It's a bracelet and it cost $10.52. I bought it from a costume jewelry store in the mall, where I was shopping for headbands for my daughter.
I made the purchase shortly after telling my six year-old son not to touch anything in the store.
I love new bling! Next to the broken necklace that I bought two months ago from a very angry vendor at the farmers' market, this is my favorite piece of jewelry.
lovely. maybe I will take my grandson with me next time to see if I can get a new bracelet. :)
It's gorgeous! What a thoughtful son you have to pick out such a lovely piece of jewelry I know you will cherish for ever and ever!
Ha ha! Okay this cracked me up!! You are hilarious!! If it makes you feel any better I took my 4 yr old daughter to get mommy and me pedicures today. I had mine for all of 6 min after leaving the salon before she stood on my toes with her shoes and smeared my nail polish all over!! Thanks for making me laugh out loud today!!
I would make him work that off in chores. Maybe fold 6 or 8 baskets of laundry - all by himself and if he doesn't do it right, it gets redone.
But that's just me.
my mom would definetely make him do the work to pay it off. its pretty funny, though.
How beautiful! Everyone wears one on a string, but lucky you...yours is unique. Though I imagine getting anything done while you wear it in a tightly closed fist is difficult, isn't sacrificing for the sake of fashion worth it?
LOL I agree that is worth a few loads of laundry folding or sock matching.
They just don't make 'em like they used to! I'm talking about bracelets, not kids!
This is going to slighty cheesy post, but I have been enjoying your blog for quite some time, even though I don't have children. My sister, whom I have shared your blog with, has 3 year old girl, almost 2 years old girl and boy twins, and a 5 month old. Your reality is her reality, thanks for keeping it interesting.
At least this one would be easy to restring. Can you fix the other one as well? Maybe if the colors coordinate, you could string both bracelets together into a necklace.
If you want to send me the pieces, I could make something nice for you :-)
So this is how you rationalize buying jewelry for yourself. Love the idea. Might start trying it out for myself.
Oh, I am so sorry but this was just too realistically funny NOT to laugh!!!!
You are soooooo lucky!
$10.52? Not too bad. You could have been in an electronics store.
HA!!!!!!!! That's so great!!
This is not as rare as some may think. I treasured and still wore a cultured pearl necklace my dad gave me for my 12th birthday.
One day as I was planting blubs along the sidewalk entering my home, I was astonished to find remnants of my necklace. My sons had buried it as pirate treasure.
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