July 27, 2009

Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway!!!

When was the last time you bought a dress that you didn't have to pair with a sweater that costs twice as much as the dress itself, a special bra, or weird looking undershirt?

Maybe it's just me, but it seems that stylish dresses that fit real women's bodies are going the way of the dinosaurs. Around these parts, they're virtually extinct. In their place, the timelessly sexy skirt + sweater set has taken over.


While I'm a girl who appreciates the flexibility of mix n' match clothing, there are occasions when I feel inspired to branch out from the world of adjustable waistbands. In these moments, I turn to Shabby Apple.

The ladies at Shabby Apple were kind enough to send me the Jackie O dress to try on for size.

Here are my thoughts uncensored:

* I'm relatively tall and the vast majority of so-called knee-length dresses sold in the mall hit me mid-thigh at best. Don't get me wrong, like most middle-aged women, I look smokin' hot in skin tight mini-skirts, but I am finding that a growing number of people consider those who dress less than half their age to be socially inappropriate. The Jackie O dress hits, as promised, perfectly at the knee.

* Most of Shabby Apple's dresses, including the Jackie O, "fit generously." Translation: If you fluctuate between clothing sizes depending on what's in your freezer, you'll most likely be okay with the size you order.

* Shabby Apple's summer line offers full coverage, but the cotton/spandex blend makes the dresses breathable and light. In other words, you won't sweat to death when you wear a Shabby Apple dress, even on the East Coast, where the humidity can knock your socks off.

Shabby Apple's BRAND NEW line of dresses is due out any minute and to celebrate, they're giving one lucky reader her very own Jackie O Dress!!!! All you need to do to enter this contest is to leave a comment. Want a second chance to win this dress? Post a link to this giveaway on your blog and leave a second comment!

It's that easy, and that awesome! The contest starts NOW and ends this FRIDAY, July 31 at midnight. The winner will be chosen at random, but comments expressing desperation are always appreciated and make me laugh.

Good Luck!

*If you want to sponsor a future giveaway on the Meanest Mom blog or are interested in sidebar advertising, email me at themeanestmom at gmail dot com.


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Amy Nelson said...

Love it! Need this!

Erica said...

Wow! I totally want to win! I hate having to wear a million layers with dresses.. especially in the Central Valley, CA heat! I hope I win!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zillah said...

yes please.

Unknown said...

MY comment OF desperation per yoru request ;)... PLEASE OH' PLEASE just pick me. I haven't felt cute for church, or in a cute dress since my 3rd baby was born. He is now 8 mos. and I still haven't lost any weight. (all me) I would love the boost of confidence this darling modest dress would give me! OH' Please! I WOULD LOVE TO WIN! JenGlamGirl

Eva said...

OOooo OOooo Oooo Pick me! :)

Wheeler Family said...

I would love a new dress! Please!

cindy baldwin said...

I have to keep entering giveaways for Shabby Apple dresses even though I never win them, because I'll never be able to afford 'em! It's a hard life. ;)

Carrie said...

Super cute! My husband has been saying lately that I never wear dresses. Well, maybe it's because I don't have any that look good on me. The Shabby Apple dresses would be perfect! PICK ME!!!

Mrs. V said...

I think the dress is beautiful; it looks like it will breed confidence. Thanks for entering me!

lara said...

I really would love this dress!

Terra Howard said...

Just last week I had to pair a sweater w/..in Texas..in July. Enough said.

Kim said...

I never win ANYTHING! But, what the heck? It's worth a try!

The Martin Family said...

A new dress would be absolutely wonderful. I had a baby 4 months ago, and needless to say, I am not in my pre-pregnancy shape yet. As I recycle through the clothes that fit me throughout the week, this dress would go a long way. :)

Hope said...

I haven't had a new dress that actually fits me well and makes me feel pretty in a very long time. I'm thinkin' I'm finally gonna have to check out Shabby Apple's website.

Crossin' my fingers I win. I never win anything, but I'm crossin' them anyway.

Brenda said...

I could use a new dress - been over a year since I wore a dress! So sad!

Amanda said...

I LOVE this dress! I'm also really tall (5'11) and have problems finding dresses that fit the right way.

Anonymous said...

At present time, there are no dresses hanging in my closet...I don't think i've worn one since before my almost 5 year old was born. Yikes!

JGEM said...

Does the fact that everything I wore yesterday was given to me second hand count as desperation? Sure... I'd love a brand new live new dress. Maybe not live.

Jessica said...

What an awesome give away! It may be hard to keep my hubby's hands off of me in that!


Hope said...

I put a link on my blog. Does that mean I get a second entry???

Trish said...

Mine, please!

Deanna said...

This would be fabulous! Mommies need clothes that fit sizeses between here and there and cover...especially if we're doing the mac'n'cheese lunch and hot dog dinner. :)

Kirsty said...

Please, please? Pretty please?

JennaHabes said...

I get comments from my friends all the time, "how many layers do you have on?" and I live in Texas! I need a modest dress!

Shannon G. said...

I don't own a single dress... this would be a great start!! :-)

Ali P. said...

Love this dress !!

Lance and Sally Sagers said...

love shabby apple, I need this dress!

Mary R. said...

This dress would prove to everyone I have a waist and I'm not afraid to use it!

Heidi said...

PLEASE?!?!?! I have no dresses in my closet right now...they are all in my daughter's closet for a better-fitting day!

Hildie said...

I have spent the last 14 years pregnant or nursing. But after my last baby (3 years ago) I lost a lot of that gross baby weight. Then I ate lots of candy and gained it all back--plus more!

So now I feel not only fat, but loserish as well. Please send me a new dress. Because heaven knows I need all the help I can get.

Deanna said...

And here's to entry number two!


Crossing my fingers to win!

Mindi D said...

Pick me Pick me!! I love that black dress, sooo cute!!!

Lindsey T said...

I need this so bad! Every Sunday I stare at my closet forever trying to figure out something to wear!! I hate all my clothes!

Shreenith said...


Mindy said...

I'm pretty sure I was the only one in RS that DIDN'T have on a Shabby Apple dress. Please pick me so I don't have to skip out next week :)

julie said...

This dress will brighten my day just like reading your blog does.

April Phelps said...

I'm set to deliver my first baby this coming weekend. A new dress might just help me get over those post-pregnancy body blues.

Rachel said...

I love the Shabby Apple and LOVE this dress.

Anonymous said...

Sign me up!!!

Meg said...

That dress is so cute! Love it!

Kerry said...

Love that dress! So cute!

Julie said...


kandra said...

Oh pick me! the SC humidity is killing me on Sundays! having to wear three layers to get modest is such a pain!

Anonymous said...

what?? and give up my beloved tee shirt and sweat shorts? could it really fit and look ok? oh well count me in I guess. KW

Amy said...

I had no less than 4 layers on at church yesterday. Underwear, tank top to make cleavage line of sundress modest, sundress, then sweater over sundress, again for modesty, then a skirt under the sundress to make up for the lack of length of the sundress. It was 95 degrees here. What WON'T we do for fashion/modesty sake?

Marcee said...

I spent 4 hours the last two saturdays looking for a dress that fit right. NOTHING!!! Pick me! I need a dress desperatly!!! :)

amy smart said...

Oh I need this. And I love the Shabby Apple girls.

Chris and Amanda said...

I have an almost 1-year old and I'm still trying to lose those last 15 pounds of baby weight. So, anything with a generous fit sounds good to me 'cause Heaven knows I could use a generous fit.

Jenna said...

Your post totally sounds like me! I'm 6 foot and finding a cute 'knee-length' dress is almost impossible. I would LOVE to win!!!

C Dawn's bucket said...

It's a hard knock life for me.
It's a hard knock life oh please
I need a cute dress for tea
I promise I don't have fleas.

It's a hard knock life.....

Cardon Times said...

I would so love to win this! Please oh please...I'm crossing my fingers and toes!

Anonymous said...

Please Please Please pick me!! I recently lost 20 pounds and counting and could use some new clothes!!
Michele DuPriest

caryn said...

Love these dresses! Yes, please!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win. I drool over their dresses on a routine basis, but have yet to shell out the $$ to buy one!

Jess said...

Ooooh I want one!

Meghan said...

I'm a huge fan of Shabby Apple's dresses. I'd LOVE to win this one;)

Melissa said...

Jackie O Dress? I like the sound of that. I really need one of those.

Lindsay Marie said...

Pleeeeeese pick me. I am dying to try out shabby apple but haven't been able to. make this girl's dreams come true!!

Jenn said...

I absolutely hate shopping for modest clothes! Especially now that I'm buying more maternity. I know that this isn't a maternity dress, but you always need the motivation to lose weight afterwards right?

amylynne said...

I love shabby apple! Pick me!!

Viv said...

Three kids in 34 months...I don't even own a dress currently, so please throw my name in the pool. Since I live in Fl and am hopeful that I'll be able to shed a few more of those baby lbs., this sounds like a dress for me!

Remmus13 said...

I would really love one of these dresses. I found them on your site and love their dressed but I haven't been able to afford anything.

Vanessa said...

I would love one. so cute!

Unknown said...

Jana, I am about to move to the East Coast and have my socks knocked off by the humidity. Please give me this dress!

PatientVengeance said...

A dress that would cover my massive *%&$#... I mean, I would love to not have to wear a cami under every shirt, or dress that I own!

Foursons said...

I'm going back to work this Fall after being home with my children for 8 years. I desperately need a new dress since I don't think yoga pants and my husband's T-shirts are proper work attire. *sigh*

Amy said...

OMGoodness! I LOVE that 2nd dress! I'm {finally} done nursing and would LOVE to wear a singular piece of clothing for once, in place of the mounds of layers I usually have to wear! --especially since it's been 115 here in AZ lately!

Diana Dye said...

After giving birth to my daughter, I need a dress and a waist. Hopefully this can give me both.

Emz said...

OK-little Mormon girl here requesting a {gasp} KNEE-length dress. DO THEY REALLY MAKE THESE?! I really don't have to rely on temple length skirts? I order a "tea-length" {what does that mean anyway?!} dress and I swear it still hits 1" above my smokin' hot G's. Help this 5'10" exposed G Mom out!
{Hand is up/mouth shut/sitting at my desk-----pick me - pick me.} ;)

Marianne said...

I am going to summon the random number generator gods to help me win this one!!

Mack Money said...

Cool - I need to get back in style post baby!

Amy said...

i absolutely love Shabby Apple

Jenny P. said...

I love SHabby Apple too... could definitely use a new dress. :)

Amy said...

I linked it! :)

Mia said...

I am so tired of shopping for a dress that is cute and fits. Please relieve me of my misery and pick me :)

Amy said...

Oh my goodness, I don't remember the last time I had an actual dress that looked decent on me. I so want this! Please please please pick me!

Gina said...

I want to win! I haven't been able to "update" my wardrobe since the birth of my last child, almost 2 years ago- in which I gained a considerable amount of weight and learned it's not as easy to lose pregnancy weight when you're a SAHM mom as it was when I was a working mom.
I really want to win!! :)
- Gina (star_kissed_addiction@yahoo.com)

I'm just me... said...

How cute is this dress! I need one!

Anna@Exasperation said...

I so need a Shabby Apple Jackie O dress...Pick me!

amanda said...

Go Shabby Apple.

Dianna said...

Dresses? What are dresses? Oh, yeah, that's what I could wear to church now that I am no longer nursing but can't find with sleeves!

Kim said...

My twins are ten months old, and I've finally been able to lose some of that baby weight I've been carrying around, I would love a new dress to show off my figure! An my husband would like me to stop complaining about my current wardrobe. Help us out please :)

nbjenni said...

me likey!

mkm said...

So yesterday I went to church without first checking out how short my skirt would be when I sat down. I am a pretty tall woman and let me tell you, I was using magazines and purses to cover up the fact that almost my entire leg was exposed for the world. Not a pretty sight. Especially when I didn't shave that morning. I desperately need dresses that work for me and my apparent giganticness!

Monica said...

I simply must have this dress! I just had my second baby and would LOVE to have a dress that I can feel cute in and still be able to nurse my baby.

-kim said...

shabby apple is definitely my kind of dress..."cut generously" i love it!

Stephanie said...

New job = new dress.

Lisa said...

Pick me! Pick me! When things are so tight that you can barely buy new toys for your little one let alone new clothes for yourself...one desperately needs to win this contest.

Unknown said...

I just bought two new dresses for a wedding in late August. My 5 year old daughter (who would not be caught in anything but a dress) told me I need to get some more dresses. What timing....

Angela McBride said...

Would love to win!

Stephens 8 said...

Ok, so first of all I have been dreaming of this very same dress for a week! I just had a baby three months ago and I am so sick of wearing skirts to church, I need a dress that I look sexy in and I can nurse in. That and my High school reunion is in one month...Please I just need this dress.

rebecca said...

I would love a flattering dress from Shabby Apple! I've been admiring their stuff for awhile now. :)

frantically heidi said...

Jacky-O-My-Goodness! This dress is the stuff that dreams are made of.
It's also the stuff that bitter jealously is made of. Pick me. Please.

Shannon (CA) said...

Cute and light weight...perfect for California! Yes, please!

Heidi Noel said...

I would love a new dress. My sister has been singing Shabby Apple praises for a while.

Brooke said...

I didn't know they made dresses with sleeve any more. I'd love one!

Amy said...

Cute Dress

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of this company before but the website has some cute stuff! I'd love to be entered in the drawing, please!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo - a dress that would cover ample hips and not look like a muu-muu. Definitely a must-own. I'm impressed!

The Doutt Family said...

Pick me. I want to be a HOT mama!!

rachelle said...

Oh I love their dresses! Hooray for Shabby Apple!

Janae said...

NEED IT. Have 5 kids (youngest is 6 months) Just got called into YW and could totally use the boost of confidence. I weigh more then I did when I delivered my baby.( Holy cow did I just really tell somebody that.) Love Shabby Apple, and would Love it even more if it was free.

Katy said...

Pick Me! I have not bought myself a new dress in years! I had to wear a sweater over a dress recently and my friend thought I was sick as it was 75 degree's here in Southern California.

Mandy Bird said...

Heck yeah! It'd be nice to have a dress that you don't have to alter to cover up the parts no one needs to see!

Rowley Family said...

Way cute dresses! I would love one if I could afford one!

Amy said...

I blogged about your giveaway at http://lovegiveaway.blogspot.com/2009/07/shabby-apple-giveaway.html


A dress? A nice, clean, stylish, figure-flattering, wear-it-to-other-locations-besides-church dress....novel idea! I NEED to have one of those!

TheMoncurs said...

Oh man, I LOVE Shabby Apple. I wore one of their dresses yesterday, actually, and I'm constantly perusing their site, trying to figure out which one to save my pennies for next. I'd love this one!

Amelia said...

I'm 6" and I would love to own a dress I can wear high heals with.

Emma Jo said...

Yes yes and yes. Oh and please. Lest I shall forever be doomed to attend church naked, I need this, really and truly.

Di said...

Funny. I found Shabby Apple a little while ago and loved the Jackie O dress. More than ever I am in need of a "generous" dress as my second child did a number on my mid section! Plus, I'm sure the ladies at church would love to see more to my wardrobe than the tan skirt and white blouse that I wear, um, every week!

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

I love Jackie O. So a Jackie O dress would make me as cool as her right?! Okay, maybe not. But it's got to be better than the duggar look I seem to be sporting lately. ;o)

Jaylene said...

I Love their dresses...I'm feeling lucky!

Maya said...

um, i neeeeed this dress! i've had so much trouble finding anything that looks good on my post-baby frame + like you, i don't really dig the mini-skirt look on myself...

Monica said...

I want it, I Want It, I WANT IT!.....please. :)

A Musing Mother said...

As a middle age mom who dreads the Sunday look-in-the-closet-and-look-befuddled, I need to put on a dress made before 1995 (although my 1993 dress is absolutely adorable).

Layers = hate them. Too hot.

Jenette said...

I am alays in need of a modest dress that actually will fit my little frame.

Melinda said...

I am down 40 pounds this year!!! Choose me, to help start my new wardrobe off right!!!

La Yen said...

I need a dress. Because I have to live in West Texas. That should be enough.

Nancy said...

I have been admiring the Shabby Apple for some time now. And top on my list is the Jackie-O. However, my budget just won't allow me to indulge. So I would love to win! Thanks for the chance.

Tahnie said...

I've been wanting a Shabby Apple Dress forever!

Shauna said...

Shabby Apple has beautiful and classy dresses that are perfect for church on Sunday or brunch with the girls. I've always wanted to own one. Such a great giveaway!

wannabeinhawaii said...

I would love this dress. I am a teacher and if I can dress quick and look cute...perfect!

Samantha said...

I love it!!

Andrea said...

I would love to win this dress. I actually saw it the other day, but can't afford it. This would be awesome!

Heidi Noel said...

posted a link on my blog. Thanks again.

The Lemmings' Family said...

Awesome Dress!

Cari said...

You mean there's actually something out there that my husband might find me sexy in WITHOUT embarrassing me or my children? Bring it on!

Tricia said...

Great dress!

beth said...

i was totally not planning on commenting because there are already 129 comments ahead of me, but i have to tell you how much i LOVE that site! their dresses are adorable and the fit flatter feature is dead on! thanks for letting us know!

christine said...

Give me! Give me! I need! I need! I need!

I love What About Bob. But seriously, I really need. Class reunion coming up. And I may just look shabby, less the apple. I can't find anything to wear. And this would save my children from me dragging them to another(should be in italics) store to look for something...they would be greatly indebted to you and would want to send you cookies and pictures and other "art" in the mail.

Lin said...

So cute! I want it!

DJ said...

Wow. Come to think of it I haven't bought a dress in a few years. Guess it's time to update the wardrobe...


christine said...

Because I can absolutely be bought...Here is my second entry. I blogged, I linked. I hope I win.

Di said...

Desperate plea also found it's way to my blog. Here's to hoping for a new dress!

the cakes said...

Are you kidding me?! I've been 5'12" sine I was 16! Therefore haven't wore a dress in 2 decades! Would LOVE this!

Kimberly and the GA Guinn Triplets said...

I'm going back to work in August and I sure could use a new dress. LOL! Kimberly

Just another Young Mom said...

Aww a new dress would be great for that first time I left the house after I have my new baby girl!

Daffodil Campbell said...

I have plenty of cute sweater sets, but it is so hard to find a comfy, cool dress that will cover all of the important bits, and not make me feel like my grandmother.
This beautiful dress is a happy medium ! And I am looking forward to putting it through it's paces in the year-round Hawaii humidity....

Natalia said...

pick me!

Sims Family said...

Some day I may win...
So cute!

Tiffany said...

I would love to move beyond sweaters and skirts.

Tiona said...

I can't remember the last time I wore a dress. It's usually a skirt and shirt for me! Would love a cute little black dress that I could actually wear.

Heather said...

I love Shabby Apple, and I'd love to win.

Tiffany said...

You are linked.

Emily said...

PICK me!!!! I would love this dress :)

Joanna said...

I love Shabby Apple dresses! I'm not a mom and also, not yet middle aged, but as a twenty-something who likes to leave something to the imagination, I also find it difficult to dress myself sometimes.

What a great giveaway!

Alicia said...

I want a dress! :)

The Petersons said...

My closet would REALLY like to have this dress as a new addition! :)

Fab Mama said...

FABULOUS site...such cute stuff!

jennybrum said...

Pick me! Pick me! I had four babes in five years, and after paying to dress them I have no $$ left to clothe my newly ample figure. I'm sure my neighbors would appreciate it if I showed up at church in something nice, and I would appreciate sitting through the next lesson on modesty in a dress that I'm not "busting" out of! :)

Lauren said...

Ooh! I LOVE their dresses!!! I am crossing my fingers!

Pat T said...

I can't tell you the last time I wore a dress. Would love one that is actually in fashion!

Sarah said...

I am SO in need of a good dress without all the under layers.. Pick me! Pick me!

Johnsons of Haymarket said...

I am a huge fan of Shabby Apple, I love their clothes!

Andy said...

My wife would certainly love a new dress. We could use the psychological boost around our place. Consider me entered.

Becky T said...

Um, yes please. Pick me, pick me. I know I have more sweater/skirt combos in my closet than I'd like to admit...I need this dress!

Lin said...

I posted about this on my blog :)

mikaysmom said...

The dress is gorgeous! Timeless, sexy and in style! Would love to see this dress in person and um, be wearing it! I think my 4 year old would agree that I would look good in that! Love your blog!!!!

kelly said...

confession: i have terrible bacne. since i'm now 30, i guess i've had it for almost 20 years. fun, right? so i hate dresses that show my back and shoulders!! they're everywhere! that dress is really cute and i want me one!

.From Her. said...

I want it. I need it. Oh man, oh man, this weirded-out, mommy-of-two-baby-body NEEEEDS it.

But comment 161??? Hmmmm... How lucky can I get!?

Ruth M said...

2 week old baby #3=need for flexible sizing. I would love this dress.

Tammy Anderson said...

I would love a stylish dress. I've almost given up on the knee length dresses too because they just aren't.

Elise said...

I would love one of these! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I need a dress that inspires me to put down the chocolate! and this does that! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

I love that dress! It's so hard to find cute modest dresses now and days!!

Carrie said...

Oh how I LOVE this dress!

Stephanie said...

You want it, you got it--desperation, that is. I haven't bought myself a new dress in......OK, a couple of months. But before that, it was YEARS AND YEARS. Please make this Mean Mom look fab! Hubby and kiddos thank you!

michelle said...

I am also tall and usually have to opt for the longer dresses so my unmentionables are not exposed as my children climb all over me in church. Would love to win the dress to give me a little boost and motivation...I just had a baby a month ago and want to look "cute" again!

becbloggin said...

woo hoo! what i wouldnt give. just went dress shopping at the ever popular ROSS and have found after wearing said dresses one time that my legs have somehow become longer.

Maria said...

So Cute!

Emily said...

Love Shabby Apple and love the Jackie O dress!

The Richard Report said...

I've been wanting to try Shabby Apple and this would be perfect!! I love and really want it!!


PookaB said...

In the past 10 years, the only places I have found that offer actual fully covered, one-piece dresses involve women over the age of 60.
PLEASE SHOW MERCY!!!! Pick me!!!!!

Audrey said...

I want it, I want it, I WANT IT!!! I LOVE that dress. I need something to make me feel pretty again! :) After-baby-chub can get a girl down.

Sarah Bessey said...

I love Shabby Apple dresses. Fingers crossed!

Dustin & Kate said...

Very cute dress! Would work wonders for a stay-at-home mom to a one-year-old who is planning on having at least a couple more babies - meaning my weight is sure to fluctuate. Plus, we're on a tight budget, so a cute and FREE dress would be wonderful!

Jalene said...

I love Shabby Apple! Pick me!

Bryce and Life said...

I don't own a single dress! I think a Shabby Apple dress would be a good first step! =)

Erin said...

I would love this dress. I am having a really hard time dressing my post-pregnancy body. Hope I win!

Sarah said...

Love the dress! I just had a somewhat desperate shopping experience myself--what passes for "career wear" at department stores these days is quite shocking! Skirts two inches above the knee and see-through 70s-pattern dresses are NOT appropriate attire for 9-5 IMHO!! Yikes! :) On the other hand, this dress is lovely, very wearable, and would please the most conservative audience. Hurray!

Joanna said...

Here's my second comment! Hopefully you'll get a little more traffic from my blog!

Leanna said...

I could use a new dress.

stevie kay said...

I'm in!

cheryl said...

Love it!!

Crzymom3byz said...

please please please, pretty please!!!!! I am getting tired of the sweater/skirt combo!!!

Erica Walters said...

Wow! Would love something like this!

Totally Taylor said...

I need a dress.

Katie B said...

Ooh, love this dress. I've been admiring Shabby Apple's stuff for a while, and I'd love to own one!

Alli said...

LOVE IT!!! I really, really want this dress!

Sarah said...

Love this dress! As a middle school English teacher I put way too much effort into avoiding both my students' and our dowdy older teachers' fashion trends. This dress fits the bill!

John and Alisha Stults said...

I would love to win this dress!

Anonymous said...

I just went dress shopping this weekend and found nothing! I need something that allows me to interact with my 3 year old sunday school class without having to worry about keeping everything in the right place when I kneel down, or sit in the floor. This is actually stylish and appropriate,which is not an easy find anymore!

Anna said...

What a cute dress!

Christine said...

Oh, I need a dress! I just had a baby and nothing fits anymore!

Tara G. said...

I am tall too & could use a makeover. Please.

Carmen said...

THat's a totally cute dress and you are so RIGHT ON about the stupid sweater/tshirt/bra conundrum. The only two maternity dresses I found are spaghetti strapped. Stupid. I have to wear a sweater b/c my huge bra straps show and like I want to buy a new bra right now that won't even fit in 2 months! I want to do that about as much as I want to wear a sweater while pregnant in JULY! HELLO!

I want this dress. If only to remind me that I will be a normal shaped person again:) Please don't exclude me due to the fact that I'm due soon!

Christine said...

I posted a link on my blog! I want this dress!

Tawn said...

I could even nurse the baby in that dress. Pick me.

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