* A super stylish BIG BUDDHA TOTE from FlirtyFinds. If your current purse A) is a diaper bag B) was purchased at a Hallmark store or C) is machine washable, it's time to consider a change. There's a lot to like about the Big Buddha (faux croc design, comfy straps, huge storage capacity), but I'm not sure about one thing: does a black tote like this complement or clash with brown sweatpants?
Get 15% off your order through May 10 by using the promo code "flirtymeanmom"

* A $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE to Babysteals.com.
Babysteals.com is like the mall on Black Friday...only every day! The company offers one deeply discounted baby bargain each morning. When the e-doors open at 9am Mountain Time, the stampede begins. It pays to be an early bird: you can score some really cool stuff for really cheap.
Exhibit A:

* The ultimate "NO WHINING PENDANT" from À la mode. Guaranteed to ward off two-year-olds, tweens, and new college graduates with no jobs for at least five minutes (long enough to make your escape). Be sure to check out this shop's extensive collection of other hilarious (and wearable) mom-isms!

* A designer GUCCI-INSPIRED BABY WIPES CASE from Mod Mami. This sassy little number holds several hundred wipes or an equivalent number of Taco Bell sauce packets equally well. Pick your pleasure...and your priorities!

* A $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE to FeltBoardStories.com.
"What?!" you say, confused and slightly annoyed. "Felt boards aren't gifts for moms."
After thirty minutes of uninterrupted peace and quiet, you will so change your mind.

* 1 SET OF THREE 12" CHALKBOARD VINYL CIRCLES from Scribble It. These handy little circles are perfect for shopping lists or documenting the number of times each day that you open the freezer door hoping that a quart of ice cream will magically appear. My count from yesterday: 17.
* A MOTHER'S DAY ACTIVITY BOOK SET from Usborne Books valued at $53.00! Although not as educational as Playstation 2, books nevertheless make good gifts.
Caution: Some of these books contain bad words (i.e. 'project,' 'recipe,' and 'craft') so read at your own risk.

Visit Usborne's site every month for more chances to win $50 worth of free books!

* A darling NAME MEANING SIGN from Farmhouse Five. These signs use one of my favorite things (adjectives!!!) to describe your loved one. They are perfect for your kids' rooms...or also as a gift for grandma. Let your kids pick out the words to describe her and cross your fingers that they don't choose G(rumpy) & R(ound) AN.

*A gorgeous Custom-Made Mother's Bracelet from Landslide Jewelry. Most moms would choose colored beads that correspond to their kids' birthday months. A select few mothers, however, will request that their bracelets be filled with all blue beads in honor of September, the month when school starts up again.

* A $50 gift certificate to Cutie and Patootie. Your one-stop destination for edgy and funky clothes for babies AND big kids. Featured in Baby Couture and Pregnancy and Newborn magazines, this shop is lace and frill-free. Me likey.

* The DUCK BEACH DRESS from Shabby Apple. Can you say hot mom?! This dress will definitely bring the sexy back into your wardrobe. Worried that your jean rompers will sabotage your attempt to look hot? Shop at Shabby Apple with no fear: most of their dresses (including this one) "fit generously," which is polite for "hides chub." I think I'm in love.
BTW: Have you seen Shabby Apple's girls line? I can't believe mothers let their daughters go out looking like that. What has the world come to?!

Stop salivating long enough to read the instructions!
To register for this giveaway, all you have to do is comment on this post!
If you don't have and don't want a Blogger Account but still want "in," post a comment anonymously and leave your name/alias and email address.
Do you want an extra entry? Share the wealth! Write a post/p.s./footnote on your blog about this giveaway. Make sure to link back and you can go leave another comment!
The contest starts NOW and ends THIS FRIDAY, APRIL 24 AT 11:59PM EST. Eleven lucky winners will be chosen at random and announced shortly after the contest ends.
Good luck!
This giveaway is made possible by an amazing group of sponsors. If you want to join the fun next time around, contact me here!
1 – 200 of 1440 Newer› Newest»I would love to win something! I will post about your giveaway on my blog... ryanbethandcameron.blogspot.com
i want in!
Yes, I want in! I want to win! I especially love the feltboards. =)
Oh... I so want to win!!! Pick me!!!
I WOULD LOVE TO WIN SOMETHING! feeling lucky Jenglamgirl!!!!!
I definitely want in! I love contests...not that I ever win, but it's fun to try! :)
WOW! What a wonderful giveaway! How great, that you have so many friends. Good luck to everyone. I just stopped by because I like it here. I don't have any babies...wait I havce a niece! he he
Fingers crossed!
Sign me up little lady, let the good times roll!!!
I would love to win-with two kids and a sometimes clueless husband you never know what will happen on mothers day.
Crossing my fingers to win!
WOW - awesome stuff! Hope I win something. :)
Oh I wanna win! You always give out the best prizes!!!!
~lisa - goldeelox9@yahoo.com
Great giveaways and great blog. I am feeling anything but cute at 38 weeks pregnant, so any of this stuff would be fun.
wow--great stuff! Please count me in, mostly because I want to be the envy of all my friends!
sylviarj at yahoo dot com
I love this stuff!
You always have the coolest giveaways!
I just left a comment on my blog! I'm crossing my fingers now! :)
Any of these would be SO fun to win!
I really, really, really want that dress. Really. It's lovely, as is everything else...but the dress *sigh*
Someday I'll win...maybe!! ;)
What a great collection of prizes! Sounds like a lot of work for you. Good thing it'll be over before Mother's Day so you can enjoy it!
I left a p.s. on my blog!! 2nd entry!! Whoop Whoop!!
I would love to win.
I'm in!! I'd love to win!
Your blogs are HI-larious! Keep 'em coming!
Pick Me!! Pick Me!!
Yes yes YES...count me in!
Count me in on this fun!!!
Wow! This really is the mother of all giveaways! Love it all!
love love love it! Count me in.
There is a comment on my blog now. You are going to have over a thousand comments. Hope blogger doesn't hate you after this one!
Oooo how wonderful!!
I'd like a chance...
Cool! I love free stuff. Please let me win this time!
pick me!...ok?
Oooh, great giveaways! Thanks for the chance to win!
Yay giveaways and moms!
Since my Mother's day will consist of me whining at my husband to take care of the kids since it is "my" day it sure would be nice to win a gift to make the day even better.
Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! I love everything!
Wow that is some really great stuff!! I want in! :)
Check out my blog later as I will metion this Give Away over there, too.
Here's a link to my blog post about the giveaway!
I love it! Pick me! Pick me! (I am raising my hand really high and waving it around like an obnoxious third grader, does that increase my chances? No, well it doesn't work for the third graders either, but list me as signed up!)
Christa Johnson
Please please!
Kathryn @ kath21270@netzero.net
Pick me!! Pick me!!
I need to win. have had a #$%^week!
recently found your site. Love it.
Fun giveaway! Add me to the hundreds of people that like free stuff.
I want to win something! Yea!
ok - so I just had my SIXTH baby three weeks ago - don't you think I should win just for that reason alone??? seriously though - those are great prizes. Count me in!!!
Ooh Ooh Pick Me! Pick ME! I really want that "no whining" necklace! LOL
Any if this would be right up my alley. My purse IS a diaper bag AND it's washable. It was a gift, so it also may very well have come from Hallmark. Help!
Can't wait to see if I win!!
I'm in too! That purse is amazing and unlike mine isn't covered in paint the same color as the exterior of my house.
I would love to win...PLEASE!!!
Lots of cool products! I'd love to win one!
I would love to win something. Thanks!
I want to win too... pick me please!!!
I'm in!!
What an awesome set of prizes!! Thanks for the chance!
Love it! want it!
Would love to win. Count me in..
I love your blog! I would love to win anything on this wonderful post. Thanks for sharing my thoughts-- always.
Thanks- from a very pregnant Mom!
Where have some of these sites been before now? i love 'em!
I don't just want IN, I want to WIN!
Awesome set of prizes!! Count me in!
I'm Game!
i want in too! I will post on my blog.
Can I PLEASE have the polka dots. I live by post-its and I LOVE POLKA DOTS!! It's a perfect combo for me!
Cute! Feel free to pick me!
I never win anything, but I'll enter anyway.
Lovely prizes.
That purse is gorgeous!! I want one! I want one!
I want them all! aprilbaby04@gmail.com
I would love to win something! Count me in!
Sign me up! Love your blog!
Hi, been lurking awhile and finally commenting because I want to win.
I want to win!! you can contact me at safetychic@hotmail.com
I definitely want in. This is my 'first' Mother's Day!
I posted on my blog!
I want in.
Jenny Thalman
I posted the giveaway link on my blog!
Jenny Thalman
Cool! Love ALL the gifts!
Would love to win!
To quote one of the greatest movies ever, especially for a fellow germaphobe like me (What About Bob)" I want I want I need I need" Maybe if i win something, i won't have to get gifts from the dollar tree this year for mother's day! Although i do enjoy seeing what my 6 yr old picks out for me, usually includs water balloons and socks :)
I'm in and could really use a new purse!
What a great giveaway! Sign me up!
What a bunch of great giveaways! Thanks for hosting!! I hope I am lucky enough to win something!
Yes...i have to confess...my purse is my diaper bag. AND yes, my wallet in my diaper bag purse is from Hallmark!I NEED to win this!! :)
Lovely stuff, especially the dress. I could use a new dress!
I would love to win one of these items...either for myself or as a gift for my MUCH trendier Mom!
I just came across your blog about 1 month ago! I love it!!!
thanks, hope i win something!
I want to win! :)
I would love to win!
I would love to win any of these (except the diaper stuff - no more babies here).
Absolutely love your blog! Not a mom yet but you are an inspiration!
Would love a chance to win!
What a Fun blog!!! Your stories crack me up...I would Love to win something!!!!
What awesome giveaways!!!
I'm in! Thank you!
I love all of those things. Sign me up!
I LOVE the No whining pendant!!! How perfect that would be to wear on days when I volunteer in my son's class at school. I want in!!!!!!
I definitely want in!!
Thanks, fun stuff!
We never win anything, but yet my hubby keeps spending on lottery tickets. This entry is free so at the least I'll win my money back!
Kim braves08@neb.rr.com
Count me in! I especially love the mother's bracelet. Thanks!
I would love to win something!!
How much fun is all that stuff? I want some, maybe the shabby apple dress?
Those are beautiful things! I would love to have :) emdaisy@gmail.com, Emily Thomas
I'm posting this on my blog. miketonia.blogspot.com
I would love to win.
I totally want in, please!! :)
I want in!
Yay! Free stuff! And cute free stuff at that.
Count me in! Thanks!!!
oooooooooooohhhhh, pick me! Pick me!
I'm feeling lucky-count me in today please!
I'm feeling lucky today-count me in too please!
Cool stuff. I had to laugh about the criterion for needing a new purse; not only is mine machine-washable, it's also homemade. So I guess I fit the bill.
Sign me up! all of this stuff rocks, and my husband would love it if I WON a bag instead of bought one!
How fun- all of them!! I love the "no whining" pendant....
I'm definately in for this one!
ooooh......some neat stuff! Count me in.
holy smokes! momma needs some giveaway love ♥!!
Count me in!
I would love to win any of these items!
Those are all so fantastic!
I could use quite a few of those things! I hope I win one.
Cool stuff! Count me in.
This is awesome - thanks!!
This would be a dream come true! Hope I win!!
I want to win something too!! Count me in!
I adore Shabby Apple! And everyone loves something that "fits generously".
I would so love to win something!!!! I hope I get picked!!!
Wow, I can't believe all the cute and stylish items! It makes me want to burn my sweats, baggy t-shirt, and ol' nursing bra! I would love to win a giveaway like this. It's definitely time for me to break up with my frumpy self!
Beautiful stuff! Count me in:)
I want in! Especially since my purse is in the "What the *bleep* was I thinking?!?!" catagory!
I love those chalkboard memo things too!
I love your blog and this is absolutly a wonderful way to celebrate women!
I don't normally enter these, but man, this stuff is great! Thanks for hosting.
Wow! I would love to win something!
Count me in!
I LOVE your blog! I'd love to be in on this :)
WOOHOO!! for the awesome goodies!
Just this morning I had to cut open the zipper on my 'purse' (aka a hospital freebie diaper bag) with safety scissors because it broke.
Please count me in too!
Goodness Gracious, it's only after 9 am here and there are over 130 comments. My odds aren't very good, but I want in anyway. I'm feeling lucky
This is the best contest EVER!!!
Count me in!! I have never entered an online contest but I am in LOVE with your blog. Big thumbs up from real moms everywhere.
You have the greatest ideas for giveaways! I might actually be a "cool Mom" for once if I win something here. ;) Have a great week!
Enter me!
never hurts to try, though it always hurts when I don't win. :)
love the blog.
me me!! pick me!
count me in too!
What a fun group of give-aways!
Yeah! Count me in!!!!!!!!!!!
well, i know that i'm not going to win, but that doesn't mean that i won't try.
Everything looks wonderful! Count me in!
PLEASE PICK ME!!! I love the dress from Shabby Apple!
Friday is my birthday! What an appropriate day to win something... wink, wink...
pick me! pick me! pick me!
especially that Shabby Apple dress. I LOVE shabby apple
count me in
enter me please!!!
Shabby Apple is awesome! I wish I could afford all their dresses!!
I love your giveaways! Pick me!
What a great assortment of prizes. I especially love the shabby dresses
All of those things are awesome! I have to say that I love the "No Whining" pendant the best!
I need a good mother's day gift for once! Sing me up!
I've never won anything in my 40 years of living. Need it now more than ever with three teenagers!!! Please, Please, save my sanity!
I'm in! Mostly for the June Cleaveresque dress. But ALL are great prizes! :-)
jenshops@cfl.rr.com Jen
I have been reading your blog for the last year, and never enter, but I really want to win! Count me in please!
Please count me in! Great prizes and lots of winners, love it! And have a great Mothers Day too!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
Oooooh! What a great giveaway! Sign me up please.
I don't believe I've ever laughed so much while reading a list of items being given away!
Pick me Jana! Pick me!
Awesome products and sponsors! Thanks for the giveaways!!!
blogged here for ya: http://motheroftwoyesposahermosa.blogspot.com/2009/04/meanest-mom-mothers-day-giveaway.html
micaela6955 at msn dot com
Holy Moly- that's one heck of a giant giveaway! How fun! I have to say I'd like to enter on behalf of my mom- she's the greatest lady ever!
I want to win so I can tell everyone that I won a parenting competition.
What an amazing giveaway!
Count me in! What an amazing giveaway!!!
So glad I found your blog. Kachaw! This is my entry.
I love your blog! These items are great. But my babies are 12 and 15, so if I win a baby item, feel free to draw another name.
Everything is adorable! Too cute! Here's hoping luck is on my side!
BTW, absolutely love the blog!
I wrote a post about your giveaway. I have never won a blog giveaway, I hope I win this one.
Check out my little blog to see the link back to your blog.
I am definitely in! Woo hoo!
My keyboard is wet.
I'd love to win any of those things! Woohoo!
Hope I win :)
I seriously love this blog- and all these goodies are awesome too! :)
I posted about your giveaway, http://imnotyourexpectations.blogspot.com/
Sign me up!
You are great.
I blogged about you, I have a readership of about 3 so not sure how much good it will do. But my blog entries feed into my Facebook, so that should help, I do have a few more than 3 friends over there.
Oooh, I want to win! Please!!!
Wow! What a give-away!
I would love a chance to win a prize Ü
I just love your blog, I've been a long time reader. I want in the giveaway!
I hope to win. Pick me!:)
Holy Moly! Winning any of these things would be awesome! Thanks for this opportunity.
Count me in! I love your blog! You have sucha great attitude about the things kids will do!
I would love to win, this is so awesome!!!!
Me! Me! Pick me!!
I would love to win...I need a little retail love this Mother's Day. And free retail love is the best kind.
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