October 7, 2011

Shabby Apple Teacher's Pet Skirt Giveaway

Living in Orlando, seasons are kind of a foreign concept. But from what I vaguely recollect from my years in Philadelphia, it's now Fall. And time for a new wardrobe!

Shabby Apple just launched a new line--like yesterday--and here are some of my favorites:

Don't worry--the horse isn't included.

Shabby Apple's newest line comes right on the heels of Academia:

Everyone loves a hot librarian.

Now it's your turn to uncover your inner sexiness. I'm pleased to announce that Shabby Apple is giving away a Teacher's Pet Skirt to one lucky reader of this blog!

So cute, huh? I'm also a big fan of the dress version of this skirt.

Want a chance to win? Complicated contest rules drive me bananas. All you have to do for this one is leave a comment below. Contest starts now and ends at midnight EST Wednesday, October 12.

Don't want to wait? Enter the following coupon code at checkout for 10% off right now: meanestmom10off

Good Luck!


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jes said...

I'm a teacher. I need a new skirt . . .

Julie said...

Hope I win!!!

Jessica said...

Pick me!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and I would love to win this skirt!

-Chloe :)

The Richardson's said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

sjmoore82 at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

I can't wait to win! :-D

Tammy said...

I'm a sexy librarian and used to be a teacher:)

Jessica Smith said...

Ooh so cute! I'd love to win!

jaywalker said...


Aarika said...

Shabby Apple is really keen.

Mal said...

Hey, I'll take it!

Zoƫ said...

Love the skirt and love the blog!

Anonymous said...

Love the skirt and I teach first grade!

Kristen said...

The new line is beautiful! If I win, I promise to keep my 4 kids from using that beautiful skirt as a tissue while I'm wearing it. Actually, I probably shouldn't have such lofty and unattainable goals...I promise to wash it after they do.
Kuffens at yahoo dot com

Cassie said...

Love the skirt!!

Kristin said...

I'm a teacher in need of new "professional" clothes.

cindy baldwin said...


Liza A Martin said...

I LOVE SHABBY APPLE! lizaanne at hotmail dot com

Amy @ Run Mom Run said...

I love shabby apple!!

rebecca said...

So cute! And thanks for the simple entry rules!

Caro said...

Love that skirt!

The Kolste Family said...

I want it!!!

Blythe said...

I would love to win it, not only because it's a LOVELY skirt, but because I first read the skirt name as "teacher's pet skirt"... as in, the skirt is the LITERAL pet of the teacher. Rather like a hamster.

I was so confused. I now see this is not the case at all.

Amy said...

The girl in the first three pictures? My very next door neighbor. Beautiful!

Josh and Anna said...

Their clothes are darling! Hope I win:)

Granted By Tiffany said...

Adorable! Love the skirt & your stories!

Courtney said...

I was a teacher's pet, but haven't had a cute new skirt in a while- pick me!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, pick me! I'm studying to be a librarian and definitely need a new skirt.... :)

Felicity said...

I could really use a new skirt, even though I left teaching a few years ago.

wjmom said...

Please choose me!

Christine said...

Love your blog. Read it regularly. You make me giggle which is SO important for a mom, I'm sure you know.

Becki said...


Kylee said...

Oh that is so cute!!

appleja said...

Love the skirt! My first graders would love it.

Ruth M said...

Love the skirt. Love your blog. Love that my kids are not the only crazy ones out there.

Rachel C said...

Love it! Thanks for the giveaway :)
rach62803@yahoo dot com

Kim said...

I love that skirt!

Unknown said...

Desperate to win. PLEASE!

Des said...

What a fun skirt! I definitely need new clothes! :)

Catherine said...

Adorable skirt!! Love your blog!!

Chelcie said...

I'm in academia and need teaching/presenting clothes that aren't jeans!!

Hillary said...

I love the lost at sea skirt. Very cute.

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

Oh I think that could finally make people believe I don't have horns even though I am running for town tax collector :)

Kris said...

Oh, how my currently pregnant body wants to see my eventually not pregnant self wear this someday.

Kelsey said...

I would LOVE to win a new skirt!! I could always use new dress clothes for work :) Fingers crossed I win!!

Karen said...

Very cute! Here's hoping...!

Christy said...

Cute skirt!

Elise said...

Would love to win this!!


Tianna said...

I'd love a new skirt!

NaDell said...

Glad for the simple rules. ;)

D Jeff Allen said...

OH how I love Shabby Apple!!! I would wear it every day for a week if I win!

Amy said...

Shabby Apple Rocks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Best giveaway ever!

BeckyB.West said...

I need to throw out my skirts from high school. Wow, that is sad! My wardrobe is screaming for something new and cute like this. I'd love to be picked!

Francie said...

pick me pick me!!

child of the universe said...

I want to look like I'm trying to look like a hot librarian...

MissMel said...

I will pet the skirt if I win....I'm a teacher!

Anonymous said...

very nice! I wouldn't mind if the horse did come with it :D

alyssa said...

I've got senioritis, and I think that teacher's pet skirt is the only cure

The Rowley's said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! Love the skirt!

Anonymous said...

love it!

Allyson said...

Beautiful skirt! Love this company.

sara said...

Oh me me! And thank you for the uncomplicated entering instructions.

Alison said...

I love Shabby Apple! Don't actually own anything from there b/c I'm a SAHM that doesn't ever have a lot to dress nicely for but still, I love to drool over their website.

Amanda said...

I just went back to work and this would be perfect!

Jules said...

Jana- you are hilarious and inspirational at the same time!

Alyssa said...

I just had a baby and am none of my chothes fit. A new skirt would be fabulous!

Stacey said...

It'd be great to win! It's so hard finding a nice, modest dress these days!

Anonymous said...

me me me please I can't seem to get blogger to sign me in as me so my contact info is kbfox at msn dot com.

Tracy said...

Love that skirt!

Anne said...

What a lovely skirt!

Cecilotta said...

Love it! And since I teach my kids at home, I clearly need something pretty to help keep whatever shreds of sanity I've still got going on!

Nicole said...

I'd love one!

Church Mouse said...

Love the skirt!

Jack said...

Awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!

cabesh said...

Shabby Apple! LOVE them!

Arly said...

Love it! Love Shabby Apple!

Gina said...

I want to win so badly it makes my teeth hurt.

Anonymous said...

Such a cute skirt!

Lauren said...

I love that skirt!

Mum on the Run said...

Oooh - sweet skirt.

Amy said...

Love the skirt! I'm up at school so often, I feel like a teacher! ;)

Sarah Rae said...

Who doesn't need a new skirt?

Kimberly said...

Very cute!!!!

The Andreasens said...

I'm friends with your little sister Amy- she's the best. She's throwing me a baby shower next weekend:) This skirt (hopefully) will look great on me when I'm doing impersonating a young killer whale (I'm 35 weeks pregnant). Love your blog!

Kayla said...

I wish I get a skirt like that!

Missy said...

Pick me!

Crazy but Happy, Mommy Heather said...

So adorable!

Jaime said...

This skirt would be great - I need to liven up my wardrobe for sure!
jaimecoupons16 at gmail dot com

Jenn said...

Love your blog and love shabby apple:)

Asher and Amy said...

I love the dresses, great new line up. I will be checking out both websites. Thanks. My wardrobe could use an update.

Alecia Berman-Dry said...

I've been breastfeeding, on an allergy-free diet because my son has quite a few, and thus...my clothes don't fit. People keep telling me how great i look, and i want to say, "I'm not going to stay this way people!" I would like to look good because my skirt is so cute instead!

jysika said...

Super cute! I get charged ridiculous fees at the border when I order from Shabby Apple so I haven't been buying things when I so desperately want to!

Anonymous said...

Oooo, love, love, love!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Melanie Herndon said...

WOW! Wish I were a size 8 but my sister is! Skirt would be all hers if I win! Thanks!

Unknown said...

love your blog, love this skirt . . .

and I'm with you contest rules are the WORST!

Tamar said...


Anonymous said...

I want to win!

Amy said...

Love Shabby Apple. Thanks
amo72 at ymail dot com

Alyson said...

So cute. I love shabby apple!

Leanna said...

Count me in.

Mandy Bird said...

I'd love to win!!!

KatieLynn81 said...

Cute line! And I, for one, wouldn't mind the horse either ;)

Bryan & Suzanne said...

Love it!! (and you!) :)

Kaylee Snyder said...

I'm a new teacher. Pick me!

Shelli said...

Oooh, would love to have a new pretty skirt!

Michal and Brandon said...

pick me!

Meg K said...

Wow! This is great! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Kate and Wes said...

I'd love a new fall skirt!

Em said...

I love fall clothes!

Xuan said...

All the outfits look adorable.

Melanie said...

So cute! I hope I win!

Joslin @ Just Batty said...

I could definitely use some new dress wear, please random selector chose me!

Brie said...

Love it and your blog!! Thanks for the chance to win!

MommaBear07 said...

I'm almost a teacher and new mom, I totally need this skirt :)

Beth said...

I'm a teacher too and I just love this skirt :) And you blog is always a must-read, it keeps me laughing!

Katie said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love Shabby Apple.

Stacey said...

Yes! I hate complicated giveaway rules too! Love the skirt! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Cara said...

I would love it!

Cara said...

I would love it!

Kristin said...

Would love to win!

Hilary said...

Love the new line! The primary girls at church have commented on the lack of variety in my church wardrobe, so I'm sure they will be very grateful if I win.

Unknown said...

I need a new skirt so badly.

Charmaine said...

That is a really cute skirt. I love Shabby Apple. Thanks for the contest.

Deveny said...

Dang, I was only going to be IF the horse was included. :)

Megan said...

pick me!

Anonymous said...

I will enter. I will most likely not win! but thats ok, cuz I love your blog and would be reading it anyway, even if you didn't do giveaways.

Alison said...

I love Shabby Apple!

Nicole said...


Nicole said...


Emily said...

Complicated rules drive me crazy too. Love the skirt - I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I am said...

Like it! and Love your blog!


I'm a teacher and I LOVE those skirts. SO cute!!! Thanks for the chance to win=)

coloradomillers at msn dot com

Mama's Boys said...

Maybe winning this skirt will help me feel like I'm back in school--you know, back when life was simple--5 children ago. . . :-)


Miss Ellaneous said...

I'm a teacher's pet! This skirt was made for me.

eliana23 said...

Do you want me to spend all my money? Thanks for the view of the good new stuff. Let me win.

Chrissy Jo said...

Love it! I want it. Thanks for making me laugh almost every day. :-)

Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

I never win these things, but here goes nothing!

Tami said...

Cute skirt!

Anonymous said...

I too love your blog, in fact of the many "mom blogs" I started reading yours is the only one I have continued to have sent to my email. You are witty, honest and a great role model for wanna be mom bloggers (myself included).

You are doing a great job managing the addition of advertising to your blog.

Thanks (I hope I win!).


Lauren Gardner said...

Aw darn! I wanted to horse to come with it! :) I am a devoted follower! I hope I win so I can finally look stylin. :)

Emily said...

So adorable! Thanks for the chance!

The Charters said...

I love it!!!! Pick me, Pick me!

E said...

love it!!!

Julia said...

I love nautical themes! So lovely!


JenSwen said...

Shabby Apple is the best!

Amelia said...

I hope I win! :-)

zoe said...

Love this skirt!

Megan said...

I LOVE Shabby Apple, and I love your blog and I love that skirt!

princess jen said...

very cute :) I'm a teacher too!!

Kayla said...

I love Shabby Apple. I've bought 2 dresses from them, but would love to add more! Hope I win.

Beth Vidrine said...

Love the skirt!!

Christie Rotondo said...

That skirt is absolutely adorable. I'm in love!

Laurie Shows said...

Love it! Oh, & Oct 12th is my birthday....just sayin';)

Carr Family said...

Super Cute

Tris-star said...

Love shabby apple!

Nancy said...

My daughter would love this!

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing...

Marion OH

Elizabeth said...

I totally need a new skirt! Love it!

Emily said...

I am a sucker for navy and white (seriously, it's like an obsession) and I want that skirt so badly! You're the coolest, man.

jakeandlacey said...

Cute skirt! Love your blog, love shabby apple :

A mother heart said...

love shappy apple!

Shannon said...

Super cute skirt! Fingers crossed.........

Alea said...

Love the skirt. LOVE your blog!!

HeidyZane said...

I'm student teaching and those raggamuffin kids would take me so much more seriously in that skirt!

Emily Robison said...

woohoo! I would love to win!

danielle said...

Funny how winning a skirt got more comments in the first 24 hours than winning a gift card for a deserving teacher did during the entire contest :) I'd love the skirt, though, if I can't win the gift card for the teacher.

smoore said...

teacher skirt?!! please oh please?? me likey :)

Anonymous said...

That skirt is so cute! Your blog is so fun to read!
Susan - susansbarn@yahoo.com

Karen said...

I have 0 skirts - I'd love to win one.

Nancy said...

Totally cute! I need one so on the off chance I get to go on a date away from my 2 crazies I can look HOT! Pick me!

Becky said...

I love Shabby Apple - would be awesome to win!

jjoan said...

It should be my time!

ColleenandKendra said...

I totally love that skirt. And I AM a teacher! How cool would that be to win??? Here's hopin'! And I LOVE Shabby Apple...never have gotten anything from them but die a little over their stuff all the time. :-)

Kimberly said...

Crossing my fingers!

Kimberly Rose said...

Simple rules are the best! Here's hoping . . .

kimberlyo451 (at) gmail (dot) com

DandB said...

As a teacher, I could use a teacher skirt!

Ali and Ty said...

yay i need a new skirt and i love shabby apple!

kcobb said...

Love it!

swtelford said...

Love Shabby Apple!!

Nikki said...

I knew being the Teacher's Pet would pay off someday! :) Pick me random selector, pick me!

macy robertson said...

you make me laugh

amy said...

lovely skirt...lovely blog :)

Susi said...

I'm a teacher in need of a skirt, too!

Andrea H said...

I'm a shabby teacher in need of a makeover....a new skirt would definitely help!

kaycee said...

love Shabby Apple!

Steffani said...

SOOOOO Stinkin cute!!!!! =)

Mellissa said...

woot! I'm starting to lose the baby weight and could use some new clothes. Here's hoping!

Anonymous said...


KTMD said...

Nice skirt!

cmatthews said...

I NEED this skirt !!!!

Laurie said...

Super cute skirt, count me in.

Amalie said...

SUCH a cute skirt.

carriedavis81 said...

That is sooo cute! It would be the perfect thing to get me over my new job jitters.. :)

k said...

Hoping that the random-comment-chooser chooses me!

Jamie said...

Pick me!

Lee Anne said...

I could always use a new skirt. It's fun & beautiful! Love your blog!

Dana G. said...

Me please!

Julie said...

that skirt is adorable! I hope I win!!

Rachael Spencer said...

I'd love this skirt! Thanks for doing this!

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