I just got word that I am a finalist for Parent & Child Magazine's 2009 Mommy Blogger Awards!
I just about threw up when I got the email. What?! How?! Thank you to whoever nominated me; let yourself be known and I will send you an e-hug. Wow. What an honor!!!
I'm thrilled that this blog is in the running for this award for a number of reasons. I would be lying if I said that I didn't want the pat on the back (who doesn't?!). However, as time has passed, I've come to see The Meanest Mom blog as less the story of me and my life, and more a narrative about US and OUR lives.
When I starting posting tales of my daily adventures last year, I spoke only for myself. As I have learned through the emails you send me and the comments you post, it turns out (whew!!) that I'm not the only one whose days are punctuated with periods that are horrendous/embarrassing/downright awful in the moment, but pretty dang funny in the aftermath.
In short, what I've learned through this writing this blog and reading your responses to it is that what happens in my house happens in your house too. I'm not the only mean mom out there (thank goodness!); there are thousands of us....and we are EVERYWHERE! I am thrilled beyond words that that many mean moms (and dads, aunts, grandmas, and babysitters) have found their way here.
I feel like I'm running for student council all over again (and that's not a particularly good feeling) when I ask you to vote for me, but WILL YOU?
To vote, click HERE.
I've got some stiff competition from some very established and talented bloggers with huge readerships, so I'm going to need the help of ALL of you to get this blog into the top 5 and into the pages of Parent & Child Magazine.
How cool would that be?! Whatever the end result, I feel honored to be in presence of such greatness. Really. These mommy bloggers are amazing.
A horrendous tale of treachery, tantrums, and the side effects of subdividing my basement playroom with masking tape is on the docket for tomorrow.
Today-- please VOTE!
I just posted a link to promote you - I absolutely think you are the coolest ;) Good Luck!
Momma Kiss: I heart you. Thanks so much!
What an awesome honor Jana! Congrats!!
I think you need a button we can all grab and put on our blogs in order to drive votes for you.
That is so cool! Congrats on your nomination!
I like you. So I voted. And guess what?!?! You're winning!!!
I voted! you're winning!
I'm visiting from your ML group! stop by my blog anytime.
Go you! That's so awesome!!
I voted, but I agree that you need a button. I'd love to put one up in my blog!
Yea! You're in the lead :)
I feel honored to vote for you, not only because it's my birthday today, but because you write about everything that goes on in my house/my life too.
You are not only totally winning, you are creaming the crop. 54%. The next closest is only at 21%.
just voted and you are kickin ass... 55% of the votes..
off to twitter the link..and talk to my facebook buds.
Good luck..
Of course I voted for you, you're the best! But I don't think you need to worry, did you see how far in the lead you are??! Good luck........but just incase, just so you know, in my book you are by far the meanest mom ever:)
I voted. Now I want a pat on the back. Maybe I'll call my husband at work. . .
You are totally kicking BUTT!!!!!
Right now you are kickin' some butt. 56% and going strong. Go you!
You've got my vote!
The cool thing about getting the same email--
my whole day got brighter, and I discovered a new-to-me blog: yours!
Nice to meet you!
I just voted for you and your at 55%! Good Luck!
My twitter peeps all checked in. they all voted for you.. but two are gaining on you.. you are down to 49%.. get out there and vote peeps..
You're in the lead (by a mile). At last glance you were at 48%.
I just voted. You totally deserve this.
I voted :)
I'm so pleased! I love your blog, and hope that the voters do as well!
Contrats!!! Your kicking serious blog butt. 45% of the VOTES.
Congratulations on your nomination, you deserve it! I'm on my way to vote now. :)
Voted and will most certainly link you as well.. although I think maybe 3 people read my blog, that's 3 more votes right! LOL
You'll win! :)
Voted! Good luck!
After I voted they showed the results so far. No one can touch you! You are WAY out in front!
I just voted...you're at 42%, the next highest is 25%. Yay!
How cool! I am going to vote after leaving this comment. I thought about you this morning after I was being the meanest mom to my 16 month old. On the way out the door to bring her to school, she wanted to take her push lawnmower that blows bubbles in the car with us, and I would not allow it! (How mean, right?!) She threw a total fit! lol
Just voted and you're winning. YAY!
I voted and right now you are WAY ahead! Woo Hoo!
Thank you so much ladies. We got a long way to go...March 13...and the other blogs on the list are awesome. I'm sure when word trickles out, they'll be rising in the ranks as well. Thanks for your support! I hope that you check out the other 9 finalists as well. They are excellent.
You got my vote! :)
Done. You deserve it. Seriously. I will post a link to promote you as well. You *must* win! lol (no pressure)
Congratulations! That is too cool!
Just Voted!
Yeah, your in first place!! Good luck!!!!
Jana, Congrats on the nomination as well! I love your blog it is so fun and creative! I have spent all day reading it! I could kill the sister that nominated mine! I am not ready for this!
Congratulations Jana! I'm loving your blog. So great to meet you here and on MomLogic. This is so exciting!
Congrats and of course I voted now I am going to check out the other blogs... I need more blogs to read... hahaha.
I don't want you to win. It's bad enough having to share you with 260+ other people.
Jana, you COMPLETELY deserve this!!
You dont deserve this award...you are a cold-heartde witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Anonymous!
Welcome back!
FYI: You misspelled "cold-hearted." And maybe "witch" if you meant it to be something else.
Doesn't Anonymous just prove your Meanest Momness? :D
I mean, I go troll people's blogs all the time because I don't like them. That makes a lot of sense and is a GREAT use of my time. Mmhmm.
Woohoo! You're in the lead! Is it unethical if I vote from every computer in my house? Hmm. . .
Congratulations! How awesome! I'll put a button on my blog too. :-)
Oh Jana, I like you already! I love when women (and moms in particular) are real about life. Keeping up appearances is way overrated. :) Thrilled to be in this fun adventure with you! Congratulations!
I voted...and you are doing great! Congratulations...no matter what happens!!!
Congrats, Girl!!
Voted for you right away...
you deserve it!
anonymous has been on blogger since November of 2006 and only has 126 profile views and no damn blog..
I think we will all jump on her bandwagon.. ha ha ha..
anonymouse is a mean person
First time here and have to say I love the name of your blog (very creative!) and your style! Hope you win
You have my vote. Congratulations on the nomination. Very close race. :)
You got my vote!!! :O)
You rock it girl!
Jana, I just found your site when I went to vote for someone else. Before I voted, I checked out your site, fell in love, and immediately voted for YOU!
I just love your site! It is an instant favorite.
I've also recently joined MomFaves, and I added your site as one of my faves.
Good luck, and keep rawkin' the blog-o-sphere!
Congrats Jana- You'll win by a mile!!
Your blog really resonates with me as a mom of a 6 yr old and 4 yr old and a woman with a chronic disease (my heart). It is a great stress reliever! I am glad you are putting it out there so that I can feel normal about my life :-)
first time commenter and I must saay you are great! To remember these moments and then post them is a gift. The other day my child said a prayer that his mom would not be so mean for not letting him go in the street. Classic, I know! You have hit it on the nose- there needs to be more mean moms out there...congrats on your nom for 2009 bloggers- you deserve it
I voted!! Congrats and good luck! =)
You don't need the award - your site is still funny as anything.
Your blog not only makes me laugh, but feel like I'm not alone! Keep it up! :)
My husband would really like to win the vinyl lettering to use to decorate his Nintendo room with some awesome Nintendo phrases! :) Pick me!
I posted your button on my blog. I also voted for you!
Best Blog EVER! Hands down!
I just voted for you and hope you are in the top 5, that is an amazing accomplishment for such a talented writer as yourself
I just voted for you and hope you are in the top 5, that is an amazing accomplishment for such a talented writer as yourself
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