But not this:

At this very moment, a steeply discounted blouse in a color that does not flatter my skin tone waits patiently for me in my e-shopping bag, unable to make the leap into a UPS box until I can decipher the company's security Sanskrit.
Named the "Best Blog" by Parent & Child Magazine, this popular mom blog chronicles the wonderful mundaneness of a Philadelphia stay-at-home mom's life with four small children including twins in episodic form. Recurrent topics include adoption, multiples, Fifth Disease, Crohn's Disease and pregnancy, and academia.
"s" - the word on the left definately starts with an S.
The rest of your commenters should take it from there.
I'm not claiming to know anything about what those words say. Most of the time I have to ask my daughter about those things... she's 5. All I can say is all things happen for a reason, and well... RUN!!!!
Yeah, who'd have thought a PhD in Midieval Literature wouldn't prepare one for the real world ...
Certainly not me!
lol. I can never read those dang words either.
I think the first word says 'sooner'?
How true is that!! Hopefully you were able to decipher it and get that top you wanted!
~ Jennifer
Hmmm. I don't know what those say, but there's one of them on this page, too. I think they might say, "soyouthinkyoucanread"? Yep, pretty sure that's it.
Wow! You can read that?! (First pic)
Take it as a sign that maybe you don't need a blouse that doesn't flatter your skin tone.
Well I'm very impressed that you can read the first script- I wish I had an exciting skill such as that.
But...I too have great difficulty reading the word verifications- get them wrong all the time.
Good luck with the deciphering.
usually there is a button that has the handicapped symbol...if you aren't above pressing it, it might help.
Oh, I HATE those things! I like when there's a button that says, "Need another word?"...if they know it's unreadable, why bother?
First word is sooner and the second word is seventh - what do I win?
I hate those!!
I have had that same problem! It would be helpful if these were always actual words...who came up with this goofy system?!
ummm "seovor" whatever that means? honestly good luck!
I HATE captchas. And I mean that in the meanest, nastiest possible way.
Yeah who would have thought?
I had the same problem yesterday with Ticketmaster. I had to keep resetting the password and one time there was even an entire PARAGRAPH that they wanted me to copy. I had to skip right over that one.
these make no sense to me anyway? how are they protecting anything? can creepy, internet/identity thiefs NOT read them? if i can't read them, does that mean i am an internet creep? good luck!
oooh...thats rough. do they have a button to refresh the Captcha?
Good luck getting the blouse.
Perhaps if you drank more the words would become clearer?
LOL, and the funny thing is you have a capta/word verifi when commenters post on your blog...but these are easy to read.
It says 'Seodor'.
i can totally relate. I spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out there coding so I could set up an instant message account....
It either says "Sender" or "Seoder". LOL LAME!
Oh my gosh those things drive me nuts.. I can never get them right. I always thought something was wrong with me, but now I realize that everyone has issues with them.
Glad I'm not the only one! I hate those little buggers and end up having the computer actually "ok" something I think out of pity for me. Oh well!
who comes up with these words anyways. Well, they're not actually words, merely letters in clumps. The shirts not THAT important, is it?
Too funny!! Seriously, my first degree program was Medieval Literature but I ended up in education. Of course, that means I can clearly see the words for your shopping bag since I am an expert at reading kindergarten handwriting.
To: Chic Mama
I hate to tell you but reading medieval manuscripts really isn't super exciting. Fun, sure if you like the tedium of staring at old paper all day, but only exciting in movies like Angels and Demons and Indiana Jones.
That is too funny! And, have you ever clicked on the little "wheelchair guy" next to the word, to get it read out loud to you? For some reason it never works for me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong!
Here is a trick for you, copy the word paste it in micorsoft word or notebook then change the font of the word it should be easy to read after that.
I think its funny that you dont like these words but you have it on your blog so that when we want to comment we have to "guess" the word to add a comment. lol
I'm so with you! I speak five languages but couldn't post a stupid Baby Bjorn on craigslist yesterday b/c I couldn't get past those little words!! I made me want to pull my hair out.
BAHAH oh dear me. I can almost never figure these things out... I just guess until it lets me go through!
I blogged about this the other day!!! I feel your pain. What in the world???
sometimes I click on the handicapped button. no lie.
Good luck with that one!
And I just have to say, it makes me giggle when there are condom advertisements on your blog.
Oh. My. Goodness. I feel the EXACT same way! I hate those word verification thingies with a PASSION! My little, tiny brain does NOT do well with "made-up" words....I need letters in order, dang it! LOL!
I don't have anything witty - but I do love this post. You rock, as usual. Also, I'm still kind of bummed I didn't win the Christmas sweater. I know it's been a long time, but my heart still aches. Just sayin'...
Are you sure you're not actually a search engine dressed as a lady? Isn't that what those things are supposed to weed out?
I wish I were as popular as you; what I could do with such a vast reservoir of useless information to help me muddle throughout my day...muahahaha!
Well if they were smart and wanted true internet security they would hire a medieval literature PhD to come up with the security words. It would be like Fort Knox - no one but you would get in! Then people would have to pay you for translation! See - it was a smart career move.
Similarly: I have many friends with wonderful talents, including a Hollywood make-up artist who has done my make-up for a party. Another friend has trimmed my daughter's hair. And another friend who can sew has altered clothes for me.
Meanwhile, I have an MA in literature. So after they help me, I offer to analyze a sonnet for them. That always makes them really happy.
e are bad. I get them wrong all the time. Yesterday was the worst though..one asked me to pick the smallest box and I got it wrong. They seemed really close but still...I am a loser. Those words they gave you are completely ridiculous.
Hiya! Left an award for you over at my blog, so...
COME 'N GET IT! Yee Haw!
Oh, brother. The most indecipherable ones typically don't have a button where you can get a new image.
Half the time when I get a new image, it's just as bad as the first anyway.
Bahahahahaha! That is hysterical. And I know the feeling, but without the PhD. How about a Bachelors in English?
Oh man, I'm gonna pee my pants! I just left a comment and then read Christa's comment about pressing the handicapped button and I'm seriously crying.
Everyone needs to check this out... http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/0401/04.html
It blew my mind when I saw it, this guy is pretty much forcing everyone to decifer old manuscripts for him! Don't you think we should get paid?!? Oh and the other reason for the deciphering is to verify that you are an actual person using the website as opposed to a programed "bot".
Opps the last part of the URL got cut off.... after the "h" should be "tml"
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