My youngest son spent the first year of his life despising his bottle.
For this reason, it seems unjust and cruel that now that Cameron has finally made a friend, he has to give him up.
"It's time to say good-bye!" chirped his doctors at the end of our last office visit. "It's sippy cup time!"
As grateful as I was, I knew the news would not go over well with the party in question. Because of this, I delayed telling him for over a week.
"It's a cruel world," I told my son as I tossed a handful of bottles into the kitchen trash can under the approving eye of a visiting therapist.
Cameron howled in agony. The therapist congratulated us on our collective strength and courage.
I nodded proudly and smiled. Everyone likes to receive compliments. Especially ones that are true.
After the therapist left my house, I dug one of the bottles out of the trash and prepared it for my son. Then I poured myself a glass of milk.
Everyone deserves a last supper.