I miss the days when it was socially appropriate to take a nap whenever and wherever you felt like it.
Where is the craziest place you or your child has fallen asleep?
Named the "Best Blog" by Parent & Child Magazine, this popular mom blog chronicles the wonderful mundaneness of a Philadelphia stay-at-home mom's life with four small children including twins in episodic form. Recurrent topics include adoption, multiples, Fifth Disease, Crohn's Disease and pregnancy, and academia.
In front of the dishwasher! another was in her carseat, but that was not in the car. I had taken it out to clean the car and in she climbed to fall asleep.
When my sister and I were 6 and 7, we each made a nest/fort in our closet. She on one side me on the other. We were home that afternoon with our Dad, while Mom worked. At some point we each fell asleep in our little spaces. I remember waking up to to yelling and screaming, the police were there and then we each got a smack on the butt. My Dad couldn't find us, called my Mom home from work, she couldn't find us, and then the police came. I think I woke up to the commotion and came down stairs to see what was going on. Of course they were relieved we hadn't wandered off, but they were ticked we gave them such a scare.
heh, heh, heh....
That is to funny... My 4 year old daughter (and shame on me for not posting it yet) maybe I will link up to this post and blog about it!
anyhoo, she was playing outside in the sun have a GRAND OL' time, and was called in for lunch... and there sitting on her knees at the table eating and holding her PB & J sandwhich she nods off... wobbling back and forth... the hubs had to scoop her up and carry her to her bed before she fell off the chair. No worries' mom got plenty of pics. She actually had the nerve to say she wasn't tired.
My son was two when he fell asleep sitting up on the back stairs.
I have video of one of my boys falling asleep in his highchair while eating a grilled cheese. It was hilarious!
My now 5 year old, about 2 years back, fell asleep STANDING with her head placed on top of the couch arm. Made it a good 1/2 hour like that! Everyone got their pictures and I put her to bed. Life sure can make you tired sometimes!
My then 1-year-old (now 6 1/2) fell asleep just as the fireworks were starting at the Magic Kingdom.
My five year old son fell asleep on my shoulder in the middle of a *drumming* performance! A gathering of percussion players from around the world, in an acousticly wonderful theatre - don't ask me (or the amazed audience members around us)how he could possibly have slept...
My son fell asleep two stairs up on his way to bed. We left him there while we got everyone else ready. We came back down and found him laying flat his back on the stairs with his feet up on the wall.
My oldest (almost 6) would fall asleep everywhere and anywhere when she was a toddler. She was stubborn about naptime, so I would leave her in her highchair after lunch then start vacuuming, and she'd conk out and take a nice nap right there! Another time when I was visiting my parents, the kids and I were staying in the basement. My oldest went upstairs to find Grandma, but when I came upstairs later no one had seen her! There was a mildly frantic search all over the house, and finally someone found her in the formal sitting room, face-down in an overstuffed chair, snoozing away.
I wish my kid still took naps. When lil' D was 3 he fell asleep on the floor in his room, on top of his Thomas train tracks and trains. Thought of posting the picture. I miss those days when he napped. I really do. Take care.
LOL I wish I could just fall asleep in front of the washer and dryer like that!
My sister-in-law fell asleep on the potty chair when she was about 4. Her mom loves to show that picture to EVERYONE....
my oldest fell asleep in the middle of The Messa da Requiem by Verdi. We were at a night dress rehearsal for a school trip. I had to continuously prop him up as his body kept wanting to flop over to the side ... we prayed that he wouldn't start snoring in the quiet periods of the piece, and couldn't believe that he could sleep through all the noise!
My two year old fell asleep while riding on her uncle's 4-wheeler with him. How should could fall asleep with that noise, with a helmet on is beyond me!
My youngest son is never quiet. He also has only put himself to sleep a handful of times in his 4 years. So last summer one day with a stretch of 45 seconds of calm I started to look for him. I searched and searched (you know the frantic crescendo). After about five minutes I look out the window and there he is sprawled out face down on the bricks in the back yard. I run out and start to scream because he looked like someone he had dropped from a tree or fell violently or something. Breathing? Yes. Blood? No. Just sleeping!
at age 3, one of my girls fell asleep standing up in a moving motorboat.
Like Janel, the police are involved in this one...
My little boy walked into the neighbor's house, unseen, climbed BEHIND their couch, and went to sleep. Hours of frantic searching later, with the police, (and the neighbors, who had no idea to look in their own house, lol) he woke up.
our middle son xavier is famous for sleeping anywhere and everywhere. including tables at restaurants while still biting the hamburger to the armrest of the couch. one time he even fell asleep mid-lick of an ice cream cone.
our youngest son aiden who is 17 months won't sleep anywhere but his crib. however today he was so tired as we were coming in from church instead of taking the step up to the house he just layed down and crashed.
When I was little, my parents made a rule that we weren't allowed in their bedroom, ever. So, obviously, when playing hide and go seek one day, I snuck under their bed, and then proceeded to snooze until I heard my mother screaming my name. Apparently the whole family had come to the conclusion that I had been kidnapped.
Also, when my brothers were fairly small, they would fall asleep in the middle of strategy computer games on a regular basis. We'd find them with their heads on their keyboards and when they woke up they had a bunch of funny square imprints on their faces.
Too funny!
My oldest always falls asleep while she is getting a hair cut. She has only been awake for a hair cut once in her six years of life. Thankfully our hair stylist is amazing and very used to it by now. I'm planning to one day have a blue wig put on her and record the reaction when she wakes up to see it.
I fell asleep in band in college. I was a percussionist. I fell asleep while everyone was playing drums and crashing cymbals around me. My "friends" took a photo and posted copies all over the music building.
I posted on my blog a few months ago about a place my 2-year-old fell asleep. Please visit it. A picture is the only way to explain it.
Titled: Sleepiness.
Happy Napping!
The bathtub! With water! I could have killed him for scaring me like that!! Imagine walking into the bathroom and seeing your son laying in the water with just his face not covered and not answering you at first because his ears are in teh water!
Oh my gosh--it's so funny you visit this topic! My current almost 7-year old would fall asleep anywhere when she was 2, 3 and 4 years old! We took pictures of her all the time. I have 3 full pages dedicated in her scrapbook to those crazy pictures. The craziest one was either while on the potty chair, under her bed, or while leaned up against the couch. Yes, that'd be sleeping while STANDING...
a few months ago my 3 year old went upstairs and we never heard from her, i went up and found her face down in the middle of our bedroom floor !
Right in the middle of a busy busy restaurant at Disney World! Who falls asleep at Disney World?
Recently mine crashed on the floor by our front door and on top of the Thomas table. When he fell asleep on the train table, I removed the wooden track, stuck a pillow under his head, threw a blanket over him and left him there, he is 48 lbs now, I can barely lift him, much less carry him up the stairs.
I forgot to add....sitting in his high chair, head smack on the table....so funny!
At a very large family reunion. 2-yr-old fell asleep sprawled across the entryway floor - surrounded by people constantly stepping over him going in and out of the house. I was amazed.
My nephew fell asleep while dancing in the sand on the beach. He was wiggling around, eyes drooping, then just sort of fell over. It was very humorous to watch.
Great picture!
My son will fall asleep at the dinner table if he misses his morning nap. Not all that crazy...but it's hysterical watching him nod off while he's still trying to chew.
Yeh, we've had potty sleepers, stair sleepers, and kids who like to cuddle up with the dogs on the doggy bed (which icks me out).
In the bathtub, buck naked, soaking wet, water drained.
On the piano bench. Very comfortable.
I take it back. Yesterday I went to look for my 4 year old son. I found him asleep in his bed. He'd put himself there.
I know. Weird.
My oldest son (then about 2 1/2) fell asleep in his time out chair, which was funny because time out was only 2 minutes and he was certainly not sleepy when he got put there! He was sitting straight up with the face of an angel ;-)
I don't have kids, but being an insomniac who relies heavily on naps to function, my sleeping habits could probably rival those of some folks' children.
Back when I was in college, I napped on a lot of park benches and at the isolation study desks at the library. I've also occasionally fallen asleep standing up in the shower or lying down balanced across a few chairs. I can also apparently sleep through a marching band rehearsing or a dance party, but the minute people start to talk, sleep becomes impossible. My favourite place to pass out, though, is apparently on my laptop. Usually when I'm trying to get work done at night. But in bed, with the lights off? Houston, we have a problem
You have it wrong. The joy of SAHM'hood is that it is ALWAYS appropriate to fall asleep. Anywhere, anytime. That's why we raise our kids to entertain themselves whenever mom naps.
My youngest -- now 2, fell asleep IN the dryer once -- she found it open, crawled in and went to sleep -- her legs from the knee down hanging out
my daughter will fall asleep anywhere.. lol. the most annoying place to pull her out of to lay her in bed was when she fell asleep under her bed. she also falls asleep during dinner a lot and one time she even fell asleep leaning onto my rocking chair. half standing still.. i have a million pictures of her weird sleeping habits.
also, my best friend's son fell asleep in the bathtub once too lol
That is so cute! My boys are stubborn, only fall asleep in the car or in their cribs. I can remember one time when I was a kid, WAY back when...before cordless phones, my mom was on the phone so I walked right into my room, laid down with this enormous teddy bear right next to my crib and fell asleep! My mom took a pic of me with my fat "hamhocks" sticking out of some dress with those dang ruffled diaper cover things, since I was a clothed diapered baby! HA
My kids would never fall asleep any place but their crib or carseats. boring......
I guess I never outgrew that ability - I can sleep anywhere.
I fell asleep standing up on the dance floor at a concert one night. My hubs turned around to say something to me, and I was upright and completely out - he said I was snoring!
I also fell asleep one night (to my defense, I'd been up for nearly 24 hours with food poisoning and was exhausted) at the front table of a comedy club. My hubs was sweating bullets the entire show that we would become targets of the comedian. I was face down the whole show - hubs had to drag me out of the club at the end!
unfortunatly I fell asleep on the bathroom floor. good thing it was clean. I was pregnate and had just vomited. I was exhausted so I laid down and woke up an hour later only to have to vomit again. but at least I got a nap in between!
It's weird when my 2 year old son falls asleep on his own ANYWHERE. Nothing too exciting for us... he fell asleep on the living room floor twice. We totally leave him to sleep there when that happens b/c he WILL NOT go back to sleep if we try to move him.
It was also pretty funny the time he fell asleep in his carseat while chewing a mouthful of cheeseburger. The gooey chewed mess leaked out of his mouth all over the place. Again, I didn't care and let him sleep. I think I did TRY to make sure he wasn't going to choke on anything:)
Awwww... that's a really cute picture! :)
My 5 yr old son came home from preschool one afternoon and was VERY grumpy. Knowing he falls asleep in timeout...timeout he was given! Soon after the crying stopped I went to check and make sure he fell asleep in time out (formal living room couch) to find he had fallen asleep on the third step. He must have wanted to sneak upstairs where his siblings were playing but couldn't make it. Head was on third step while his butt in the air and knees on the second step!
My 5 yr old son came home from preschool one afternoon and was VERY grumpy. Knowing he falls asleep in timeout...timeout he was given! Soon after the crying stopped I went to check and make sure he fell asleep in time out (formal living room couch) to find he had fallen asleep on the third step. He must have wanted to sneak upstairs where his siblings were playing but couldn't make it. Head was on third step while his butt in the air and knees on the second step!
When my middle child was determined to drop the still much needed afternoon nap, she would only fall alseep when she actually sat still for a moment. Meaning at the dinner table. It happened so often that she named her place at the table "The Magic Sleepy Chair"
She and her brother also fell asleep during a very loud 4-D movie.
My little one is autistic and know for her meltdowns. When she is trying to calm down she squeezes herself into the TIGHTEST places. I have a space less than a foot wide between my desk and the wall and one morning in a fit of rage she crawled in there. I usually leave her be until she calls me as she needs unwinding time. After about 5 minutes she wasn't screaming, 10 more minutes and she wasn't doing anything. When I went to check on her she was tightly squeezed and completely asleep. :) Precious.
You ought to check out the pics of my daughter on our blog... It's pretty odd, I must say!
In the dog's bed.
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