I'm thrilled to announce that The Body Shop is teaming up with the Meanest Mom to offer another exciting Mother's Day Giveaway!
I'm not a fan of jumping through hoops for a chance to win prizes, but this one is painless...and if you like personality quizzes, even (gasp) fun.
The ladies at The Body Shop have put together a little quiz to help you determine what kind of mom you are. There are only 8 questions, none of which ask you for your credit card number, login name or password, or blood type. The quiz only takes one minute to complete if you are by yourself at the computer, 30 seconds if a small child is screaming in your face.
At the end of the quiz, you'll be told what "type" of mom you are: Earth Mother, Supermom, Glamour Mom, or Wise Woman. Sadly, a Mean Mom is not one of the options (I pushed for its inclusion, but for some odd reason there was a concern that some women may not like being labeled a mean mom). Hmph!!! Anyway, report your results (ie. tell me what kind of mom you are) in the comments section of this post and you'll be entered to win a BODY SHOP MOTHER'S DAY BEAUTY PACKAGE (featuring products specifically designed for your mom type) worth over $100!!!

Have you ever been into The Body Shop? Like the grocery store, you shouldn't go shopping there when you are hungry. Just because something smells good enough to eat doesn't make it edible. This word of wisdom comes from my son Cortlen, who once mistook a tub of strawberry-scented body butter for a cup of yogurt.
One entry per person please. Contest ends Saturday, May 2 at midnight EST. The winner will be announced the following day.
Good Luck! Thanks Body Shop!
1 – 200 of 792 Newer› Newest»I am a wise woman.....must get that from MY mom! :o)
I am a "Wise Woman" apparently... I'm not sure how accurate this thing is. ;-) Although, I suppose since it's on the internet it must be correct! hehe...
Wise Woman... Must be hereditary! :)
Supermom! Must be hereditary!
Shannon A., CA
I am a wise woman!! Finally! I have been trying to convince everyone of that for years!
Supermom!! If only I had some super powers!
It says I'm a Wise woman :)
Woohoo, I'm a Wise Woman...that lifted my spirits :)
I am a SUPER-MOM!!! My kids will be delighted with my super hero type.
Also a "wise woman". Is this a trend? Hey, maybe all this internet stuff makes us smarter! I love to google e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Guess that makes me wise!!!
Wise Woman, just like my own mother!
Wise woman. It seems to be a popular calling!
I'm a wise woman, too!
Wise woman! yay!
Supermom.....hm. I don't see it, but THANKS !
Wise woman! I wish my kids felt this way.
Rhonda C., KY
A wise woman is what it said, hmmm.
Earth Mother! No surprise...I really do love hemp sandals.
Wise woman, it must have passed down. Although I don't agree. :) Thanks for the posts
Wise Woman!
an earth mother.. yep, that fits.
I'm a super mom! I never would have guessed that myself. I do try my best though.
Wise woman. So unique,just like everyone else!
Hmmm, it says I am a wise woman. I'll take it! It does appear though, that I am surrounded by "wise women!" :o)
Supermom it is.
Wise Woman, just like my mom.
I got "wise woman." HA!
wise woman.
Nope, but my mom is!
My mom is an Earth Mother.
Seems like I'm the first Glamour Mom among the bunch! Though I don't exactly feel glamorous with two sick little girls snuggling up to my snot-covered shirt... :)
I AM A SUPER MOM! Woo Hoo! Get me a cape and some tights! We are going flying!
I am also a "wise woman!"
unlike all the other wise women out there, i just seem to be a supermom
Super Mom - although most days I don't especially feel it!
I am a wise woman! Will someone please show this to my husband!? :)
I'm a wise woman, although I'm not sure how true that is. Maybe I have learned a couple of things in the few short years I've been a parent. Hmmm....
Wise Woman... :)
Supermom! Ha! I think Mean Mom really should've been an option.
I guess I am a joiner -- I am a wise woman too!
Wise Woman- Not so sure about the accuracy of this quiz, but hey. It's nice to be told how wise I am once in a while!
woo hoo! supermom-i think the quiz may be a little inaccurate :)
Add yet another "wise woman" to the list!
I'm a supermom - wow, no pressure there! ;)
I am a supermom...hummm!
Angela M
Bisbee, AZ
I am the all powerful 'Wise Woman'. No wonder why I have 4 girls of my own, LOL. I must get that from my mom, even though she was much wiser and stopped after having only 2 children. (I should have followed her footsteps more closely). j/k
Oh I did it from my mom's point of view and got supermom. Happily we are very alike although the accolades are far more appropriate to her then I :)
I'm a Wise Woman
**SUPERMOM** = ] Never thought myself that way but I guess every mom is a super mom!
I'm a wisemom! Yes!
I'm another Wise Woman - works for me!
It looks like I am a wise woman too. Somehow I feel even wiser for finding this blog. Jana you are too funny for words. I hope you don't mind if I come back to your blog.
Wise woman...that's better than evil stepmother so I'm happy.
I think i may have understood the quiz differently--it said my mom was a Supermom, which is exactly what I hope to be, too :)
I'm a Wise Woman...
Not a bad thing to be!
I am a Wise Woman. If only I could be all of the mom types wrapped up into one package!
I'm a supermom, never would have guessed that one.
Earth Mother! That's me!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Wise Woman!
Wise Woman here too! :)
I am a supermom. I would have to be with 3 boys...plus a husband. So technicaly 4 boys.
I'm a SuperMom!!
Glamour Mom....now that made me laugh!
wise...but i already knew that because i am so wise:)
Supermom to the rescue!
I am a wise woman, learned that from my mom and teaching that to my daughter....gotta keep it going.
Another Wise Woman here...does that mean that I have a prayer for counterbalancing that pesky Momnesia?
I guess I'm a wise woman. :) However after reading all the other comments, so are several others out there. Wish me luck!
Im a wise woman??? if you say so more like crazy running around trying to do everything and still exhausted from the previous day mom.
Wise woman...just as I always suspected.
Go figure...I am a supermom. No wonder I like my t-shirts with the big S on it.
I'm a wise woman. Are you sure your quiz is accurate? :-)
My mom is a Wise Woman.
My Mom is a wise Woman....I miss my mom, this will be the 5th Mother's day with out her. I am lucky to have my niece to spend it with!
I'm an Earth Mother! Who would've thought, given that I'm a wildlife biologist and spend every spare second outdoors?
I am a supermom apparently. I'm not so sure about that. I guess I try. That stuff looks great. Hope I get it.
I'm a Supermom!
I am a Supermom!! Wait till I tell the kids we can have fun picking out my motto!!!
Ashley B. in Fl.
Yes!! I'm a wise woman. At least someone finally recognizes that! I think maybe I'll print it out and show to my kids as proof. lol
Supermom- very interesting!
Super Mom! Da-da-da-da-da-da!
Wise Woman...I will definately have to show my husband so that he finally believes me.
I am supermom!
Supermom here! Love it!
I am Super Mom. I KNEW it! Don't tell my kids. They'll expect me to fly them to school...
Wise woman, probably because I like to think I know everything.
Supermom all the way!!
I am a wise woman! Yay...I think..lol.
I'm a wise woman
Another "Wise Woman" :)
I am "SUPER MOM" all though I don't totally agree.... this is me!
Looks like my Mom and I are Wise Women!!
I'm a Wise Woman....who knew? I hope I win the prize.
it said wise woman...although i am with you, i think mean mom would be more appropriate!
Wise Woman!! I agree to a certain extent. =)
Wise Woman.....i must have answered something wrong:) they should totally have mean mom!!!
I'm a wise women...hmmm if I was so wise then I should have already known that right!? ;)
I am a "Wise Woman" which I owe to my own mom. She's great and always seems grounded in what is really important.
Wise woman...hmm not too sure about that one!
I'm a Supermom! I definitely know where I get that!
Wise woman. That's no suprise!
I'm the On the Go mom!
Supermom, I guess. I'm pretty sure that's not right though.... And I wouldn't at all mind being called a mean mom. I already know I am. My kids tell me every day :)
I can definitely say that I came by the "super mom" title honestly. My mom is truly a wonder (and wonderFUL) woman and if I win I will most certainly share this prize with her.
Wise Woman... so it says and feeling like a lucky woman also!!
My Mom is a Wise woman!!
Another wise woman.
Wise woman!
That was fun. I am a wise woman!
Wise Woman here :)
I'm a Super Mom!
Well, unfortunately, I'm not a mom yet...but can't wait!!! but my mom is "wise woman" according to the quiz. And they are right. It's a perfect fit for her! And if I win, I will spend it on her!
quiz is about what kind of mom your mother is, not what kind of mom you are. mine is wise. Which, of course, is true. :)
Earth Mother . . . I know I totally get that from my mom!
Wise Woman! Totally hereditary...
I am a wise woman! It has been confirmed by the Body Shop and shall never be questioned again, even when I leave the toaster streudels on top of the freezer and my son's homework in the fridge.
Wise Woman, but it looks like it was telling me what kind of mom *MY* mom was as opposed to what kind of mom *I* am, but wise works & I love love love The Body Shop!
earth mother...
It says I am a supermom. Can I convince my daughter of this?
Super mom. I always knew it!
Super Mom! Nice to know someone thinks so!!
just as I suspected- I'm supermom. I've been telling my kids that for years! LOL
Supermom -- who knew?
I'm a Supermom! I love that. I can finally prove it now!
I'm a Glamour Mom! I'm guessing that is because my child is still inside me (I'm pregnant)?
I'm a wise woman too. Thanks, that was fun.
I am a Wise Woman. Good to know!
oh so wise (woman).
I am a wise woman. Odd. Not the word I would use for myself.
I'm a wise woman, definitely got that from my mom.
Earth Woman... apparently I'm RARE! Bring on the sandals, bare feet, hippy print and dirt, peace, love and harmony people!
Wise Woman! I'll take it!
I am a wise woman.. who would've thunk it!
NICE! I'm SUPER MOM! Which sounds pretty accurate... always doing something. hard to find time to justify sitting in one spot for more than an hour (unless it's while folding laundry of course.) when i know there are things that could be done... :)
Natural mother I am! or at least try to be. I love being out doors and gardening. But the reality of it is that I'm pretty practical. But take every advatage to be outside and enjoy our beautiful world around us. I LOVE the body shop. My favorite store for yummy natural smelling things! My son seems to like the smells too!
I am a wise woman. Boy doesn't that sound arrogant. ;) I am really just flying by the seat of my pants every day. :)
Kathy N., Mesa, AZ.
Supermom- whatever that means! :)
I'm a "Super Mom" although I don't feel that way! My life is too crazy for that to be true!!
I am a wise woman as well! :) Seems to be a common theme!
Apparently, I am a wise women but they obviously don't know me very well. Hope to win.
i am a wise woman.....i get it honest :)
Wise Woman - just like my mom!
Supposedly I'm a Super Mom!
How fun.
I am a wise woman! What can I say?
Glamour mom...I guess that could be a good thing right?
was i supposed to take this as my kids...doing it about me...or me...about my mom???
any who my answer was supermom
I'm a super mom. LOL as if.
Although, if it were an option I'm sure I'd come up with 'mean mom', because I am one! I sat and laughed at my son as he had a tantrum because I wouldn't let him eat string. Am I a meanie, or what?
I'll be expecting my membership card in the mail.
It seems I'm a Wise Woman....at least according the Body Shop people!!
I am a Supermom... and so is my mom! Not a surprise there!
I'm a Wise Woman, LOL... clearly this test is flawed!
I'm a Super Mom...although some days it doesn't feel like I get much accomplished!
I'm a super mom (though I rarely feel it!) Happy Mother's Day to you and everyone!
Okay, so my Mom is rated a SUPERMOM! That totally describes her. She is now recovering from a foot surgery for the THIRD time...on the SAME foot. The woman has been in a cast for 5 years. She takes it all in stride, doesn't complain, and can sell anyone 25 different shoes...Left foot ONLY size 9...
I'm a SuperMom! Yay! :)
My blog is private, so if I do happen to win, which I never, ever do, my email address is tvo1991atcharterdotnet.
If for some crazy reason you want to check out my blog, let me know and I'll add you...I just had some crazy stalkers so had to limit viewing to protect the innocent (my b/g twins.)
I'm a super-mom. Now if I could just find some super powers for changing diapers...
I'm a supermom, I figured that one since my mom is that way too :)
I am a wise woman...my mama raised me well!
Definatly a Supermom! I guess the 3 under three make me that way - i can carry the twins kicking and screaming out a grocery store door under both arms while holding the hand of the youngest - and ya gotta take it all in stride...
I ended up being a wise mom, looks like there are lots of wise moms here.
I am a wise woman....hopefully this wise woman was wise enough to take the quiz and win her some super fabulous stuff from the Body Shop
I'm a super Mom. No duh, I have six kids.
Glamour mom... haha It's past noon and I'm still in my pajamas!
Supermom- This made me laugh!
I am a mean mom too. We need to come up with our own quiz.
Glamour Mom! Hmmm...
Theresa S. (IL)
Supermom, but I think that's just because mean mom wasn't included as an option
I'm a supermom!
WISE WOMAN! Wise enough to know I wont win....LMAO!!!!!!
Supermom...hmmmmm don't know about that!
Wise Woman - My mom passed away when I was 22 and I had to imagine what it would be like today. :o( I think it fits though.
Lisa C., NC
Wise Woman!!
I'm a supermom! But I already knew that. ;)
Apparently, like many others, a "wise woman"...hey...at least SOMEONE thinks I'm wise! =)
Were your ears ringing when you posted this giveaway? I was JUST thinking about how much I've missed strolling through Body Shop and a Yankee Candle at the mall. I haven't been since the triplets started walking...or reaching, for that matter! =)
I'm also a wise woman!!! Does that mean that mean I have lots of knowledge to share or I'm just a wise butt??? LOL
Wise Woman. That's a surprise to me!!!
my mom is a wise woman. i'm an earth mother. i guess that wisdom skips a generation... ;)
My mom is a wise woman... and that is very true indeed! :)
I'm a wise woman. It seems most "mean moms" are also "wise women" Coincidence? I think not!
sylviarj at yahoo dot com
Wise Woman all the way! Please pick me. :) I need a pick me up!
Wise Woman all the way! Please pick me. :) I need a pick me up!
Supermom for me...hopefully my daughter would agree (when she finally learns to talk I'll ask her :) Thanks for the chance to win - great giveaway!
Super Mom!
I am also a Wise Woman. I'm not sure that is true, though. Thanks for all the laughs you give!
Glamour Mom. Yep, right! I don't feel like one when I am still in my p.j.'s from the previous night at 4 in the afternoon sometimes!
*laughing out loud* Supermom? Really?????? That's the first, and last, time I'll ever be labeled that. Thanks, Jana. :)
I'm a wise woman... of course... was there ever any doubt?
I am also apparently a "wise woman"...now someone please inform my husband and kids of that fact!
It says I'm a "Super Mom". Interesting... Not sure I feel very super most days, average maybe but super not really.
I'm an On the Go mom...
Wise Woman? Who knew? Not me...
Another wise woman here! I am so very wise.
My mother was and is a super mom! Unfortunatly she's not here on earth anymore. But, I try to work hard each day to be like her.
Wise woman! Thanks!
Of course I'm "SuperMom." How else would I be able to catch my kids who are bouncing off the walls?
Wise Woman
That was surprisingly painful for me since my mother didn't fit any of those answers. There were no options for "drunk and drugged up"
I am a Wise Woman. Sophistacated, wordly and classy. It's about time someone realized this about me...
A "Supermom" in need of lovely smelling bath products!
Wise woman here....can someone please tell my kids that???
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