What I like about random number generators: makes things fair.
What I don't like about random number generators: makes me count higher than I feel comfortable (I'm math challenged for those of you who don't know).
The lucky winners of the Mother's Day Giveaway are (drumroll please):
* The BIG BUDDHA TOTE from FlirtyFinds goes to Julie from CA who said, "
Julie: if you win the lotto, I so get half. Congrats.
Get 15% off your order through May 10 by using the promo code "flirtymeanmom"

* The $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE to Babysteals.com is headed into the hot little hands of Melanie from AZ who wrote, "

* The "NO WHINING PENDANT" from À la mode goes to

* The designer GUCCI-INSPIRED BABY WIPES CASE from Mod Mami goes to The Osborns from IL who said, "

Girl, if you've got 6 kiddos, you're gonna need this felt board. I'm so glad you won.

* The MOTHER'S DAY ACTIVITY BOOK SET from Usborne Books goes to goes to Shannenetamp; Makena who wrote, "

Visit Usborne's site every month for more chances to win $50 worth of free books!


Don't strain yourself!

It appears from your blog that you recently gave birth to twins. Double hot mama!

Thanks again to all my wonderful sponsors. You guys rock.
Winners: please email me your contact info (ie mailing address) pronto so my fabulous sponsors can get your loot to you in a timely fashion. PLEASE help me out by putting what you won in the subject line.
To the rest of you: Holy Moly! The response to this giveaway was amazing... so amazing in fact that several other companies have contacted me over the past week wanting to be part of another Mother's Day Giveaway on The Meanest Mom. It's going to be a fun 2 weeks!
M-Day only comes around once a year, so here's what we're going to do: from NOW through this Tuesday night (April 28), I'm going to take nominations for a special giveaway. I'm looking for moms/women who are having a little bit of a rough time right now and need a little e-hug. If you are such a woman or know one, comment on this post or send me an email (subject line "special mom contest"). Next week, I'll spotlight a different woman every day and give her some great prizes from some incredible sponsors. Remember: Mother's Day is a celebration of ALL women; you don't have to have children to apply or be nominated for this contest. By virtue of our femininity, we are all mothers!
If you want to sponsor something for this special giveaway, there is still time! Contact me here!
Congrats to all the winners! Happy Mothers Day to all of us! Hope it is a great one!
Jessica H
North Alabama
Alright I hate the thought of nominating myself but I will say that Mother's Day is not the same when your husband can't be with you. I am a military wife whose husband is currently deployed to the Middle East. It is hard to be cheery when you are so worried about someone else and their safety. Being Mom and Dad is tough and even though it is temporary it doesn’t make it easier. The worst part perhaps is how so many people don’t recognize the tremendous sacrifice our troops and their families make on their behalf. It is heartbreaking to see people condemn our troops for serving their country. Believe me no one stops and asks them individually if they want to fight this war and if they believe in the reasons behind it. They are serving their country and fulfilling the promises they made when they joined the military. I do know that they believe in is the country and the freedom that we all enjoy and they would do anything to preserve that.
So this Mother’s day it will be just the girls and I and even though it is hard for us it is worth it.
~ Heather ~
I just recently found your blog and love it - brings a smile to my face every time!
I would like to nominate my daughter ...technically she is a mom, but her baby is in heaven. She was expecting her 1st child - our 1st grandchild - and lost our precious angel when she was 23 weeks pregnant. It was the most difficult time of all of our lives but Aimee has taken it especially hard. She has since found that she has a clotting disorder that may have caused her loss and while they are definitely planning to try again, she is scared and uncertain.
Aimee is a teacher/administrator at a school for special needs children (autism specifically) and she is attending school herself (in her Masters program). She is a busy, determined, wonderful woman who I am so proud to call my daughter! I wish I could take this most recent pain from her but I know only time will heal.
Thank you for listening to my story and if you could brighten her day, that would be such a blessing!
Congrats to all the winners!
I would love to nominate my very best friend for over half my life who is going through yet another rough patch in her mothering journey. Her eldest son has just started chemotherapy once again for a brain tumor that he has had for over 6 years. She also has four other kids and has recently taken in her youngest sister to live with them. She has the most amazing heart, is so loving, caring, and truly amazing. I don't know how she manages to make it through each day with all that is on her shoulders. On top of everything, they've recently had to invest quite a bit in repairing their car, and I know their finances are really tight. It would be so fabulous for her to get a little bit of extra pampering this Mother's Day! Her name is Kelly, and she has a blog where she chronicles their journey here: http://stillIwillsay.blogspot.com
Thanks Jessica for the contest.It's creative indeed.Wish you n all in advance a Happy Mum's day.
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Special Mom Giveaway: I visited Kayleigh's blog today my heart breaks for this family. I would love to double nominate them because 4 months ago, I gave birth to my daughter who came 4 months early. My due date was actually yesterday. She weighed 15.5 ounces and is still in the hospital. It's been an extremely long road but fortunately for us, Darbi is on her way to coming home with us. I can only imagine the pain they are going through and it just breaks my heart to think of a sweet little child having to endure such trials. Also, a good friend of mine just recent lost her little girl to Complex Congestive Heart Disease and she was my original nomination. She was there for me when I had Darbi and brought us dinners twice a week right up until she lost her little girl. Her faith has made me a stronger and more grateful person for Heavenly Father's tender mercies.
I forgot to post their blog address. Her name is Ashley and her daughter was Mercydez. http://nicandashleyhawsfamily.blogspot.com/
It pays to read your blog. Well, it pays for some folks. Congrats to the winners!
Congratulations to all the winners! Super-fun giveaway!
Congratulations to all of your winners!
I am going to self-nominate for the next giveaway, though I feel like "The Whiniest Mom" for doing so, but I could really use an e-hug!
My FIL (age 77) has been "visiting" us for the past THREE months (his annual month-long visit is a test of my nerves) in the quest for back surgery. After getting him into the medical system here, numerous appointments & referrals, he has finally been referred for surgery, but his pain level continues to climb, & therefore his crank-o-meter has been climbing. Though I truly do sympathize & wouldn't wish this pain on anyone, I am bearing the brunt of the responsibility.
My hubby is military, & though he is stateside, he travels 1-3 weeks each month, & I am also caring for our four children & have one on the way (due in just 14 more weeks). I have quit going to playgroups as FIL needs someone here to help w/ just getting food on the table (walking w/ a cane & extreme pain). I have quit going to Mom's Night Out b/c hubby is usually out of town when they occur. I have arranged, rearranged, & rearranged some more my children's bed schedule as FIL is in my son's bedroom (so I have also had to rearrange his closet & dresser for FIL's things). I have made more phone calls to doctor's for him (he believes WE get better responses than he does, or, as he told me this morning when I suggested he call: "I'm just tired".)
Hubby WORSHIPS the ground that his FIL walks on, so I have taken an even lower space than the "2nd fiddle" I was in a busy family to begin with--so I'm also feeling neglected & unappreciated. To top it all off...there are seven other siblings in the family....one of whom is young, retired military, & NOT WORKING any other job...do I sound bitter?
Thanks for letting me put this out there! I do wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!!
would love to nominate my cousin Laura - a SAHM who now do this economic downturn has to re-enter the workforce. Her husband lost his job and she is going back to teaching (well substituting).
AND could it be ANY more perfect considering the tagline of my blog??
I jolly well think not.
Thrilled, thrilled thrilled.
I am now doubly devoted to your blog-as if the tale of the paper underpants had not already made me a slave to its updates.
Thank you!
What an awesome give away idea! I'd like to nominate one of my best friends, Melissa. First of all she is just the best! Nothing catastrophic in her life right now, but just a rough patch. Her husband got a new job two hours away and is only coming home on the weekends. Next week, he has to go to Canada for some training and will be gone for 3 weeks. She is at home with 4 kids ranging in ages from 6 months to 8 years. She is trying to sell the house and we all know how hard it is to keep your house clean. She is postitive and upbeat, but being a single mother when you are actually married would be hard on anyone. I'd love her to win a little pick me up!
I would like to nominate my sister. Her husband was laid off from his job a few months ago. They were very blessed to be offered a job on the other side of the country. Unfortunately, he had to start the job the day after Easter.
Two of her kids are in school, and with the end so close, they didn't want to pull the kids out and start them at a new school for just a couple of months. So, her husband moved across the country, and she is home with 4 kids until the end of May.
He'll be home this weekend, but they won't get to be together as a family for many things. He was gone for Easter, he'll be gone for Mothers Day, and gone for their sons' birthday.
I know my sister is struggling with the "single mom" thing right now, and she could definitely use a pick-me-up!
I would like to nominate Stacey Murphy. I have known & have had the utmost pleasure of working with her for the past 10 years. She is my Pastor & spiritaul mother. She is one hardworking individual who gives so much of herself, her time, & her finances for the sake of others. She has consistantly given selflessly countless hours for Nehemiah House of Indiana, an addiction recovery center spearheaded by my church. She is a truly remarkable lady of whom I am tremendously blessed to have in my life not only as my Pastor (Shepherd), spiritual mother, but also as my best friend here on earth. She could use a little extra TLC & hugs.
I hate nominating myself, but I feel somewhat sorry for myself right now. I know that the comments you already have warrant special recognition more than myself, but hey, it's worth a try, right?
I am a perfectionist and want to please everyone. Within that pleasiness, it means that I cannot be mean to anyone or rude or state my feelings, because it could hurt them. In return, it hurts me and my family because they don't want to see me hurt. I am seriously working on this but it is hard. In this, I always try to go above and beyond what is asked of me. Most of the time, even though I am doing this I get stepped on and taken advantage of. This happened this weekend over something big and it is still bothering me. I lost a lot of potential profits for my business because of it. Don't think that because you will do something for someone they will automatically do it for you. It just isn't that way, sadly enough.
I also found out today that my credit card and other important information was stolen.
I have also stretched myself soo thing (infortunately not the skinny way) that I am losing my mind, literally. I can't remember easy things and I cry often. My husband tells me I do this but how do you stop? I'm trying to find ways to help out the family but instead hurt it more.
Anyway, I didn't really mean to write a pity party for myself. I just need a really buig hug right now. Maybe this would help, maybe not, but it would help me feel good for a moment.
Good luck chosing, I know there are a lot of women out there who need this. Thank you for doing it.
Insane mom trying to find a little bit of sanity.
Can I nominate three great moms!?
First one is Allison Bryce (a highschool friend of mine): http://thebrycefamily.blogspot.com/ An amazing mom of 6!! All 6 are under 5 years old. All are adopted after her and her husband weren't able to have them. She is a great mom, you can see it from her blog!!
The second nominee is Tasha Mattice (my sister in law), her blog is private. She has four little ones all under six. Her husband resently lost his job and they had to move 16 hours from home in AZ to cold CO, for him to find work. Being new and lonely in a new town would be hard, yet she is an awesome mom!
Last is Mindy Adams, her blog is private as well. Mindy is a mom of beautiful Trinity who is an angel in heaven now. She lost her battle with a heart condition almost 2 years ago. You can check out her daughter's story here: http://www.trinadams.com/
Congrats to all the winners! Thank you for running this blog, you make me smile often!
I would like to nominate my SIL. She has always looked on the bright side of life (which has at times been a tad irritating for this 'THE GLASS IS HALF EMPTY!!!!' girl...) and life keeps testing her on this. My BIL has been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue (and, having had it, I know it steals your life in the most insiduous way) and she goes back to work this week from mat leave for her 1yr old. Bills have to be paid. I know she's frantic about it - she's a v hands on mum - and she's just shattered. A treat would be very nice for her. Thanks for the opportunity to ask!
There are so many deserving people on your list, and I'm going to add one more: my sister-in-law, Susan Swan. She is the mother of two teen-age boys and one "tween" boy. Her parents (my in-laws) are on a mission in Fiji, and while they've been gone, she has been the one to primarily care for her 91-year-old grandmother. Then, a few months ago, her husband was deployed to Iraq, and she's been left to handle all those responsiblities on her own. She has so much on her plate; and she does so much for our extended family - and she does it all with grace, love, and a big smile! Whenever I see those "support our troops" signs, I think about all the wives and mothers without whom there would be no troops! So this mother's day, let's support our troops' women!
I would like to nominate my older sister. She is in the Marine Corps and just left to Afghanistan. She has 2 beautiful little girls and they are the light of her life. My neices are with our mother right now. She just loves your blog and reads it whenever she can. I know a lot of women who work and have a family. But to me, the thought of haveing to balance military training, small children and then a deployment is so daunting, and I look up to her so much. Thank you for taking the time to read this :-)
I would like to nominate a mom I know. She is my next door neighbor and I LOVE her! She is the mom of 5 and another on the way. Here is her story:
She has had four girls on her own (from her own body) she decided to adopt from Louisiana. That is how her son JJ entered their family. He is about the cutest thing in the whole world. He family is white and JJ is black (not that it makes a bit of difference). NOW she is adopting from Ethiopia. They have been in the process for about a year now. They have found their son which is super exciting and scary. His name is Philemon and he's around 5 years old. He has epilepsy and is still in Ethiopia. They have had one court date and were denied because of some paperwork that was not completed by Phil's original orphanage. If they had been approved he would be home by now. This little boy was abandoned and left in the streets. No one knows anything about him except for what he can tell them. He was about 2 when he was found. Becky (the mom) is scared to death, she is going to face language barriers and health problems and all kinds of adjustments. She is so faithful and optimistic. She is the best mom I know, I strive to be like her. She has had so much heartache over the delays and not knowing what or why there are delays. She always says to me "I just want my son home, I just want to hold him." there is nothign I can say or do to help her, I think this would help.
I feel odd nominating myself but I am a little down today and figured "oh why not!" lol. My husband left for Iraq again 2 days ago. This is our 4th time and he just got back 9 months ago. I am getting kind of used to things, but I have a 4 year old autistic daughter who is for the first time has noticed he is not home and is just not understanding why despite my attempts to explain. So she is really having a hard time, and it is sad for me to see her deal with this. Rereading this makes me think I sound pretty pitiful, lol. I think there are a lot of deserving ladies who have posted or been nominated. Congrats to whoever wins!
I would like to nominate my sister, a.k.a. Superwoman. She is the mother of 7 great kids with number 8 due at the end of June. She homeschools all of them and has a full time job that she does out of her home to try and make sure that she can get the supplies they need for school and life in general. She does so much for her family and makes sure that her kids have the things they need and are groing up to be well rounded kids. She is constantly taking them to karate, or 4-H, or church activities, or wherever and never blinks an eye.
She is exhausted beyond reason, but keeps on going for her kids. They weren't expecting #8 (like I said, she was already exhausted beyond her limits before) and now this little girl has brought with her health concerns for both her and my sister. Luckily the pregnancy is nearing its end, but she could really do with a boost.
She does so much for everyone, and I have never heard her ask for anything in return. I woudl give her everything in the world if I could, but unfortunately I'm not in a position that I can do that.
So I'd like to throw her name in the hat, along with these other marvelous ladies, as someone I would like to honor this Mother's Day.
I'd like to nominate Tricia Cox. www.fertilehope.blogspot.com. She's gone through a lot with her little micro-preemie son, Robbie, born at 26 weeks due to pre-eclampsia and spent almost 100 days in the NICU. He still has major feeding issues and is only 11 lbs., but Trish has done an AWESOME job as his mom and advocate!
I am going to self-nominate for the next giveaway, I usually do not do this but am going to this time. I have several things going on in my life right now(my health and my son's) and on top of all of it my son graduates from HS in May :( it is really tough on me knowing that is will be gone next year to college; especially with all that is going on right now.
Happy Early Mother's Day to all
and thanks for the great giveaways:)
Angie H.
Soso, MS
I hope I'm not too late to enter a super awesome woman. She and her husband just recently lost their first (and so far only) born child. A baby boy. But despite how heartbreaking they surely must be feeling, they are moving on. And they are looking at all the positive things their sweet baby taught them in his short little life. Her name is Tagen. And she is amazing. You can check out one of their blogs at
One more nomination for you: Melissa Christensen is a mommy of 3 boys. Her oldest has autism and her youngest has developmental problems. She spends most of her time at doctors, therapists, therapy, etc., etc. I don't think she every takes time for herself. She is amazing with her boys and has helped them on a path to success. She could use a little something, something for mother's day! Here is her blog:
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