As uncomfortable as it was for both of us, the meeting was necessary. We had business to take care of.
Yesterday marked the end of the library's summer reading program. For every day that your child read for fifteen minutes or more, he/she got a book buck. My kids were so excited to trade in their book bucks for useless objects that they couldn't sleep last night.
"You read for fifteen minutes every single day this summer?" Gregor asked my daughter, glaring at us all suspiciously.
My daughter nodded her head and stared longingly at the prize box behind the counter.
"Even on the fourth of the July?"
Gregor overestimated our popularity. "While we were watching fireworks," I told him.
It pained Gregor to do his job. He looked away as my kids rifled through his treasures.
All of the hassle was worth it. We left the library with a pack of rub-on tattoos, a plastic boomerang and one of these:
Try to restrain your jealousy.
Hahahahaha...What on earth is that supposed to be???
My boys just finished the Borders "Double Dog Dare" for summer - which involved reading 10 books. The age range was 5-12. My boys are 5 and 7. The 5-year-old finished his books in 4 days. The 7-year-old finished his on Friday. We picked up our free books on Sunday. Chapter books. Meant for 12 year olds. My boys were beside themselves with excitement until they realized Daddy wasn't planning on reading these to them until they're 12.
As a side note, my 3-year-old got a free glitter ball (that weighs about as much as a bowling ball). WOOHOO!
These posts make me so grateful for our VERY child-friendly library - and librarians! And grateful that I don't have a dolphin statue. Jealousy restrained, just barely. ;)
LOL Lovely. Somehow I get the feeling Gregor was in charge of the prizes.
When are we going to see a pic of the infamous " Gregor"?
Oh Gregor, I have enjoyed this little pubic lbrary series, I have laughed my butt all through them all! I am with Melinda, Gregor choose those prizes for sure. lol, but hey at least your kids were happy with them!
Blimey, in the name of all things holy, what on earth is that blue thing and what is it made out of?
That is a treasure for sure.
I think my kids forgot how to read over the summer.
I knew I was forgetting something.
Gregor needs to find a new job.
He's the book Nazi: "NO BOOKS FOR YOU!!!"
Well, that's just bad luck. A few weeks earlier, and it could have been a great centerpiece for your sister's wedding!
I will trade that blue glass dolphin for a popsicle stick pirate ship!
I'd take the rub on tattoos any day, man! Those things are the coolest.
If that won't get kids reading what will?
Please...what is it? Sounds like a trip to Chuck e cheese where you spend bucks to earn the tickets for kid-junk...the stuff I'm tossing out the next week before the dog eats it!
Well, darn it. How am I supposed to sleep at night knowing that I don't own that piece of art?
I think you should make it your personal mission each and every week to have your children go into the library and ask him a question that makes him do research to find the would help him focus his obvious rage.
I just found your blog through salsa in china. I also have 3 born in the same calendar year and then one born 2 years later. Glad to find someone who's kids are closer in age then mine!
Made me laugh again!! I love your writing!!! Our library's reading celebration is next week! I am hopeful the reward doesn't involve useless junk!!
OH Blast! I wish - I really really wish that Dolphin thing was MINE!!! As a joke my sister and I exchnage these blue dolphin figurines for our birthday's and each year we add to it with some other hideous treasure we have found through the year. The sister's bday is coming up and I haven't been able to find just the right addition to our practical joke!
Ha loved your post!
I really enjoy reading your posts! Gregor seems like such a charm to have to deal with.
What an interesting blue.. statue!
Living your same life over here, in the parallel universe library.
White elephant gift? :D
I happened upon your blog through a friends' and have read it from beginning to end over the last few weeks. (I work at a call center and am able to read in between calls.) I must say that your stories make me very excited and very scared to have my own little guy grow up. :) Also, your little Cameron has stolen my heart (though that may have something to do with the fact that he reminds me a lot of my own blonde-haired, blue-eyed, part albino!)
Oh, happy day!!!
Wow... I think Gregor aspired to be a law librarian or something and this is what he could find, whilst still living in his mom’s basement. Which is unfortunate, because I'd LOVE to have his job!!! Anyways ~ I feel that since summer reading is over, your children should now spend their time showing Gregor their thanks by making him crafts. Crafts that they will be very upset about if they do not see them prominently displayed on his desk, or even better - on his person, in the form of decorated t shirts, personalized buttons, and macaroni necklaces.
Cheers Gregor!
PS - My word verification was "sincspu" which I think is what that statue is?
it looks like something you'd find in a fish tank!
love your blog - you always make me laugh. and my son's name is cameron too!
kathleen - pbg fl
Your library man Gregor sounds like quite a catch. Is he single? LOL...cute statue...thing? It's dolphins right?
Ok, now I'm really serious. You gotta buy Gregor the Library Dragon. Wrap it up and have your kids give it to him as a present. I'm chuckling evilly to myself as I type this...heh.
That is such a great book!
So Jeal! What is that an aquarium decoration? Deb from Ma
You are the most hilarious thing out there! You need to write a book, no, just print out your blog and sell it! I LOVE IT! I just read five posts at a time and they just cracked me up. Seriously, you have made my day today. Who says humor can't cure anything?
Mom to Elizabeth, 7, Ethan, 6, Jonah, 6, and Asher, 4 who should be watching Cars right now, but are yelling "stop" and throwing used granola bar wrappers at each other as I type.
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