter looked at my kids--who were wearing matching VBS t-shirts--and then at me. "Haven't you figured out where those things come from yet?" he asked, gesturing to my offspring.

I almost lunged across the counter.

My daughter grabbed my arm just in time. "Jesus is watching you 24/7," she whispered.

At that point, I had listened to the CD approximately 4,000 times. "I think it's "Jesus is watching OVER you 24/7," I whispered back. The man behind the counter missed my two year-old during his first headcount.

"Wowzers!" he exclaimed. "I missed one!" I felt like Michelle Duggar.

My daughter shook her head. "No, Jesus watches you all the time, even when you sleep. He's totally watching you right now."

That was just what I wanted to hear at that moment. "Rats," I said and swallowed the words that desperately wanted to come out.

On Thursday morning, one of the coveted VBS t-shirts went missing. Cortlen destroyed the house looking for it and cried all the way to the church. When everyone got out of the car in the church parking lot, I noticed that my daughter was wearing a VBS t-shirt with her brother's name tag on it.

"You're wearing Cortlen's shirt!" I shrieked. "Where's yours?" She looked a little scared when she admitted that she had no clue.

I had to hold the hyena off.

VBS ended on a positive note. There was an accident on the freeway and despite leaving my house 30 minutes before showtime, I missed most of the end-of-the week concert. I also missed Kellen cutting his face out of his group picture.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"I wasn't smiling," he replied. "And it makes it seem like I didn't have a good time. And I did."

All's well that ends well.


happyfamily said...

That's great. I think our church lacks vbs as well. Or vbofms, or whatever.
Are you in the primary presidency? If not, I'm sure that you could volunteer for it and get the fun job of vbofms coordinator! It's almost as good as girl's camp director!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! my kids did the VBS thing here in Cali as well. I do tend agree that the LDS church needs to hype it up a wee bit when it comes to the programs for kids! heck, lets get them excited about GOD! good grief, we don't always have to sit still and quiet and be bored off our rockers. (and that version of "How great thou art" is amazing!)

Blythe said...

I was never a VBS kid, as my family is not religious at all, but it certainly sounds like quite the experience-- I'm glad the kids enjoyed it, and I hope Camber survived the shirt-stealing incident!

Unknown said...

DArling share. Love the cutout pics. VBS is great for everyone ... doesn't matter the church, just the message.

Have a beautiful week ~

Amy. said...

Ours is coming up in 18 days! At this point in the game, we usually have things set up and ready to go and smooth sailing from here on out but our associate pastor and his wife are the coordinators this year and...well, I better keep my mouth shut 'cause God is watching ;)

If there is a shirt with "I survived VBS" on it, it was made for ME!

Mal said...

Did the guy over the counter really say that? What is the deal with people? You should have just asked him if he planned on working at a fast food place for the rest of his life.

Sara said...

Ha! We're Catholic and my parents outsourced VBS also. Our Catholic VBS was really boring....loved the post!

Arlee said...

I miss VBS days! My kids are too old now, but they had a lot fun when then went.

Bonnie@TheFragileXFiles said...

I think my kids went to the same VBS (the same themed VBS, anyway) as yours. We listen to the CD too. Yes, Jesus is watching, 24/7......and He's Wild! He's Wild! God is wild about us!

Lynn said...

The correct response to that question is, "Yes, and we quite enjoy making them!"

Nicole Leigh Shaw said...

I love VBS. My 6yo just fiished PandaMania, too. Loved it. And I'm always moved to tears at the final performance. God is great!

Misty said...

I'm thinking that you should have told the guy behind the counter that your older 4 were at home with the twins, because they were too old and young for VBS! Love the comment asking if he planned to work at a fast food joint!

BeckyB.West said...

I've been asked this on several occasions when I'm out with my 3 daughters. I think the response that gets the best results is, "Yes, I know how this happens. And I like it so much, I'll probably have a dozen."

Courtney Colver said...

I read your blog posts to my husband sometimes, but he doesn't think they are as hilarious as I think they are. But when I showed some to my Mom when she was visiting, she thought they were really funny. Maybe it's a Mom thing. In any case, I sure love your blog!

Mom of 12 said...

I'm with you on the weird looks from people who just don't understand big families. Last time we visited the west coast people on the freeway would actually flip us off after they saw the dozen little kid pics on the back of my 15 passenger van. Some people just don't get it...

Emily Heizer Photography said...

I"m not LDS and spent all of my growing up years in Vacation Bible School. I hated going to church, but I loved that. And it was all day, too! lol I also did sleep away camp for bible school camp. I liked it!

Ruth said...

There used to be a three-day Primary camp for the 8-12s in this area, but now it is down to one morning. Too bad because my kids have also enjoyed VBS and wouldn't it be great to do one LDS-style!
(Maybe the lack has to do with insurance...)

Kristina said...

My kids just finished VBS as well. They brought me home some lovely trivets for my kitchen and some glass lanterns (complete with candles) made from jars.

Bek said...

I grew up as LDS in rural Tennessee. It was VBS all the time. I loved it!! Wish I could send my kids. This post had me laughing out loud. Btw.. The music is more fun with drums. :-)

Q said...

I grew up LDS and never knew what VBS was until I moved to the "south" in highschool. I'm not sure I would have liked it so much.

Laurie said...

I am rolling...once again!! Our church does VBS VERY well, but this year decided to cut it (grrrr!), so we outsourced too. Last night was the first night. On the way home my daughter says, "Mom, what is hell?" My husband and I just looked at each other (being a family that tends to concentrate much more on heaven), and he said, "Well, it IS a Baptist church!" Ha!!

grateful4babies said...

Sounds like you all did the same VBS theme as us. Was it Pandamania? I love that version of they hymn too.

Kelly said...

I was just exposed to VBS for the first time. I am still a bit traumatized.

Anonymous said...

Haha... this brings up many memories for me. With 6 kids, my mom outsourced- all summer. We went to every camp within a 25 mile radius. It didn't matter the church denomination- we were there. One summer she finally realized we probably had been one too many when she tried to register us for another one, but it was entirely in chinese!


The Mommy Therapy said...

VBS! Truly the answer to summer with smaller kids.

Sounds like a big success with your crew!

Unknown said...

Pandamania rocks!

Evelyn said...

I get that kind of remark all the time. Drives me nuts. I have 5 kids. The children's librarian asked me last summer if the kids were my daycare group. I've been told that I have a great gig as a babysitter. I've been given the thumbs-up from men. And when people see my twins, they have the nerve to ask me how they were conceived! What is it with people?!

Rocket Ma'am said...

My favorite responses to the "Don't you know what causes that" question (which the asker always thinks is oh-so-witty) is to look them dead in the eye and say either "Yes. And I LOVE it." or to shrug and say "At least it pays the bills."
What? They asked an intensely personal and insulting question. It's only fair to turn the tables on them a little.

~she~ said...

Oh, it makes my blood boil when people make snide comments regarding what brings children and what to do to get them to stop coming. (I have 4.) It's not cute. It's not funny. It's rude and it's crude. Get a life!

~she~ said...

Oh, it makes my blood boil when people make snide comments regarding what brings children and what to do to get them to stop coming. (I have 4.) It's not cute. It's not funny. It's rude and it's crude. Get a life!

Vicki said...

Our church did the same VBS and I was in charge of the preschoolers...24 preschoolers and 5 helpers. OMG. And the songs were stuck in our heads. I had to laugh at the "God is watching you" because I said the same thing...and my SIL reminded me of the "over" part. Oh yeah. He's wild! He's wild! The kids singing always makes me cry too.

runmomma05 said...

Stumbled upon your blog while looking for a blog supporting moms/nurses who work nights...bc that's what I do & struggle quite a bit. The 1st link I clicked on was yours about your horrible night nurse...lol.. I was hooked and read during down time on my past 2 shifts & got to here before I decided to comment. Didn't realize you were LDS too. We had exactly 6 families with young kids in our church til this summer when 3 moved away to the most beautiful Utah...Booo. So now the kids program is all but nonexistent. I also outsourced for VBS as well as the weekly KREW (Kids Really Excited about Worship) at the Methodist Church where my 4 babies LOOOOVE hanging out with friends and learning about Jesus. Got all but cursed out once the Relief Soc Pres caught wind of this apparently horrendous sin. ...since when are we denominational snobs?!?! I'm so frustrated as well as relieved to hear you did the same thing bc I'm an outcast here in good ol' SC. Religion has become so popular at our house ever since the kids discovered church can be fun. I really wish our church would incorporate some of this into our kids programs. My children are so excited to go to the UMC...they have fun & actually talk about what they have learned throughout the week. My husband and I enjoy the services too....ugghhh...decisions..

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