Do not come in without permission. You may barge in only if you hate me. Send my food upstairs to eat.
Proving our collective dislike for Camber, the rest of our family pushed our way into her room and tackled her in a group hug. We were kicked out almost immediately. Feeling guilty for adding insult to injury, a few minutes later I asked Cortlen to stuff a tube of yogurt under her door. My peace offering was accepted. Reluctantly.
Awwww, group-hug tackle. That's a Full House level of adorability.
Also, looks like Miss Camber is angling to get featured on!
i so understand where she is coming from. i wish i could put that on my door sometimes...
I love the idea of the group hug tackle. Sounds like something my daughter would do/did. She always put signs up on her door, threatened to run away or jump off bridges and actually snuck out her window once and hid in my van. Believe it or not, I miss those days. They grow up way too fast.
And I thought my daughters were the only ones who put signs up on their doors! Too cute!!
I have to agree with thrifty, every now and then I would love to put that on my door and hide.
I had to laugh that of course your daughter would leave a note on her door. It seems very typical of a "girl child" since mine did the same years ago.
Maybe she's getting ready for her blogger debut? lol
does it scare you to think of her as a teenager? Because when my daughter (6) does things like that I am petrified. I would also barge in and tackle her though:)
Love the sign! My 6-year-old son frequently leaves signs on his door stating that his sister is not allowed in his room. I keep explaining his sister is 2 and can't read.
Thank goodness for yogurt in a tube! She may have starved to death!
hahaha love it! My 5 year old does this too! She also draws not so nice pictures of the people she wants to stay out and tapes them to the door. Once she threatened to run away because her 3 yr old brother wouldn't play with her.
hahahahahaha hahahahahaha sorry, can't stop laughing hahahahaha
hey! you get love notes too! haha, good times.
My 7 year old now leaves me notes calling me a jerk. I guess it could be worse words right?
Yes you need a hug - but I love the group hug tackle idea!
Well, by my book she gets two points for creativity. My 6 year old just writes "Go Away".
Sign on my 9 yr old's door: NO MOMS or vomit sutff!
I hope they will be get over this phase soon.
Mine generally contents herself with stomping off to her room, slamming the door, then weeping noisily that no-one loves her. She's been doing this since she was old enough to stomp. I tremble at the thought of what she'll be like when the hormones kick in.
You have to save that note! My mom saved the note from my sister when she "ran away" to the neighbors house. it went something like this: "Dear Mom, I am running away to Jenny's house. Please do not find me. I love you." ha ha So cute! and i love the handwriting and spelling :)
That's cute in a weird way. I never did that when I was young. I can't wait to see what my son is going to do when he gets older.
Jennifer- LOL!!
What a great negotiator, demanding food be sent to her room while holding herself hostage! What drama!...I love it
awww, so cute ( and a little onery) dont you just love that age! Oh and she was onery too :) I love the group hug thing, we resemble that remark. I would frame that note for sure!! xoxo LA
hahaha! I LOVE the 5 year old is constantly writing notes and hanging them up all over the house and it's funny since they are always really random :)
She is so creative! Wonder where she gets it from...
My daughter has a new sign like this on her door every day! ha ha
I love how kids just lay it out like they mean it. It's my goal to get back to being this "raw" and "un-cut". [i.e. "Buy me flowers - YOUR life will be easier/flow better/be less dramatic if you just buy ME flowers". ;)
Oh girls and their tantrums. Wait my son has done the same thing. Oh kids and their tantrums. Next time try some crackers, they'll slide under the door easier :-)
Lol.. ah I know I am going to have these days and notes just like this before I know it. Poor girl :)
That is AWESOME. Don't you love the "BARGE IN IF YOU HATE ME." That sentence is just begging for attention. What a good mom!!
Oh boy, I have one just like her at home, soon to be 11. I feel so much better knowing I'm not alone! LOL!
Man that yogurt works wonders! I get my dishes don daily with the help of a yogurt! :-)
My 7yr old does the same thing!! so glad it's not just me~~or her!
WOW!!!! You have exactly 1900 followers on blogger! That's a lot of BFFs! We love ya, and thanks for brightening all of our days!
LOL!! Thank Heaven other people's 7 year olds write notes of that kind!! It almost looks like the same handwriting!! hahaha
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