March 1, 2009


It's SPRING (at least in some states)! In honor of this wonderful season and all that it brings (college basketball tournaments, a month of freak snowstorms in PA, the creepy Easter bunny at the mall), I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY! Get your finger on your "post comment" button ready, because here's what you could win:

* Five hilarious Custom Greeting Cards from Line Upon Line. The perfect way to tell the mean mom in your life how you really feel about her. My mother-in-law is turning 27 again soon. I'll bet you'll never guess which card she'll be getting.

* One Dozen Cake Bites or Cookies (your choice) from The Sweet Tooth Fairy. Available for pickup if you're local (Provo, Utah) or shipped to your door if you're not. Whatever you do, don't get the Double Chocolate Fudge cake bites that were featured on the Rachel Ray show. They taste as gross as they look.

* A designer-inspired Gucci Baby Wipes Case from Mod Mami. This little number makes the plastic Ziploc bag that I'm using for Cameron's stuff look pretty awesome. I am ashamed.

* A one-year subscription to Eliza Magazine. Beautiful clothes, informative articles, interviews with celebs who are not train-wrecks, photos of models wearing fashions that are actually flattering on real women's bodies. Yuck. Who wants that?!

* An ultra-stylish Baby Sling (your choice) from Mod Mum. These puppies are a far cry from the burlap-like nasties that I see around town and, um, maybe own. These slings are so dang cute that it almost makes me want to have another baby. Almost.

* A $20 Gift Certificate to Scribble It. Uber-popular on the West Coast, many of us mean moms on the East have yet to witness the beauty and versatility of vinyl wall art and lettering. I love all her stuff, but I'm especially fond of this design:

I like this quote because it describes my relationship with my children... and my breasts.

Find YOUR life's mantra (and the perfect medium to articulate it) at the Scribble It e-store. In your entry, say what saying/design defines YOU and/or your family.

* An impossibly hip Burp Cloth and Blanket Set of your choosing from Claire and Me. Wait?! No teddy bears swinging from rainbows or pastel jungle prints? This store is everything that is wrong with baby gear these days.

* A stylish Notebook from Claire & Me Designs (print division) embossed with the famous World War II British propaganda slogan.

"Keep Calm and Carry On": Isn't that the truth?!

I like to make things easy! All you have to do to get your mean self entered in this giveaway is to COMMENT ON THIS POST!

If you are:
A) a man and are embarrassed to admit that you want anything other than the cake bites
B) Don't have and don't want a Blogger Account but still want "in," post a comment anonymously and leave your name/alias and email address.

Do you want an extra entry? Share the wealth! Write a post/p.s./footnote on your blog about this giveaway. Make sure to link back and you can go leave another comment!

That's it? Yep-that's it. Deadline is midnight EST on Friday March 6 (that's THIS Friday, slackers). Winners will be chosen at random and will be announced a day or so later.

Good Luck!


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Shannon said...

After my 2 oldest boys finished hugging for 5 minutes I showed them your post with the taped squares and let them know that may be in their future if they don't start getting along. Love your blog!

Beth said...

I LOVE contests! And I love the quote "Cherish the little things" in regards to the girls. I can relate.

Meg Ruth said...

Oooh ooh pick me!

Rachel said...

Ooo, ooo! Pick me, pick me!

Love your blog. I voted for you using every computer in the house (and that's saying a lot). :)

InkMom said...

Will they put "If your kids are cryin' they aren't dead" in vinyl letters? Because that's our motto. Please enter me!

Esther said...

What a great giveaway! So many great things!

Beth said...

I love contests!

Mrs. B said...

Little breasts....for a second I thought I was reading about my sister. Wish I could've been blessed "less"....

The Roberts Rollercoaster RIde said...

i LOVE being a winner. and i'm super good at it. humble and all!

AW Cake! said...

Oooh! Pick me! Pick me!! I love free stuff, I'll proudly admit it. Plus I'm an avid and completely devoted follower. (Does that count for something???) :)

Joel and Sara said...

I do not have kids. I am also not pregnant. But I do have lots of friends who are and as a college student in the expensive East Coast I would love to give them a gift I got for free! HaHa.

Kelly said...

I am always up for something free, so count me in.

Linda said...

Nice! That baby sling looks just plain RAD. Yes, I'm a child of the 80's.

Kara said...

You are so funny! Hope you win your award! You deserve it!

The Queen said...

I so want in.. I so want those gross chocolates..I licked my computer screen when they popped up in front of me and they even tasted good that way..

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun, pick me!

Marissa said...

I Love, Love, Love the Meanest Mom. You are my idol.
Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me!

Simply Complex said...

All those goods look, well, good! I better find a way to rig your random number picker within the week.

Amy from Our Dish said...

I want in! Thank you thank you!

Brooke said...

I love a good contest! :) Great Blog!

Audrey said...

Pick me I need some free baby shower gifts. LOL

Lisa said...

oh gosh - it's all lovely!!

Kasey said...

Nice giveaway. Love your blog!

Denise said...

From one mean mom to another...I could totally use the chocolate.

But, of course, would be happy to win any of your lovely prizes.

And, can I say, it's currently snowing here...and that means snow day...with my six kids.

Did I mention I like chocolate?

photo lady said...

Sign me up. I love giveaways! If I win the vinyl lettering, it's gonna say "Unless there's blood, I don't want to hear about it."
P.S. I am ignoring an "I need to a wipe" to finish this comment.

Housewife Savant said...


D said...

Love me some free stuff! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It really shows how mean you are, with the new pic you put up of Cameron...his face says it all...oh, yeah, I cherished my boobs until i lost a whole cup size after mys were born!!...oh, and extra brownie points...I have voted for your blog 3 times ...

Unknown said...

I laughed so hard at the Cherish comment you left! I used to feel the same way after nursing three kidlets...then I met a GREAT doctor! =-)

Rachel Holloway said...

oooh!!! THIS GIVEAWAY ROCKS THE HOUSE! I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical at first, once I saw you weren't giving away any ugly sweaters. But I got over it...


Amanda said...

What an awesome giveaway! I'm crossing my fingers - I need that kind of madness to dispel our crazy kid madness this month!

Robin said...

I so hope I win! I use my time wisely and figure out what I want my saying to be!

Manda said...

I want the chocolate!

Fosters said...

With my fourth on the way very soon, he will live in hand me downs until his AFTER his mission!!! This is one way to get something for himself! Plus, I don't think there's anything you're giving away I wouldn't want! Pick me, pick me! Good luck on the voting! I've e-mailed all my friends, and some even voted on work computers!!!

Carrie said...

Pick me, Pick me!! I love all of those things, okay so the candy is not an interest (I am one of those people that everyone hates because I hate chocolate).

Shelly Turpin said...

I want in! Sitting in a hospital waiting day after day for open heart surgery for my baby .... and occasionally snorting out loud with mirth from your blog.
Thanks for that!

likeschocolate said...

Yahoo! Pick me and I will share the wealth. We had that freak snow storm here in Atlanta today.

Anonymous said...

You can definitely count me in! What a great giveaway!

Monica said...

Throw my name in the hat please.

Jamey said...

This is great! Enter me please.

Gina said...

Holy best giveaway ever! The comment about your breasts and "Cherish the little things made me giggle.

Gina said...

I linked to your post in my last post, too!

Anonymous said...

Love it all! I'll be that Grandma of four, and I could use a great gift soon (or chocolates for me when they visit!!)

Anonymous said...

Feeling like an extra mean mom today! Please enter me! :)

koreen (aka: winn) said...

I'm mean! I'm mean! I make my son put away his toys and wash his hands before dinner, and not eat chocolate all the time.
Love hearing the new things you guys get up to, and it almost makes me feel normal. :) Almost.
PS: I voted for you.

Lani said...

Wow, those prizes are great... I love the Cherish the Little Things wall art too.. I can see it on my wall with my kids pictures under it. Thanks for hosting this! I'm off to put it on my blog as well..

Theo Fam said...

After a rough day at church today, I need to win this prize!! Oh boy do I hope I win!

Cyndi Barker said...

That card almost made me pee in my pants ....well to be honest, as soon as church is over I am in pj's!

Olivia said...

Your posts always make me laugh. Thank you! And thanks for the contest.

Kimberly and the GA Guinn Triplets said...

Me, Me, Me!

Melanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Triplets07 said...

Love your blog! I like the
"A mother of Boy's works from son up to son down" in the vinyl lettering. So true with 16 month old B/B/B Triplets!!!

Amanda said...

Love all of it. I just found your blog and it reminds me of myself. My 3 oldest kids think I'm the meanest mom since I make them do their own laundry (ages 10,8,7). I figure I have enough laundry to do with the 3 other kiddos I have and my husbands and my clothes-- not to mention I cloth diaper too!

Melanie said...

Love it all! Pick me!

Cari said...

I don't normally do this, but why not - there's a first time for everything. I'm new to your blog, but I adore it! I share with all my friends. Thanks for the laughs!

Anonymous said...

I need that chocolate. And I mean NEED it.


Melanie said...

Here's my second comment because I posted on my blog!! Hope I win!

laurel said...

This is the mother-load of all give aways!! I just discovered your blog a few days ago and have enjoyed many laughs over the week-end as I perused your archives. Good stuff.

Sheans said...

Count me in! I read your blog every day while my kids nap just so I know there are other mean moms out there. So thank you. Your blog is manna from the heavens :)

Bellamarin said...

I am not embarrassed to say this...I want it all! What a super giveaway, as always love your blog!

Hi, my name is Kristal said...

I confess I want to be picked the idea of Gross and Disgusting Double Chocolate Fudge cake bites has me drooling uh erm gagging.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. Your contest is awesome.


justme said...

our family mantra....divide and conquer

Erin said...

My two-year-old just started throwing up! I need a more pleasant surprise.

csvan said...

Such great stuff! I hope I win!

Unknown said...

I'm drooling! Almost makes me want to have another baby, just like you. I miss my baby wearing days. BUT....I have lots of friends who are still having babies, and I could be their BEST FRIEND if I won. I'd keep the chocolates, the wall art, and anything else that doesn't have to do with babies, though!!

Shosh said...

"I like this quote because it describes my relationship with my children... and my breasts."

LOL!!!!!!! Husband is out of town, and he just told me his flight will probably be canceled tomorrow night. i needed a good laugh tonight!

What's the Fancy Dance? said...

Love your blog- I read it everyday and you'd be suprised to know that Scott reads it too. Cute prizes too! I hope I'm lucky enough to win one- I have the worst luck though.

PamalaLauren said...

My daughter says it's snowing here in California. LOL! Too bad she's never been to the snow.

Kimberly said...

Alas, I'm already HAVING another baby, or that sling might make me want one too...

Heidi Noel said...

I have converted a few viewers. It is so fun. Thanks. I feel like we have so much in common. My husband got his masters at CU Boulder and is now working on his PhD in Medieval English Literature.

4handfulls said...

Pick me! I could put any of these items to good use!

mom2mlg said...

While it doesn't compare to the holiday sweater, a prize is a prize. Thanks for offering up such great stuff!

mom2mlg said...

Even though I have the worst luck, I have encouraged my friends to enter with a post on my blog: Mainly I am hoping the bribe, I mean giveaway, will encourage them to read so that we can laugh together.

Zhenya said...

Finally, something to make up to those who missed your holiday sweater giveaway.

Handi Andi said...

Love your blog, and love give aways! Pick me!

Misty said...

Love, love, love the blog

Nikki said...

Faithful commenter and adoring fan in desperate need of a surprize!!!

After hearing my boys fight for 12 hours straight, the boys refusing to nap (thus robbing me of mine) and the youngest falling off the top bunk and landing on an upside down plastic chair (yea - that was a nasty bruise) I could use a good reason to be a mom!!

ps. No new babies in this house so anything not related to the little tikes would be perfect!!

Amy said...

Thanks for a great giveaway, so exciting. If I won the Scribble it, I would choose the Flutter Puff. So cute!

Angela said...

This would be better if you won a teddy bear swinging on a rainbow.

Alisa said...

I love contests! And I love your blog!

Hilary said...

I've been trying for years to win something. . .ANYTHING! Pick me! Pick me!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Oops- just posted on wrong one... now I will go vote for you :) Love this blog, keep it up!

davidkayla716 said...

I love your blog! I also love Duke basketball.

mike and hillary said...

oooooh, good stuff. i love your blog and constantly catch myself laughing out loud as i read it.

Rachel said...

Prizes are almost as good as presents! I already linked to your blog today. Your voting thingy has me interested in another blog (don't worry she isn't beating you).

Unknown said...

I love the "Keep calm and carry on" one. I have a pendant that says that...

Anonymous said...

i read your blog everyday but this is my first comment. i just couldn't pass up the chance to enter the giveaway. i love your blog!


Esther said...

Wow! Lots of great stuff! Love your blog!

SELSA5 said...

Love your blog...would love to win something!

Miss S. said...

Thank you for having this contest. You came up with some incredible prizes too!

M3 said...

Wow weezers. Enter me please. :-)

Stephanie said...

Those are some awesome prizes to win! Though I agree - those fudge cake bites look so awful that I would have to choose them and eat them all just to put them out of their misery. ;-)

Mrs. Falkenberg said...

I love the wall scribbles! I'm pretty sure Hubby would hate them, but that just makes me want them all the more.

Amy said...

Count me in! I've been reading your blog from the beginning...can't get enough of it!

Mia said...

WOW this is a loaded giveaway. I love it! I love the ScribbleIt saying Live..Laugh..Love..

Jeigh said...

I just found your blog about a week ago, and I've been reading it every day. I love it! I definately want to be in the giveaway. I would post a link to you on my blog, but I don't know how, so this will have to do for me.

MSG said...

what GREAT prizes!! and yum chocolate. Love your blog.

Malea said...

Don't give me any of that new baby crap. My husband already took one for the team. I'm in it for the chocolate, vinyl lettering, or notebook. Thanks for the contest.And you have my vote.

aggiemomof2 said...

Great giveaways--thanks!

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't love winning things. =)

Jessica :) said...

Ooh fun! I love giveaways! What a way to bring in March! :) So fun!

Jessica :) said...

In fact, I love giveaways - and blogging - so much that I've shared the "meany wealth" on my very own blog! :)

Erin Crispin said...

I would love to be entered in the contest!

Rachel said...

Kristine said...

Sounds excellent! I want something!!!

btcole said...

What a great giveaway! I'm not a mom, but will be one day!

Anonymous said...

What? a contest for chocolate? Count me in please!! Thx!

melshaw728 said...

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

Kristina said...

As a die hard fan, I posted your blog on my blog to get people to vote for you. You are destined to win, just as I am destined to win on your site...hint...hint:) Thanks for entertaining me in these days of endless diaper changes and bad hair days.

Mothership said...

You are refreshingly irreverent. Thank you and I enjoy your sass!

Anna said...

So I just gotta post? I'm posting!!!

Christy said...

A friend of mine introduced me to your blog and I've been an avid reader ever since. I'd love to be entered in your contest!

Martha said...

I gotta get in on this one! I am a new reader on your blog, but I AM LOVING IT! So good to read a blog that I can relate to...and that helps me see the humor in my life, too!

Steph said...

I love winning things! :)

Lisa said...

It's all about that chocolate. I need it!

Becca said...

Keep calm and carry on, Jana!!!

Christy said...

...and I linked you to my blog!

Jessica said...

I need those treats from the sweet tooth fairy! Ok, I don't NEED but I WANT!

A.k.a. "Mommy" said...

Here's my entry...
I like to put funny little quotes on my blog, and my favorite thus far came out of my 3 year-old:
"Mommy, you are NOT normal!"

Becca said...

A'right--second entry for linking to you on my oh-so-popular blog. *snort* Do I get bonus points if I yell "GO DUKE!!!!!"?

Sherry said...

Well, with over 100 comments, we'll see how this goes. I really want to win something for moms. Not because I am mom or will be one soon, but because I have THREE sisters-in-law who are expecting right now, and I'd love to be able to give something away as a gift. It's not re-gifting if I won it, is it?

Shawna said...

Ok, so I found your blog off someone else's blog which was off someone else's that I read... ;) Anyways, this is one amazing giveaway and I'm so excited! I'm also glad I came across your blog!

Meredith said...

You can give me anything on the list. Thanks!

Lindsey said...

Thanks for the giveaway--you may be a mean mom, but a very generous blog author. :)

I love the cards--"laugh and not pee your pants." Classic.

Jane said...

Regardless of if I win, I loved the great ideas from your contest! I'm sure I will use many of these sites. What I WISH is that you required everyone entering the contest to include a fun site in return! Think of the flood of bounty we would have. As for my contribution, I was going to include a vendor but instead decided to include a fun site instead. It's one where you can make funny faces:

Tris-star said...

Yay for small boobies!!! I hope I win!

Erica said...

Oooh, man, I want to win everything! I hope you pick me!!

Erica said...

I posted on my blog!!

Anonymous said...

As president of the *IBTC, I'd like to thank you for your generosity. And I'd like to win please.

*Itty Bitty Titty Committee

Kacey Nielsen said...

Pick me!!! Cake bites are callin my name. Please let me keep ignoring the voice saying "your baby is almost walking, it's time to lose the belly"!

Christina Weedon said...

Ooooh! Count me in!! I can't pass up a chance to win :o)

Awesome goodies, by the way!

Lesley said...

Love love your blog and I tell all of my friends about it. Does that earn me any brownie points? Please enter me : )

Brooke said...

Love the!

Lisa said...

I absolutely LOVE your blog and I tell everyone I know about it. I admire your cleverness, sass and meanness and I try everyday to be cleverer, sassier, and meaner and follow your example. Please pick me!

Codi said...

OOOH! Like everybody else I definitely want in. I love it all, the contest, your blog, everything. You rock, you mean Mom, you!!

The Other Other Smiths said...

Holy Crap. I want to win. everything looks divine. as always, you put a smile on my face everytime i stop by here. jana - you rock enough butt kissing I hope.

Cam said...

Everyone has so many great ideas on the vinyl lettering... I'll have to think that one over. I love reading your blog, it makes my day- and I totally think you should write a book. Anyways, I'd love to be entered in the drawing- that's one heck of a giveaway! I'm putting a link on my blog right now!

Judy said...

love the title of your blog. i say that to my kids all the time.

count me in!

Momlissa said...

Oh dear, I must have the notebook! Keep calm and carry on - my new mantra!!

Totally Taylor said...

I could really use some chocolate cake bites. Is it wrong to hope I win?

I had to promptly and against my will quit breastfeeding my infant due to a severe kidney infection (I cannot pump. end of story) and my hormones are wacky and when they get like this I contemplate divorce. sigh...

Alisha said...

Holy! That is quite the giveaway! Count me in!

Cam said...

the link has been posted on my blog, so here I am, entering again!

Elizabeth said...

Count me in too! I could use a good win!

Brittany said...

Love your blog!! And would love to win something cute!!

The Davis Family said...

Woo Hoo! I'm in! I love cute stuff ... especially when it's free!

janaemadsen said...

Good Luck everyone

Anne said...

Um, do I get extra points since I'm pregnant with #6 and am extra mean to my kids? PLUS I've given away all my baby stuff (my baby is 6) and really would love some of that cute baby gear... not to mention chocolate to get me through another day... Please?

Bezzant family said...

I so love "be calm and carry on" and "cherish the little things, for one day, you;ll look back and realize they were the big things!"

The Standrings said...

i'd love to be entered in the drawing!

Jess said...

I am far from old and almost pee while laughing at your daily posts. I would love to win one of these fantastic gifts. Fingers crossed...

Anonymous said...

Your blog is the first one I check every single day!
I love to start off with a laugh.
You are an inspiration!

Daffodil Campbell said...

Oh boy - lots of cool stuff ! Consider yourself commented !

Daffodil Campbell said...

....And consider yourself linked !

Kim said...

I love the title of your blog (and your blog)!
My mom had a poem called "The Meanest Mother" hanging in our kitchen growing up. As a teenager I thought the title was a perfect description of my mom and that I'd never be a mean mom. But now that I'm a mom, I totally want to be the "meanest" mom like in that poem because she just loved her children.

Anonymous said...

Love this. Thanks for the chance to win.


Cami said...

Wow. I feel like a major straggler...I'm the 156th comment! I would love to say something to make you laugh as hard as you make ME laugh, but....I can't. It's late here in Utah and I'm just too darn tired. What made you decide to write on a weekend, anyway? You NEVER write on weekends. That being said, why do I always check to see if you do? Lol! Count me in!

Michelle said...

Oooohhhh, there are some awesome things here! Sweet giveaway! Thanks!

Elizabeth said...

Definitely want to win something. I live close to Provo/Orem AND I am friends with the brother/sister-in-law of the owner of "The Sweet Tooth Fairy". Her cake bites are fabulous!!!!!
I would Love to win ANY of these fun prizes!!!! I'll also post on my blog for the extra entry! FUN GOOD TIMES! said...

Whew Wee, what a GREAT giveaway...and cute blog! Thanks for the chance, I'll be back!

Jamie :-)

Maree said...

WOW! The contest brings out blurkers like nothing else--must be the great prizes. I hope I win! I'd choose the amazingly funny cards OR the vinyl lettering (I'll be thinking of the perfect phrase).

Voted for you--more than once.

Alexis said...

ooo - you've successfully lured me out of hiding. yes to cake! and btw, i love your blog. ^_^

Anonymous said...

This stay-at-home dad would love the cookie bites and the ScribbleIt prize!

Thanks for the laughs and the fun giveaways.

Christina said...

I want (all of) that.

Leigh said...

Pick me! :) This all looks great!

Emily in Wonderland said...



I'd love it ALL!

I am flying to Utah tomorrow to visit my girlfriend and her 3.5 (one is in womb without a view)adorable bratlings (like ducklings, but.. NOT) and I ordered her to take us all to the Sweet Tooth Fairy's to jack her kids up on sugar. SCORE!

Jen said...

Great giveaway! I mentioned it in my blog this morning too!

Loonstruck said...

I am a mean mom. I won't let my kid stay home by himself while I go to church. He has to eat a piece of fruit before he can have a second helping of cereal at breakfast. And the other day, I made him take a shower. He's bemoaning his luck to anyone who will listen.

Merks said...

me! especially since it's my bday on march 5!!!

Unknown said...

What a great bunch of goodies you have! The only time I've won anything in 31 years, my mom had entered my name without my knowledge. I'd ask her to comment on my behalf here in the hopes of repeat success, but that would mean admitting that the mom of her grandbabies finds your blog wonderfully irreverent, inspiring, and hilarious... and I just don't have the energy for that conversation, so we'll be keeping this on the down-low. ;)

Aliceson said...

I can't get past the Double Chocolate Fudge cakes. Yum!

Vanessa said...

I'd love a treat!!

Vanessa in Canada

Our family said...

My second baby is due in June and that sling looks awesome! Pick me! :)

My Precious Peanut Designs said...

Love your blog!! Thanks for the chance at this Fabulous giveaway!!

Jookylover said...

You must know some very talented people cause all of these items are fantastic.

echoeve said...

I do enjoy a good contest, and I love to win.

thanks for the chance

LisaDuvall said...

Awesome giveaway...enough to bring me out of lurkdom!


What and awesome give away!
Count me in!

Unknown said...

You make being a mom so much fun! Thanks for being here for us all!

Anonymous said...

I'm totally lovin' the sling and those just horrible looking cake bites. I mean, really, I can't imagine why Rachael Ray would have those on her show. I love your blog! Oh, yeah, and I want a present ; )

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Kate @ Our Best Bites said...

Hahahaha, " describes my relationship with my children...and my breasts!" I feel very much the same way!

Anyway, your blog brightens my day!

Mimi N said...

For the cards, I know a few moms who need to know exactly what I think of them, the desserts look like they could be deadly which is good for a mean mom, I know 2 moms about to pop w/ baby #2, I have zero fashion sense and don't need runway models telling me how to do it when I don't weigh 92 lbs sopping wet, and would love to "Scribble" all over my house like my son did when he was 2 (only in the adult version).

Mimi B

mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com

Just another Young Mom said...

I have a ton of snow outdie my house and my kids a begging to go out side but mommy likes it inside where its warm and she can read her daily "make me feel better about myslef" blog with all the other mean I never turn down free stuff with a new baby on the way!

Zachritz Family said...

I would love to win something! ;)

Julia said...

Love your blog! After having 5 kids, I can relate to so many of your stories. My youngest is 15 and the only one left at home now. He says I'm so mean because I had all of the others to practice on. They say he's got it waaay easier than they ever did!

Amy said...

Wow, what riches! I would so love to win. Pick me!

Unknown said...

I love that little notebook! Very cool giveaway stuff. Love your comments on all of them.
Would love to say I'll link you to my blog, but in all honesty, I'll probably forget. It's Monday. It's my lazy day.

Jennifer said...

I hope it's not too late to get in! LOVE the blog. Thanks for making me laugh, and realize I'm not alone in this.

Jamie said...

wow, what an awesome contest! You rock!

Jennifer said...

Oh, I also posted a link in my blog!

Kimberly said...

Doooooood...I totally want all of that stuff. Pick me, pick me, oh random number generator!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

this contest is incredible!

Anonymous said...

I want in on this one!
(hand waving madly in the air)

mmwoloszyn "at" hotmail "dot" com

I'm Heather said...

Love your blog, and REALLY love this contest!


Lindsey T said...

I want in! I love your blog btw, it's awesome!

Brownie Troop 157 said...

Great blog! Please enter me in the contest! What fun!

Jessica Brown said...

I need vinyl, I need chocolate, I need to keep calm and carry on. Another cursed "snow day" here in the south.

The Lemmings' Family said...

Count me!

brenda in seattle said...

Cool stuff!

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