May 30, 2010

Smartphone + Me=

Not a smart idea.

My new phone has been confiscated.

Other things I am forbidden to own for similar reasons:

* sunglasses that cost more than $5.99
* dry-clean only clothing
* jewelry purchased anywhere but Chinatown and Claire's Boutique
* anything digital, motorized, with batteries, on/off switches, adjustable lenses or microphones.

I'm such a technological klutz that sometimes I think I was born in the wrong century. Maybe that's why I like the Middle Ages so much. Or maybe it's because in the fourteenth century there was less pressure to bathe regularly and brush your teeth.

I hope you're having a great weekend. Wedding posts coming soon so stay tuned!


Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman said...

Ouch! The backover? Been there, done that. Hope you are enjoying your long weekend.

Katie said...

I am right there with you. I refuse to spend more than $15 on a pair of sunglasses because I lose about 2-3 pair per year. I do wish I were a little bit more graceful.

Tracie said...

Yikes! My smartphone is still intact but I've killed a couple of ipods and spilled a cup of coffee on my laptop.

Latisha said...

How ironic - I just finished reading about a similar mishap (hopefully my friend Natalie doesn't mind me sharing it!). She is so handy and repaired her own iphone this week! Maybe yours has a chance for resurrection, as well!

jen said...

The Middle Ages had their own issues.
What if you were the one in charge of the gargoyle in the tympanum and your chisel slipped?
See? It's all in the perspective.

Emily said...

My husband got his first cell phone yesterday. I told him to get one with a full keypad because he is mostly going to use it for texting, but he can't even figure out how to open it to the full keypad (or find his texts). I love the technologically challenged.

Gigi said...

That's what I'm afraid of for my precious blackberry.....I may invest in the insurance - cause my name is not Grace for a reason....

Emily Heizer Photography said...

How the heck did you manage to do that!

I broke my fancy phone yesterday too. :(

The Lady of the House said...

I want a smartphone, but I'm in the same similar situation.

I get a new phone every six months because I/we/the kids break it.

Now I have a military/construction grade phone (you know, the kind with rubber on the outside) and I know it will live through my 15 month old, 4 year old, and me.

The Queen said...

Oh no! That totally stinks. What did you do??

Kerrie (and Jason) said...

Touchscreens are the bane of my existance. I never thought I had fat fingers until I got one :(

Heather said...

I once lost a phone the day I got it. I also hear you on those sunglasses. I love it when they go on sale buy one, take on at Walgreens.

What did you do to yours anyway??

Anonymous said...

Hysterical!! I laughed at the first comment... "Ouch! The backover? Been there, done that."

I have a glass top stove... and while trying to dig into the cabinet above it, I had some flighty idea that I might actually weigh two pounds. I put my person, knee first on that glass top and cracked it... top to bottom. *smiles* My husband came out and said, "well, I wondered when that might happen though your method wasn't quite what I'd imagined." - Perhaps items should be manufactured in a manner that would better suit those of us that are a little lacking perhaps in grace.

The Richardson's said...

hope you have apple care!!!!

the higgins' said...

I have serious problems with this too--dropped a cell phone and broke it, then washed another one in the washing machine.

When I got my iphone for Christmas, I bought an Otterbox cover. It was $50 at the AT&T store, but I got it for $35 on Ebay. It was the best purchase. Makes the phone bulky, but gives peace of mind big time.

Good luck!

craftyashley said...

I have similar restrictions. I can't own a phone that isn't free with contract because I have killed THREE- in less than a year by accidentally letting them slip into the washing machine and go through a whole cycle. Nothing can save them after that. I want an iphone- so bad. But I would absolutely DIE if I washed $300 away.

lishajeanne said...

and if you lived in the middle ages you would be considered "old" and your daughter would be getting married next year.

I enjoy the modern convinence of bathing. I encountered a couple today who do nostrils have not yet recovered.

Molly said...

Sometimes my hubby comes home and says, "hey, you showered today!" Compliment or not? I just take it as a compliment.

Ice Cream said...

I'm the same way and my husband refuses to believe it. I wanted a nice watch one year (nice meaning more than $5) and told my husband I just wanted the really nice $20 watch from JC Penny. Instead he went all out and got me a super nice $200 watch. I lost it in Home Depot 6 months later. He said Iw asn't supposed to wear $200 watches to Home Depot. Then I pointed out that I never go anywhere that is ok for a $200 watch. Next year he bought me a $50 watch. I've worn it 12 times in 4 years because I'm scared I'll loose or break it.

Kristina said...

Yup, been there. I now keep insurance of my cell phone! I dropped my very first cell in a puddle, left the next one on a table at Red Lobster, lost another one over the side of a boat, left another on a park bench, and most recently put one through the wash.

vanilla said...

From another technophobe. There with you; except maybe for the not bathing thing.

Jen said...

Two words... Otter Box. 0 on the style scale, but supposedly prevents the death of nice phones. I'm too scared to take mine out of it.

Anonymous said...

Eeek! That is not good. I am so looking forward to my new smartphone. Hope it doesn't turn out like that.

So glad I found you through Trophy Mama! Funny stuff.

Nancy said...

I wish I lived in the middle ages.... no more shaving, and have the razor cut me!!

Emmy said...

Oh that is just so sad

Angi Snyder said...

Yes, but have you ever dropped your phone in a glass of milk you were carrying down the stairs when you tripped? Ya, I've got skills. And a cheap cell phone.

Anonymous said...

When camera phones first came out, I washed mine in the washing machine the very first day I got it.

jenj22 said...

I washed my blackberry in the washing machine this weekend. It smells fantastic, it just doesn't do anything else. Do you think I could sell it slighty used on ebay?

Elizabeth said...

That totally sucks! My friend's son just did the same to her iphone. She is going to order this:

from Amazon. Hope it can work for you!!!

Rebekah V. said...

luddites of the world unite. Although I don't think that nice clothes fall under the category of technology they are still off limits to me as well. Everything I touch is junk in short order.

Anonymous said...

Louis Vuitton then folds physician to fit into those small areas. Louis Vuitton Handbags has a few smaller pockets to check luggage checks, a few cards and your utility's pass.

Anonymous said...