To get to the children's section of my city's library, you have to pass by the pervert looking at porn on the public access computers and around the woman with a braid down to her knees doing yoga next to the drinking fountain.
For obvious reasons, I prefer to use the library's bookmobile.

On the last Tuesday of every month, the bookmobile sets up shop in the Home Depot parking lot.
"Are you excited to get some books?" I asked my kids as we pulled up to the converted school bus.
Cortlen asked if we could skip the book section and go straight to the videos.
I was in the process of unbuckling my boys from their car seats when I began to have second thoughts. Through the bus's windshield, I could see the librarian. She was inserting pencils into her hair.

The patron she was helping appeared to be running in place.
"We'll come back later," I told my kids, as I refastened their seat belts.
"THEN can I get a video?" Cortlen wanted to know.
"As long as it's not an exercise tape," I promised. "I have a feeling all of those are going to be checked out."
Holy Moly! You guys are going CRAZY on the sign-ups for the swimsuit giveaway! Very cool.
We also have some gems for librarians at my local library. I finally wrote a complaint the other day and I never to that! Best wishes : )
I book mobile sounds cool. I love my librarians. I'm in there every other week.
WE had a book mobile when I was a kid and it used to come down by my aunt's house. I thought it was so cool. Library in a bus.
Our librarian here is horrible She looked at me like I was crazy when i didn't have 30 cents on me to pay my fine and then..was appauled that I asked to pay it when I returned the book I wanted to check out. You can't check out a book when you owe money. She was afraid I would make off with the book and her 30 cents.
this is so sad! we have great librarians and we can still check out materials with a fine up to $5! but i have to admit, that the woman with the pencil holding her hair up, that was me all the time in high school.
Our librarians have all been great-if not we would just visit another branch, since we have 8 it's easy.
I can't believe the post about fines. Thanks to morning sickness with my last baby keping me too lazy to return books on time I currently have a fine of $19.60 and as long as I can keep it under 20 I'm golden.
I've had these fines for almost 3 years now. I've been meaning to pay it but never have money with me- who takes money to a library?
The only time I have been sent to collections in my life has been from our local library. Without fail every time we go we rake up about 35.00 in fines. I have decided that Barnes and Noble is a cheaper choice for our family AND we get to drop the books in the toilet if we want.
Jana, when I was a kid the bookmobile came to my public school. I have no real memories of a school library, I just remember loving the smell and excitement looking for books in that bookmobile, I think it came once a month. To this day, libraries and book stores are two of my favorite places. Luckily I don't run into too many pervs.
We have a great set up in our town. One library and an "as long as you owe less than $20 you can still check out" policy.
We got all our kids their own accounts and we go pretty regularly. Except that time we didn't. And we lost 2 books. The next time I went in I was the proud writer of a $274 check for late fees and such.
But I did get a bookmark and a canvas bag for paying it off.
What is it about libraries that attracts such wierdos? The pervert and yoga lady hang out at ours, too.
I love our library, except I think we've single-handedly funded it with our overdue fines.
I loved the bookmobile when I was growing up.Our library has the coolest librarian over the kids area. They do awesome activities every week
Our library lets you take out books while you have fines pending. You just can't put any of the new books on reserve if you have a balance. Children's books have no fines at all, which is good since I sometimes would find a children's book or two under the bed.
Our library occasionally lets you bring in canned food to pay off fines and kids and teens can read in the library to earn "book buck" to pay off theirs.
Sorry your library has wierdos.
Returning your books on time and avoiding late fees... thats a good topic to add to my new blog about ways to save money.
Sorry you had a bad day!
My home town used to have a bookmobile when I was little. I remember running down the street with my siblings hoping to catch the bookmobile before it drove away. The driver was always really nice to me. I remember on one occassion he saved a brand new 101 Dalmations picture book for me to check out.
Remember when those things totally made your day?
As a children's librarian, I'm sad that you don't feel safe bringing your kids into the library.
I bet you can put books on hold if you want. Then they'll be waiting for you up front. I love the hold system. When I have insomnia, I cruise the library website and put all kinds of books on hold. The best part, I usually get them the next afternoon!
I love love love the library!! We lived in a place once with a bookmobile and loved that too. The librarian was awesome! He gave the best suggestions for books, and big bonus they never charged late fees!
OK, not to be off topic but you know how much I love your blog. And guess what I just bought myself for my birthday...a blog design from your blog designers. No, i am not going to copy but I am going to have a cute blog that makes me happy and its thanks to the button on YOUR sidebar. So, basically, you just gave me a birthday present. Thanks
We love the library and the bookmobile. My kids and I go to the library every week, I get the kids max 2 books for them because I am a used bookaholic. I buy used books in good shape for 99 cents at this great second hand store in which I am running out of room for. I only get books for me at the library because I can't find what I like to read in the stores for less than $10. Sounds like I am cheap... guess I am. I only get fines on dvd's when I forget to return them on the right day a week later. The kids books don't have any fines and adults are 30 cents a day late.
I work in a library near a large city and we have our share of weirdos. It makes work more interesting sometimes:)
Hmmmm.... I'm trying to decide whether or not my kids and I are some of the "weirdos" people talk about! Lol! We spend quite a bit of time there, especially in the summer....they probably wish we wouldn't! :)
I used to love the Bookmobile. Now they kinda creep me out. Not too interested in being in really tight quarters in a windowless vehicle with people I don't know!
Oh my gosh, I forgot ALL about the bookmobile! We used to go weekly when I was a youngster/ teen. Some of the librarians nearby are awesome and others are a pita!!!
Geez, Our library is BORING compared to yours! I Am glad to read that I am not the only person who pays more at the library than the 1/2 price book store!
We have a snazzy library that is about to be expanded. Folks have trouble believing that when I was a kid it was in a single wide trailer. Book mobile on blocks!
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