(where I am a contributor) is hosting The Mother of All Bloggers Contest RIGHT NOW!
Wanna guess who is a judge?

The winner wins a LAPTOP, a new blog design, bragging rights, and a front page story on on Mother's Day!
Totally undesirable, I know.
The runners-up win cool stuff too, including coverage on as well.
Ugh. Being a runner-up would be awful.
Did I tell you that is one the leading parenting websites, with several million unique visitors/month?
You definitely want to stay away from this one...
But in case you're a bad listener: GO HERE.
P.S. Me not allowed to respond to questions or pleas or bribes on this one. There is a q&a forum on the site where you can ask and receive answers about this contest...or life in general.
Good Luck! I'll be looking for your blog!
I'm halfway to the 10 nominations needed!! If anyone else wants to share the love, go to my blog for the link to my profile :)
Good luck ladies!
I'm in! I won't ask you for any favors (Just remember that I'm the one with the coolest blog!)
Somehow I think I would only win in the "remembers to update her blog about once a week" category. Yeah, I'm a loser. Good luck everybody!
hmmm, gonna check that out! Momma needs a new laptop. Mine crashed this past week!
What a great contest!
PS - loved the easter grass post below. So true. I am finding plastic eggs and jelly beans in the girls toy chest. :S
Excellent blog, nice presentation and contents. I am so proud to Vote and just now I voted for your blog in blogger choice awards. Keep it up and write more please. I invite your valuable visit and suggestions about my blog,
Please check your account in bloggerchoice awards to see my vote. I hope you are so kind to vote for my blog also
Thanks for the heads up~I will check it out!
Sadly, I'm pretty sure that I'm not cool enough to do this. I think the only person who would vote for me would be my mom....maybe. ;o)
So you're not a competitor? Oh, Hamburgers! I came over here this morning to vote for the meanest mom this side of the mississippi.
do you have 2 blogs? I get an update that you posted, but then it will not allow me to see it. The bronzed statue post is on of them. Do I have to sign up somewhere special?
I love your blog!
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