"Hurry up!" I said. "Get dressed! We're going to be late for church!"
Nothing gets past my three.
"Hey," whined Kellen. "It's not Sunday. It's Friday!"
Ultimately, two out of the three took the news in stride. The third: not so much.
"This is the worstest day ever," cried Cortlen as he put on his sweater.
"April Fools!" my husband shouted after snapping the picture.
It took a few seconds for the message to sink in, but once it did, the sun came out and all was right in the world again.
The day is still young and I'm looking for ideas. What's your favorite April Fools prank?
Too funny - I wish I would have though of that!
I shoved raisins up the toothpaste tube and they thought they had squirted out bugs. I put food coloring in the bottom of their cereal bowls and covered it with cereal so they had colored milk and my husband covered the older two in stickers while they slept and they thought it was their little brother.
I have still got one more little trick - I am making meatloaf cupcakes and putting colored mashed potatoes on top - I hope they really fall for that one!
It's so fun to trick your kids!
Haha what a great idea!
My favorite prank wasn't one that I did but a co-worker of mine. He put a sign on the elevator that said "out of order" and proceeded to watch from his desk as people huffed and puffed coming up the three flights of stairs complaining all the way. Even the office manager called the elevator repair people to come check it out! Only after they determined it was working did the manager send out an email telling everyone that it was working. They never did find out who did it!! I can't wait to see what he has in store for today..
awesome!! I am making fish sticks and peas. peas out of green air heads and fish sticks out of sugar wafers covered in peanut butter, then rolled in crushed cereal.
I have went and pulled weeds from the yard and put them on paper plates and put a salad in front of the kids for lunch. I even let them pick their own salad dressing. They complain about the salad and think that I am crazy. I tell them that we are going to start eating healtly now. Pretty soon the pizza that I ordered is delivered!
That's funny! Last April Fools I told mine I was pregnant. They fell for it hook line and sinker. I still have to think of one for this year.
We like to take treats to our neighbors. On April 1st we make chocolate covered marshmallows - but most of them are actually chocolate covered cotton balls. Big mouthfull of stringy cotton - Yum!!
Try these: http://jas.familyfun.go.com/recipefinder/display?id=50154
Totally hilarious.
wait, it's friday?!
Oh thats a good one you did on your kids.
Last year I called my mom to tell her we were moving to the middle of no where in Alaska, see we lived in Washington state at that time right next door to her, and living in a cabin and we were going to reverse my tubal and have at least 6 more kids.
My mom started crying and asking if we were joining a hippie commune! I went along with it for about 15 minutes then finally told April Fools!
Needless to say last June we moved to Fairbanks Alaska which is close to the middle of no where except for the fact that we have a Wal*Mart. No more kids though, but we did get a dog lol!
I'm a computer lab teacher (K-8) and I love popping off two keys from each keyboard...and switching them! I usually assign some sort of "typing" assignment, and wait for the shrieks as each student finds their "broken" keys. "I'm pushing the E, but it keeps making an R!!!" The key is to switch different keys on each keyboard. I tried it on first graders this year for the first time... they were hilarious. (I tell them I have a special tool to make it work, so they don't try it at home.)
HA! That is great. I'm going to have to check your comments all day long to get ideas.
Check my blog in a little bit... I gave my kids "Playdough" for snack! Recipe included....
I did a few other tricks too... told them they were late for school, it's snowing, etc... I was looking for other ideas... your readers are creative!! Thanks!
What I didn't like is my friend calling me at 7am this morning to tell me her sister was in a terrible car accident and needed my help. hmmmm not funny... at all
Cute and VERY clever! I have posted pictures of the tricks we pulled this morning and as you say...the day is still young!
This morning, I handed my 10 year old the car keys and she was driving everyone to school today. Her younger siblings and her were arguing with me that she wasn't 16 yet and I said "Yeah, but she has to learn sometime!" They had no idea I was joking until I said "April Fools"!
I have a friend that hid all the spoons and took all the cereal out of the boxes. I thought that was cute :)
I just blogged an ultrasound pic and announced our fifth pregnancy after a failed vasectomy. I'm sure most will catch on, but have a feeling some family member will fall for it. No more babies here :)
I have a friend at work that is pregnant. I of course have a 7 month old son and am NOT want more kids for a couple years. I bought a pregnancy test and my friend at work is going to take it for me, and I'm coming home to show hubby! He'll hate me after this! Haha.
I called my husband to tell him the family dog was dead, then called my dad and said the playhouse he spent about 20 hours assembling had blown over and broken.
The day's still young; many more pranks are on the way.
I literally LOL at your son's face. That would sooooo be my 8 year old given the same news. I made him cry by telling him he was an hour late for school though-ha-what a fun mom (forgot about that lateness phobia he has). My favourite prank ever is chronicled here:
Classic :D
I just played a great one... I posted a picture of a positive pregnancy test (the test that told me 2 years ago that I was pregnant with my triplets) and told people I was pregnant. 90% of the people bought it hook, line and sinker. It's been a fun hour but considering my grandmother e-mailed me to see if it was a joke I thought I should come clean.
I like to celebrate April Fools the French way. Put paper fish on people's backs, and make blue jello and put Swedish fish in it. (Its more fun in an actual fish bowl but still.)In France it is actually called Poisson d'Avril=Fish of April, or Fish Day. I don't know why, but if you think about it, fish are funny.
love your clever self. :)
This is awesome. I am still thinking on how to nail my teenagers. My son is sick so might not realize it's April 1...
the best prank was my Sis-in-law when we were both pregnant - me with twins. She had gained a TON of weight and decided to join the "twins" bandwagon. We ALL fell for it. So I called my parents to share Her happy news - and they fell for it! Hilarious. 16 years ago and we still laugh about it.
I'm not a big one for April Fools day, mainly because anything that was ever pulled on me when I was younger was really *mean* pranks, and nothing funny. The boyfriends aren't going to get me this year, either, because I'm sick and they know better. =D But one of my co-workers about 2 years ago borrowed a possitive pregnancy test from another co-worker and took it home with her, and gave it to her then-fiance, about 5 months before their catholic wedding. That one was pretty great. =D
April Fools in one of my favorite holiday. I have done some fun ones over the years, but everyone is on high alert around me now, so my fun is just watching everyone check their food, bed ect. for what Im going to do, which is nothing. Go to my blog and scroll down to April Fools for other ideas. To many to write here..maureen-martypartypuddinpie@blogspot.com Happy 1st!
My favorite prank was toothpaste in the middle of the oreos.
even though I despise having pranks played on me (luckily I have a good dh) - I will share...
my mom short sheeted the beds - and I cried about it good and hard.
Liquid soap on doorknobs is always funny. So is safety pinning closed the legs of underwear. I enjoy a good slow-down-til-you-stop in the church parking lot with an accompanying, "Oh no! We've run out of gas." (Last year my kids thought it was totally awesome because I let them get out and push the car a ways. In the parking lot, mind you, not the street.) "Wet paint! Don't touch!" signs on the front and back door can make a child on her way home from school wonder how she's ever going to get in the house (it helps to yell from the window that you'll let her know when the paint is dry). Heavy books in backpacks. Unscrewing lightbulbs. Oh, and writing messages on toilet paper then letting it float in the bowl is also enjoyable ("Don't pee on me!" etc.) Telling your husband the stake called and asked your opinion on him being the new stake clerk (and saying you thought he'd really enjoy that) is funny as well. Good times!
At my nephew's wedding, my sister (his mom) told all of his friends that I was hard of hearing and they had to speak loudly and clearly and right in my face because I would be half listening and half reading their lips. All night I wondered why all of my nephew's friends were yelling at me.
Buy Oreo cookies. Scrape out the cream filling and replace it with white non-gel toothpaste. Put back in the bag or cookie jar. Hilarious!
First of all - I'm a new reader. LOVE your blog!
Sewed the legs closed on their underwear, cereal bowl with half frozen water in the bottom, small plasitc toys in their sandwich sent to school (polly pocket, small lizard), gummy fruits in their toothpaste. They look for soemthing every year - it's great!
I've had my car put up on cinder blocks, just barely off the ground, enough to not be able to go anywhere! Pretty annoying. Maybe that's why that boyfriend didn't last so long....? I've done the saran wrap over the toilet in my younger years (take that my brothers!), put glue in the bottom of the cereal bowl with cereal in it and let it dry overnight, kids were freaking out. The funniest had to have been when my dad's best friend put their house for sale in the classifieds! They got calls 24/7!
Ok I just read Rebecca Clarke's comment.....I couldn't stop laughing! The Stake Clerk...lol! My husband would freak! I'm gonna do it. I'll let you know how that goes! Thanks for the GREAT idea!
My favorite is the one I did today on my blog ... hee, hee!
My daughter laid out all her favorite "pranks" last night, in preparation for the big day. The "rattlesnake egg." The squirting camera. Best of all, though: the good old fashioned whoopie cushion. It's so great to see her get so excited about something so silly - just one of those "Power of Small" things!
What a cute idea. I wish I had thought of that one.
My son's not old enough for me to play pranks on yet, but all my college friends I agreed I played a great one on my mom one year.
I called her up on the phone and told her to get online to chat with me, where I took her to the Jared's diamonds site and walked her through their "build your own engagement ring" page and told her that that was the one my boyfriend and I were going to pick out later that week. Mom used such excited phrases as:
"I thought you'd wait till you graduated college to get married."
"I'm trying not to scream right now."
and my personal favorite:
"Well, I guess I ought to say congratulations or something."
She was soooo happy when I told her April Fools. [Her anxiety over my engagement had nothing to do with my boyfriend and everything to do with her fear that I'd get married at 19 and drop out of school. She was very excited 2 years later when he and I did get married...and I had graduated :-p]
Friday?? It's Friday? I knew I was having a bad week, but Friday?
I'm baking bread today, but the loaf for the after school snack will have too much salt in it. The kids are going to be soooo ticked. ROFLMBO!
1. I hugged my kids like crazy yesterday.
2. I never know how to prank. There are some hours left in my day though, I'll come up with something!
3. I love your blog!!
That is the best photo ever. lol.
The look on his face is hilarious!
We have had our mayor play a trick on the whole city a few years ago. Our city is divided by a valley and there are 2 sections of the city on each side. We woke up to a newspaper with a picture of him and a new city sign declaring that West Lethbridge was it's own city now and a new mayor would be called for the new city. Lots of people fell for it hook line and sinker!
Last year we served up a dessert of ice cream with strawberry sauce--but really it was mashed potatoes. They ate the strawberry sauce anyway.
My daughter wrapped a rubber band around the kitchen sink sprayer and directed it to spray out when the water was turned on. Instead of my morning drink, I got drenched in cold water. I was not happy, but it was funny.
You are a funny woman. I once worked as a dispatcher for a barricade company. One of the driveer's wife's called in and left a message for her husband but made me promise not to tell him that it was her who called. So here is the message:
"Myra Maines called and would like you to call her back at this number 555-555-5555 and to let her assistant know that you needed to speak with her right away." The phone number was to a local mortuary. He fell for it hook, line and sinker. He called and asked for his remains, as he said it, he realized he been got.
That was the best trick ever....I am going to have to try that one on my kids next year! I am still dying! Thanks for sharing....
this picture is priceless. I love it.
lol. too cute. i texted my husband and told him i was preggo. :0) we have four kids under four. our youngest is five months. he totally fell for it. i told him right after though april fools. i did not want to give him a heart attack at work!
My husband said the best one his parents did was when he was little. They sat everyone down for family council and told them they were moving to Hawaii (they were in the military so not too far of a stretch)! They let them believe it all day before telling them it was just a joke!
We have a tradition of having ice cream for dinner on April Fools Day.
put seran rap across the door frame when the door is closed so when they walk out, they run into it. you can cut a sponge and put frosting on it, and wait for someone to try to eat it. put vaceline on the toilet seat, and watch their reactions when they sit down.
What are you talking about?! April Fools Day is canceled!!!!
The funniest part is that it's Wednesday and not Friday. Or is it Friday> Maybe the joke's on me!
I blogged about the April Fool's joke I pulled on hubby a few years ago.
I have ceased to do April Fool's day jokes as I am dangerous to those around me and my finances. I was suspended from work for my last joke and also ended up having someone admitted to ICU for chest pain...so for my well being and those around me I chose to be the straight man on this, the most sacred of holidays.
I just posted on my blog a scanned photo of a positive pregnancy test. I really had them going, too! I had to warn my mom ahead of time that she might be getting some phone calls over the next few days! HaHa!
Robin @ http://alabamaslackermama.blogspot.com/
I hate having pranks pulled on me, but love doing them to others. My little is too young to get it, so next year I'll use these ideas. Thanks!
When I was teaching a few years ago, a friend of mine and I pulled a prank on a class full of students that we shared. I taught them a camp song and told them to sing it loud and strong during her class as a prank on that teacher. Then we arranged for the dean/counselor to come in and yell at them for being so disruptive. Then I came in and he "yelled" at me for being such a bad teacher, threatening to fire me. The kids were mortified. I snapped a few pictures as the other teacher pulled out signs saying "April Fools." Those poor honors kids were so upset, some were even crying. It was the best!
nice... I'll have to remeber that one. My kids are only a year old, so I didn't get to have fun!
My birthday is 27 March so always a few days before April Fool's. When I was a kid on numerous occasions when I was staying with my grandmother I would wake up to be told excitedly that there was a huge parcel waiting for me downstairs. I would immediately think that it was some late present and get very excited and run to the front door to check the mail only to hear the words 'April Fool's!' shouted at me with glee. As imagined, this brought on much feelings of mirth and displeasure to my youthful self.
Evil. Plain and pure evil is all I can say about that.
Well, since I work with my husband.. I love to trick him. Last year...
Since I know his computer password.. I pulled up his keyboard keys that involved those letters and switched them around.. TEE HEE (boy was he steaming when he couldn't even log on to his computer) :)
This year I took the day off work.. but my daughter decided to pull tricks at home, she switched all the bags of cereal in the boxes. She also told my husband she made his coffee for him, but filled his coffee mug with hot chocolate instead!
Hee Hee. Too funny.
Just came across your blog. I'll be back.
I know I'm a day late. My friend was an aerobic instructor at the Deseret Gym (I know I'm really dating myself) She wanted to play a joke on her class so she asked me to teach the class. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant at the time and big as a house. I taught to "Chicken Fat". One by one, the exercise gurus left the class. She confiscated most of them out in the hall and had them go back in so she could tell the whole class April Fools. I think the joke was on me too because she left me "instructing" for a lot longer than I had anticipated.
Love your blog.
My stepmom had my dad "arrested" at a restaurant while having dinner with friends. (She had a friend's police officer son actually come and cuff him!).
My latest is my favorite. A friend and I composed a letter on school stationery stating that the number of vacation days had been miscalculated and to make up for it, all children would have to attend school every Saturday from now until the end of May. We each read the letter to our kids and then sent them to school to commiserate. We even got their teacher in on it!
My kids are not buying the fact that you are the meanest mom in the world...they are pretty sure that I hold that title and always will. Last year, i decorated the house for my 5 year old's birthday, complete with gift bags, streamers, balloons etc. When she came down stairs i started singing, "Happy Birthday, to you!" She looked confused a first (with reason, her birthday is in November) then her face broke out into a great big radiant smile! Until i finished my beautiful rendition of that classic b-day song and shouted "April Fools!!!" she didn't get it until one of the 3 older kids said, "That means it's NOT your birthday." Then the tears started...
I thought it was funny...btw she can laugh now, since it's been a year.
This just made me laugh right out loud!! So cute! Adorable blog!
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